May We Meet Again

By tufano79

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Nearly seventy-five years after the nuclear apocalypse, the residents of the Ark Station, orbiting the Earth... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter One

207 13 4
By tufano79

Here we are again ... I'm embarking on a new journey of a fanfiction story. This time, we're going with a post-apocalyptic vibe. I recently watched The 100 on Netflix. I'd been intrigued to write a story based off that show/series of novels. I decided to write it for NaNoWriMo. I'm starting almost halfway through the month, but I'm determined to, at least, get something going.

In regard to how many chapters, update schedule and all that jazz, I'm not certain, but I'm hoping to get a big chunk written in the next fifteen days.

Up next will be a flashback, leading up to this moment and moving past this moment, ending up on the ground. We will be bouncing around between Bella, and Edward on the ground, and Renee and Carlisle on the Ark. I'd toyed with the idea of writing in third person, but nah ... I'll be alternating chapters between the 'kids' and 'adults.'

Chapter One: Six Months Ago


"This cannot be right," I grumbled, reading the reports about the oxygen recyclers while in my quarters. I swiped on the tablet, putting more dates for more data. "No!"

"What is it, Bells?" Rosalie Hale asked. She blinked up at me, her hazel eyes swirling with concern. She was my best friend. Her hair was long and blonde, shimmering like liquid gold. Her body was slender, but sexy. She did not look like an engineer, a trained mechanic, her job on the Ark. She looked like a ... what were they called? Oh, right, a supermodel from before the bombs. "You've got that look."

"What look?" I asked.

"That look where you've got the furrow between your brows and you look like the world is about explode," Rose snorted. She arched a perfectly sculpted brow. "Talk to me."

"Take a look at these oxygenation levels across the Ark," I said, pushing the tablet to Rose. "Not to mention the CO2 levels in engineering section."

"These numbers are not good," Rose muttered. "Have there been an increase of ... what's that called where you don't get enough oxygen?"

"Hypoxia," I answered absently. "When I'm on shift with Dr. Cullen or my mom, I haven't seen any increased patients with hypoxia. But, I've been working in the lab with Alec. We're working with farm station to improve fertilizers, increasing the yield of the crops."

"Can you access the medical records? You are a doctor in training," Rose said, scowling at the reports.

"I am, but I cannot access a patient's records without their expressed consent and only while I'm working on them. The only people who have access to everyone's medical records are my mother and Dr. Cullen because they're in charge of the medical ward," I explained. "Do you have any ideas why the numbers are so shitty?"

"The oxygen scrubbers are nearly a hundred years old, Bells," Rose said. "They need massive repairs and overhauls, but we don't have the means to fix them. We need to space walk in order to fix them, but the suits are falling into disrepair. The best suit has an oxygen supply of about an hour. The walk would take at least twenty times that length to repair the scrubbers. To put it simply, there are too many people on the Ark and the Ark is falling apart."

"If you had the materials to repair the oxygen scrubbers and we increased our production of crops, could this be fixable?" I asked, biting my lower lip. "I mean, this is our home."

"This place is a rust bucket that was on its last legs when the stations linked together on Unity Day," Rose deadpanned. "We've been putting band aids on bullet holes. This place is hemorrhaging in broken systems. We don't see it much here, but on the lower levels and in the prison ward? Environmental systems are working overtime to keep the corridors heated and artificial gravity functioning. It's in those sections that ... people are dealing with low oxygen in their systems. What is called again?"

"Hypoxia," I frowned. "What can we do?"

"We don't have to do anything. This is for your father and counsel to figure out," Rose argued, swiping my tablet from my hands. "We have bigger fish to fry ... like the Unity Day celebration with all of the council members and their families. I've been eager to lay my eyes on some fresh meat."

"I thought you were with Tyler Crowley," I said.

"We broke up," Rose huffed. "I caught him with that skank, Jessica Stanley. If she didn't have the birth control shot, she'd be pregnant a hundred times over. He was pounding into her like an animal, and she loved it."

"Ewwww," I shuddered, wrinkling my nose. "This is why I'm single and plan on staying that way."

"Come on, Bells. You've got be interested in someone. Mike Newton? He's had a hard-on for you since you got tits," Rose snickered, cupping her chest.

"Mike Newton is the male version of Jessica. He'll fuck any warm hole," I grimaced. "Besides, my parents would love for me to get together with Edward Cullen."

