Pretending To Be His...

By PrettyH6

145 11 0

She holds his happiness in her hands. When Marko stumbled into a bar late one night, the last thing he though... More

Sorry! We Are Closed!
Keep Your Money!
I Want You To Be My Girlfriend
Made It To The Front Page!
Author's Announcement

Taking Offense!

9 2 0
By PrettyH6

The familiar blaring of her alarm sounded, and as usual, she reached to the direction of the sound. When she could not reach it, she raised her head and glared at it, willing for it to stop. Sitting up she reached out and turned it off. Sniffling a yawn, she groaned and laid her head on the back of the sofa. To say that she was still tired was an understatement. Standing up, she slowly raised her arms above her and stretched, letting out a satisfied sigh when she heard her joints cracking.

Looking around her apartment, she first made her way to the kitchen. She needed coffee. As the machine roared to life, she walked to her bedroom to check on her uninvited guest. Not wanting to disturb him, she gently opened the door, only to be met with an empty room. A quick glance at the bathroom door told her he was not in there either.

A frown marred her face as she made her way to the bedside, where a piece of paper was placed under her phone. She remembered putting her phone on the charger last night, on the opposite side of where it was now. Reaching out for the paper, she pulled it, only for a few hundred notes to fall on the floor.

"What the h..," she murmured as she unfolded the piece of paper.

                                                Hey, beautiful (You never told me your name)

                                       Thanks for last night. I used your phone to call for a ride.

                                                           Here is something for your trouble.

                                                                        See you around.


Nicole put the note on the bed, before collecting the notes that had fallen. Her eyes widened when she counted them. "Is this man serious? Who had I brought into my apartment?" In her hand, she held a thousand dollars! She looked around her bedroom, trying to see if anything was missing. Taking her phone, she went to her call log, trying to find the number that he had called, only to come up empty. He must have deleted it.

Walking in a daze back to the kitchen, Nicole placed the money on the counter and stared at it as if it had horns. All she did was to give the man a bed for three hours, she never expected to get paid for it. Was that what happened when you helped someone? Do you expect to get paid for it? Reaching for the pot of coffee she poured herself a cup. She was about to start drinking it when she remembered she had not brushed her teeth.

Taking a whiff of the coffee, she shrugged and took a sip. She will brush them after the coffee, anyways. As she sipped on the coffee her eyes were glued to the money on the counter. If only she knew who he was or where he stayed, she would have sent the money back. Just like what she had done a few hours back with the five hundred dollars, she would have done the same.

She wasn't rich and still had a bill to pay, no doubt about that but one thing she hated was being seen as a charity case. She was not raised that way, expecting to get paid for doing something good. Helping others should come without a price tag. With a sigh, she placed the now empty cup in the sink before walking to her bathroom. She had thirty minutes to get to the diner where she worked for the first half of the day.

After a quick shower, Nicole ran her hand through her dark curls, smiling as they bounced back into shape. Groaning she checked the dark circles under her eyes. Reaching for the drawer, she quickly covered them with makeup. Nicole was never big on makeup, opting for a natural look instead. But with the state of her eyes, she had no choice today.

Nicole was out of the door and on her way to the diner as soon as she straightened her bedroom. She had to get rid of the bed sheets. They smelled like him, Marko. Walking out, she had left the money on the counter, still debating what to do with it. If only she had asked him what his full name was. Come to think of it, maybe Jake would be able to get one of his police buddies to help by using face recognition. They had surveillance at the pub, so she could just get that to him. She was definitely not sending that video to her father.

"You are late!" was the greeting that met her when she finally got to the dinner. Her car had decided to take its time to start this morning.

"I know," she said as she got behind the counter and put on her white apron and head cover. "Overslept."

"I told you that you don't need to be here every day, I understand how demanding your job is," Lisa said as she placed a freshly baked apple pie on the display cabinet.

