Makeup to Make-Up (A Taekook...

By DalTaeyang0130

51.5K 2.6K 370

18 YO Taehyung and 17 YO Jungkook are both members of a K-POP group called YN or Young Nation. They have bee... More

Chapter 1 - 2017
Chapter 2 - 2022
Chapter 3 - PRIMER
Chapter 4 - FOUNDATION
Chapter 5 - BLUSH
Chapter 7 - FALLOUT
Chapter 8 - FOILING
Chapter 9 - BRUSHES
Chapter 10 - OVERLINING
Chapter 11 - GLITTER
Chapter 12 - RETOUCH (M)
Chapter 13 - MASK (M)
Chapter 14 - FAKE
Chapter 15 - SHIMMER
Chapter 16 - SHINE

Chapter 6 - CONCEAL

2.6K 144 42
By DalTaeyang0130

Breakfast between Jungkook and Taehyung became less awkward after the hug. Both knew that there was nothing romantic about the gesture, so the familiar closeness that they had once — as best friends — came so naturally between the two. Jungkook, of course, wanted more, but decided to just go with the flow for now as he doesn't want to ruin what they're trying to build again.

As they were cleaning up after breakfast, the doorbell rang.

"Are you expecting someone else?" Jungkook asked.

"Hmmm, could be Yoona noona." Taehyung casually said as he was washing dishes.

"I'll get it." Jungkook said as he placed down the plate he was drying on the kitchen counter.

Jungkook opened the door and saw a delivery guy holding a bouquet of tulips.

(Credits to the inage owner)

"Delivery for Mr. Kim Taehyung." The delivery guy said and Jungkook took the bouquet from the guy and signed on behalf of Taehyung. The delivery guy saw the name on the delivery slip and asked, "Oh, sir, you're not Mr. Kim? If so, may I ask your relationship with Mr. Kim? I just need it for our records in case the sender asks who received the flowers.

"Boyfriend. Write it down in big letters please." Jungkook said, irritated at the thought of someone sending flowers to Taehyung.

"Noted, thank you sir." The delivery guy said.

Jungkook closed the door and stared at the flowers.
He looked at the envelope attached to it with "Taehyung" written on it.

"Who is it, Kook?" Taehyung yelled from the kitchen.

"You have flowers." Jungkook said, gritting his teeth.

Taehyung almost dropped the glass he was washing and immediately went out to check on the delivery. Knowing very well how Jungkook can get jealous, he was cursing internally.

Of all the days, why today?!?! Taehyung thought.

"It must be from one of my clients." Taehyung said as he took the bouquet from Jungkook.

Taehyung took the card and opened it. While doing so, Jungkook was observing his reaction.

As Taehyung opened the card, his eyebrows creased and from Jungkook's perspective, the older looked annoyed.

"So, who is it from?" Jungkook said.

"From nobody important." Taehyung said as he pkaced the card inside his shorts pocket and went to the kitchen with the flowers.

Jungkook followed him and was expecting that Taehyung would get a vase to put the flowers in, but to his surprise — and joy — he saw Taehyung place it in the garbage bin.  He couldn't stop himself from asking though.

"Ex-boyfriend?" Jungkook asked.

"I only have one ex, Kook." Taehyung snapped without looking at Jungkook and proceeded with washing the last glass on the sink.

"Oh. Sorry, didn't mean to pry." Jungkook said.

"It's okay. It's not you, really." Taehyung said with a sigh, and added, "It's from a suitor that I really don't like at all. He's annoying as fuck."

"Plus you don't like tulips." Jungkook said, with a small smile forming on his lips.

Taehyung laughed, "Yeah, and that too."

Jungkook wanted to probe if he's someone he knew, but fought the urge to do so.

"Okay, I'm done here. Let's go get the dogs." Taehyung said.

Taehyung was calling for Luna, but to his surprise, she didn't come.

"Where are they?" Taehyung mumbled.

"Yeontan, tannie! Here boy!" Jungkook called out...nothing.

Jungkook didn't know if Taehyung would mind if he followed him, but just did as the latter wasn't saying anything.

Taehyung went to Luna's playroom first but they weren't there. 

Next stop was Taehyung's small art / make up studio. Jungkook was looking around the room and was amazed at the artworks inside it.

"Wow, you drew these?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah, on my free time. Where are they?!" Taehyung said as he went further inside the studio.

While Taehyung was looking, Jungkook saw a sketchpad lying around and his heart raced seeing the drawing, and remembered a similar scene from one of their concerts.

(Credits to the artist and image owner)

It's a drawing of him and Taehyung holding their mics. He quickly stepped away before Taehyung could see him looking at the drawing. He decided not to say anything about it.

"When you received the flowers, did you notice if they got out?" Taehyung asked.

"No, they didn't." Jungkook said.

"Well, last stop is my bedroom." Taehyung said as he walked towards his room.

The door was slightly ajar so he pushed the door open and there he saw the two — mating.

"Holy shit!" Taehyung exclaimed while the two dogs just looked at him.

Jungkook was equally shocked.

"Tannie! Get off her. Come here." Jungkook said.

Tannie got off Luna, but they still remained connected.

"He knotted her! Luna! You don't do that on first dates!!!" Taehyung yelled and then realized how silly that sounded.  He looked at Jungkook and within seconds they were laughing like crazy. 

The two were laughing for a good two minutes and even after that, the two dogs were still connected to each other.

"Let's just wait for them in the living room. We can't do anything really. It would hurt if we force them apart."  Taehyung said as he dragged Jungkook out of the bedroom, holding the latter's wrist. At that moment, Jungkook felt like his heart was doing somersaults.

