Hunchback of Notre Dame

By thelittleblackghost

341K 9.5K 6.2K

Male Esmeralda x Female Reader Based off the Disney movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Y/n) = Your Name (H/l... More

Chapter 1: The Bells of Notre Dame
Chapter 2: Encouragement
Chapter 3: Out There
Chapter 4: The Arrival of the Captain
Chapter 5: The Festival of Fools
Chapter 7: Magnificent Prison
Chapter 8: God Help the Outcasts
Chapter 9: The Escape
Chapter 10: Hellfire
Chapter 11: A Girl Like You
Chapter 12: Heaven's Light
Chapter 13: The Court of Miracles
Chapter 14: The Burning
Chapter 15: The End

Chapter 6: The Disaster

22.1K 662 275
By thelittleblackghost


🎵Clopin: "Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for. Here it is, you know exactly what's in store."🎵

Quasimodo was looking around for (Y/n) and he was wondering what everyone was looking so excited about.

🎵Clopin: "How's the time we laugh until our sides get sore, now's the time we crown the King of Fools!"🎵

"You all remember last year's King?"

Clopin gestured to a man being carried around on a throne as he let out a belch.

🎵Clopin: "So make a face that's horrible and frightening. Make a face that's gruesome as a gargoyle's wing."🎵

"Hey!" Hugo frowned.

🎵Clopin: "For the face that's ugliest will be the King of Fools! Why?"🎵

Clopin began pulling participants into the stage.

🎵Chorus: "Topsy-Turvy!"🎵

🎵Clopin: "Ugly folks, forget your shyness."🎵

Esmeraldo helped Quasimodo into the stage, his cloak slipping off, and stood at the end of the row of participants.

🎵Chorus: "Topsy-Turvy."🎵

🎵Clopin: "You could soon be called Your Highness."🎵

(Y/n) searched the crowd for Quasimodo and saw him up on stage. He looked like he was having fun and she smiled at the sight, and clapped for him.

🎵Clopin: "Put your foulest features on display. Be the King of Topsy Turvy Day!"🎵

Esmeraldo started at the beginning of the line, and began pulling off people's masks. People started making ugly faces, but the crowd booed them off.

(Y/n)'s smile quickly vanished when she saw what was happening and fear covered her face when Esmeraldo got to her brother.

Esmeraldo pulled on Quasimodo's face thinking it was a mask, only to quickly discover that it wasn't. He quickly pulled away and gasped, as did the crowd, and they started shouting things.

"That's no mask!"

"It's his face!"

"He's hideous!"

"It's the bell ringer from Notre Dame!"

Quasimodo looked at all the horror-stricken faces, and Frollo stood from his seat, outraged. Quasimodo tried to cover his face, when Clopin jumped onto the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't panic. We asked for the ugliest face in Paris, and here it is! Quasimodo, the Hunchback of Notre Dame!" He announced, placing the crown on his head.

The crowd cheered and rushed towards him, and lifted him onto their shoulders.

🎵Clopin: "Once a year we throw a party, here in town. Hail to the king! Once a year we turn all Paris upside down."🎵

They threw the old King off the throne and put Quasimodo on it.

🎵Clopin: "Oh, what a King. Once a year the ugliest will wear a crown. Girls, give a kiss!"🎵

Quasimodo passed a bunch of girls, who kissed his face.

🎵Clopin: "We've never had a king like this, and it's the day we do that we deplore on the other three hundred and sixty four."🎵

Quasimodo was carried to another stage and Clopin placed a cape on his shoulders.

🎵Chorus: "Once a year we love to drop in, where the beer is never stopping, for the chance to pop some popinjay."🎵

🎵Clopin: "And pick a King who put the 'top', in Topsy-Turvy!"🎵

Clopin handed Quasimodo a scepter and the crowd cheered for him.

🎵Chorus: "Topsy-Turvy, mad and crazy, Upsy-Daisy Topsy-Turvy Day!"🎵

Everyone was cheering for Quasimodo and chanted his name. Quasimodo looked the happiest he had ever been. He looked out onto the crowd and spotted (Y/n) who clapped and cheered for her brother, and he blew her a kiss.

A couple of guards were watching the whole thing and had tomatoes in there hands.

"You think he's ugly now? Watch this." One guard said, and he threw the tomato at Quasimodo and it hit him right in the face.

The cheering immediately stopped and (Y/n) gasped as Quasimodo wiped the tomato juice off of his face in shock.

"Now that's ugly!" The guard jeered.

"Hail to the King!" Another guard mocked, also throwing a tomato.

"Bon appetit!"

More food was thrown at Quasimodo, and he tried to get away, but he slipped on a tomato and fell and the crowd laughed at him.

"Where you going, Hunchback? The fun's just beginning." A man tossed a lasso and it caught Quasimodo around the neck and he pulled him back.

Another man wrapped another rope around his hand. Quasimodo struggled to get out of the ropes, causing his shirt to rip, exposing his hunchback.

People threw more food at him and more ropes around him.

"No! Stop it! Leave him alone!" (Y/n) screamed, trying to push through the crowd to get to her brother, but it was packed so tight, and it was so chaotic that she was having trouble.

