Diamond Heart [Chishiya x OC...

By Hairu_yuki

15.1K 332 125

Hairu Miyamora : an artist, bookworm and astrology lover at the same time. After the incident that led to her... More

1. Into borderland
2. Connected
4. Bullet
5. Fever
6. In Control
7. Fragile
8. Only in my dreams
9. Sweet encounter
10. Candy kiss
11. Sweetheart
12. Together

3. Pride flag

1.2K 29 3
By Hairu_yuki

We arrived at The Beach and it wasn’t quite how I pictured it : it wasn’t near the beach and its original name was Seaside Paradise outside Tokyo – a huge holiday hotel. Chishiya didn’t lie about the electricity, bright lights decorated the walls and music became audible as we entered through the gate.

I exited the car taking my bag and waited for Chishiya to enter the building for me to follow. The welcoming room was a huge gathering area with couches between the pillars with either a group of friends seated or couples making out publicly.

 Chishiya must have noticed that I walked slower frowning at the scene, “The clubs are worse.”

I followed him upstairs realising that I might have to draw a map of this building too. The hallways were quite spacious and seemed to always be victim of the sun’s light. We arrived at a big door with two guys guarding it with guns. Their height and intimidating faces made me shiver, following Chishiya faster into the room.

I was greeted by a huge room with no furniture and a big window at the opposite wall. My gaze danced between the people in the room : a stone faced male with glasses, a woman with short black hair and sunglasses, a creepy woman with long black hair, the familiar army guy and a male with only swimming shorts and a Japanese patterned cardigan. So we have to wear swimwear at this place?

“We have a new pawn, Hatter.” Chishiya said leaving me in the middle of the room and leaned against the wall.

The guy I assumed was Hatter, walked until he was about a meter out of my reach, “And who is this?” He asked looking me up and down.

“I’m Hairu Miyamora. Chiya over there said that I could be of some use to you guys. Whatever that means.” I destroyed the possibility of Chishiya introducing me.

The army guy stepped forward, “Chishiya told me about her skills in the tag game. He said that her specialty might be Diamonds and maybe Clubs.”

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. Where did this guy come from? I inspected his appearance : black hair and he had a good amount of piercings on his face. He was wearing a cool shirt though.

“Aguni, we shouldn’t just let anyone join the Beach.” He looked down at me again and licked his lips, “ But I guess I will let this one slide just because this one is cute.”

I took a few steps away from the piercing guy, but he still intruded my personal bubble. I guess the army guy is Aguni. Hatter put his hands on my shoulders making me lose the little comfort I had left.

“You’re making her uncomfortable, Niragi.” Hatter told Niragi with an angry face, but it faltered to a smile when he looked back at me, “You must really be special if Chishiya of all people invited you here. I guess I need to explain the rules of this utopia.”

He removed his hands and snapped his fingers. A wall covered in solitaire card drawings made an appearance. Most of the cards were crossed out, non being the face cards. Cautiously I walked closer to the wall.

“The first rule of the Beach is that everyone has to wear swimwear. The second rule works in everyone’s favor.” Hatter looked me right in the eye, “ You can drink, get high and even satisfy all your sexual desires.”

My eyes almost lost its position , “Wha…”

Hatter interrupted me continuing his speech, “But all the cards you have in your possession must be handed over to me. If we collect all the cards, one person can leave this country.”

“So you’re saying that I must risk my life and play deadly games in order for someone else to return to the original world?” I asked just to verify that my ears are still working like they should.

Hatter clapped his hands with a big smile, “Exactly. There is no way that one person can get all the cards on their own.”

I glanced at Chishiya and he only slightly shook his head, saying that I shouldn’t argue with them.

I placed my hands into my pockets, “I guess that makes sense.” I lied through my teeth, “Any other rules, Mad Hatter?”

Hatter lost his jolly attitude, “Death to traitors.” Not a single emotion existed in those words.

“Okay then. Am I going to get my own room?” I asked with caution because of Hatter’s change of mood, which could apparently change just as much mine.

His welcoming smile returned, “Yes. Although the locks on the doors are damaged with super glue, therefore you can’t hide anything.” He glanced at the woman with sunglasses, “Ann, would you mind showing Miss Hairu an available room?”

Ann walked past me, “Follow me.”

“I will make a midnight visit at your room, Hairu!” Niragi yelled as I followed Ann.

I wanted to give him a bitchy reply, but I remembered Chishiya stopping me before.

“He’s not bluffing. You need to be careful.” Ann said as we turned at the end of the hallway.

All the hope I had Ieft of staying a virgin fell to the earth’s core, “No privacy, got it.”

We stopped at the end of the hallway on the 4th floor. As expected, there was no need for Ann to unlock my room’s door. A sunlit room took me in and shared its sunshine and calmness with me. A king sized bed covered with white bedding accompanied by a nightstand with a lamp. A decent sized closet in the corner and a minimalistic dresser. Fortunately my room had its own adjusted bathroom. The noise of the music downstairs seemed to be faded away up here, which I would benefit from. Slowly, as if my presence would ruin the soothing atmosphere, I sat down on the bed.

“If you need anything, you can always find me for help.” Ann said before walking out and closing the door.

