Love everlasting - Avengers f...

By PoeticMay

18.2K 1.1K 283

You had always wanted one thing in your life, a love that would be everlasting. But for you that was an impos... More

When lightning strikes
Agent jones
Super soldier serum
The right partner
The pain of saying goodbye
An unexpected friend
The two of us
*Dont break his heart*
A life of lies
I cant fix myself
*pure lust*
Going away
Budapest operation
Avengers initiative
Thank you for your cooperation
Mind over matter
Everybody wants to rule the world
The fight of your life
Moving in
The untold truth
Darkness beneath the surface
I hate myself
Im drowning
Down on my knees
Wishfull drinking
Moral hangover
Home is where the heart is
Life sentence
Stolen memories
The right path
The sun
Mission breakout
Trusting in love
Don't die
Broken bones
A dream is not reality
The edge of nothing
Time will tell
Go back in time
Trust no one.
Ghost story
Hail hydra
I owe you
Who the hell is Bucky?
About damn time
How to save a life
Taking the stand
A helping hand
A crumbled piece of paper
The past is present
History repeating itself
The queen
A letter from the past
*Just have faith*
Refurn to midgard.
The downfall of the avengers
Double agent
Fall to rise
*You started it*
*im gonna marry you*
The warning
He's coming
Welcome to space
One wrong move
Till forver falls apart
Bittersweet revenge
Bad dreams
Burgers and beers
Would you be able to rest?
Suit up
Down memory lane
Once and for all
Doing it all for love
Can you love me again?
I miss her
The face of the past
The last step
Endings beginings
A thousand years
A strange sensation.

On the run

108 8 6
By PoeticMay

Natasha and Steve follows behind you. You can't face them. You shouldn't have met him at home.. you should have chosen somewhere else. It was so stupid of you to think that apartment would be safe enough. You knew what was at risk.. and you took it.

"Y/n stop" Natasha calls out.

You turn around, barely able to look her in the eyes.

"Don't blame yourself" she says.

"Then who should I blame?" You ask furiously.

"Jones, they want you back at SHIELD for a meeting" Rumlow calls out after you.

Steve gently pushes him away. "Give her a second" he scowls.

"They want her now"

You turn around looking at him, nodding your head understandingly. "Okay, I'll be right with you"

"Perhaps you shouldn't go alone" Steve proposes.

"It's fine.. i can do this" you assure him. As you follow after Rumlow. Leaving Natasha and Steve alone at the hospital.

"STRIKE team escort Agent Jones back to SHIELD immediately for questioning" you hear over Romlow's speaker.

Before you exit the hospital, you see a man working on a vending machine. There was no way you could bring that USB drive back to SHIELD, you had no clue who to trust. You quickly place it behind two packs of gum. Before being escorted into a car.

No one says a word the whole drive back to the facility. Your hands are shaking, the adrenaline still rushing through your body.

You get escorted up to the twelfth floor, as you greet a man you've not yet met.

"Agent Jones.. it's an honor to finally meet you" he smiles. "Alexander pierce" He introduces reaching out his hand.

You shake it politely. "You too sir" you smile kindly.

"Come on in" he says, gesturing for you to go first.

You take a seat across from him, trying to hide the fact that you're almost dying of anxiety. As he looks through your files.

"Your mother helped found SHIELD.. is that correct?" He asks.

"Yea sir" you answer as simply as you can.

"What was her name again?"

"Y/n Jones"

"That's right.. you were named after her is that correct?"

You hate this.. the feeling that any minute now you could say something that would blow everything you've worked so hard to establish.

"That is correct yes..she died when I was very young"

"Jones, why was Nick in your apartment last night?"

The question sends shivers down your spine. You couldn't just come up with an excuse. You had to think this through. Nick put his trust in you, now was the time to prove to him that you could live up to it.

"He was in the need of a friend. As you may be aware of Nick recruited me years back. He had faith in me as an agent.. and as a friend" you answer as calmly as you can.

"Like mother like daughter" he chuckles unsettling.

"I guess you could say that sir"

"Did you know your apartment was bugged?"

"Yes. I did, Nick told me when I got home" you explain.

"Did he tell you he was the one who bugged it?"

You furrow your brow.. why on earth would Nick do that. It made no sense, he knew SHIELD was compromised, then why give them anymore Intel.

"No.. He did not" you admit, and for the first time you're being honest.

"And why was Captain Rogers in your apartment that night?"

"He and I had just returned from a mission, Avengers related" you say.

"I want to show you something" Piece says, as he turns on the screen showing an interrogation tape of a man.

"Who hired you, Batroc?"

"What is that?" You asks.