"I know but I love working here," Nicole replied as she went to work on the coffee machine. That was her forte. She loved her coffee and she loved making it. "Where else can I get to eat raisin muffins for free!"

Lisa stopped what she was doing and walked to where Nicole was. Placing her hand on Nicole's, she turned her around, "So that's why! And I thought it was because you loved us?"

Nicole looked at the older woman. Lisa and her husband John owned the dinner and were friends of her parents. It was the first place that Nicole found employment when she came into the city. As they never had children of their own they had taken her under their wings and offered her a job and a place to stay. Only when she was able to support herself, did she move out, that was three years ago. And even though now they had a team of three helpers, Nicole always made sure she was there for the morning round. It was her way of giving back to them. And also a way of keeping an eye on them for her parents.

"You know I love you, Lisa," she said with a smile. "But I love muffins even more." She smiled and winked at the older woman.

Lisa placed her hand on Nicole's cheek, "You had better love us."

Before they could finish with their conversation a doorbell rang, indicating a customer had just entered. "We are not done with this conversation, young lady."

Nicole leaned forward and placed a kiss on the older woman's cheek, "oh yes we are, ma'am." She turned her megawatt smile to the customer. "Good morning, what can I get for you today, Derek?" And that was the beginning of a busy morning rush hour.

By the time 11AM hit, Nicole was already tired. She wondered how she was going to cope with her late-night shift at the pub later. Pulling out her phone she quickly dialed the most frequently used number on her phone.

"Hello?" came a groggy sound.

"Seriously!" Nicole exclaimed. "You are still asleep, Fey?"

There was a bit of shuffling and then some muffled voices before Fey's voice sounded through the speakers. "God, Nic! You have impeccable timing, you know that."

Nicole laughed, "why, thank you. Who was that in the background?"

"None of your business!" Fey shot back. "What do you want?" she groaned.

"Is that the way to speak to your best friend?" Nicole asked as she collected some chocolate-covered donuts and two cups of double espresso. Putting the money for them in the cash register, she waved to Lisa and walked out. "I have chocolate donuts and a cup of coffee from Lisa's."

"Get here fast!"

"Yeah, just make sure that loverboy is out before I get there," she chuckled as she heard Fey shout to whoever was in her apartment. "Or at least wearing some clothes."

There was a bit more shuffling, a kiss, and then the sound of a door being closed, "he long gone, honey."

"Great!" Nicole laughed. "See you in five minutes."

Fey's apartment building was an eight-minute walk from the diner. She and Nicole became friends when Nicole had helped her one night. Both she and Fey had taken the same bus for a few months before that fateful night. Fey was short of cash and the bus driver was refusing for her to board. It being the last bus that evening, it would have meant Fey walking all the way back to her apartment, a good one and a half hours away. Nicole did not hesitate and offered to pay for her board. From that day on, a friendship was forged.

Just as she was about to press a button for Fey to buzz her in, the door swung open and out walked a tall, dark man. Nicole raised an eyebrow as she took him in, a smile forming when she noticed what he was wearing on his left wrist. Shaking her head, Nicole walked the three flights of stairs and all the way down until she came to her friend's door.

"Fey, open up!" She knocked. She stood back and waited. When two minutes passed and still the door wasn't opened, she groaned. Knowing her friend, she probably had her earphones on. Fishing for her phone, she clicked on the last number that she called. "B*tch, I am going to pee on myself!" Nicole screamed through the phone.

"You could always use my toilet," a raspy voice offered from just behind her.

Nicole rolled her eyes as she turned to face the lanky man in the apartment next door. "Nice try, Marty." She shook her head and walked in when Fey finally opened the door. "Hey, not even a hello!" she exclaimed as Fey took the coffee out of her hands and drank it.

"We already greeted each other over the phone," Fey shrugged as she led the way to the kitchen. Her apartment was similar to Nicole's, with all open space apart from the bedroom. Fey loved the good things in life, she never deprived herself of something that she truly wanted. Her apartment was no different. Where Nicole was ok with the basics, Fey had to have the extra trimmings. "Besides, I need the energy boost."

