𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙮 || 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙪�...

Von urownwhore

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Von urownwhore


"Come on Marcus" I yell at the coffee drenched boy. "I'm not being late for AP Black Arts, it's Master Lin's class"

The boy ran up to me, shaking all the coffee of of him onto me.

"What the fuck!?" I said giving him a death stare.

"If I'm going to class coved in coffee, so are you" we both sighed.


As the pair sat down in there assigned seats in class, that just so happens to be next to each other, Master Lin walked in.

"Just in time" I whispered to the boy with the clock ticking in the background.

"Welcome to pure hell for 1 whole hour" I continued before realising Lin was starring at me.

Lin made his way to the middle of the classroom. "World War I was started by a teenager with a pistol. A Serbian peasant who chose to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand."

Lin moved his cane forwards taking long, slow steps.

"Set in motion..." is what I heard, zoning out. Zoning back in a second later to curiosity. Hearing paper being written on.

I looked around the room for the noise, just to see Brandy folding a note, it had something written on it, I couldn't tell what it was though, she kept it hidden.

"A chain reaction culminating in two world wars and todays Cold War." I hear Lin say still focusing on Brandy and what she was passing Marcus.

Brandy passed the note to the boy whom was sat behind her, Marcus.

"Character is revealed though choice. Consider for a moment." Lin said walking past the boy who had now just received a note.

I was focused on the boy, waiting for him to open the note. He just stared at it though to my disappointment.

Lin held up his cane thrashing it down on the note that laid upon the boys desk, clearly making his heart skip a beat. I just yawn to this gesture. While  Marcus, on the other hand, moved his hand and grabbed it in order to not get hit.

I place my feet on the desk and watched as the scene plays out.

Lin began to walk back to the boys desk, lifting his cane up to the boys face height.

"Sorry, I was just..." Marcus couldn't finish his sentence before Lin whipped his stick back into Brandy's face, making her nose bleed.

"Jesus" the boy exclaimed blood splattering his all ready coffee stained shirt, a lot more got on my though.

"Fuck sake, I just got a new shirt!" I screamed.

Brandy held her nose in pain, the boy just looking at her speechless. I knew Brandy better than Marcus and knew she was not affected by this.

The boy began to breath heavily and watch Master Lin's stick, before the Master just walked on.

Viktor chuckled and I couldn't blame him, the boys reaction was rather amusing.

"Who would be the recipient of your rage? A thief, child molester" Marcus began to look around.

"A world leader?" Marcus focused on Brandy, which was wiping her blood onto her finger. Marcus grew astonished as he saw the girl lick the blood and smile.

"This one decision betrays all secrets and unveils true motive." Lin continued to speak. "Hey kid, don't be worried that's nothing. I'm sure you've been though worse. Right?" I whispered to the shook boy.

I giggled and turned back to Lin. Quickly turning back to Marcus as I heard paper unfolding.

"What's on it?" curious me asked. The boy just gave me the paper and rolled his eyes. I read the note which said 'your dead meat'. This made me snarl.

"Hey, it's ok little guy. I'll protect you" I swore to the shaken up boy, earning me a slight look from him.

"Ask yourself. On that dark ledge, poised to strike with clean opportunity..." Lin turned back to the class.

"Who would you kill?" I thought about this, my answer was still simple though... abusers, just like my farther.

"Your homework tonight, half your semester grade, will tell me who you really are. Use your training. Search the city for a worthy target. Someone you think deserves to die, and kill them."

The tension was broken by the sound of the bell.

"Discard the body, hide all evidence. Bring me proof." I gathered my things and stood up.

"You coming?" Marcus nodded, picking up his books to.

As we began to walk out, we heard Willie say to them "No problem for killers like you two." I just roll my eyes. "You bet it isn't, and if your not careful it might just be you. No one likes a bully." I sarcastically responded.

Me and Willie had been friends for ages but he always ignored me in front of his friends, what annoys me.

"Sorry about him Marcus, that's Willie, he's a look bad but I'm really soft and can't hurt a fly type. We got hand to hand combat next, won't this be fun?" I asked, getting no response to her combat question just a dorky remark about Willie.

"Why's Willie such a dick?" Marcus questioned. "Because he's not a rat Marcus. Legacy's don't like rats, your a rat, they aren't going to like you. I do though." I said wiggling my eyebrows up and down, getting a laugh out of Marcus.

I could see me and Marcus were already bonding a close friendship, one of those ones were you would go to jail just to protect the other one. I didn't feel like this for anyone, only Billy. Not even Saya.


