RWBY: The War (PART 1)

By St4rkiller2001

9.5K 129 20

I do not own RWBY or Star Wars More

Films and Games that will take place (Timeline Order)
Dante's BIO
Chapter 1 (AOTC)
Chapter 2 (AOTC)
Chapter 3 (AOTC)
Chapter 4 (AOTC) (Very Short)
Chapter 5 (AOTC) (Extremely Short)
Chapter 6 (AOTC)
Chapter 7 (AOTC) (Short)
Chapter 8 (AOTC) (Short)
Chapter 9 (AOTC)
Chapter 10 (AOTC) (Short)
Chapter 11 (AOTC)
Chapter 12 (AOTC)
Chapter 13 (AOTC) (Short)
Chapter 14 (AOTC)
Chapter 15 (AOTC)
Chapter 16 (AOTC) (Short)
Chapter 17 (AOTC)
Chapter 18 (AOTC)
Chapter 19 (AOTC)
Chapter 20 (AOTC)
Chapter 21 (AOTC Finale) (Extremely Short)
Dante's New Bio
Ahsoka's BIO
Crimson's BIO
My OC Team
People and their roles (Republic Era) (Only Replacements)
Chapter 22 (TCW) (Short)

Prolouge (Before Schnee (Kenobi))

404 5 3
By St4rkiller2001

At the Jedi Temple, (Y/N) was looking out the window waiting for his master, Dante Schnee who was with his family. Just then Dante enters with the rest of the Schnee Family except for Weiss as she was in Beacon Academy, making a name for herself.

Dante: Ah, there you are.

(Y/N): Was beginning to think you weren't coming, Master.

Dante: Good. Then, maybe I stand more of a chance this time. Are you ready?

The two Jedi ready their lightsabers while the Schnee Family watches at the door with anticipation.

(Y/N): Are you?

Dante: Then, let's begin.

The two begin circling each other and (Y/N) makes the first move by attacking Dante. The two fight with with caution to not hurt each other but with medium amount of speed.

Dante: You grow to aggressive, (Y/N). Be mindful. A jedi's goal is to defend life, not take it.

(Y/N) attempts to slash Dante, but he dodges and is back to back with (Y/N).

(Y/N): Mercy doesn't defeat an enemy, Master.

The two begin fighting again with the Schnee Family starting to get concerned about where it's heading as the two are caught in a saber lock.

(Y/N): Which is why you're gonna lose.

The two jedi continued to duel with (Y/N) growing more aggressive with his attacks. The two pick up with speed in their duel.

(Y/N): There's no way out, Master.

(Y/N) then starts to slam his lightsaber blade on Dante's with aggression over and over again until their in another saber lock.

(Y/N): Admit, you are beaten.

Dante gets out of the lock and begins to fight again until (Y/N) disarms him of his lightsaber.

(Y/N): There. Your weapons gone. It's over.

Dante: Your need for victory, (Y/N), it blinds you.

(Y/N) attempts to slash Dante but he dodges the attack and uses the force to take (Y/N)'s lightsaber and deactivated it much to the Schnee Family's relief.

Dante: You're a great warrior, (Y/N), but your need to prove yourself is your undoing. Until you overcome it, a Padawan you will still be.

Dante gives (Y/N) his lightsaber back and they walk away with Dante picking up his own lightsaber.

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