A Collection of Short Romances

By vixengirltru

3.3K 18 0

This compilation of short romances were originally posted on Wattpad but I deleted them and the account I had... More

Author's Note
The Dancer
It's Like That

The Dancer - PART 2

451 3 0
By vixengirltru

Amari was hiding in the closet from her three year old and one year old, whoever had come up with the term "terrible twos" was not lying. She couldn't do anything without her three-year old, and almost two-year old following behind. She had to come upstairs to the guest bathroom to hide out and snack on some damn cheese sticks.

"Mummy are you in here?" Amari rolled her eyes as she heard the voice of her three year old in the guest room. Amari had never fought kids in her life but she was ready to square up with her own son. The fuck this kid got?Telepathy??

Amari rolled her eyes to the ceiling has the bathroom lock jiggled. Her three year old had found her. She was gon bust through the bathroom door and whoop his ass if he don't stop.
Fuck them kids.

Author: Fuck the kids?

Amari: And they daddy too

Author: Ain't you already-

Amari: You wanna shut up and write?

Amari ignored him as she munched on her last cheese stick.

"I can hear you."

What the fuck? He got supersonic hearing now? Swallowing her last bite, Amari sat on the toilet seat wondering if she should wait it out and pretend she wasn't inside the bathroom.

"Mum game not funny no more."

Amari glared at the door, she brushed the crumbs off her top, flushing the toilet, sanitizing her hands and slowly opened the bathroom door to her son sitting cross legged, staring earnestly up at her.

Where the hell was this kid's father? Amari didn't know how many times she had to tell Noah to watch the kids while she did something and it seemed she always ended up doing it. Why were they married again?

"Come baby, let's go find daddy." Amari said, lifting her son into her arms. They made their way out of the room and down the stairs. Amari was careful to watch her steps. She walked into the large living room and saw her husband lying asleep on the lounge chair with their eight month old son cuddled to his chest. A wonderful sight but that still didn't give him a pass, he was supposed to be watching the kids not sleeping.

"Mummy dad sleep." Her three year old said, still in her arms.

"Yes baby, he's sleeping." She answered back quietly. Where in the world was her one year old? Glancing around the room she found his legs sticking out from inside the play tent. Of course he would knock out where no one could find him. Slowly she placed her three year old to his feet with a command not to make any noise. She silently moved around the room tidying it up, gently lifting her one year old and placing him beside his sleeping father and brother. Her three year old watched all this without a sound.

Leaving him in the room Amari headed to the kitchen in preparation for dinner. She was undecided but knowing her luck in the kitchen it had to be simple because she felt dead on her feet and it was only late afternoon.

Walking into the pantry she took a box of spaghetti and two cans of pasta sauce, placing them on the counter. She checked the fridge for fresh vegetables to add but decided against taking them out since she felt too tired to start cooking, her lower back was a bit stiff. With a second glance at the kitchen, Amari walked out and made her way to the living room where her family was. Her three year old played quietly with his toys. Amari felt so tired, positioning herself to watch her three year old. She just wanted to close her eyes for a minute. Just a minute.


Amari felt groggy as she woke up. So soft and the blanket was silky. What the hell? Amari jumped up out of the bed. The kids! Looking towards the window she saw that it was dark outside. Damn she slept that long and now the kids must be hungry! Scrambling to right her clothes, Amari hurried to the bedroom door. The handsome face of her husband peeped in.

"You awake?" Noah quipped. His brown locks looked ruffled as if he was running his fingers too many times through it.

"Yeah I am. Where my damn kids at?"

"I just finished putting them to bed including the littlest one."


Noah was confused. This was the part where his wife would strip her clothes off and they would have mind blowing sex but she was just sitting there.


"Huh?" Amari said, her slanted cat eyes tilted up at him, cutting her eyes at him. Amari turned making her way to the bathroom, Noah heard the shower turned on. Yep she was pissed, now what she was pissed for Noah didn't know but he was prepared for war. Noah walked into the master suite walk in closet and grabbed some flannel pajama bottoms sitting on the shelf, shrugging off his white wife beater and jeans he slipped into the bottoms. Dropping to the floor he did a couple push ups to get his blood pumping and sweat dripping. Damn if he wouldn't play dirty. Hearing the shower stopped and her soft footsteps making their way to the closet, Noah turned around pretending to search for something but was really watching the reflection of his wife. He watched as she dropped the towel patting herself dry, her breasts thrust forward. Damn if his wife aint look good after three kids. Stomach still flat, the extra baby weight she carried in her hips and boobs, as she bend her pussy lips peeking out from between her thighs. Noah inwardly groaned Fuck! She really was tryna scramble his mind. She tugged on a red satin nightie that barely reached past her bum, what the fuck? Yep he wasn't gonna hear anything she said. Noah watched as she swished her fine behind out the closet, waiting a couple seconds he followed after her.

Heading towards the bed he watched has she rubbed the almond oil all over her legs, arms and all over her body not paying him any mind. If that wasn't torture Noah didn't know what was, his cock had harden to fucking steel, he shifted uncomfortably in the bed.

"Don't even think about it." Amari said, glancing at him.

"Think bout what?"

"Fucking. You ain't fucking your way out this one hoe."

What in the hell? Noah thought.

"I'm exhausted as it is taking care of your damn kids."

"Oh so they're my kids now?" Noah quipped, arms crossed as he narrowed his eyes at his wife.

"They yo kids when I say they are and right now motherfucka they are."

"Why you gotta be like that?"

"Be like what Noah, tell me? Tell me how I am right?"


"Rude?! Oh like you ain't know that when you first met me. You wanna know why I am angry?!"


