Mortals Can't Love Me (Toshi...

By JustSomeKidWithWifi

34 5 9

Yup. My first ever own-made cover from Canva on Wattpad. Not too proud. But anyways, this story is about my m... More


(1) A ride on a star

9 2 0
By JustSomeKidWithWifi

TW: Cursing

Picking at my food, I felt really uneasy and felt as if I didn't want to eat. But my stomach said otherwise.

Though, every time I looked at my food, it just felt so unappetizing to me for some reason, so why even eat it if it's not gonna taste good?

I steadily got off my chair, not letting my hunger take over me.

I then slowly waddled over to my room upstairs, clutching my abdomen every time I took a step.

It's fine, Y/N. Just a few more steps to go and then you'll have a nice, relaxing sleep.

That's what I kept motivating myself with, but the closer I got to my door, my vision started to get a bit blurry. I quickly rubbed my eyes with a fist in my hands, quickly looking back over to my door which looked like a warped mess.

No, no! So close!

I limped the rest of the steps, almost stumbling over, though the knob saved me.

Yet, so far.

I carefully fiddled with the doorknob, causing it to open up and reveal my messy bedroom with plastered posters all over the walls.

Yes, yes! Maybe I might be able to actually make it!

I sighed and mustered up all my energy and strength, before quickly jumping onto my bed in a swift movement, and flopping down onto it, gripping onto my bedsheets as I crawled my way over to my pillows. I lied down on them, nuzzling my face into their fluff.

So relaxing.

So happy.

So hungry.

I gripped my stomach again, panting while shutting my eyes tight.

I really did want food, but I had none of my energy left to at least go back down in the kitchen.

I circled up into a ball of pain, mumbling inaudible things.

It was so painful.

Though, within moments of pain and relaxation, I fell asleep luckily.

It wasn't exactly the best sleep I ever had, but at least I did get it.

The next morning came along, and I slowly opened up my left crusty eye.

My stomach didn't feel as bad as before, in fact, I didn't even feel hungry. So that was good.

I opened up my other bad-looking eyes, groaning as the sunlight quickly reached my sight.

It nearly blinded me, though I had already covered both my eyes so I wouldn't have any further damage.

White, was all I saw, then purple, and black, then back to my normal room.

I shuddered and realized I hadn't put on a blanket.

Though I was already fully up, and that didn't matter anymore.

While slightly trembling, I sat up on my bed, making sure to reach to my toes just for an early morning stretch.

Then, I carefully stood up on my two feet on my hardwood floors.

Which, were luckily covered by a fluffy rug, so I didn't mind that.

I then got fresh in the bathroom, and thoroughly brushed my hair though gave up after I found way too many tangles hidden inside.

After that, I didn't know if I should eat breakfast or not, but decided to act as a 'responsible adult' so I wouldn't get my ass beaten by my parents.

Stirring my mug, I took a cautious sip, quickly putting it back down as I sprayed my tongue with water.

It felt burning hot, and once the water reached it, then it just became numb but still hurt.

I suddenly then got a phone call from who knows and picked it up.

I squinted my eyes to see the caller's name, though, it was actually an unknown number.

Confused, I just told myself it was probably a scammer or some shit like that. So I quickly declined the call, placing my phone flat down. I turned back around, but then the same caller called me again.

Annoyed already, I declined again.

I watched my phone, which didn't ring for a few minutes.

My eyes were starting to get dry though so I turned back around, and to my surprise, the caller rang again.

Angrily, I picked up the phone with trembling hands, and I answered, finally.

In a deep low voice, the caller said something first, "Why hello, Y/N" The voice was very ominous and made my hair stand on end.

But I was even more scared of how they knew my name.

I didn't reply, just mouth agape.

"Look, I'm just gonna cut the bullshitter and say it clean out. Meet me near the forest at ____street and just follow the trail of boulders I have left you. Hurry up"

The caller ended their line.

I was still stuck on how they knew my name, and now they're telling me to meet them in an eerie forest near my house?

Fuck, that.

I chuckled, slamming my phone back onto the counter as I slumped down on my couch.

There is no way in hell I am going to do that.