As we were walking to hand to hand combat, we found ourselves getting into conversation.

I felt a hand wrap around my waist as Marcus was going on about his favourite activities.

"Billy" I said turning around, high-fiving the green haired boy. "You and Marcus, aye?. Never would have guessed" I roll my eyes. "No, Billy. We are just friends. Plus can you imagine me, the almighty god, with that street trash." I clicked my tongue to this. I look over at Marcus to see him falling behind, just looking at the ground.

I felt bad, as I could tell he didn't take what I said as a joke. I ran up to the frowning boy swinging my arms around his neck looking him in the eyes, just how I had done then night I brought him back.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I offended you. It's just me and Billy's humour. And for your information, I would totally date street trash like you." I smirk as I looked into Marcus's eyes.

I let my arms go from around Marcus's neck,  running back up to Billy.


I was sat in class, on my knees, next to Billy and Petra. I was listening to Miss De Luca, but my attention was stuck on the new student sat across the room.

"When the Republic of Texas openly declared genocide, which Indian tribe survived for another 40 years?" Miss De Luca asked the class. Marcus realised I was looking at him at this point and gave me a smile back making me turn my head away in embarrassment.

"Well, they all got done in the end." Willie jokingly responded. But Miss De Luca was never the jokey type.

I always liked Miss De Luca, she was a strict but genuine teacher. One of the only non-bias ones.

Willie laughed at his comment, only him though as the rest of the class knew better. The smug boy cleared his throat before the teacher turned to him.

"Sorry Miss De Luca" Willie pleaded.

"The fierce Comanche survived." I answer. Miss De Luca nodded her head.

"They survived due only to strength and cunning." Marcus added.

"you're good for a new boy" I sarcastically added.

"Remember, hand-wringing liberal ideals won't keep you safe. The world respects those who can protect themselves." I saw Marcus struggling with his belt. This made me chuckle a bit.

"Every opponent has a weakness. Pick a partner. Find theirs." I got up and walked over to Marcus, just beating Maria to it.

I grabbed the boys belt pulling it tight. "No, no, I'm good" the boy pleaded, having no clue how to fight.

"Come on" I turned to see Billy on the floor in Viktor's grasp.

"Dude, I know you got me in this leg shear, but your boner's digging into my chest cavity." I turned back to the boy.

"See that's what happens if your a pussy and don't try, now come on" I said dragging to boy onto court.

"Also I forgot to mention, sorry about Chico. I'll fix that. He's only tough if you let him be tough." I patted the boys chest.

"Look I know you're crazy or whatever, but you shouldn't mess with him." I said once again to the boy.

"Then Maria shouldn't date such an asshole." I clench my jaw, hearing the boy say that before placing his hand on my waist.

"Their... complicated."  I said, Saya smashing her opponent to the floor.

"Girls always go for the dickheads" Marcus looked at Saya. I turned around to look at Saya as well.

"Not me." Saya was now looking at Marcus. Making her challenger put her to the ground.

"And guys always go for the girls they can't have." I said annoyed.

This made me slightly angry, placing the boys hand back on my waist more violently this time.

Marcus stared at Viktor whom was about to break Billy's arm. "Really Viktor?" I shout. Making Viktor only dislocate Billy's shoulder.

Marcus was still staring at the pair with a astonished look. "Is someone going to help him?" The boy asked.

"Bogus move. Should have elbow-knee escaped into a triangle. Their size doesn't matter." I laughed at Marcus, who was still staring at Billy on the floor.

I grabbed Marcus's face, turning it back to mine. "It's ok, I'll show you. Hand here and here." I placed one hand on my waist, again, and one on my shoulder.

"So before I defeat you, why did you actually come back?" I already knew the answer but wanted to see if the boy would lie.

"I needed a place to hide from the pigs" I knew this was a lie, but I didn't say that.

"I think you need a better reason..." I flipped the boy upside down and held him between my legs.

Marcus grunted as he hit the floor. "Thought of any?"

The boy began to breath heavier and smirked at me, who had just let go of the boy. "You need to work on your reflexes if you want to survive here. Attacks can come from anywhere."

"Well done Scarlet, that was quite the performance. And you Lopez, you need work. Your new so I will let you off."  Ms De Luca walked back to front of the class and spoke.

"Class Dismissed." I got up and offered my hand to the worn out boy.

"Get up, we need to get a clean uniform before next class. We only have 5 minutes." Marcus took her hand and got up.


"Give me your uniform Arguello!" I screamed at the resisting boy.