Nicole chuckled as she followed her, "I bet you do, especially if it was that tall glass of cool-aid you were riding today. I just don't understand why you give all of them the same wrist bracelet."

"Marking my territory, honey," Fey pushed the long curtain of blonde hair back, winking at her. "So, what's been up? Haven't seen you in about two weeks!"

Nicole debated whether to tell her friend about the man she let sleep in her bed, but thought better about it. Knowing Fey, she would make up all sorts of scenarios in her head, and nothing would deter her from her own conclusion. Besides, Nicole wanted to know who the person was first if she ever decided to tell Fey about him. With a shrug, Nicole took a bite out of the chocolate donut, "nothing much. Same old."

"When are you going to quit working at that bar, Nic?" Fey asked.

It was not the first time that she had asked this, and Nicole knew exactly what would follow.

"You could always work where I am. There might be an opening in the marketing department soon. You have the eye for that already, so why don't you want to come?" Fey whined at the end.

Nicole was shaking her head all the time that Fey was talking, "It's not what I want at the moment, Fey. I think I will get bored to the bone if I come to work at your place. The bar gives me excitement of some kind. And besides, I love the company it gives me."

"That's the craziest shit I have ever heard!" Fey denied it vehemently. "You keep saying that you like the excitement but you have never tried anything else. Think about it. I might have already given them your contacts so you might receive a call soon."

Nicole put the half-eaten donut down in the box in front of her, "Why would you do that? I like where I work! Why won't you get that?"

"Because I know you! You will say anything than admit the truth!" Fey retorted back. "I did what I thought was necessary, I am not sorry so deal with it!"

Nicole closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, "sometimes I really hate you."

"Love you too, honey. Now about my new squeeze," Fey started with a wink.

Walking into the pub later that day, Nicole waved at Jason before disappearing to the manager's office. Most people did not know that Jake was in fact the owner of the pub, preferring to be called the manager instead. "Hey, bossman, I need a favor," Nicole said as she sat in front of him. She decided to tell him the story so that he could understand.

"A thousand bucks and you want to give it away?" Jake shook his head and he typed a few works on his computer. "What time did you say he came in?"

"Not away. I want to give t back. Around 2ish."

"Alright," Jake clicked a few more buttons. He then sat back and watched the video play.

Nicole drummed her fingers on the table, waiting impatiently for Jake to take a screen grab and send it to his police friends.

"Oh mother of Jesus," Jake mumbled as he clicked a button and leaned in, his eyes wide. "Did you just point a gun at him?"

Nicole shrugged, "well, I thought he was reaching for his. Did you get a good picture that you can send for ID?"

Jake shook his head, "he is still a way back. He is moving now." Jake leaned forward again before his breath caught.

"What?" Nicole asked. "Is he a wanted criminal? Ha! I knew this was too good to be true, flashing his money around!"

Jake shook his head and leaned back on his chair. With elbows resting on the armrests and his fingers stapled together in front of him, Jake closed his eyes. "I am surprised you are even with me here without being harmed."

Nicole's eyes widened, "h-he is very dangerous?"

Jake shook his head, "not him. His bodyguard."

"B-but he never had a bodyguard!" Nicole exclaimed as she jumped. "He came in here all alone, asking for a drink! Can you just tell me who he is? I mean, do I have to move States? Because I did go with him to my apartment! Jake, he knows where I live!"

"Stop panicking, Nic!" Jake told her. "He is nothing of the sort. I am just surprised that you do not know who he is."

"Should I?" Nicole frowned.

Jake shook his head, "yes, of course. If you watch the telly once in a while you would know what is happening in the world!"

"Naah, I've got Rookie to summarize everything for me."

"That, my dear, was Marko Sauntino. The tech extraordinaire."

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