Not His

By Invincibec

17K 542 37

Haley Parker wanted nothing to do with guys - at least none of the guys her parents were always trying to set... More

1. 17 and Invincible
2. Saving Damsels in Distress is My Job
3. Who Said the Bad Boy Didn't Care
4. You Owe Me A Meal
5. Wanna Sneak Out?
6. Not 'Friends,' Just Friends
7. Wanna Go Out?
8. Girls Night...Plus Griffin
10. I'm Not Your Girl
11. Sometimes Actions Speak Louder Than Words
12. Lilies and Coffee
13. Does This Involve Food?
14. This Place Is Too Clean Not To Trash
15. Open Windows Are the Best Escape Route
16. I'll Crush You Harder Than A Sixteen Year Old Girl On Her English Teacher
17. But You Look So Cute In My Pajamas
18. I Made A Mistake
19. All Yours
Sequel Preview

9. We All Knew I Always Had the Balls

795 24 2
By Invincibec

*Haley's POV*

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of my ringtone as the Great Escape by Boys Like Girls slowly brought me out of a daze. As my senses returned to me, I opened my eyes to find myself lying down on my living room couch with a blanket draped over me.

This wasn't here before, I knit my brows together as I sat up.

The last thing I remember was sitting on the couch watching Friends...with Griffin. An instant smile stretched across my face as my stomach fluttered at the thought of last night. I vaguely recalled falling asleep in his arms, some time after he asked me out. My mind whirled as my face flushed at it all.

Did that really happen?

Did Griffin me? And for a reason other than having to do with my parents?

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I realized my phone was still ringing. Looking at the caller ID I saw it was Aria.


"Hey Hayls!" she chirped, her usual bubbly self cutting through the speaker. "Sooo how was last night?"

I didn't have to be talking in person with Aria to know she was wiggling her eyebrows with the sound of her voice. I instantly blushed as Griffin once again flashed through my mind, which I was thankful she couldn't see through the phone.

The more I thought of yesterday, I couldn't help but blush even more in embarrassment. I'm not sure why I had wanted Griffin to stay, let alone why I had ended up cuddling with him.

And the scary thing is, the girls knew something was up even before I fully did. All I knew was ever since Griffin asked to be friends that day on the highway, something felt different between us. I wasn't sure what it was, but I don't think I could say I hated it. I just couldn't get him off my mind, especially since last Saturday with the football game. At this point, there was only one thing I think I could be sure of.

I think I'm falling for Griffin.

"Uh," I cleared my throat, wondering if Aria could somehow sense my pulse racing. "It was fine, why?"

"Oh, no reason. Just wondering how things were with Griffin...So what did you and the 'school hottie' do last night?" she prodded.

"Just, watched some Friends, you know..." I was twirling the ends of my hair at this point. "...Right before he asked me out..."

"Oh my gosh, no freaking way!" she squealed.

"And then we kinda ended up cuddling..."

"Shut up!"

"...Until I fell asleep and then I woke up right now and for some reason I am telling you all of this," I chuckled a little as my face turned beat red with Aria squealing with excitement in the background.

"I can't believe this!" she giggled. "So you do like someone!"

"I guess so," I sighed. "I mean I'm still trying to make sense of it."

"What's there to make sense of? You like Griffin, oh my gosh, I can't believe you actually like someone!"

"Hey, is it that hard to believe I'm not a heartless old lady?" I chuckled..

"No, I didn't mean it like that," she laughed. "I'm just really happy for you, Hayls. Hey, I gotta go, but I expect full details of last night to come. I'll see you later, ok?"

"Ok," I chuckled again. "Talk to you soon. Bye!"

I hung up with an oddly satisfying sigh.

I, Haley Parker, actually liked Griffin Johnson.

The rest of my morning was like any normal Sunday morning; my usual Sunday afternoon also taking it's normal routine.

