The pups pup

By dhdjsbsvsj

9.9K 103 531

Tadashi has recently been feeling off he's had some stomach problems and has noticed he's gain some weight,at... More

Telling them and him
Special before the witches chapter:Miyas Date
Telling the hags(witches)
Baby shower!
The break in!
The vacation
Im sorry-WHAT

First symtoms

2.4K 23 38
By dhdjsbsvsj

Tadashi's P.O.V
Me and Mr.Ainosuke-sama had started dating shortly after the match with snow

Its also been about 2 weeks since I had....well did the naughty with Mr.Ainosuke-sama

Ever since then I've had a strange feeling in my tummy and that I've had some strange cravings lately for example I really wanted to have some marshmallows, which is strange since I'm not that big a fan of sweets. Some food has also smelled really strong to me like broccoli, meat,fish even chicken.not to mention I've started throwing up every morning along with more in the afternoon or night.lastly I've noticed I've gained 2.7 pounds it's not a big deal since it's still a healthy weight but it feels strange

I decided to ask Mr.Ainosuke-sama's friends at S tonight since I didn't want to miss work for a doctors appointment and miss out on work and possibly worry Mr.Ainosuke-sama

"Hello Mr.Ainosuke-sama" I bowed as he stepped into the car already in his costume "Aw come on now puppy~,we've talked about this,I want us to be like how we used to be and more baby pup~" as Mr.Ain-uh- as Adam said that I felt my cheeks flush as I closed the door and went to the drivers seat "sorry,I'm still getting used to it..." I said "there's no need to apologize for baby,I know it's gonna take some time to get used to" he said as he came from behind me and kissed my cheek "right thank you..babe" OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH I CANOT BELIEVE I JUST SAID THAT!!!!

"There you go baby" he said again and leaned back. Huh I guessed he liked it I smiled softly as we head to S

Time skip

I quickly changed my outfit in the car with a peeping Tom outside watching the entire time as I got out I had a small boost of confidence and said "Someone can't keep their eyes off the prize can they?" I said smirking. He gave me an even more flirtatious smirk and played along "My,my Tadashi,your boss would flip if he saw this side of you" he leaned in "your not gonna tell my boss,are you?" We continued to play "ah~ when did you get so cheeky?,hm~" I giggled

But then I felt a sharp pain in my stomach it was for a second but it hurt just when he was about to say something with what I was guessing was a concern face by his frown and eyebrows we heard a voice yell out "GROWS GET A ROOM ITS BAD ENOUGH WITH THESE TWO COUPLES!!!" Miya shouted "oh please don't pretend you don't gush whenever that Takashi dude sees you or texts you" the red head-uh R-Reki?,ya! Reki said "SHUT IT YOU SLIME!!" Miya yelled back

"Ah these kids are gonna be the death of me"Kaoru,well Cherry said as he put a hand over his eyes, I decided that he would be the best person to ask since he seemed like the smartest "Common guys let's Go!!!!" Reki yelled out got admitted I love his energy

At the VIP place (I forgot what it's called)
Adam and Joe where doing tricks on the ramp and I thought that this would be the best time to ask k-Cherry It's still hard to remember the names since I've spent almost all my life being formal that I have a hard time referring people to their code,real, nickname but either way I walked up to him

" Cherry?" He turned my way "yes Ta-I mean snake" he said we looked at each other and laughed we had the same problem the only reason he had this was because it's been awhile since we've seen each other "I was wondering if I could talk to you in private please.." he saw the seriousness behind my voice and took me by the hand "ofc common" he said as we sneaked away from the others

Once we where behind some rocks we looked at me and took off my hat so he could see me clearly.

"What's wrong?" He asked "w-well I don't know, I-I don't know if I'm sick o-or if I'm being dramatic o-or-" "woah,woah,woah" he took me by the hands and looked at me "calm down, and I'm sure your not being dramatic if anything I'm concerned that your not dramatic" he said with a smile at this we both laughed

We've become really good friends and I connect with him the most I really consider him the brother I never had

Kaoru's P.O.V
We finished laughing, and I smiled I really appreciate Tadashi he's been real nice and even apologized for Adams mistakes from the past I swear he's too nice for his own good