The caller called again. I glanced over at my phone, expecting this to be some sick joke. This time, the ringing kept on going and didn't stop. I didn't want to get up and have to turn it off by myself but if I must.

I got off of my couch, and bent down a little, stretching my back. I then strolled over to my phone and was about to click the decline button when I realized it was there anymore.

"Wha-" I was very confused, and shrugged it off, deciding to just turn off my phone.

But the power button wouldn't work either.

"You got to be joking me. . ." I sighed, looking back over to the caller, continuously ringing.

It soon got a hold of me and I reluctantly picked it up.

I pressed it up against my ear, and what I heard next just made me stop in my tracks.

"Oh, and Y/N? I also have gotten your cat" The caller chucked at me, before hanging up for the last time.

My eyes widened.

Bingo! No, no!

That bitch has gotten Bingo!

He was just here yesterday, sleeping peacefully, and now, he's with that bitch who kidnapped him!

Without a second thought, I quickly zipped up my puffy coat, bringing the hood over my head.

Stumbling over to my shoe rack, I tightened on some slippers before jingling my keys in the air and ran out of the house as fast as I could.

Why, why?! They could've taken me instead! But not Bingo!

Guilt was eating up inside of me as the wind passed through my hair.

If I was not a lazy potato and just checked up on him if I just put my phone on silent then none of this would've even happened!

I nearly tripped on a few steps, but didn't care and continued running at full speed towards the forest.

Once I reached at the entrance of the deep dark woods, I stopped and caught my breath.

I leaned against a huge rock, panting.

Wait, the person did say they left me a boulder trail.


How does a person make a trail of boulders? It would take a very strong figure to do that. Or even a machine!

I didn't know if they were joking or not, but I looked at the rock I was leaning against, and then followed my eyes towards another rock not too far off from it.

I carefully walked over to it, knocking. Yknow, just making sure it was not some huge marshmallows.

I flinched, closing my hand into a fist once I realized that was indeed solid rock.

Looking over in front of me, I found another boulder, even bigger than this one.

This was not possible.

There was no way this was possible!

Though, for my cat's sake, I followed the path and found bigger and smaller boulders, all rock solid.

It led me more downwards towards the end of the forest until I stopped by a hooded figure, all dressed in black.

I then heard a meow.

The hooded figure's back was facing me, as they spoke in the same dark voice as in the call, though even deeper, "I knew you would make it, Y/N. . . And for that, I'll give you back Bingo."

Bingo came jumping away from the front of the figure, quickly running towards me with dilated pupils. They climbed on top of me, nuzzling into my arms almost terrified and distressed.

I was still frozen about their demonic voice, clothes, how they knew my cat's name, and just everything about this mysterious thing.

And without warning, I quickly galloped away, making sure to hold onto Bingo for comfort as I did. Still running, I looked back behind me and realized the hooded figure was staying still, not moving farther away.

I instantly looked down at my feet, which were in fact moving on the ground, which would make me run but I was not running.

I was only running in place!

"What the fuck--" I muttered, continuing to run in place, still not moving anywhere.

It was very frustrating the more I lost my energy, and still not even moving an inch.

The hooded figure cackled an evil laugh, and then my legs suddenly didn't even move anymore, as my whole body was straight and frozen, Bingo luckily stood onto my shoulder.

My body was forced around by some unknown force, and once I saw the figure, my mouth was agape.

It seems the person or thing had taken off the hood they had on, and they looked uglier than ever.

Large horns were bestowed upon their head, an ugly blood-red tone stuck onto their skin, and they looked dry as hell.

Fire surrounded all of use 3 in a huge circle, somehow not lighting the trees on fire. Though the fire did grow larger and larger, making a little roof on the top, then the fire had completely trapped us in a circular box.

My feet budded into the mud, as I carefully took a small step forward, feeling the fire nearly burn up my coat.

Holding onto Bingo carefully, my eyes darted around the hellhole, breathing getting quick and heavy.

Very worried, I looked back at the horrid demon standing before my eyes, now a complete giant.

I looked up, mouth wide open.

They seemed taller than the mountains themselves!

Suddenly, small fireballs started shooting out from what seemed their hands but soon turned into large balls of flames that were heading straight for my spot.

Though, I was actually lucky enough to quickly dodge the fire, also saving Bingo in the process.