I was sitting outside with my earphones in, leaning comfortably against a branch up in a relatively low tree. I may have been only a few feet off the ground, but I still felt like I was soaring through the sky each time the early spring breeze blew my way. I had my favorite tunes blasting into my ears and nothing but crisp, fresh air in my nostrils.

I was in the zone.

I closed my eyes as another cool wind rushed gently against my skin, just taking it all in. I sighed in contentment when I felt the presence of someone. Ripping out one earphone, I whipped my head around as I came face to face with Griffin.

"Boo," he said through a smile as I screamed and nearly fell out of the tree. "Whoa, hey," he held out his arms as he steadied myself on the branch. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"Pshh, I wasn't scared," I rolled my eyes with a smirk.

"You weren't? You sure, 'cause you look kinda scared to me," both of his eyebrows were raised, as he leveled his piercing blue eyes with mine. I tried to ignore the fact our faces were merely inches apart as I attempted to suppress the sudden butterflies in my stomach at our proximity.

"You may have startled me, but scared? You wish," I teased as a subtle smile grew on me. There was a brief pause between us, oddly enough not awkward, as I tore myself away from his gaze and then back up again. "What exactly, um, happened....yesterday?" I asked a little cautiously.

For a second, his face turned a slightly pale-ish color. "Why? Do you, uh, not remember yesterday?" he stammered.

"No, I do," I said quickly as a brief, sheepish grin flashed my face. "I just don't remember how it ended. You know, when I fell asleep."

"Oh, right. Well after you fell asleep, I didn't wanna wake you, so I just laid you down on the couch and then I left." He looked down as he shuffled his feet a little awkwardly as a cute little half grin tugged at his lips. "Sorry, I didn't mean to ditch you. But I'm here to make up for that," he continued, as he stood up straight with sudden confidence. "I'm here to ask you out on an official date this Friday once your mouth is all better. And before you answer, I promise to not ditch you again if you promise to not fall asleep." The grin on his face was adorable. If he felt awkward before, there was no trace of that to be found now. I chuckled lightly as I watched him look at me with his sparkling eyes as he awaited my answer.

"Hey," I continued to chuckle. "I was high off my pain meds, I couldn't exactly help falling asleep. But," I continued after my laughter died down. "If you promise not to ditch me period, I would love to go out with you this Friday," I beamed.


I rolled my eyes before a grin stretched across my face. "I promise not to fall asleep either."

"I'll hold you to that," he grinned as well before moving in front of me. Turning around, he bent down a little. "Now hop on!"

"What?" I laughed at his back faced at me.

"We're losing time, just get on!" he faked yelled as if it was an emergency.

Without another thought, I jumped on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist as his arms wrapped securely around them. Winding my arms around his neck, he suddenly took off down my backyard, shrills of our laughter echoing throughout the neighborhood.

The next day at school, I scanned the overly crowded lunch tables as I looked for Bridget and Aria. A few weeks ago I had asked to switch lunch times so I could sit with my friends, although the original idea to switch came because I wanted to avoid annoying Griffin. But that was before we became friends, so it eventually became more about sitting with Bridget and Aria and I never bothered to switch back, even though part of me missed seeing Griffin's scruffy head make his way to my table at lunch every day.

Aria waved me over, her cheerful smile covered in nude lipstick, as I made contact with our table. I smiled back as I walked over, lightly gripping my tray in hand. Nothing like good ol' friends to make a Monday better.

Sliding my tray on the table, I took a seat. "Hey guys," I said smiling.

"Hey yourself," Bridget chirped.

"How's Griffin?" Aria giggled.

"What's with the giggling and why would she know how Griffin's doing?" Bridget cocked an eyebrow.

My cheeks flushed. "We were just-"

"Getting cozy," Aria wiggled her eyebrows.

Bridget practically spit her water across the table. "What?! Details woman. Now."

"It was nothing," my face reddened a little deeper. I was not used to being the one in this situation. Normally I wouldn't be the one to look twice at a guy, let alone have a crush on one, but now... "After you left Saturday he just, asked me out is all."

