Project R.A.Z.E.

By VVrame

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War. Hate. Millions of death It's been over 15 years since the war between humans and anthros started. Blake... More

Chapter 1 - Survivor
Chapter 2 - Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 3 - Ambush
Chapter 4 - The Escape
Chapter 5 - The Forgotten Experiment
Chapter 6 - The Rescue
Chapter 7 - Minus Base, Plus Ally
Chapter 8 - A New Base?
Chapter 9 - Conversations
Chapter 9.5 - Kendra's Backstory
Chapter 11 - A New Team Member?
Chapter 12 - Safe For Now
Chapter 13 - Outburst
Chapter 14 - The Documents Of Terror
Chapter 15 - Hellhole
Chapter 16 - A Friend Among Enemies
Chapter 17 - She Is Here?
Chapter 18 - Reunited For A Short Moment

Chapter 10 - Experiment "Spectre"

1.2K 33 17
By VVrame

| Date And/Or Location |

*Action/Scene Change*

Character Name
- Their Speech
- Their Thoughts


-(POV Change)-


| Deep Underground |

| FAHA's Secret Lab |

-(Commander Yaoros POV)-

The metal cage of the elevator was rumbling, as I was descending to my base's secret lab.


The doors opened, revealing the lab.

Several scientists walking, taking notes, or doing other tasks.

On the other end of the fairly big room, there was a chamber.

One of the scientists, who was standing out because of his fur, ran up to me.


Name - Adam Greenwill
Nickname - Dr. Acid
Age - 34
Height - 6'2" (≈188 cm)
Race - Anthro
Species - Wolf
Rank - FAHA's Head Scientist
Status - Alive


We were calling him Doctor Acid because of his fur color.

Dr. Acid
- C-commander Yaoros! You are just in time!

Com. Yaoros
- How's the experiment going? - I asked with a stern voice.

Dr. Acid
- Oh, the experiment's going g-great! The subject a-and the liquid were finally and successfully c-combined! - he announced with a somewhat crazy tone.

Com. Yaoros
- Good. Remember Doc, you can't make a mistake. She is the last one. - I reminded him.

Dr. Acid
- Oh I know, I k-know! I'm aware that my head will be GONE if I screw up, C-Commander! A-anyways! Wanna take a look at the "Spectre" h-herself? - he asked and ran to the big, semi-horizontal chamber.

The chamber, which was located in the center of the room and filled with a sky blue liquid, contained a human female.

Com. Yaoros
- How's she? - I asked with a cold voice.

Dr. Acid
- Oh, she's b-been doing great! Her health is excellent and her body is fully f-functional! - the doctor announced while looking at his tablet.

Dr. Acid
- We were w-waiting for your orders actually, as her body fully accepted the fluid!

I stood there thinking for a moment.

Com. Yaoros
- Wipe her memory, and then... brainwash her.

-(??? POV)-

- Wipe her memory, and then... brainwash her - those words were the only thing I managed to understand.

Those words triggered something within me.

I felt an amount of power I never felt before.

I opened my eyes and with a swift hand movement...


I punched through the thick glass that was holding me.

The sky blue liquid started to spill out of the chamber.


I punched another hole and the liquid started to splash out faster.


I broke the whole glass panel freeing me from this chamber.

As my eyes slowly got used to the bright lighting of the room, and as my ears started to catch every sound filling the air, I saw anthro scientists and what seemed like a high-rank person standing and looking at me with shock.

All of that while the alarm was going crazy with its almost deafening sounds.

For some reason, rage started to fill me.

The doors suddenly opened and a group of armed anthro soldiers came in with their guns pointed at me.

My mind went blank, and I charged with full force at them.


Their bullets were doing nothing, there was no pain.

As I was clashing with the soldiers, the scientists and that one high-rank-looking anthro had already exited the room.

The fight ended with blood splattered all over the walls, and the floor decorated with corpses of soldiers.

My body was covered with bullet holes, yet I felt nothing.

The door in front of me led to an elevator.

I called it down, entered, and began ascending.

The moment doors opened I was met by heavy gunfire making me instinctively cross my arms in front of me.