Marcus gave up and gave his uniform to me. "There!" I sigh. "Thank you."

I put there uniforms in the sink adding washing powder to the water. I was priding and squishing the clothes around before hanging them up on hangers to dry.

"There, they will be dry in a couple hours" I persisted, drying my hands on a hand towel that was next to my sink.

"What will we wear until then?" The boy asked.

"Spare uniform..." I said pulling a disgusted face.


The two were now walking down the stairway.

"Whatcha listening to?" I said stealing the boys headphones.

"Gross!" I exclaimed. "Not gross, just... not your style." I roll my eyes.

Marcus closed his locker. "Tell me, what's on you're mind?" Marcus let out a deep breath.

"Did I just join a cult." The boy said not wanting a answer. A monk walked up to the two and handed Marcus a box, which he opened. It contained the annual rat bones, these dignified your a rat. Bottom of the food chain.

I laughed at the boys face. "Fuck, I think I just joined a cult!" Marcus said actual getting a answer to his question.

"Not quite, but basically yea." I said in response.

"Master Lin told me my reputation has already spread." I didn't look at the boy, I didn't want to know what he thought of that.

"It'll cause you grief with the local savages." I whispered.


In poison lab Marcus and Billy were sat together, and me and Viktor were sat together.

"In this case, the victim dies in a spectacularly nasty fashion, as blood seeps from every orifice." Said Jürgen Denke.

"Prepare your poison, students. We will be killing these animals in 2 minutes." I don't like poisons as I didn't like killing animals and found poison, frankly, quite boring.

I turned around to face Billy and Marcus. "Hey, dude, hello?" Billy whispered to the boy to get his attention. "Dude, be rad. Get Viktor's attention for me." I laughed as I knew exactly what Billy was doing and I was totally down.

"Why?" The boy asked. Making me roll my eyes. "For the good of the common people" I replied.

"Come on" Billy pushed. The boy looked around and focused on his books, knocking them off the desk.

"Hey, sorry, could you grab that for me?" Marcus asked nicely.

Billy handed me the poison what I slipped into Viktors drink while he was talking to Marcus.

"Pick up your own books soft boy." Marcus lifted his hand as to say sorry. The boy then picked up his books and we all watched Viktor.

"Name one common industrial poison. Ideal for making a statement." Jürgen Denke asked.

Viktor put his hand up. "Viktor." I couldn't wait to hear the Russians answer, he was never creative. Always boring.

"Sodium cyanide." I scoffed. "Victim is dead in seconds."

"You wanna make a statement, strychnine leaves your victim contorted and convulsing for hours." I said still looking and writing down notes in my book.

"Good, Scarlet. And why do we want it known that this wasn't an accident?" I sighed.

"Poison delivers a clear message. No one is safe from you." As I was finishing my answer, Viktor took a sip of his drink. The moment that we had all been waiting for.

"Anywhere." I continued looking straight at Viktor.

"Outstanding" Jürgen Denke praised me.

"Hey..." Viktor turned to me.

"Maybe, uh, you and me, we study tonight?" Viktor asked. "So we can bang? Not even in your nightmares, Ferrell boy. Now fuck off!" I snapped back.

Marcus smirked at me, straight ahead as I was sat in front of him. "Stop smirking Arguello." This made Marcus stop.

Viktor's stomach began to gurgle and the boy shot up from his seat.

Everyone was snow staring at the Russian boy. "Sit down Viktor!" Jürgen shouted.

"I must use lavatory." I chuckled. "I said sit down!"

"Do it!" Denke pointed to the constipated boy. Viktor slowly lowered himself down back into his chair, in the meantime letting out a long, wet fart.

Everyone was laughing and holding there noses. Jürgen Denke came up to the table and took Viktor's soda can. He smelt it.

"Learn from his shame, class. Viktor invited this attack with his arrogance." I turned back to Marcus, who was sat right behind the boy, "disgusted Arguello?" I said and winked at the boy.

"You always remember this." I was managing to hold in my laugh, Billy not so much. He was laughing his head off until Jürgen told his to clean it up.


The bell had just rang and Billy was just getting the mop. "How do you like the most boring lesson in the world, Marcus?" I asked.

"Oh it fucking fantastic!" The boy replied sarcastically. "You two hypocrites, I can still hear you, now leave my class!" Me and Marcus held each others hands before scurrying out of the classroom. Both breaking down laughing, I managed to get out "wasn't that the most fun you've had all day? Well it's lunchtime better get ready for more..."



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