"You should totally hit that," Rose sang. "He's delicious. I'd ride that baloney pony."

"You probably did," I countered.

"No, I didn't. Not for lack of trying," Rose snickered. "But, your parents want you to be with him?"

"Yep, but we're like oil and water. He's a strict rule follower. Hell, he's on the security team and almost gleefully puts people into the prison ward or floats them for the smallest infractions," I sneered.

"I doubt that," Rose argued. "I've spoken to some of the guards. They hate their jobs. They hate killing people for stealing food. Edward is one of those guys. He's sickened at floating criminals. Not everyone agrees with floating ... even despite the overcrowding situation. Some crimes should not be punishable by death."

"I agree with you there," I sighed.

"Look, you've got to be the dutiful daughter for this shindig for Unity Day. We may as well have fun," Rose grinned. "Let's talk clothes."

xx MWMA xx

Dressed in a simple dress, I fluffed my hair. It was Unity Day. We'd just come from the Unity Day Pageant and all of the council members were invited to the wardroom for a celebratory meal. My mother, Dr. Renee Swan, floated into the room. She wore her own dress, with the crest of the Chancellor draped across her body. She was one of the most beautiful women I'd ever met, with long brown hair and soft brown eyes. "You look beautiful, my sweet girl," she said, standing behind me. "How was work in the lab today?"

"We're close to perfecting the fertilizers for farm station," I smiled. "Alec is meeting with Dr. Banner with our latest samples after the Unity Day celebrations. Now that I'm done with that, can I come back to the infirmary?"

"Yes, you can," Mom chuckled, kissing my temple. "We've got a couple of expectant mothers and you are so good with the newborns. You have the makings of becoming a fine doctor, Bella."

"I'm looking forward to it," I beamed. "Where's Dad?"

"Showering," Mom answered. "He went to the waste extraction station because there was an issue with some of the machinery. You know how fastidious your father is."

"He's going to use a week's worth of water rations to scrub off the funk," I snorted. "He's been spoiled as Chancellor. When he's voted out, he might not get used to mingling among the commoners."

"You think you're funny," Mom teased. "Come on. Let's head to the wardroom to make sure everything is set up for this celebration." She looped her arm through mine, guiding me out of my bedroom, which had a stunning view of Earth. We walked through our quarters, out into the hallway. Traveling the short distance to the wardroom, we entered inside and were greeted by Dr. Carlisle Cullen, his wife, Esme and son, Edward.

Dr. Carlisle Cullen was a council member and the head of medical. His wife, Esme, used to be a teacher and was now in charge of the education of the children on the Ark. She used to be in the classroom, but she stepped back after she'd been raped by an irate resident of the Ark, who had lost his wife to illness, as a form of retaliation against Dr. Cullen. William Black worked as a mechanic and his wife had been misdiagnosed. What Dr. Cullen believed to be a benign tumor in her stomach, ended up being cancer. All tests indicated that it was not cancerous, but she passed away quickly. William, or Billy to his friends, went on a bender and found Esme in her classroom. He brutally attacked her, raping her. Security responded to an emergency beacon and Billy was thrown into lock up while Esme spent nearly a month in medical, recovering from her violent attack.

An attack that resulted in a pregnancy ...

On the Ark, families are only allowed one child. Normally, if a woman becomes pregnant with a second or third child, the pregnancy was terminated, and the woman usually is sterilized. The reason being was population control. Esme didn't realize she was pregnant until almost six months after the attack. She'd stopped eating because of the trauma and as a result, she thought her cycle had become wonky. She was terrified that she'd meet the same fate as Billy Black. He was floated for his crimes and as a result, she was pregnant. She could also be floated.

After convening the council, it was decided that Esme would not be floated since her pregnancy was the direct result of a sexual assault. The baby would be raised by a foster family and would never know their parentage. Esme had a baby girl. Within a day, the girl was whisked away to another part of the Ark to a childless couple and Esme fell into a deep depression, mourning the loss of her daughter and hating what had happened to her, having her choice taken away.

Long story short, only the council members and the Cullen family knew about the little girl. I knew because Esme separated from Carlisle shortly after she'd been attacked and after she had the baby. She stayed with us. I'd overheard her talking to my mom, who was also a trained psychiatrist, and I learned of Esme's secret baby.

So, only fifteen people knew about that baby. Until about a year ago ...