"Ok now tell me what you need to and take your time" I said as I put my hands on his shoulders "I-I've been having some problems with my tummy,I've been throwing up almost every morning and in the afternoon or at night for 2 weeks and had weird cravings along with having food smell really strong. I thought since you seem more rational and smart than the rest-No offense to your friends or boyfriend!,but I was too scared to talk to Adam about it so I thought I would come to you since, well I trust you the most"

As he said that I swear I was about to cry because he truly feels like a little brother to me, that's when I realized that he could be-no! that's impossible besides I've never been in THAT situation before "I have an idea on what it could be but I need to get two other people to make sure" I told him and he nodded "okay whatever you have to do" he said with a small smile "do you want to come or do you want to stay here?" I was about to walk away but I didn't want to leave him in case it was what I thought "I-I'll stay here" "okay I'll be right back,stay safe and if anyone comes near you scream and I'll come running right back!" I said with worry in my voice he smiled and came near me and put a hand on my shoulder "don't worry I'll be ok" he comforted.At that moment I pulled him into a hug and he was hesitant at first but hugged back

"Just be safe you just feel like a little brother to me so I'm just,I'm just worried since the whole deal with Adam a couple of months ago and now with these symptoms,I'm just worried" I said,he gave me a small squeeze "you feel like a brother to me too, and don't worry I'll stay out of sight besides since we're in S I can attack them, who do you think taught Adam how to skate" he said with a small laugh

"Right" I said as we pulled away "I'll be right back" I said. He nodded

I was back where the others where "Hey Cherry where were you?" Reki asked it was only him and Miya since Langa joined Adam and Kojiro and Shadow was on a date with someone named oak? I think? Either way " I was getting some drink with snake and we thought we would bring you guys something so what do you guys want?" I asked try to come up with an idea "I'll take a protein drinks Miya said " I'll take a Coke and Lang would want a Fanta,I don't know what joe and Adam want though" he explains "don't worry I already know what joe wants,snake knows what Adam want too,so it's fine" "great thanks man" reki said giving a thumbs up I came up with an idea just then "I also overheard that someone was throwing up and that they had some stomach problems along with cravings, food smelling really strong, do you think they could be pregnant?" I asked "ya definitely my mom had the same symptoms when she was pregnant with my 3 little sisters" Reki said in a chill voice from not knowing what's going on,oh crap this is gonna be a lot

"Also I'm just guessing here but since you said they I'm guessing you couldn't see if it was a boy or girl or they were just non-binary but even so if they had a guy's body at birth it could be possible" Miya said "how do you know this?" I asked "it says in this medical article that it's been shown that lately if you have a specific body variables then they're able to have it, the variable consists of if both parents of the patient have the same blood type along with little to no issues with having kids kids and the patient having a slightly higher variable in their blood" as Miya said this I started to get concerned on what that actually fuck he's looking up

"1.what that actually heck are you looking up 2.that's interesting,either way ima go back and help Snake with the drinks" I said as I went back to Tadashi

As I went back I saw a man about to go where tadashi was,Aw hell no, I speed walked and tapped him on the shoulder  "Going somewhere?" I asked and he looked and got scared "C-Cherry-N-NOT AT ALL BYE" he said as he ran off in the other direction, that's right move along. I walked to the back where Tadashi was when I walked in I saw him sitting down like a little toddler, and as a good 'self proclaimed big brother I am' I'ma tease him about it later "Hey you" I said he looked up and saw me "hey did you confirm your suspicions?" He asked

I was hesitant at first and thought maybe if I lie he wouldn't freak out as much besides I don't know if he has all of the variables needed and even if he is it could cause too much stress and possibly harm the baby if there is one

But I thought again he's had people harm him and betray him, IM LOOKING AT YOU ADAM, and because of that he had no opinion for a long time even now he has a hard time forming his own opinion, so I could only tell him the truth I didn't want him to feel like he couldn't trust us especially now that he started to trust again, trust me, I didn't want to lose a brother.