He squeezed his eyes shut, clawing at my shoulders very afraid.

My heart trembled and nearly broke in half while staring at him and not the mass rage of fire that was right next to my feet.

If I wasn't going to save myself, at least save Bingo.

Though I didn't have enough time to weep over him, and quickly ran over to another side of the circular box, another fireball has been thrown at me.

I was too deathly afraid to even speak or utter words. Only survive.

Looking back up at the giant, I tried to see any more fireballs heading toward me, and none were in sight. 

 I worriedly paced around, avoiding small fire patches, trying to see if any dangers were around while holding Bingo close in my hands. I pet him softly, trying to give him some comfort.

Looking back up at the sky once again, I soon didn't even see the giant anymore, nothing.

The box of fire around us soon collided with the ground, leaving nothing bus small dust particles in a matter of seconds.

"W-what. . .?" Were the first word that escaped my mouth after that rollercoaster.

I didn't even have time to process what just happened, cause as soon as I blinked my eyes, I was surrounded by clean, white furniture. The lower half of the furniture though was a shade of dark ocean blue, with abyss black surrounding it.

I looked down at my feet, which were nearly floating, and the floor. . .

There was no floor.

I could only see Jupiter below me, then in another blink of an eye, I could see all of the Milky Way.

My brain felt like it was about to boil into metal and charcoal, with bits of dirt cause of this madness.

What type of shit dream is this?

Why did it feel real?

Did I even wake up?

What day was it?

Am I dead?

Who tf was that devil dude?

What is this place?

Why did I see Jupiter?

Am I wrong at space stuff?

"Mortal." A voice suddenly said behind me.

I squeaked, covering my head with my hands, trying to wrap my mind about what was even happening, I didn't want to glance at the person behind me.

"Look at me."

I quickly shook my head, eyes shut tight.

Bingo wasn't here. . .

I--B-Bingo. . .

I just realized. . .

He's gone. Not here.

Gulping, I decided I was already dead, my mind was just being shit to me, and none of this is actually happening.

Tired of life, I turned around, and opened my eyes slowly.

Wow, so there wasn't only one person in here?

"Finally you turned around" They rolled their eyes.

"Take this."

The person seemed to be a boy, quite my age. Dirty blonde hair covered their head, with a messy short ponytail at the back, and a maroon lacing to tie it up in its position. Long curls for bangs, making them look prettier and fancier than they already were.

They also seemed to be wearing a purplish long coat, with a tint of black and blue. Under that was a sandy-toned sweater, and the coat was only buttoned up on one button.

The coat was so long, I couldn't even see their legs, and just barely see their feet.

They had on black flats. 

And, also cute blue earrings, perfect to finish off their look.

But one thing was bothering me about all of this.

The look of annoyment on their face, un-amazingly covered by their beautiful lavender-colored irises, unnatural but beautiful.

"Well, are you just going to keep staring, mortal?"

"W-what-?" I stiffened up, seeming a bit embarrassed I was staring at them this whole time.

"I asked, are you going to keep staring or take the letter I am handing you?" Their tone deepened, a scowling look on their face.

Looking down, I realized they did have indeed a letter held in their hand, which they gripped tighter, and motioned for me to get it.

It looked like a plain white envelope, neatly closed, with a signature writing on the front in black lettering, that said:

From: The gods

To: The victim

The victim? Were they talking about me?

And who were the gods? The gods, gods? There were multiple gods? How could I even trust this person, whose looks are deceivingly attractive, and handing me a letter that's signed by the gods?

I cautiously took a step back, flinching my arms over my head, afraid something else crazy was going to happen when I opened my eyes, moved, or even breathed.

I couldn't hear any footsteps towards me, assuming its cause the floor didn't even exist and that blondie was already preparing my coffin.

"Mortal, just take the dam letter." They huffed, obviously in a bad mood. Or maybe they were always like this.

I opened my eyes, darting back to blondie.

They were still in the same position they were in, holding the letter with a more tightening grip, as they clenched their teeth.

"Well?! Take it!" Their arm extended toward me.


I've made them mad.

I didn't want anyone else to get pissed or mad, and no more bad things happening to me or Bingo. . .