- GAAAAH! - my voice rumbled and I punched the air...


...sending a powerful force field which was led by a thunder-like sound.

The soldiers went flying, making them hit all 4 of the hallway's walls with a powerful force instantly knocking them out.

After wandering around for a bit, knocking out and killing dozens of anthro soldiers I finally found an exit.

I walked through the gates and was met by the outside world.

Sun's soft light, blue sky, vibrant colors, a soft breeze... And a lot of anthro soldiers, cars with gunners, and even a few helicopters.

- SURRENDER "SPECTRE", YOU'RE SURROUNDED! - one of the helicopters announced.



Thunder filled the air, as this small army was sent to death by my force fields that seemed like they got stronger.

I watched at all the chaos I caused for a few seconds, then I began running where my eyes were looking, just to get away from this place.

*1 day later*

I had been running nonstop for 1 day.

My body felt like it was about to tear itself apart.

I saw a forest in front of me and decided to take a rest there.

After I entered the forest, I sat down my back facing a tree, trying to remember and recollect my thoughts.

-(Blake POV)-

- I think doing a small recon of our surrounding areas is better than nothing. - I thought while standing on a fairly high hill, looking through the binoculars Kendra gave me.

Just as I was looking at the forest, I saw someone run into it.

- Huh?

I pulled my walkie-talkie Kendra also gave me.

Blake (R)
- Hey Kendra, I've got a situation here. I saw someone run into our nearby forest. Preparing to engage.

Kendra (R)
- Blake, it could be dangerous. Are you sure you wanna do it alone?

Blake (R)
- Big K, I got the suit. I can handle it.

Kendra (R)
- Dude, don't call me that... Alright, be careful.

I entered the forest, got my suit on, and turned on invisibility.

After searching for the mysterious person for a few minutes I was met by something I never expected to see.

It was a human female sitting at a tree.

- There is no fucking way it's a human female. They got wiped out in the first months of war so we won't reproduce... there is no way it's a real human female! - I thought not believing my eyes.

- Okay, I must be careful. Try not to make any noise and not step on any random tree branch that will appear out of nowhere and make the loudest noise possible if I step on it.

And then the universe said "no".

Instead of stepping on a branch, I couldn't handle the weight of my own body and fell on the ground with a loud thud.

- Gravity, you stupid bitch...

That of course alerted her, and now she's approaching my approximate location, while I'm here laying on the ground trying to come up with a plan.

l was laying there, not moving until I felt something grab me by the neck, pull me up, and hold me in the air.

I was slightly panicking, which made my invisibility turn off.

And there I was twirling in her tight grip, trying to get myself free.

- *dry cough* HEY HEY HEY, CHILL! - she tightened her grip after I said that.

- L-look, I'm a human! *reveals face* S-see?! Please just, *even drier cough* let me go!

After seeing my face and examining it for a few seconds she lets go of me.

I drop to the ground coughing and gasping for air.

- Who are you? - her voice was kinda soft-sided but cold.

- I'm a raid survivor that somehow is still alive to this day. *Cough* Same question goes to you...

- ...

I finally got up and got a better look at her.

- The only thing I remember is my name.

- May I get it?

- ... Why should I tell you my name?

- You have better ideas? You are a human, which means that FAHA is probably after you. Am I wrong?

- ...

- Besides, I can help you. You're probably hungry and thirsty. You don't wanna be alone in these times.

- ...K-Kate Xenides...


Name - Kate "Spectre" Xenides
Age - 19
Height - 6'3" (≈193 cm)
Race - Human
Status - Alive


Only now I noticed that she was breathing heavily.

- Lemme guess, you were runnin' from FAHA. Aaand... *notices her body that was covered in bullet holes* the fuck are you still alive...

She then looked at her body.

- Come with me, we can patch you up. - I said with a friendly tone.

- Are you able to walk? - I asked and she nodded.

- Alright, follow me. - I gestured her to follow me.

Blake (R)
- Kendra, I think we might have a guest today.


Chapter Done!

Sorry for the wait guys, was busy with irl stuff.

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