"No you shut the fuck up and amma tell you why I'm angry bitch!"

"Now we both know I'm not the female here..."

"Motherfucka did I say you could talk?"


Amari narrowed her eyes at Noah. He looked so damn fine in his flannel pajama bottoms but that wasn't the point.

"You know what makes me pissed?! The fact I ask you to do things and I always end up doing it! I'm your wife not your slave!"

"Babe I did-"

"Don't flipping babe me!"

"Listen woman! What I'm tryna say is-"

"Is what? Whatchu tryna say muthafucka!"


"That's right you ain't got shit to say."

"Well if you let me-'' Noah started to say but stopped as he watched Amari fingered a perfume bottle. He wasn't sure what she was doing but he tensed up ready to flee at any moment. When Amari was angry, objects went flying and bodies dropped, he still remembered the brawl they'd gotten into after Amari had flipped a table.

Sometimes Noah wondered where she got all that got damn strength from but damn if it ain't made him some strong ass kids.

"Like you don't know how I feel." Amari stated, her arms crossed over her chest. Noah felt lost, he wasn't sure what was going on.

"See you don't even listen to me."

"Yeah I do."

"Okay so what did I say?"

"You said something about me not listening to you."

"Before that."

"That I ain't know how you feel?"

"Mhm and before that."

"Huh? Ummm?"

"That's right slick Rick you weren't listening."

"So I can't admire my beautiful wife."

"Admire all you want but trying to butter me up ain't gonna work this time. I know your tricks."

"What tricks?" Noah questioned.

"Ohh the trick called fuck Amari in oblivion so she can shut up. "

"What?" Noah inquired, damn she really knew what he was all about.

He was definitely not getting cake tonight.

"Don't what me motherfucka!"
Amari yelled, as she whipped the hairbrush at her husband's head.

Noah threw himself off the bed, rolling on the floor just in time to see the brush land exactly where his head. Damn why the hell wasn't she some dude playing baseball. Helluva aim. Noah peeped his head over the bed, he watched his wife pace back and forth in front of the vanity. She was talking to herself, ah yeah she was crazy.

"I'm not crazy cuz if I am you're crazy too since you married me!"

Amari said, turning to glare at her husband who was peeping over the bed at her.

"Babe I ain't mean it like that." Noah said standing up, arms up in surrender. How the hell she knew what he said. He was fighting against his instincts to stay hidden until his wife was calm.

"Yes you did you-" Amari said, bursting into tears. Clasping on the bed into a ball, she curled up crying.

Damn, Noah thought to himself look what you did.

"You should've married Becky with the good hair then." Amari sobbed, her body was shaking all over.

Hold up one minute, she was angry the next crying. If Noah ain't knew any better his little minx of a wife was pregnant.

Noah smirked and patted his dick, his plan to keep her barefoot and pregnant was in full steam ahead now. Walking cautiously over to her, Noah slid in behind her and nestled his lower half behind her lush bottom. Swallowing a groan, Noah proceeded to hush his crying wife.

"All I ask is that you do your part." Amari mumbled into the sheets.

"Yeah babe I will." Noah answered back, not bothering to mention he did his part somewhat today while she was napping. Kissing the side of her neck, Noah slowly kissed his way down her arm lifting her hand to place a light kiss on the back of it.

"No sex muthafucka, I'm still angry at you."

"Yeah but lemme kiss all over you babe."

Amari didn't protest as her husband began to kiss her. He kissed her eyes swollen shut from crying, her nose, her cheeks, on her lips a small peck, her neck. Amari felt her lower half twitch, Noah was playing with her clit. She felt her juices begin to flow,

You dirty bitch! Amari thought of cursing her body for it's quick reaction. She knew her black ass should've worn panties to bed. Now she was gonna pay for the consequences. Amari whimpered a little bit as she felt her husband cock nudged her opening. Just the tip, amma let him put just the tip in Amari thought to herself and then Imma tell him pull out, serves him right! What Amari wasn't prepared for was her husband to plunge straight into her secret place.

Ugh! Amari thought as her back arched and her pussy clinched his thick, long cock. Oh! You hoe, Amari cussed at herself, look at you. You lost sis he won. He definitely won.

Their coupling was slow and fierce, Amari's body was a puddle now, her brain turned into mush. She couldn't think clearly but only about the cock that was making her see stars! Ohh shit was that Saturn, Amari thought squinting at the ceiling. Her husband was sucking at her breasts, they felt so sensitive now.

Ohhh shit! This white man was turning her out. Amari felt her body tense as it raced to an earth shattering orgasm- a rush of waves racked her body, thighs shaking, belly quivering and her pussy trying to swallow more of Noah's dick. Amari felt as she crashed to earth and her body went limp. The last thought in her head that muthafucka fuck me into oblivion!

Noah glanced down at his now sleeping wife. He didn't even come yet but he was happy. His wife was pacified, he got some pussy now they sleep, Noah mused, praying she forgot about whatever it was she was arguing about in the morning.

Hold up! Who the hell was Becky with the good hair? Noah thought, slowly drifting into sleep next to his. He had to ask her tomorrow morning, never mind that he ain't want another fight. Forget Becky, he had Amari. Noah kissed her lazily on the forehead and snuggled up close to her.


The next update to The Dancer would be the story of how Amari and Noah met. Idky but I had to come back to Wattpad and share the stories of Amari and Noah, she's a very strong character with a filthy mouth who makes me gasp at times. She comes to life when I write her stories. She's been in the back of my mind (for the last year or so) urging me to finish her novella since she has much to share with you! Just to note, ladies(and gents) these stories/chapters will not be in any particular order so beware. Amari and Noah might not be back until a couple chapters later!


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