"They picked him up last night, in a not so safe house in Algiers." Pierce explains.

"Is he a suspect?" You ask, remembering back to what Steve told you about the shooter. Tall, long hair... Metal arm..

"It's more complicated than that. He was hired anonymously, to attack the Lemurian star. The latest project Nick was working on." Pierce explains.

You have no clue to as of why he's telling you about this. What could this possibly have to do with Nick.

"He was hired by e-mail and the money was run through 17 different hidden accounts.. on of them was a company registered to a Jacob Veech" he adds, handling you the transaction documents.

"Am I supposed to know who that is?" You ask, looking through the files.

"Not likely, Veech died six years ago. His last known address was 1435 Elmhurst drive.. when I first met Nick his mother lived in 1434"

You look up from the files. "Are you saying Nick hired the pirates to hijack his own project?" You ask. That would be insane why would he ever do that. "Why?"

"The prevailing theory, is that the hijack is a cover for the theft, and sale of classified information"

"Nick wouldn't do that" you scowl.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. I knew Nick and he wouldn't do that.. so unless you have proof that the money did in fact come from Nicholas Fury, I think it's nothing but a theory" you hiss.

How could he sit there in front of you, taking valuable time out of your life to question a man who just got murdered trying to save what was left of SHIELD.

"All I know is the sale went south, and now Nick is dead" he smiles darkly.

"All I know is that if you truly knew Nick Fury, you'd know that couldn't possibly be true" you smile softly, trying to hide the fact that all you want to do is punch him right in the face.

"You're a tough one aren't you.. how old were you again?"

"I don't see how my age has any relevance, which frankly means that's none of your business. Unless you have anymore questions about Nick. I'd say we're done here" you hiss angrily.

"You were the last person to see Nick alive, and I don't think that's a coincidence" Pierce hisses back.
"And I have a feeling you don't either"

You shake your head.. was he really implying that firstly Nick was a criminal master mind, infiltrating SHIELD. And secondly that you somehow were his accomplice.

"I'm gonna ask you this one more time, Miss Jones. Why was he there?" He asks coldly, his eyes cutting right through you.

"Because he was my friend.. you know what the last thing he said to me was?" You smirk.


"Trust no one" you say coldly.

"I wonder if that included him" he shrugs.

"I think we're done here.. I'm terribly sorry I couldn't be more useful" you sighs, pouting your lips.

"Me too"

"Mind if I use the ladies room before I go?" You ask innocently.

"No not all, down the hall to the right" he smiles.

You walk slowly to the bathroom, feeling his eyes following your every step.

You lock yourself in the bathroom taking out your phone, sending an SOS to Steve. There was no way they were letting you get out of here without a fight. You might need a ride.

I've been compromised, come here as fast as you can. Please hurry.
10:26 am

On my way.
From Steve

You take out you SIM card, flushing it out the drain. Just in case anyone got any ideas. Then you turn on the faucet letting it run for a couple of seconds before you walk to the Elevator.

You stand quietly looking out over the water. When you hear the elevator door open.

"Keep all STRIKE personnel on site" Rumlow says as he walks in followed by four other agents.

"Yes sir"


You turn you head around. "Rumlow" you say with a soft smile. Trying to keep yourself as calm as possible. If you could just use their own stupidness against them, feeding into the thought that you're just a young naive woman. That would actually be perfect right now.

The elevator door closes as you slowly go down.

"Evidence response found some fibers they want us to check out. You want us to get the tac team ready?" he asks you.

"Let's just what and see what it is first.. could be nothing" you says softly.

"Sure" he chuckles.

You look around intensely, watching as they all hold on hand on their gun. You needed to be ready. Sure they can't kill you, but If they get the chance to knock you out, you're fucked.

Your eyes shift around between the five agents. Trying to keep your breathing steady. And to think you had worked together with all of them for so many years.

"I'm sorry about what happened to Fury.. it's messed up what happened to him" Rumlow says.

"Thank you.." you smile sadly. "He was a good friend"

"I'm sure he was"

The elevator stops, as two more guards walk in. Eyeing you up and down. You get a sinking feeling in your gut, looking down at the ground.

Be calm y/n.. you can do this..

This is what you do okay.

"So how does this normally work, you shoot me and I pretend like it actually bothers me?" You asks coldly. Looking around the elevator. "You could just get out now, spare us all the trouble" you scoff.

With the blink of an eye one of the guard pull out their gun pointing it at you. You move your head, as the bullet hits the wall, and in one swift motion grab a hold of his hand, twisting it. Hearing as he screams out in pain as his bone breaks in his wrist. He drops the gun, which you quickly catch before hitting him in the head with it till he passes out.