"Oh my gosh, you did like someone!" Bridget smirked as she shook her head as Aria squealed in excitement again. "So what did you say?"

"Yeah, you said yes right? Please tell me you said yes for once in your life Hal-"

"Aria!" I chuckled. "You can relax. Yes, I said yes. Happy?" My ears squirmed as they were filled with multiple squeals and other various excited sounds.

"Holy crap, this is so exciting!" Aria pretended to wipe fake tears as she turned towards Bridget. "Our little Haley is growing up!"

"So when's the big day?" Bridget interrupted, both of their attention eagerly on me.

"Yeah, and where are you guys going?"

I huge grin took over my face. "Friday, after school. And I have no idea, Griffin wouldn't tell me."

"Ooo, a surprise," Aria wiggled her brows again.

"A man with a plan, hmm..."

"Guys," I chuckled slightly awkwardly, still new to this kind of attention.

"Can we help you get ready?" Bridget asked, a sudden eagerness in her eyes.

"Oh, I can do your makeup!"

"Sure," I grinned. "Be at my house right after school. Griffin has football practice so he said he'd pick me up around five."

As much as I was beginning to like these conversations -especially when Griffin and I were the subject- there's still only so much a former sick-of-guys girl can take. Thankfully, I was saved when the topic was cut short from a certain someone approaching our table.

"Hey, this seat taken?"

I looked up as I saw the cutest grin on Griffin's face.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I smiled as I scooted over to make room for him. "I thought you had lunch already."

"I switched lunch times," he said as he slid into the seat next to mine and began to devour his hamburger.

"Why? Wasn't Luke and Dustin and all the other guys you hang out with on your lunch time before?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, well...sometimes a guy needs a little change in company," he replied while looking down at his food.

"Right..." I smirked, not fully buying it.

A sheepish grin tugged at his lips as he glanced at me.

"Well," Bridget cleared her throat. "I think I'm gonna go get an apple. Aria, care to join me?"


I watched as they walked away from our table as Griffin turned to me.

"So are we still on for Friday?"

I grinned as his eyes bore into mine. "You bet."


The rest of the week was pretty good. Griffin continued to sit with us at lunch and then the two of us would hang out every day after school. And now today was Friday, which meant our date was tonight. I had only one more class, Advanced Algebra, before school was over, and then Bridget and Aria were gonna meet up at my house to help me get ready.

I breathed in a deep, satisfying breath. It didn't matter if I was indoors. I felt like I could feel the sun shining down on my shoulders as I walked down the halls, a subtle smile plastered on my face. Nothing could break my spirit right now.

I wonder if he'll kiss me tonight.

I was on my way to Mr. Marin's math class, a slight bounce in my step, as I turned the corner to find Luke and Griffin talking, their backs to me. My heart and feet stopped simultaneously as I heard some of what they were talking about.

"I think we all know I've always had the balls," Griffin said in a cocky manner..

"True," Luke nodded. "And I guess you have the whole school to back you up on that, seeing as you've been with everyone - well everyone except Haley. Not that you can say that for much longer," he grinned as he nudged Griffin's side and did a little head nod.

My face grew pale. Come on, Griffin, I thought. Please, please say something to stop my over thinking brain from jumping to the worst conclusion right now.

"Dude," Griffin spoke up, the same time my heart began to speed. "That's not what this is about. And that was a long time ago."

"It was last semester."

My ears grew fuzzy as the rest of their conversation became muffled before they disappeared into the classroom. I leaned up against a locker as my head began to spin. I tried to process everything, but my over thinking was beginning to take control.

Is Griffin playing me?

Was I just another girl to me, just a number?

My face grew hot as anger started to boil inside me.

I knew it, I thought. All he ever cared about was his image. He hasn't changed.

I watched as the classroom door closed behind them, followed shortly by our teacher, Mr. Marin, walking in.

I didn't even care I was about to be late. I just hastened my steps as I let my increasing anger take control.

