Love everlasting - Avengers f...

By PoeticMay

18.5K 1.1K 287

You had always wanted one thing in your life, a love that would be everlasting. But for you that was an impos... More

When lightning strikes
Agent jones
Super soldier serum
The right partner
The pain of saying goodbye
An unexpected friend
The two of us
*Dont break his heart*
A life of lies
I cant fix myself
*pure lust*
Going away
Budapest operation
Avengers initiative
Thank you for your cooperation
Mind over matter
Everybody wants to rule the world
The fight of your life
Moving in
The untold truth
Darkness beneath the surface
I hate myself
Im drowning
Down on my knees
Wishfull drinking
Moral hangover
Home is where the heart is
Life sentence
Stolen memories
The sun
Mission breakout
Trusting in love
Don't die
Broken bones
A dream is not reality
The edge of nothing
Time will tell
Go back in time
Trust no one.
On the run
Ghost story
Hail hydra
I owe you
Who the hell is Bucky?
About damn time
How to save a life
Taking the stand
A helping hand
A crumbled piece of paper
The past is present
History repeating itself
The queen
A letter from the past
*Just have faith*
Refurn to midgard.
The downfall of the avengers
Double agent
Fall to rise
*You started it*
*im gonna marry you*
The warning
He's coming
Welcome to space
One wrong move
Till forver falls apart
Bittersweet revenge
Bad dreams
Burgers and beers
Would you be able to rest?
Suit up
Down memory lane
Once and for all
Doing it all for love
Can you love me again?
I miss her
The face of the past
The last step
Endings beginings
A thousand years
A strange sensation.

The right path

230 14 2
By PoeticMay

You walk through the palace cuffed together by your hands and feet.. You're even starting to feel like a criminal. This is what he wants, to break you down get you to leave Asgard for good. But he did something to your parents and you were gonna find out why.. Find out what he was so scared of he couldn't stand having you in the same room as his sons.

"Y/n Idunndottir rise" bellows Odín.

You cast a glance up at him, now is time you put on the best show you've ever done. There can be no mistakes here. This is your shot.

"All father" you bow you head down.

"Speak child" he demands.

"I stand before you today, begging you to let me have a cell as far away from Loki. I want nothing from him or his brother." You say as calmly as you can,

"What caused that change of heart?" Odin questions.

"I have learned the truth about my place in this realm, I want nothing to do with your family ever again. I simply want to return to my mother -"

Odin raises his hand, you stand in silence as he thinks deeply about his words.

"I offer you a choice"

"A choice?" You asks softly.

"You may remain here, on Asgard. Returning home to your mother" Odin explains. "Or you can return down to Midgard"

You look up at him, raising your brow. Something is off about this. He would never let you stay here on Asgard without any form of sentence or consequence.

"What are the terms?"

"If you stay on Midgard, your memory of Asgard will be taken. You will have no memory of the princes or your life here" Odin says coldly. "If you decide to stay here on Asgard you will live with your mother in peace, never to go to the palace again, you will never see the princes again. You'll never be allowed to interfere with the people of Midgard."

Your expression shifts from confusion to pure horror. You knew something was wrong. But this was not a choice this was your punishment. Either forget about your life, or never see the people you love again.

"So which is it child?" Odin asks, after a long period of silence.

"I Dont know" you blurt out. Looking up at him with teary eyes.

"I will give you five days to make your decision. Until then you will stay in the prison I've put you in"

You bow you head as the guards pull you away. You feel your heart sink down to you stomach. This wasn't exactly what you had expected to happen.

"Wait" you call out.

Odin stands up looking down at you with anger filled eyes.

"I don't want to spend my last days at the palace in a prison cell. Please have mercy on me. I am only still young. Im begging you all father, allow me to spend just a final moment here?" You whimper quietly. Your lips quivering as you speak. "This was once my home.. as much as it is yours"

"Fine, get out.. you now have till the next sunrise to make your decision"

You try to hide you smile as you get led away down to your room. You lift up your arms, smiling gesturing for them to remove the cuffs. As soon as you're alone, you walk around you notice is the exact same room you had when you lived here. Nothing much had changed.

The ultimatum you had been offered with was not something you could just choose. The thought of never seeing the princes again, would break you heart just as much as never being with the Avengers again. You'd never dance till the sun came up with Natasha, no more missions with Clint. Never get a chance to prove to Tony he could trust you. Never get a second dance with Steve.