The girl, Alice, discovered the truth about her parentage. She was a technical genius and was training to work in the cyber security branch of security team. She'd hacked into the computer mainframe and discovered her heritage. At dinner, she went off on Carlisle and Esme, screaming at them for giving her up. Esme broke down in tears when she saw her long-abandoned daughter. Alice, who was sixteen at the time, was arrested and tossed into the prison ward by her own half-brother, Edward.

Yeah, it was a fucked-up situation. A situation that Esme never truly recovered from. Her green eyes held a haunted quality, and she was never the same.

"Esme," Mom grinned, hugging her best friend. "The Unity Day Pageant was adorable, as always."

"The kids were so excited to take part," Esme responded. "I remember when you recited our Unity Day story, Bella. You've grown up into such a lovely young woman."

"Thank you," I blushed. "It seems like yesterday that I was telling the Unity Day story."

"Perhaps, in time, you'll preside over the celebration as Chancellor," Mom suggested.

"Yeah, I don't think so," I snorted.

"Carlisle, Edward, come say hello to Renee and Bella," Esme chided.

"Mom, I need to go out on patrol," Edward huffed. He was dressed in his security attire, where his parents were dressed more formally, with their council insignias pinned to their collars. Edward was tall with a lean, muscular build. His hair was a messy tousle of brown, red, and blonde with pale skin. He was handsome, in a regal, arrogant sort of way. However, his looks were marred by the permanent scowl on his face.

"You represent the council," Carlisle said, giving Edward a glower. "You knew about this event, Edward."

"I did, but the sergeant needed someone to fill in. One of older guys, he broke his leg in a scuffle and I was called in," Edward explained. "I can stay for a little bit, but I'm patrolling the main promenade."

"It's okay, Edward," Mom smiled, winking at him. "If I could get out of this, I would. Bella, why don't you get Edward something to drink?"

"I can't have alcohol," Edward said.

"We have lemonade," I murmured, rolling my eyes. Lemonade was a rare treat and only served on Unity Day. "Come on, Edward."

He followed me to the refreshment table. Despite the celebration, the food was fairly simple. I poured us both a glass of lemonade, handing one to Edward. "I see you got promoted. Sergeant now?"

"Yep," Edward responded, sipping his lemonade, leaning against the bulkhead. His green eyes, the same shade as his mother's, surveyed the room. More of the council members arrived and were mingling with each other.

"You know, it wouldn't kill you to actually be a pleasant human being, Edward," I clipped. "You can talk to me."

"I don't have anything to say," Edward responded. "I'm here at the request of my parents because I'm the child of a council member. However, I have other responsibilities I need to attend to. Not everyone lives the life of a pampered princess."

"I'm not a pampered princess," I snapped.

"You live the life of the elite," he said, looking at me with disdain.

"So do you, Edward," I countered. "I'll have you know that I can get dirty with the best of them. Just because my father is the Chancellor doesn't mean that I don't know how to get my hands dirty. I've been working on a project with farm station, trying to find a more efficient fertilizer. I was elbow deep in shit, human shit ... all to make sure that everyone on the Ark has enough food to eat."

"And I bet that you used more than your fair share of water rations to wash that shit off your pretty little hands," Edward smirked.

"You are such a fucking hypocrite, Edward. You're just as privileged as I am," I scoffed, finishing my lemonade. "Enjoy the party and have fun working the promenade. Bust some innocent human and float them for shits and giggles." I turned to walk away. Edward's hand wrapped around my bicep. "Hey!"

He dragged me to a smaller room, his eyes flaring with green fire. "I hate that a simple mistake is a death sentence," he growled. "No one should die for getting extra rations, more medication or for a minor scuffle. I get that we have a certain amount of space, but there should be some leeway in the punishments. Hard core crimes? Murder, rape, domestic abuse, molestation? They should be floated. Stealing an extra ration for a hungry child? A month in the box. Simple ..."

"Have you brought this up to your supervisors?" I asked. "Your father? He's on the council! I agree with you. I think that the punishment should match the severity of the crime."

"Well, don't try and say that I'm happily arresting people to send them to their death," Edward sighed, scrubbing his face. His communicator vibrated in his pocket. Tugging it out, he scowled. "I've got to go. There are some idiots who are celebrating Unity Day by partaking in a public brawl." He blinked down at me. "More people who will meet their end by being floated for one mistake ... perhaps, you can talk to your father, Princess? He is the Chancellor."