I walked into the classroom in the middle of Mr. Marin's introduction. He gave me a slight glare as he continued to talk, not that I noticed. All I could focus on was where Griffin was seated and the fact that he was just a couple seats away from my desk.

Without even looking at him, I took my seat and opened my Advanced Algebra book. I tried to focus on whatever crap Mr. Marin was saying about imaginary numbers, but Luke's words kept echoing through my head.

'You've been with everyone.'

I blinked a few times as I looked down at my math book.

'Everyone except Haley.'

I began to tap my foot feverishly .

'I think we all know I've always had the balls.'

I snorted to myself. I think we've all known you've always been a jerk.

I was finally starting to grasp some of what Mr. Marin was saying when my train of thought was once again obstructed by a mini paper airplane landing in my lap.

Without looking up to see who it came from, I carefully unfolded the piece of paper under my desk.

Looking forward to tonight :) -G

Oh I bet you are, I mentally scoffed before rolling my eyes and tossing it behind me. I didn't even bother turning around. I was left to my imagination of what his facial expression took of my ignoring him.


I managed to leave the classroom and get home without running into anybody. Just as class was ending, I just darted out of there. I remember hearing Griffin calling after me, but for some reason I just kept walking. By the time I reached my house, my mind was clouded with a million different thoughts and questions. But mostly, I was just hurt.

And mad.

...And a little confused. Every minute I spent with Griffin, except maybe the first five minutes, felt so genuine. But now I just felt like a fool for believing one word he ever said.

So much for nothing breaking my spirit.

I thought he actually cared, I sighed to myself as I walked in the front door.

"Hi honey!" my mom chirped as she continued to dust the bookshelf. "The Kacey's are coming for dinner so just make sure to keep the house clean until then, ok sweety?"

I was so distracted with my own thoughts I just mumbled an 'ok' as I went upstairs, hardly registering what she even said.

Closing my door, I collapsed on the bed.

Did she just say the Kacey's were coming? I exhaled, not even wanting to think about having dinner with James; or the fact that my mom failed to tell me this until last minute again - although who could blame her based on my history. I would've just given her an excuse to get out of it and make her reschedule if she told me in advance like I always did. It's no wonder she just springs these things on me now.

Grunting, I rolled over and grabbed my oversized teddy bear from my bed and held it tightly.

"Oh Mr. Cuddles, what do I do?"

Yes, I named my teddy bear Mr. Cuddles. I was five, so don't judge. Besides, between his fluffy fur and largeness, he was very cuddly if I say so myself.

As I thought and over thought about what to do, one thing became for sure.

I was not going on that date with Griffin, even if it meant having dinner with James.

I grunted again as I heard my phone ring. It was probably the girls seeing as they're supposed to be here any minute.

Letting go of Mr. Cuddles, I rolled over and answered my phone.

"Hey," I answered practically emotionless after seeing it was Bridget.

"Hey, you took off so suddenly after school I didn't get a chance to talk to you," Bridget replied sounding a little concerned. "Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know Aria and I are on our way and we'll be there soon."

"Don't bother," I sighed.

"What?" she chuckled. "You said we could help you get ready and you're not getting out of wearing makeup that easily," she teased.

"No, I mean it. Just go home, ok? I'm sorry if I wasted your time and I'll pay you back for whatever gas you used," I persisted, even though we lived so close she probably hardly made a dent in her fuel tank.

"What do you mean? What about your date with Griffin?"

I sighed. "I'm not going." I hung up before I could hear her response.

*Griffin's POV*

I searched my locker for my Advanced Algebra book. It probably wouldn't be taking me so long if I actually cared to organize everything, but who has time for that? Speaking of time, after practice today I'll have to rush home to make sure I have time to shower before Haley's and my date.

My mouth twitched up at the thought of her. I can't believe I was going out with Haley today.

Finally, after a couple of a minutes I found it buried under a hoodie and an old paper lunch bag. Crumbs from the bag spilled out all over my hoodie as I lifted my math book and began to shut my locker.

As it swung shut, Luke's face appeared right behind it as I was startled and jumped.