If you decided to go home you'd never even know the princes, that pain would be taken away from you. You'd never know what love you shared with them. But the pain you'd cause Loki, that was unlike any pain you'd ever put on someone before.

There's a gentle knock on the door.

You take a deep breath opening the door slowly. To your surprise it's Thor. You can't help but as smile as you see him. Wanting nothing more than to jump into his arms. Instead you grab his hand pulling him in.

"Did anyone see you come in here?" You asks.

"No. I- I don't think so"

You exhale in relief, hugging him tightly. He looks confused down at you, before returning the hug.

"I thought you were mad at me my lady" Thor says softly.

You take his hand. "I am mad at you, for not telling me what I should have known. But it does not matter now" you whimper quietly, leaning closer towards him. Holding onto his chest.

"What's wrong y/n" he asks softly.

"Your father.. he gave me a terrible decision to make.. and I cannot do this on my own Thor." You sob.

"What did he do?"

You sit down on the bed, explaining the two choices you're faced with. Either leave your life behind on Midgard, and never be allowed to interfere with their lives. Or return to Midgard and have no memory of Asgard.

"I'll talk with him" Thor says angrily.

"No Thor you can't..." you sigh. You've already given up. "The only reason he allowed me to stay here is because he think I'm mad at you" you admit.

"What was your plan exactly?"

"I don't know?" You groan, walking around the room, pacing back and forth. "I just couldn't let Loki rot up in that prison, and now either way he'll get hurt"

Thor stops you and holds you close.

"Now is probably a terrible time to say I have a problem.." he says hesitantly. "I need you help"

"With what?" You ask looking up at him with your red puffy eyes.

Thor opens up the door, and a few seconds later a woman steps in, wearing an old cape.

"Is that?" You say in shock.. "Thor you didn't"

"Y/n this is.. is Jane." He introduces you. "And Jane this is y/n"

You wipe away you tears, giving her a big warm hug.

"It's so good to finally meet you" you smile broadly. Which seems to calm her down.

"You too, Thor has told me wonderful stories about you."

"Not to be rude or anything but why is she here Thor?"

"I need your help, your birth mother was one of the most powerful wielders of Seðir in all of Asgard"

"But I'm not my mother.. I can't control it.. I don't know how to use it" you stammer.

You've only now just discovered you have these powers, and now he expects you to just magically use it.

Thor cups you face. "Yes you do.. it's in your blood" he smiles softly. "I brought these from the library"

Thor hands you a a few books about the practice of Seðir, you hesitate for a moment before opening them up. All these pages tell stories about how to shape and see into the future.. Create an astral projection of ones human form.

"Can you do it?"

You look over at Jane, her skin is pale and sweaty, like she's caught a virus.

"I don't know" you admit. "But I can try"

You instruct her to lay down on the bed, as stiff as a board. You close your eyes putting your hand over her chest. You feel a sharp tingle in your hand. Concentrating as hard as you can.

"It's not working" you sigh deeply.

Thor grabs you other hand placing it over her chest once more, holding it still. "Yes you can"

You look up at him. Taking a deep breath as you close your eyes again. Focusing all your attention in your hand. When suddenly you hear Thor squealing excitedly. You open your eyes to see golden strings attached to Janes body. It's unlike anything you've ever experienced before.

"Did I do that?" You ask, still trying everything you can to keep your focus on her chest.

"You did" he smiles proudly.

You turn to look at the pages scattered out in front of you. It's like following a recipe baking a cake. You gently lift up your hand, as the golden strings create an astral form of Jane lifting up from her body. That's when you see a red light glowing from her chest.

"That's not supposed to be there is it?" Jane asks nervously.

"No I don't think so.. Thor get you mother now.." you say quietly. "I don't know how much longer I can keep it up"

Thor rushes out the door, closing it behind him.

"Should I be worried?"

You look at her as the energy surging inside her devours everything inside of her. It's killing her.

"No." You lie, smiling softly. "Everything is going to be fine.. I assure you"

"What in the all fathers name was such a-" Frigga mutters as she walks in. She looks at you. "How did you do that?"

"I don't know.. I just followed the books.. but you should come see this" you say quietly, trying desperately to not mess anything up.

"This is not of earth. What is it?" Thor asks his mother. Who's now helping you keep the magic steady.