So instead I nodded "Awesome!, so what was your suspicion?" He asked I was hesitate, he saw This and motioned me to sit next to him "Tell me I promise I won't be mad" he said "I'm not worried that you'll get mad I'm worried that you'll freak out even if theirs a chance that it can't be true" I said. He placed a hand on my shoulder "tell me please otherwise I'll worry more" he started "ok but keep calm and theirs still a chance that it can't be true" I said worriedly "ok" tadashi nodded "I think you could possibly be pregnant!" I blurted out he seemed shocked at first but then smiled "uh Ku-Cherry, I'm a male" he laughed a little "Your right besides it's not like you and Adam did anything" I said as I lean back waiting for him to agree when I didn't get a response I looked at him

"T-Snake you didn't DO anything,right?" I said with a slight stern voice "Um...well" he said as he blushed and begun to put his hat back on the try and cover his face "M-maybe" the stuttering told me everything "Exuse me wile I kill Adam" I said as I got up "W-Wait Cherry don't!" He said "Fine but at least take a pregnancy test just in case besides it could be fun I'll take one too and who knows we could prank them" I said he smiled "that actually seems like fun it's been awhile since I've played a prank" he stated "Common I promised the others to get drinks" I said "Coming" he said as he got up

Once we got the drinks from The car we handed them out and sat down for a bit

"So you can clearly see that it was my itinerary that we found my wallet" I said telling them that Kojiro's hunches are wrong 99% of the time "I've gotta say that I'm with Joe on this one" Adam said "It was his idea to search the restaurant" he stated "But if Cherry didn't make the itinerary then Joe wouldn't have known where to look" Tadashi stated

"Ya I can agree on this one" Miya said "same here" Lang's started "Normally I would agree you you both but concerning Cherry is a force to be Reckoned with,I'm on their said sorry Joe,sorry,well not really Adam" Reki said at that I patted his head "wise kid,wise" I tried to make my voice sound scary and it worked he was shaking and went behind Langa I laughed at this

"Hey snake wanna race!!" Miya said I wasn't sure how I felt about tadashi skating but it might not be true so I guess it's ok "Ya sounds like fun" he said I looked over to see Adam blushing as red as his mask gotta admit it's adorable but if he hurts my little brother ima throw hands

"Hey actually I wanted to ask if you could teach me how to do that dance on the skate board" Reki asked "w-well I could try it can be a little difficult considering how you balance on your board but I can try!" Tadashi stated at this Reki hugged him and squealed "YOUR THE BEST!" He squealed tadashi laughed and hugged back "can we race now please I've been wanting to do a remake forever now!" Miya stated "coming" tadashi said

"Doesn't that sound familiar" Adam chuckled at that I hit him on the back of the head "Hurt him and I'll kill you!" I growled "Wah-JOE GET YOUR BOYFRIEND" Adam complained "you triggered him and when he's triggered I don't mess" was all Joe said as he backed away

"3.....2.....1!" Everyone yelled and just like that they were off

Miya's P.O.V

we raced down hill I took the lead but he quickly got in front of me.
We took a couple of rough turns, but where able to make through them I was barely able to but Tadashi did it with ease with his dance 'lucky mother fucker' I thought

As we where at the end I was able to take the lead but them suddenly a chain came lose I was able to Duck but I wasn't sure about Tadashi I looked back to see he wasn't there I continued to skate but looked around frantically

"TADASHI?!" I yelled "DOWN HERE SLOW POKE" I heard someone yell form below me from what I saw he was skating below me upside down wile holding a rope, I gotta admit DAAAAME he's good but I still had the lead as I was about to just to get to the finish line he did it first

And he won,AGAIN!!!

"AW COME ON!, I was so sure I was able to do it this time" I said as he laughed "don't worry I'm sure you'll get it next time" he said as he ruffled my hair "dang your like Cherry a second mom to the group" I stated "IM NOT A MOM!!!" Cherry yelled everyone laughed as tadashi blushed I guess he was embarrassed
Either way it was getting late and since today was the last day of school it was the weekend summer didn't officially start till next week so~ Everyone agreed to have a sleepover at Joes  restaurant and this time Shadow would join us we agreed to pick him up as soon as he walked Reki's boss home,hehe

Once we got into the car with Tadashi driving agin for some reason, "ok so where is this uh-what was his name?,S-shadow?,y-ya shadow,where are we gonna pick him up?" He asked "oh just go to the skate shop and go straight but turn two lefts at the corner and then continue going straight" he explains we all just look at him

"What?" He questioned "how the actual fuck do you know that?!" I slightly yell "language~" Adam said "well he was the one who would drop me off at S before I met Langa so..I kinda know where he is" Reki said as he scratched his neck

