The Bad Boy's Tiny Dancer

By shayprick

71.4K 2.4K 277

"Oh please, Hunter even if I can speak FUCK OFF in six languages, and I can, I know you won't leave me alone"... More

Chapter 1: Plans
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3: Do You Know The Enemy?
Chapter 5: Ice Cream
Chater 6: Fair Game
Chapter 7: Costello
Chapter 8: Metaphor
Chapter 9: Lost Costello
Chapter 11: Strategy
Chapter 12: Gangs Are Hot
Chapter 13: Baby Bombs Go BOOM!
Chapter 14: What Are Friends For

Chapter 4: Butt Rim

5.5K 181 14
By shayprick


It became clear to me that the Tiny Dancer was another type of female specie. It also occurred to me that this has been the first time that it took me more than a day to swoop a girl off her imaginary pedestal. Maybe Cassidy was in some whole other league that she stood alone. I'm getting way too balls deep in this situation.

"Hunter you alright man?" Callum waved his hands over my eyes. College had officially just began and I already claimed my spot in the parking lot. No, I didn't bring my car I walked to Callum's house and asked him for a ride but in return he asked me for fair game regarding the Tiny Dancer. I agreed of course but I accompanied it with a shot to the jaw, he just fucking asked me to dishonor he fucking bro code for fucks sake. You do not take on another bros conquest. Now Callum's just another man to compete with

"Do you think I'm fucking fine look at her lathering up to that butt rim" I scowled watching Cassidy leaning against the car laughing with that douche. I examined her further and just took notice of what she was wearing, she was a whole different genre of spunk. Her black boots tapped lightly on the pavement as she laughed a denim sleeveless jacket became a layer over her Pink Floyd shirt that badly contrasted the velvet red frilled skirt she wore but it worked on her.

"Damn, thats her?" Callum wolf whistled. I wanted to punch him then and there so badly but we did have an agreement

"Don't do that around me Cal or I swear to god I'll go Cassidy on you and make you taste your balls for a week" I groaned stomping my way over to the shitbags.

"What is that supposed to mean" Callum chuckled but his voice faded away as I got closer to Cas and Sir Butt Rim himself.

"Look who it is Cassie" Dylan smirked angling his head towards me. I could feel Cassidy's eyes looking at me but I was to pissed to care. Plus she was kind of distractingly attractive as of the moment

"What the fuck are you trying to prove you fucking butt rim. I think I've proven well enough that I'm ten times a man you'll ever be, get off my property Strom. You don't even fucking go here" I scowled already preparing myself for a fight but unlike what I expected the douche bag smirked grabbed Cassidy's waist and dear god I wish I lost my sight when he did it because the asshole kissed her. I saw red.

"I have nothing to prove to you, I have a girlfriend you could only dream of Knight and that basically sums up that you can never be the better man" he smirked before his head spun and the sound of slap made even the birds halt their chirps.

"You're not my boyfriend you dipshit nor are you a man....either of you actually. You're just two turds acting on your fucking dick that swings every which way an attractive girl passes by. Do me a favor here and fuck off, I've dealt with too many of you...unfuckingfortunately." She yelled her face turning pink as she did so. Her fist were held shut as she glared at the two of us and for the third time she held me speechless, my tail tucked between my legs but she couldn't be more attractive than she was right at this moment.

"You go girlfriend!" a girl yelled from a host distance as a round of applause resonated the campus but her face held nothing but anger as she scoped the entrance head held high. My Tiny Dancer was furious not just furious but raging angry

"Way to go pal" Callum patted my arm as form of insult but my eyes were planted on the graceful being walking away from me.

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