Empires Short Stories

By cr1s-tali-zation

5.5K 126 78


Scott's Damaged Wing
Katherine and Joel are... Siblings?
Monthly Dare Challenge
Headmaster Gem, can you help us?
Empires SMP incorrect quotes
Empires SMP incorrect quotes #2
-Dare Doom's Day-
Empires incorrect quotes #3
Empires incorrect quotes #4
Empires incorrect quotes #5
Empires incorrect quotes #6
Pix's got a child?
It's that time of the year again
Sandella Riffs
Empires incorrect quotes #7 (and why are we still counting?)
Empires incorrect quotes.. 8?
Incorrect quotes 9

Joel gets his Axolotl form

433 9 0
By cr1s-tali-zation

"Lizzie?" Joel called. "Lizzie, where are you?" He was on a boat in the middle of the ocean, next to the villager lilypad. The ocean villagers eyed him in a stare that said "shut up stranger"  Joel carefully backed away and accidentally fell into the water.

Down he sank in the water. Water went in his nose while he tried to get back up on his boat. He sank deeper in the water, deep enough that the shipwreck of Lizzie could be seen by Joel. "Joel?" Lizzie said, swimming over to get him. "Joel, hang on!" She quickly swam over to the Prisma Palace and set him on the steps. "Thanks Lizzie" he coughed.

On the Prisma Palace, Joel started to explain why he came. "I wanted to be like, you know your axolotl form, thing?" Lizzie nodded "So I thought, could I like, have some kind of my own form? But not like yours that's permanent! Something I can get like whenever I want?"

Lizzie blinked. "Wait, are you sure Joel?" "Yeah, it could reduce the harm of almost drowning just like earlier." Joel replied. "Alright, Gem could have something to help with that, I'll go on a journey later, I'll call you when I have it." Lizzie said. "Thanks Lizzie. Love you!" he said, as he set off to fly with his rockets. 

"Wait" Lizzie thought "If he had his elytra, why did he go on boat? Did he-" Lizzie realized "Oh that doofus. Love you too Joel."


At Crystal Cliffs, Gem greeted Lizzie and they had a short talk. 

"Hello Lizzie! What brings you here?" Gem excitedly said. "Ocean's blessings Gem. Have you something that might turn a specific person into something like me, but not permanently?" Gem paused. "I guess so, let me check! Fwhip, we have a visitor!" 

"Oh hey there Lizzie!" Fwhip said, poking his head out. He went and sat right next to Lizzie. "Hey Fwhip, ocean's blessings." Lizzie replied. Suddenly, a loud crash came from a distant room. The both of them dashed to see what happened. 

"Nope that's just plain colored water." Gem muttered. "Potion of water breathing, potion of bending," she said, tossing the bottles behind her. Lizzie almost got hit by a death potion and- "Potion of mouth-loss..." the potion flew and hit Fwhip, causing his mouth to disappear. Lizzie eyed Fwhip when another potion flew into Fwhip causing his mouth to come back. As he sighed Gem tossed another death potion which made Lizzie say "DUCK!" and that caught Gem's attention. "Duck? Where?" She said looking around. "Uh Gem? Could you do it without the potion tossing?" Fwhip asked. "Oops. Sorry" Gem said.

After a while, and after a load full of sorries, Gem found a 3 stacks of the food thing that would turn Joel into half-axolotl. Gem also included 3 stacks of a potion which would turn him back human. "Just a question, who are you gonna use it on?" Gem asked. "Oh, Joel asked me." Lizzie smiled. She set the payment in the shulker box, left it there, and flew away. "Wait, Joel really asked for that?" Fwhip said. "I guess so, can't wait to see how he'll look." Gem replied.


Lizzie landed in the beautiful Mezalean empire. The Mezalean Palace is colorful and very large and pretty. Joel was sitting in his starter tent, obviously waiting for Lizzie. "Joel! I got the things!" Lizzie exclaimed. "That's great Lizzie, let's go to your place, so we can have privacy." Joel said. Lizzie agreed and they both flew to the Prisma Palace.

"Are you ready Joel?" Lizzie asked. "There's no going back, and I'm absolutely not flying back to Crystal Cliffs to return this." "Okay, okay I understand." Joel assured her. He took the small white pellet and ate it. "Yuck- it tastes weird" he gagged. "It's not supposed to taste good silly." Lizzie said. "Now what?" he asked. "I ate it, now what?"  "We wait!" Lizzie said. "Alright, fiine." Joel sighed.

Suddenly, Joel felt this tingling sensation in his hands. He looked and he saw his hands going green and getting scales. "Lizzie... whats happening?" he asked. "It's starting! Oh I'm so excited!" Lizzie exclaimed. 

Joel's skin turned green, covered in scales. He grew gills and his ears became more larger and fin-like. He grew a tail also, but his hair was still normal, and so was his clothes. 

"Yay! Oh you look so cool!" Lizzie said "You're a Joel-xolotl now!" Joel smiled. "Do I look good?" "Yeah! Come on, the axolotls will be happy to see you!" She dragged him to the bubble elevator and the axolotl started talking all at once.

"Queen Lizzie!"
"We missed you!"
"King Joel!"
"You look like us King Joel!"
"Queen Lizzie and King Joel look alike!"

Joel freezed mid-swim. "Do you hear them talking?" he asked. "Yeah, I do, it's really cool now you can hear them. Oh, and you're not drowning anymore!" Lizzie said. "Right!" Joel said, swimming in circles around the dome. "Should we reveal the transformation to them?" Lizzie asked. "Sure, maybe later." Joel replied. 


Lizzie and Joel called a meeting at the Mezalean Palace, and one by one, the kings and queens started to come. Jimmy arrived first, tumbling clumsily, then standing saying "Oops, sorry, hehe." Then when he saw Joel, he stopped moving. The others followed, with Scott asking Jimmy why he was standing still. Jimmy pointed and everyone took a look at Joel. 

"Oh my god..." Scott muttered.
"Joel! Nice makeover!" Joey exclaimed.
"..." Shubble looked
"That's Joel?" Pixlriffs asked
"Dang you look cool Joel" Fwhip said
"Your skin is green!" Katherine observed
"Is that a tail?" Sausage pondered
"Like your fins Joel" Gem said
"Cool..." Pearl watched in awe
"Is that really Joel?" Jimmy whispered to Lizzie

"Yes everyone, this is Joel, aka Smallishbeans. He just changed a little." Lizzie said. Joel sighed. "Thanks by the way Gem for the thing," Gem winked "Happy to help!" 


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