"I'll add it to my to-do list," I retorted snarkily. Edward gave me a bland look. "Seriously, I'll talk to my dad about it."

His face softened and a crooked smile curled up his lips. Now, that's hot. "Thank you, Bella. Have fun at this shindig." He left the room and I followed him.

I watched him as he strode out of the wardroom, stopping to say goodbye to his parents before leaving. I was going to talk to my parents when Rose commandeered me, dragging me to the window. "Were you riding that baloney pony?" she asked cheekily.

"Are you serious?" I sighed. "We were doing what we do best ... fighting." I looked at her, arching a brow. "I think this is the first time I've seen you in something not covered in grease."

"I'm a grease monkey and proud of it," Rose laughed. "But, give me time. I'll be covered grease before the night is over."

We wandered around the room, talking to the council members and their families. An hour into the party, my father clinked his glass and smiled warmly. He was tall with black hair. At the temples, there was gray mixed in. He also had a dark mustache that contrasted against his pale skin. Hell, we all were pale because we couldn't exactly bask in the sun without being exposed to a lethal dose of radiation or dying instantly in the vacuum of space. "Good evening," he said, "and welcome to our Unity Day celebration. It's been seventy-five years since the Ark was created and every day is a celebration."

"Except when it isn't," Rose whispered to me.

"Hush," I snorted, elbowing her.

My dad spoke for about ten minutes. However, as he was wrapping up, my communicator vibrated in my pocket. I saw a message from medical. "I've got to go," I whispered to her. "There's an emergency in medical."

"Are you on call?" Rose asked. I blinked to her, my eyes slicing to hers. "Do you need back up?"

"If you get caught ..." I muttered.

"I can't let my girl get tossed into the box," Rose said, looping her arm through mine. "Come on."

We said our goodbyes to our parents. Lillian and Daniel Hale were not happy that Rose was leaving with me, but I said that we needed to attend to an issue in medical that required an engineer. We ducked out of the party, walking to the promenade and to medical. Using my mother's access codes, we slipped inside, and I went in search of what I needed. I swiped the medication and a few other supplies that would not be missed.

"Bells, there's a patrol. Hurry up," Rose hissed.

"Turn off the lights," I clipped. "We can't have security bust us before we make the delivery."

Medical went dark and Rose hid inside the surgical bay. I went into my mother's office, waiting with bated breath. "We're clear," Rose said, using her communicator to light up the room. I finished packing the small bag. "I'll go out first to make sure that security is nowhere near us. I'll vibrate your comm unit twice if it's clear. I'll meet you at the B-block living quarters."

"Thank you, Rose," I murmured, hugging her tightly. She left medical and a few moments later, my comm unit vibrated twice. Slipping the bag over my head, I left medical and locked the doors, using Alec's access codes. I took the long way to the B-block living quarters. Rose was already waiting for me. "Anyone follow you?"

"I saw Edward, but he was wrangling a few drunkards," Rose snickered.

"Let's get the medication to Angela and her baby," I explained, making way to Angela Weber's quarters. Her baby, Olivia, was born with a rare form of anemia and needed special medication, but the pain Olivia experienced was too much. We tried to make her comfortable, but there were times when the baby needed more. Due to rationing, we couldn't give her more. However, I hated to see Angela so bedraggled and exhausted, worried for her little girl. So, I got her pain killers for Olivia, more than a year's worth of pain killers.

Rose and I turned the corner, gasping when we saw Edward leaning against Angela's door. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Alec called security when he got a notification that his access codes were used in medical while he was spending time with his husband," Edward said, pulling out two sets of handcuffs. "It was also weird that your mother's access codes opened medical. Bella, what are you doing?"

"I'm providing medical help," I explained.

"By giving Angela and Olivia medication that you are not legally allowed to distribute?" Edward asked. "You're not a doctor, Bella. Turn around."

"Please, don't," I whispered. "Let me help them."

"Would you sign Angela's death warrant?" Edward argued. "She's of age. She would die if she took the medical help you're offering, Bella. Leaving Olivia as a ward of the Ark. Think about your actions."

I looked over to Rose, who was already handcuffed by another security officer. Her eyes were brimming with tears, but she would not allow them to fall. She was standing tall with her jaw jutted out defiantly. She blinked to me, shaking her head. I sighed, dropping the bag of medication, and held up my hands. Edward gently cuffed me, leading me to the security office to be processed. I was put into an interrogation cell and tethered to the metal table.