"Oh hey," I said as my heart resumed to it's normal tempo.

Luke stared at me. "'Hey?' Dude, where have you been all week? I haven't seen you since last Friday at practice. Not to mention you haven't even been at lunch!"

"Luke," I grinned. "Slow down."

"Sorry, it's just you never miss a meal. That's like my cat forgetting to sleep. It just doesn't happen."

"Well it didn't," I chuckled. "I've been hanging out with Haley. And I asked the principle if I could switch my lunch time."

Luke's brows scrunched together. "Why?"

I shrugged. "Cause."

His face relaxed as realization hit. "Ohh, because Haley switched, riiight. So what, you're following her around, lover-boy?"

"Har har, I'm no 'lover-boy,'" I rolled my eyes as I turned to walk away, putting my back to his obnoxious grin. Only he was chuckling by my side again within seconds as we walked to class.

"Fine dude, whatever. Let's just hang after practice today, alright? It's been awhile."

"Sorry, man. I can't. I got a date with Haley tonight." A smirk I couldn't wipe off immediately appeared on my face.

Luke stopped in the middle of the hallway as he turned to me.

"Dude," he raised a hand in the air for a high five. "No way, that's awesome! So you finally grew some balls, huh?" he teased after slapping his extended hand with mine.

"Hold up. What do you mean? I think we all know I've always had the balls," I defended myself confidently.

He just nodded his head in thought as we resumed walking. "True, and I guess you have the whole school to back you up on that, seeing as you've been with everyone - well everyone except Haley. Not that you can say that for much longer," he grinned as he nudged my side and did a little head nod.

"Dude," I stopped him before he said anything else. "That's not what this is about. And that was a long time ago."

"It was last semester."

"The point is," I interrupted him as we entered the classroom. "I don't wanna be that guy that has a new date every week anymore."

"So you don't wanna be you," he just stared at me.

"I don't wanna be a douche, Luke," I stared back at him, my voice a little tight with seriousness. I took my seat as the teacher walked in. "And I like to think I haven't been for the past couple months."

"Afternoon class," Mr. Marin, our algebra teacher, began.

Luke lowered his voice as he gave me a side glance from his desk. "You'd like for youto think that, or Haley?"

The classroom door opened, distracting me from Luke's question. I smiled as I saw it was Haley. But something about her seemed different than when I saw her at lunch. It seemed like something was bothering her. She never even bothered a glance in my direction as she took her seat right in front and one desk to the right of mine.

I couldn't decipher what it was, but something was definitely off about her.

I couldn't focus at all in class. I usually don't have a problem paying attention, even in math, but I couldn't stop looking at Haley and wondering if everything was ok.

My mind began to race as a thought occurred to me.

Did something happen with James?

I clenched my fists in anger. I hated this whole James business and everything her parents continued to put her through. How can they do that to their own daughter?

I tried to bring my attention back on the class, seeing as sitting here thinking about it wasn't gonna solve all my problems. But everything Mr. Marin was saying just seemed so pointless right now.

What if her parents stop her from going on our date?

I grew more nervous with each passing minute. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, if everything was still ok for tonight. But during class in front of everyone was not really the place to do it. Thinking of the next best thing, I ripped out a corner of my notebook paper.

Looking forward to tonight :) -G

I wrote, before folding it up in a mini airplane and flying it discreetly into her lap. I figured straight up asking what was wrong wouldn't be the thing to do over passing notes. So instead I thought I'd be safe and just beat around the bush.

I watched as she opened it. When I expected her to turn around with maybe one of her cute smiles or something, see just crumpled it up and tossed it to the side. She wasn't even gonna write back, let alone spare me a glance in response?

That settles it. Something was wrong, and I was gonna get to the bottom of it.

I figured I'd confront her after class. But before I knew it, the bell had rung and she was already out of there faster than I could even have time to process anything.

I saw her brown waves bounce away as she left the room.

"Haley!" I called out.

But it was too late. Whether she heard me or not, she didn't come back.

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