3rd persons P.O.V
They made it to the location but Tadashi waited at the corner "why are we waiting at the corner?" Miya asked "look" tadashi said as we all looked out the window to see the scene
(Am I going to add the scene?,yes,yes I am)
"That was a lot of fun thanks for taking me out" oak said as he smiled at Shadow,well Hiromi at the moment "Y-ya,maybe we can do it again sometime?" Hiromi asked "I'd like that" oak said "I'll see you then" he said as he kissed Hiromi's cheek as he went inside "b-bye!" Shadow said as he touched his cheek and smiled just then he herd a car behind him,turned around and saw his gang
He quickly got in and was bomed with questions

"You guys couldn't give me 2 more minutes,could you?" he groaned as he sat down "hey to be fair we waited for him to go inside before appearing behind you" Joe said "doubt it" Shadow  barked back

"It was a cute scene when he kissed your cheek" everyone was shocked to hear that come from Tadashi,TADASHI!!, everyone thought that If anyone would say anything it would be Reki,Miya,Adam, Joe EVEN Langa but it was tadashi at this Cherry laughed as he wrapped his arms around the car seat resting his hands on tadashi's shoulders "this is why your my best friend!" Cherry said "Trying to make moves on my pup,huh, Kaoru?,Joe get your boyfriend!" Adam yelled "Him?!,get your pup!,he's the one making moves!" Joe yelled back they kept going back and forth "oh no we where found out!" Cherry played along

"I guess this is it I'm driving off the road" Tadashi said in a serious voice that scared everyone except Adam,Cherry and Joe

"NO!,PLEASE IM TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!" Miya screamed
"....good point,DRIVE!!!"

"Uh guys he's joking" Joe said trying to calm down Miya wile Cherry calmed Langa and reki down, once they where calm Tadashi,Cherry,Joe and Adam laughed at their behavior

Once they got to joes restaurant, Tadashi parked behind the restaurant so they don't get arrested for loitering,they got all of their things and headed inside, and changed

Tadashi's P.O.V

Once I was in the bathroom to change I had the worst pain in my tummy, i wrapped my arms around me to add a little bit pressure to try and ease the pain a little bit

After about 20 seconds it passed so I decided to change and what I saw left me confused that was before I said this

"KAORU WHAT DOSE SLUT MEAN?" After I said that I heard him yelling at Adam the outfit I was gonna put on for bed was a little strange, it was some shorts that I remember putting in my bag, along with a shirt that says 'masters slut' on it which I don't remember putting in here,but it was probably Adam since kaoru was yelling at him since I didn't know what it meant I just put on a hoodie over it

As I walked out I saw kojiro holding Kaoru trying to calm him down

"Is everything ok?" I asked "Of course pup" Adam said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek, I'll admit I felt a little self conscious knowing that I gained a little bit of weight considering what my mom always told me,which was the reason I lived with my dad,and honestly I'm glad since I met Adam along with 6 other amazing people

"Actually we need snacks" kojiro said as he walked into the kitchen "unless your all willing to eat eggs,flower,sugar and butter?"

"NO!!!!" Everyone yelled at once making him fall back "alright,alright, I was joking" he said "I'll go get some snacks at the closest drug store" Kaoru said " wanna come Tadashi your basically the only one who I can trust not to bring any snack without any extra stuff" ah yes the dangers of drugs and alcohol "sure I don't mind" I said since I remember him saying to just try the pregnancy test incase besides I'm sure it'll come back negative it's probably the stomach flu or something

I put on my shoes and we went to the closet drug store we got snacks obviously but we also got two pregnancy tests since he said he would take one with me for fun and when it doesn't work we'll just play a prank I'll admit I was excited for it

Once we bought everything we went to the nearest bathroom and luckily it was opened we placed the snacks on the counter since it was the cleanest spot

We took out the tests and went into stalls

Once we where don't we came out and washed our hands and waited,Kaoru checked his "What's it say?" I asked "it says 'your a male you stupid bitch'" Kaoru said we looked at each other and laughed "that's one way to say it came out negative" I wiped a tear from my eye since I was laughing so hard "thank you" he said as he bowed

"what dose yours say?" He asked "let me see-it's probably nega-" I stopped mid sentence as my eyes saw the pregnancy test "-tive..." I continued Kaoru looked over my shoulders and his expression was the same as mine it said...

To be continued

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