Two of the guards grab each of you arms holding your back against the side of the elevator. You close your eyes trying to focus, hoping you could somehow cast an illusion of yourself, but nothing. You were out of practice and it clearly showed. You'd had to do this the old fashion way. You open your eyes quickly As Rumlow starts punching you in the stomach. You breathe in the pain. Exhaling sharply before flipping your body over sending both of the men into the floor. Stepping on both their wrists as they drop their weapons. Rumlow grabs your wrist, with your free hand you grab his head slamming it into the window, causing it to shatter.

You grab the tallest guards hand, bending it backwards, with one hand doing a cartwheel, tapping your legs around his head, and dropping him to the ground. You land on top of him, as the last two standing guards guards grabs a hold of your throat, while the other slams your head down to the floor. You bite the man in the arm, as he lets go of your throat. You swing him around, grabbing both of their heads slamming them against one another.

Rumlow gets up from the floor, electrocuting you with his taxer. You jump up into the air, kicking him in the shoulder, as he falls to the ground. In one quick movement you get on top of him, punching him in the face countless times, till he finally stops moving.

You groan in pain, grabbing your shoulder, putting it back into place. You stand above them, looking down as each of them are passed out on the floor of the elevator. Suddenly the door opens up, as the whole STRIKE teams stands before you, guns pointed at you.

"Drop the gun" they shout. "Put your hands in the air"

You take a deep breath, looking down still five more floors to go. Then you use the taser sensing Wolt trough the wires causing them to cut off. holding onto the wall, as you drop five stories. You crash onto the floor, hearing the loud footsteps nearing the elevator.

"Open that door Jones" one of the shouts, as they try to break down the elevator door.

You use the back of the taser to break open what's left of the window, jumping onto the roof. Looking down there's still a long way to go. Then you see Steve driving on his motorcycle. You just need to get down there.

"What the hell what's three more broken ribs" you say to yourself, as you jump down, curling up into a ball as you land on the side. Screaming out in pain. There's a crowd of people eyeing you up and down, as they see you land.

Steve stops right beside you, giving you a hand.

"Hold on" he yells. Driving away as fast as he can.

As you reach the bridge you notice the spikes coming up from the ground. They'll really do anything to stop you it seems.

"Steve" you say worriedly as he keeps driving.

"I've got you"

An air plan flies past you, blocking your way.

"Stand down, Agent Jones and Captain Rogers. Stand down" the pilots demands. As a gun fires against you.

"Hold onto me" Steve shouts. As he accelerates.

"I repeat stand down" the pilots demands again.

You cling onto Steve closing your eyes. The sound of gun shot firing at the pavement, as Steve avoids each of them. The throws his shield against the left propeller, causing the plane to fall lower.

"Let go.. I'll be right back with you" Steve shouts, as you follow his orders.

You look up, once second he was in front of you, the next his on top of the plane, using his shield to stop the tigger propeller. Then jumping into the ground. You hadn't even noticed that somehow in the kick of the adrenaline you had taken over driving the motorcycle, watching as the spikes in the ground got closer and closer.

Steve runs as fast as he can, quickly catching up with you, jumping onto the motorcycle again. Safely getting you out of the facility. And out of the city.

He stops the motorcycle by a small rest stop.
You whine in pain as you get off, checking your body to see if everything is as it should be. And swing past the massive bruising around your ribs and stomach, your body has healed itself.

Steve Finds a small bench outside, helping you as you slowly sit down.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

"I'm fine" you groan, stretching your body. "I just need a few minutes before the pain stops" you sigh.

"Good" he smiles. "Now what where you thinking?" He asks angrily.

"What do you mean?"

"You could have gotten seriously hurt" he yells.

"Technically this is as bad as it gets" you chuckle trying to cope with the fact you just took a pretty heavy beating and jumped off a roof.

"What happened?"

"Pierce.." you scoff. "I think he's behind it, he was trying to make it look like Fury is behind all of this. That I somehow had something to do with it" you explain. "I had a bad feeling as soon as he started to ask questions, next thing I know everyone at SHIELD was trying to put me down.. so I put them down"

"You should have let me come with you" he scowls. "I could have helped you"

"You did help me.. and now we need to get back to that hospital" you sigh.


"There's a USB drive hidden in a vending machine.. and I think that's how we end this"

Steve opens his phone, realizing there's seven missed calls from Tony.

"Tony what's the matter?" Steve asks.

"Are you with y/n?"

Steve looks at you sadly. "She's safe, why?"

"Because y/n Jones has been registered as a fugitive from shield.. and if you're with her, so are you"

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