Doctor Strange in the Multive...

By LemonM42

15.3K 358 67

Y/N, Guardian of the Book Of Vishanti, Ruler of the Souls Of The Damned. Pleasure to meet you darlin' Stephen... More

!Before You Begin!


1.1K 31 0
By LemonM42

*Stephen's Pov

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"You said you wanted proof," Y/n stated. In front of us was a tarp covering something up. I give Wong a look before I hesitantly take the cover off. 

There it was,  a very dead version of me. 

"It wasn't a dream..." I mutter.

"Now you believe us?" America asked.

"That means... Dreams are windows into the lives of our Multiversal selves." I say.

"That was his theory," America retorts, motioning to the dead multiverse version of me. 

"So that recurring nightmare where I'm running naked from a clown... Somewhere out there, it's real?" Wong asked.

"Somewhere out there, I had a ponytail." I stood up.

"You look good with a ponytail, Strange." Y/n smirks.

I couldn't help but blush a little. 

"There could be more creatures coming for her. That power is dangerous enough in the hands of a kid. Imagine if a real threat acquired it." I continued talking.

"Miss Chavez, will you come with us to Kamar-Taj? You'll be safe there." Wong assures.

"How do I know you won't betray me like he did," America looks back at the body.

"I guess you're just gonna have to trust me." America looks at Y/n.

"It'll be alright darling, I trust them," She puts a hand on America's shoulder.

"What do we do with him?" Wong asked. I used magic to pull the tarp over the body and cover it up again. Then I opened up the roof and put the body in it before layering the bricks back down and sealing it with magic.

"That's gotta violate an ordinance," Y/n retorts.

"I've buried worse," I smiled a little at her.

"The creature that k*ll him, did... Did it have the same markings as the octopus?" Wong asked.

"Runes," I muttered. "This isn't sorcery," I started.

"It's witch-craft," Y/n finished.

"Do we know anyone who's faced such a thing?" Wong asked.

"I think I might," I looked at Y/n. "Care to come with me to pay a visit to an old friend?" I asked. her. She smiled and nodded. Wong opened a portal.

"Be safe America," Y/n said in a motherly tone. She gave America a light hug before America went with Wong to Kamar-Taj. Then Wong closed the portal before bowing his head slightly. 

I opened a portal of my own and faced Y/n. In the portal, we could see a small forest of white blossom trees. 

"Shall we?" I asked her, and she smiled and took my hand. A blush appeared on my cheeks.

"We shall," Y/n intertwined our fingers before dragging me through the portal and it closed behind us.

Time to pay Wanda a little visit.

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