Two people leapt onto the stage and tied Quasimodo to a giant wheel that was on the stage and started spinning him around while people still threw food at him.

"Master! Master, please, help me!" Quasimodo cried, but Frollo just sat there and did nothing.

(Y/n) rushed over to Frollo and knelt beside his chair and clutched onto his arm.

"Master, please help! They're hurting him!" She begged tears streaming down her cheeks.

Frollo turned away from her.

"Sir, request permission to stop this cruelty." Phoebus said.

"In a moment, Captain." Frollo turned to the crying girl and gripped her face in his hand, making her look up at him, as he smiled down at her sinisterly. "A lesson needs to be learned here."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and she ran from Frollo's tent and tried once again to push her way through the crowd to help her brother. She grabbed the arm of a soldier who was busy laughing at her brother.

"Please, let him go! He hasn't done anything!" She pleaded.

"Get back, stupid girl." The guard scoffed and pushed her away.

She stumbled back and a pair of arms caught her before she could hit the ground. She looked up into familiar green eyes.

"Are you alright?" Esmeraldo asked in concern.

(Y/n) pressed her hands against his chest, and grabbed fistfuls of his shirt. "Please! Please help my brother! He doesn't deserve this! He needs help!" She sobbed.

Esmeraldo looked up at the display with disgust and he rushed forward and pushed his way through the crowd.

Frollo smiled wickedly, still making no move to stop the torture, when suddenly, the crowd went silent.

Everyone watched as Esmeraldo walked up the stairs towards Quasimodo. He took off the cloth he had around his waist and slowly approached him.

"Don't be afraid." He reassured him.

Quasimodo flinched as he came closer.

"I'm sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen."

"Quasi!" (Y/n) called.

She rushed up the stairs and knelt in front of her brother and threw her arms around him. Quasimodo buried his face into her neck, comforted by her presence.

Esmeraldo handed (Y/n) the cloth and she used it to wipe his face.

"Thank you." She whispered to him.

"You! Gypsy boy! Get down at once!" Frollo demanded.

"Yes your honor. Just as soon as I free this poor creature." Esmeraldo declared.

"I forbid it!" Frollo bellowed.

Esmeraldo pulled out a dagger and used it to slice through Quasimodo's ropes.

"How dare you defy me!" Frollo hissed.

"You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people. You speak of Justice but you are cruel to those most in need of your help." Esmeraldo accused.



Esmeraldo and (Y/n) helped Quasimodo stand up.

"Mark my words gypsy. You will pay for this insolence." Frollo promised.

"Then it appears we've crowned the wrong fool. The only fool I see, is you!" Esmeraldo grabbed the crown off of Quasimodo's head and threw it at Frollo.

"Captain Phoebus, arrest him." Frollo ordered.

The guards started closing in on Esmeraldo and he looked down at them and began counting.

"Now let's see. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...So there's ten of you and one of me. What's a poor guy to do?"

He pulled out a cloth and pretended to cry into it, and blew his nose, causing a smoke bomb to go off, and when the smoke cleared, he was gone.

"Witchcraft!" Frollo exclaimed.

"Oh boys! Over here!" He called.

The soldiers turned and saw him and his goat behind a basket of pumpkins with masks on them.

"There he is!"

"Get him!"

Esmeraldo leaped off the stage and the crowd carried him and his goat away. Once he reached the end of the crowd, more soldiers rushed at him.

He grabbed a nearby cage with an old man in it, and swung it towards them. The cage broke off from its hook and Esmeraldo rode on top of it.

The rolling cage caught up to a man on a cart and Esmeraldo jumped onto the cart. The soldiers tried to chase after him, but they were stopped by a tall man on stilts who kicked them in the groin.

The cage was still rolling and ran over more guards and it popped open freeing the old man inside.

"I'm free! I'm free!" He cried before tripping on the cage and falling into the stocks. "Dang it!"

Esmeraldo ran underneath another man on stilts and yanked his pants down slingshotting a soldier off his horse.

The man's helmet landed on Esmeraldo's head and he frisbee'd the helmet so it hit three other guards on horses, and then bounced over to Phoebus, nearly taking his head off.

"What a man." (Y/n) whispered in awe.

Two more guards on horses chased after Esmeraldo and he ran under another man on stilts who dropped a stick down to the two soldiers. They caught it and ran right into Frollo's tent, destroying it.

Frollo emerged from the wreckage looking furious as he watched two more men on stilts lift Esmeraldo and his goat on top of an awning, and wrap a cloth over himself and disappear.

Frollo hopped onto his horse and turned to Phoebus. "Find him Captain. I want him alive."

"Yes, sir. Seal off the area men. Find the gypsy boy but do not harm him."

Frollo rode next to where (Y/n) and Quasimodo were standing and he snatched the purple scarf off of (Y/n)'s neck and glared down at them.

"I'm sorry master. We will never disobey you again." Quasimodo promised.

Quasimodo hopped down from the stage and (Y/n) quickly followed after him. The crowd cleared a path for him and (Y/n) put his arm around her shoulder and helped him back inside Notre Dame.


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