Lowering my arms in a trembling motion, I gulped as I steadily took a step back forward, and grabbed the letter from them, as they finally relaxed their arm back down to their sides.

Looking at the front carefully, and then turning it to the back, which was plain white, the letter disappeared in my hands, fairy dust circling me before compressing to the ground.

"W-wha-where is it. .?-"

I was very confused, the letter not reappearing in my hand.

I could though hear a very powerful and annoyed groan from blondie.

"Ugh. . .why does it have to be you?" They facepalmed themselves.


They quickly dismissed their thoughts, as they looked to the side with the same tired look and explained, "You should be seeing letters in front of your line of vision. . ."

I was even more confused, then suddenly seeing sentences written in front of my eyes, in ancient writing form. It looked so cool and blurred from the sides.

He groaned again, looking back at me.

"Read the letter out loud. . .I thought the gods already taught you all of this!"

I carefully shook my head, replying, "N-no. . .nobody taught me any of this. I don't e-even know why I'm here!"

"Oh, here we go again. . ." They crossed their arms and looked at me as if expecting me to start my rant about how all of this happened.

Though, I didn't and figured they were already pissed enough that they had to give me all these directions and take on my brattiness about being away from my literal galaxy.

I gulped.

"Dear victim,

We are truly, truly sorry you had to experience all of this, we are really sorry. This is in fact the first time in the existence of time this has happened. having to deal with one of the most powerful demons in the universe must've been hard for you.

Though, we did do you a favor, and spared you from living more moments in hell, even with your feline being. . .Bingo."


"Bingo, they. . ."

"Oh, you mean that thing you were protecting during the fight? Yeah, the gods had to take him away." They shrugged.

I jumped, still seeing the vision of the letters.

"What! they took Bingo?? No, no! They--I- Why!? They could've given him to me!!"

They chuckled.

"What, you care more about that thing than your own life?"

"Yes, I do! And don't you dare call him a thing you--" I looked them up and down.

"Don't you call me any names now, mortal. As opposed to you, this is My house, and I Am immortal, unlike you."  They said, low and deep before pushing me away, though I was luckily able to watch myself from falling to the floor, or down back to the milky way.

I looked back down again and saw loads of spiral galaxies, and my heart skipped a beat, as I nervously trembled back up, legs shaky.

"Now, finish reading, and let's just get this over with." They rolled their eyes.

Pausing, I looked at them from the sidelines of my vision, before deciding to continue and do get this over with, as they said.

I started reading from the last sentence I left off on.

"Though, we did do you a favor, and spared you from living more moments in hell, even with your feline being. We have sent you a star to take you away to Toshiko's home, and he'll be giving you a little tour if he agrees, which he in fact did." I glanced over at blondie, to which he looked traumatized.

He quickly waved his hands, shaking his head.

"No, no, no! No! I did not agree to give you a tour! I will not give you a tour! J-just continue reading! M-maybe there is something else that you missed?"

I nodded, rereading that line.

"We have sent you a star to take you away to Toshiko's home, and he'll be giving you a little tour if he agrees, which he in fact. . .did. D-did you?" I looked back over at him.

"No! I didn't! I specifically said I will not give you a tour! AAA--" He hid his face in his hands, seeming to be very stressed while silently weeping.

I continued, seeming he wanted me to.

"So, make yourself at home for now, and if you help him with a little something, then we'll rank you up to a god and--"

"WHAT!? No! Okay, stop reading! This is--Bullshit!"

Very confused, I asked, "What?? Why?"

"I have been spending 126 years, trying to rank up to a god. Destroying galaxies, universes, creating demons--"

"So, you were the one who made that demon?!"

"Yes, obviously!"

Well, how the fuck was I supposed to know that?

"And now. . .you, a random mortal, will be ranking up to go, by helping me restore all the galaxies and universes I have destroyed?"

"That will be impossible!! I have to do that!? No, I can't! I just want to go back to my normal home, not deal with this universe shit, it's all your problem! Why do you even destroy universes if you want to rank up to a god??"

"Threatening" He shrugged.

I scoffed, and continued reading, "Now, for Toshiko, if he softens up and stops terrorizing all of existence, we may rank him up to a god as well."