"I don't know. This is dark energy" she says sadly looking down at Jane.

"That's a quantum field generator right?" Jane asks pointing up at the glowing magic above her.

"It's a souls forge my dear" Frigga explains.

"Does a soul forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?" Jane asks.

You and Frigga look at each other utterly confused to what's she's talking about. You feel like Steve when peoples trying to explain to him how to use a phone.

"I guess you could say that" you chuckle.

"Quantum field generator" Jane whispers to Thor.

He smiles broadly as soon as she looks at him.

A guard runs into the room, slamming open the door. You all turn to look at him.

"It's the king he's coming." He says completely out of breath.

Frigga grabs your hand. "Hurry my child, he cannot see you" she whispers, running with you out through the back door. And up to her chambers.

She quickly locks the door. Making you a cup of tea, gesturing for you to sit down and relax.

"Why are you helping me?" You ask, as you sit down.

Frigga hands you the tea, sitting down beside you. "You have always been so kind to my sons, making sure none of them felt less loved than the other. You did what I could not. For that I am you eternally grateful" she says, giving you a kind smile.

Frigga had what Odin did not, compassion.

"Do you love my son?" Frigga asks.

You look up at Frigga almost choking on you cup of tea. "I'm sorry what?"

"Do you love Loki?" She asks more specifically.

"I um.." you choke out.. "I do" you admit. Not only to her but to yourself. There was a time you were sure. Yet after the years that had past you feared the love had been wiped away from you as well. "I love him very much.. And I don't think he deserves to rot away in that prison."

"You're right, but my husband has his own opinion of the matter.. one I have no say in" She takes your hand. "Only you can save him"

"Me?" You chuckle nervously. "How can I save him?"

"The way you've already done so many times before my dear" she smiles, winking softly.

"He believes you do not love him" you spit out. Covering your mouth as quickly as you spoke.

"Truth elixir in the tea.. quite effective" Frigga chuckles kindly. "So now tell me why my son has come to believe such things"

"He feels you don't love him as much since he's not really your son. That you'll never look at him the way you look at Thor." You spit out again. Like you can't stop. You look just as scared each time you open up your mouth. "You should talk to him.. don't let him believe you hate him"

"Thank you.. for being honest" Frigga smiles.

she runs her hand over the tear, as it glows a dark purple color, then turns back to normal.

"Now I think it's my time to be honest, don't you think" she smiles taking a sip of her own tea.

"I just need to know one thing.. Am I as dangerous as Odin really believes I could be?" You asks sadly.

"I'm afraid so my dear.. Your mother was a dear friend to us, she helped my husband through all his battles, shaping the future to his liking. Yet your mother grew stronger and could not keep her magic contained. One day Odin asked her for a prophecy about his undoing. I'm the middle of it was you.. you would be Odíns undoing. He became biased with stopping her to assure she would never be with child... your mother turned to dark magic, wanting to claim her rule over Asgard..What Odin did not already know was that she was with child.... he killed your mother.. when he learned about you he feared That you would follow in your mothers footsteps." Frigga explains. "That you would finish her prophecy"

"But how.. I don't want to kill him. I don't want to kill anyone"

"Odin said there was a path in the vision... the path had two ways, in one there was light, in the other there was eternal darkness. And you my dear stood right in the middle"

You lean back into the chair, as he tells you about the prophecy. You don't understand anything. You're entire life has been a lie.

"You my dear child have an undeniable gift.. to see and shape the future, and allow people to change theirs. By opening up their heart to their truest desires.. you just need to have faith in yourself.. yet your powers come from darkness, you have to make sure to use it for the better"

You take a deep breath, everything you had believed to be true was a lie. Your life had been based of a king to scared of death, yet taking lives as he pleases.

"Your mother escaped that night with you in her arms, knowing that it would cost you your life if he knew about you.. as you grew older your powers came into light. And Odin grew suspicious casting you away from Asgard, along with any memory of you powers"

You can't comprehend all the information she's telling you.

"The only reason Loki is locked in that cell is because he wanted to get back to me.. I have to let him know I haven't left him... is there any way I can talk to him.. let him know I'm not leaving without him" you plead.

The only way to cope with this right now, is just to see him. You'll find out what to do later, you just need to get him out of here. Then you'll return to earth. You can't stay here.

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