I searched through my bag for my swimwear. I took my black bikini with red dragon prints paired with a pair of black shorts, and changed in the bathroom. With dissatisfaction, I judged my appearance in the bathroom mirror. This rule was really dumb. Sighing in defeat, I walked back to my bag and unpacked my books and little amount of art supplies. If this was my new way of living, I had to at least make this room identical to my old one. But after contemplating my desires, I decided that my top priority should be to hide from Niragi. The thought of asking Chishiya for support, crossed my rushing mind, but I had my doubts about him considering me as someone worth the effort. I had no other choice but to go and make social interactions in order to gain more friends.

As I walked beside the pool, barely sidestepping the dancing bodies, I felt self consciousness overpower me. Even if I knew the people were minding their own business, it felt as if everyone’s eyes were glued onto me. These people were clearly living every second to the fullest.

Feeling dizzy from the music and movements surrounding me, I took a seat at one of the sun loungers. It wasn’t long before someone took a seat next to me.

“You’re a new one, aren’t ya?” A girl with stylish dreadlocks asked.

I studied her presentation and noticed that she was chewing a stick. Her eyes seemed warm and hospital, “Uh, yes. I’m Hairu Miyamora.” I reached my hand out for a handshake.

She took my hand with a smile, “ I’m Kuina Hikari. Socializing not your cup of coffee?”

I shook my head, laughing nervously, “Not really. I only vibe with certain people. Then I can’t shut up.” Kuina’s smile widened, “Well I guess I’m comfortable with you.” I laughed.

Kuina released a laugh that almost came out of her throat, “I like you. But why are you out here and not sleeping? Or are you a night owl?”

My gaze froze on the ground after I remembered my headache, “Actually, I need someone to help me… Niragi planned on coming by my room at midnight. I can only imagine what he would do to me.”

With a sympathetic smile she told me that most female newcomers became a victim of Niragi’s flirting attempts. Unfortunately, I was no exception. I sighed heavily after obtaining a caring warning. The warmth of a hand stroke my shoulder.

“If you want, you can stay in my room tonight. I have a big closet in which you can hide, if it were to come to that.” Kuina offered brightly.

“Thank you!” Surprising both parties, I hugged her, “I desperately accept your invitation.”

A new friend was made and in a short amount of time we both had the knowledge of each others’ backgrounds and interests. Walking to Kuina’s room, she informed me about the lack of support she received from her father when she wanted to be a girl, and not a boy. Kuina’s father told her to never go back home, just because his son liked being more feminine and wearing lipstick. As she continued to tell my about her mother and the role she played in her life, the indignation towards her father built up inside me. Kuina was truly admirable ; not a lot of people had the courage to express who they are deep down, just because the fear of rejection overpowered the little bravery  they had. But Kuina stood her ground and surprisingly owned no hatred towards her father. My heart calmed in relief when I heard that her mother accepted her transsexuality.

Kuina’s room was also on the 4th floor right across from mine. When I pointed the location of my room, Kuina laughed saying something about fate. Her room possessed just as much as sunlight, but it was unquestionably bigger than mine. After sprinting to my room, to get my necessities, I flopped onto Kuina’s couch, already making myself at home.

“Why is your room bigger and more gifted than mine?” I asked as she sat down next to me.

“I benefit from having an executive as a friend.” Kuina purred with pride.

I rested my legs over her lap, “Oh? And who is that?”

“His name is Chishiya.”

At the mention of his name, my body naturally leaped up, now also sitting, “Wait, you know Chishiya?”

“Yes, but how do you know him?” Kuina frowned.

Just talking about him injected me with the urge to change my sitting position because of the adrenaline tickling my veins.

“We played a tag game together a few hours ago. He is the reason why I am here at the Beach.” I said rather slowly, because my tongue wanted to twist after every spoken word. Why is my body doing this to me?!

Kuina let out a noise of surprise, “That’s strange. I talked to him about an hour ago and he never mentioned anything about you.”

The sound I made would make one concern if I swallowed my tongue, “That cold-hearted bastard!”

Kuina laughed uncontrollably and wiped the tears from her eyes after cooling down, “He doesn’t hide the fact that he despises people. You’ll get used to it.”

I crossed my arms and pouted, “I get that he doesn’t like people, but at least give me somewhat credit for being a bit smart in tag.”

“I did confess that you’re not stupid.” I turned my head to find the owner of those words : Chishiya. He was lazily leaning against the doorframe with his iconic hands – in – pockets. He stared ice crystals into my being.

“Why didn’t you mention Hairu before?” Kuina asked him with a crossed face.

“Why was mentioning her important?” Chishiya asked blankly.

While I was busy to make the biggest pout, Kuina walked to the lazy cat and scolded him for not being nice and lacking human decency.

“I thought we were allies?” I threw at Chishiya with my eyebrows raised.

He smirked, “Allies, not friends.”

Kuina smacked his arm ready to argue again.

“I guess that’s what you should expect from a heartless asshole.” I said, stone faced also joining the group at the door.

“Correct. Even if I had a heart, I would still be labelled a disappointment.” His words sounded more hollow than usual. So hollow that feelings might be hidden in the word disappointment.

I patted his shoulder, “Whatever you say Einstein. But just so you know, someday you won’t be able to resist me.”

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