An hour later, my parents walked inside. My mother hugged me awkwardly. "Bella, what were you thinking?" she asked.

"Angela and Olivia were struggling. The baby's pain was off the charts," I explained to her. "We need to do more."

"You don't need to do anything, Isabella," Dad said coldly. "You're going to the prison ward. Once you turn twenty-one, you will be floated for this crime."

"Charles!" Mom gasped. "This was a nonviolent crime! You would not kill our only child!"

"We can't show favoritism," Dad answered. "I'm sorry, Isabella. I cannot ... I'm so disappointed in you."

"Disappointed or not, this was a nonviolent crime," Mom snarled. She cupped my cheek and stared at me. "We'll figure this out, sweet girl. I promise you."

"Renee, we need to make a statement," Dad huffed. "Our daughter was involved in stealing narcotics with every intention of delivering them to a resident of the Ark. The optics ..."

"I don't give a fuck about the optics. This is about our daughter doing the right thing!" Mom yelled, glaring at my father. "What the hell happened to you? When did optics matter more than our daughter?"

"When our daughter made a fool of us," Dad yelled back. "She used your access codes. You could be implicated, Renee."

"Chancellor," Edward interrupted. "No decisions need to be made now. We'll book her and get her settled into the prison ward. Due to the fact that she is your daughter, I'd recommend that she be kept separate from the other inmates."

"She shouldn't receive preferential treatment. She's a criminal," Dad huffed.

"Who was trying to do something good for a sick child," Edward argued. "I'm in agreement with Mrs. Swan. She made a mistake, but she shouldn't have to pay with her life."

"Do whatever you want. I'm only the Chancellor, not like I'm in charge or anything," he spat angrily. Dad barely spared me a glance before leaving the interrogation cell.

My heart twisted underneath my ribs. I felt tears welling in my eyes. My mom hugged me again, whispering that she would do everything in her power to talk sense into my father. She left shortly after that and I put my cheek against the cold table, trying not to sob brokenly. Edward came back into the cell. "Your dad is a douche."

"Yeah, I know," I said. "He's always been that way. Even before he was Chancellor."

He released my handcuffs and I sat up. "We're going to keep you separate from the other inmates. A lot of the people in the box hate the Chancellor. I know you think I'm a dick, but ..."

"You're not a dick," I argued.

"I could have looked the other way," he shrugged. "I should have, if I'd known that would be the way your father would react."

"Then, you would have been floated," I sighed.

"Something needs to change," he murmured, helping me to my feet. "So much for Unity Day." We walked to the prison ward where I was given simple, but warm clothing. My communicator and personal effects were taken away, locked in the warden's office. Edward was gentle when he escorted me to solitary confinement. "Bella, I know that you probably hate me."

"I don't like you," I said, hugging the rough blanket to my chest. "But, you're doing your job. I hate my father."

"I hate your father, too. I won't vote for him in the next election for Chancellor," Edward snorted humorlessly. "Anyway, we'll try and figure this out. I know your mother won't stop, neither will my parents. I'm also certain that Rose's family will fight it, too. Just sit tight."

"I have no choice but to sit tight," I said, stepping into the cell he unlocked. "Can you check on Rose? Make sure she doesn't hate me?"

"I will," he nodded. He squeezed my hand, capturing my eyes with his. "I promise."

When Edward let go of my hand, he closed the cell door and I wandered aimlessly in the tiny space before putting my pillow and blanket onto the 'bed.' Curling up on the pallet, I let the tears flow and sobbing for what happened to me, but more so for Angela Weber and her baby. They never got the help they needed.

Because I got caught ... and my father put me in here.

Edward was right. Something needed to change.

I'd give myself tonight to fall apart, but tomorrow, I had to figure out how to fix the predicament I found myself in. I needed to tell my mother about the Ark dying.

A/N: Charlie is a douche in this one. He's one of those 'sticklers' for the rules. He is also adamant on not letting his position to allow him to show favoritism. He will make a point to not let Bella receive preferential treatment.

Anyway, we're going to hear from Edward and possibly Renee in the next chapter.

Pictures from this chapter are on my blog. You can find a link for that on my profile. I'm also on FB: Tufano79's Twilight Fanfiction Appreciation. I'm on twitter, too: tufano79.

Leave me your thoughts!

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