Toshiko, as that's his name by the gods, perked up.

"H-huh? R-reread that."

I nodded.

"Now, for Toshiko. . ."

He looked hopeful, wishing for me to keep reading.

"If he softens up and stops terrorizing all of existence. . ."

. . .

"And? Say the last words!"

"We may rank him up to a god as well. . ."

"They will?!" He asked, letting a smile escape his lips.

"I mean. . .that's what they said" I replied, giggling.

He quickly hid his smile and contained his happiness, asking me to keep reading. He must be very happy.

"So, be a good companion to him and he will to you, and you both will get the rewards you deserve.

-The gods"

I held my breath the whole way through while reading that and finally breathed out.

"I-is this a good thing?" I asked, as the vision of letters suddenly disappeared and I could see normally.


"Oh, huh? Y-yeah, this is good. Very good" He nodded, grabbing my wrist and bringing to me another area of his supposed-to-be house.

"Wa-wait! Where are you bringing me-?"

"Shut up, will you> I'm giving you a tour" He rolled his eyes, continuing to drag me.

This all looked like a fancy and nice mansion, though on a star.




". . .What do you want now?"

"W-what did the gods mean by saying I got transported by a st--"

"Oh. They basically sent you a star while being attacked by the demon I made and sent you over here, and told me to give you the letter."

"So, is the demon still there?" I asked, deciding to ignore all the nonsense and logical sense in that sentence.

"No. They banished him."

I winced. He was holding my wrist too tightly.

"Toshiko. . .-let me go, y-you're kinda hurting me-"

He did let me go.

"Ugh, you're so weak. Already hurting just cause I was gripping you a bit too tightly? Then how are you going to fight off the demons I have created?" He tipped up my chin to make me look at him.

"U-uhm. . ." Slowly feeling my face heat up, he let go.

I touched my face, making sure I cooled down.

I just don't really like people touching me, especially my face.

"You don't just touch people randomly, y'know. . ." I spoke quietly.

He started walking again, fixing his coat as he replied, "I can do whatever I want, and you don't tell me what to do, mortal" He soon left the room, as I quickly followed him, not liking his attitude though why was he kinda--😳

Anyways, I continued following him through his huge mansion, looking at the furniture placed there, and was still confused about how we were floating above the invisible floors.

Looking down again, I saw another galaxy, and it was kinda a weird shape, with pink mostly covering its top.

"And, that's the last room" He shrugged.

"Wow, why is your house so big--?"

"I don't know--I just randomly found this star and the gods just gave me this mansion."

"Why did they give you a house if you kept destroying all the galaxies they created?"

"That's the part I'm still stuck on." He tucked a layer of curls behind his ear, somehow maintaining the same angry look of disappointment on his face.

"Also. . .I actually do have a question to ask you."

"And that is?-"

I leaned back on my feet.

"Why are you always so angry?"


"Yeah, I mean do you see what your face looks like?"


"You always look so angry or pissed or disappointed, never smiling. I mean, besides when I mentioned you ranking up to be a god" I looked down.

"Okay, stop--"

"Like, aren't you ever happy? In all those, uh what was it? How many years? 126? In those 126 years, were you ever happy? I mean, ju-"


. . .

". . ."

". . ."

"Yes, I was happy. What, you think I'm an emotionless freak?" He stiffened his posture, keeping his voice low again.

"Okay, and when was the last time was actually happy?"

". . .You know, you really shouldn't ask an immortal person that question. I could hardly remember." He chuckled, fiddling with his fingers.

"Don't tell me you have a sad backstory. . ." I placed my hand on his shoulder.

He slapped it away, and I flinched quickly saying, "Hey, why did you do that!? You're so grumpy"

"I just don't like mortals touching me, or anyone in fact" He hissed, taking some magic liquid from the floors before placing it around his hands and neatly spreading it out.

It seemed like a purple and black hand sanitizer, with tiny white sparkles stuck inside it.

"Now, we have a mission to do." He stated, rubbing his palms together before placing them at his sides again.

"And that is-?"

He looked at me as if I had just threatened him.

"For me to--for. . .Us, to become gods, of course!" He corrected himself.

"Ah. . .right."

E n d    :^D

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