Once in the living room, Taehyung sat on the couch and grabbed the remote of the TV.

"Let's just Netflix and chill." Taehyung said and then realized that it was their code before for making out.  So, he looked at Jungkook who had his eyebrows raised.

"I-i literally meant Netflix and chill." Taehyung defensively said.

"I-I knew that." Jungkook said as he looked away.

"So, what do you feel like watching?" Taehyung asked.

"I dunno. Something funny I guess?" Jungkook said, a bit sad as he suddenly longed for their make out sessions.  He ended up pouting and Taehyung noticed it.

If only Jungkook knew how much Taehyung misses it too, he wouldn't be pouting so much. But, the latter wants to take it slow for now.  He wants to make sure that he has forgiven Jungkook completely and could find it in his heart to trust him again. He just hopes that his body and heart would cooperate with his mind.

To wipe the sexual tension away, Taehyung just played the first "funny" movie he could find  and it was too late when he realized what it was.

"Friends with Benefits?" Jungkook asked.

"Um, yeah. You know how I love Justin Timberlake."  Taehyung said mentally cursing himself for saying something stupid.

"Um, not really. You never mentioned that." Jungkook said.

"Ok fine. I just played the first movie that came out." Taehyung said as he looked for another title.

Jungkook took the remote from Taehyung. "Let me."
He scrolled at the titles while Taehyung just stared at him.

"What?" Jungkook asked as he could see the older staring at him, from the corner of his eye.

"I'm just amused." Taehyung said.

"Amused at what?" Jungkook asked, still not looking at Taehyung.

"At how much self-control you have now than before." Taehyung said.

Jungkook almost snapped his neck as he looked at Taehyung abruptly.

"Don't say that. I'm really trying my best not to get too close."

Taehyung nibbled on his lower lip and Jungkook saw it.

"Stop biting your lip, hyung."  Jungkook said as he placed the remote control down on the table.

"Sorry, didn't mean to." Taehyung said.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung and the latter stared back. Both could feel their insides heating up and hearts beating fast. Jungkook was about to move closer to kiss Taehyung when he hears two small pitchy barks coming their way.

As the two dogs appeared, Taehyung scooped up Yeontan.

"You bad boy, you took my Luna's virginity away on your first date. Like father like son." Taehyung said, teasing Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and smirked. "Oh were you referring to me? I thought you were talking about yourself."

Taehyung glared at Jungkook. "You might be mistaking me for someone else."

"Oh no. Im pretty sure it was that ass that tempted me that night." Jungkook retorted.

"Oh so now you're blaming my ass? What did it ever do to you?" Taehyung said sassily.

"If I remember it correctly, it was grinding on —"

"Okay okay! I got it. Now shut up and let's go to the roof deck." Taehyung said as he gave Yeontan to Jungkook and then carried Luna.

Taehyung walked ahead of Jungkook and the latter grabbed Yeontan's bag of treats and accessories and trailed behind Taehyung.

As they were walking, Jungkook couldn't stop himself from looking at Taehyung's ass and then his legs. He couldnt resist any longer so he smacked Taehyung's butt and ran away laughing.

"Jungkook! You pervert come back here!!" Taehyung said before locking his doors and running after the younger.

He caught up with him at the elevator, where Jungkook was pressing the OPEN button, waiting for the older. Taehyung, on the other hand, smacked Jungkook's arm as he entered the elevator.

"Oww, hyung!" Jungkook said chuckling.

"So much for controlling yourself." Taehyung said.

"Oh believe me, I wanted to do so much more than that." Jungkook blatantly said the truth out loud.

"In your dreams." Taehyung said.

"Been there, done that. Almost every night." Jungkook smirked.

"You're impossible." Taehyung said.

"And you're beautiful." Jungkook said.

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a smile. "My my, Jeon Jungkook now knows how to be cheesy huh?"

"You like it." Jungkook said.

"Maybe, maybe not." Taehyung said, with a flushed face.

"You're blushing. It's cute." Jungkook said.

"I swear, one more cheesy line out of you and I'll cancel this playdate." Taehyung said.

"Okay, not another word from me." Jungkook said before "zipping" close his mouth with his fingers.

"Good." Taehyung said.

The elevator door opened to the rooftop and before going out of the elevator, Taehyung quickly pecked Jungkook's lips and ran outside.

Jungkook was dumbfounded that he forgot to move, even after the door to the elevator closed.

Taehyung watched the elevator door close and laughed so hard.

"Let's just wait for them to come back, Luna. I think the elevator would still do a round trip down to the lobby and up." Taehyung said to Luna as he brought her to the doggie park.


Taehyung was seated at one of the benches, watching Luna play when Jungkook emerged with Yeontan. He was pouting at Taehyung, making the latter laugh.

(Credits to the image owner)

"You're a meanie, hyung." Jungkook said as he brought Yeontan down beside Luna before approaching the bench to sit beside Taehyung who was trying to stop himself from laughing.

"You won't stop laughing huh?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it." Taehyung said holding his tummy as it already hurts from laughing too much.

Jungkook looked at him and thought of how to make his hyung stop laughing. He suddenly lifted Taehyung up and placed him down on his lap, ending up straddling him. He then wrapped his arms around the older's waist to bring him closer.

The action immediatly made Taehyung's laughter die down as they come face-to-face.

Jungkook made their noses brush together before
planting a kiss on the tip of Taehyung's nose.

"There, all even." Jungkook said.

"How can that possibly make it all even? My kiss was supposed to make it even since you smacked my ass!" Taehyung said.

"Then kiss me again."Jungkook said before holding on Taehyung's nape gently and brought their lips together in an innocent brief kiss.

"There." Jungkook said as he lifted Taehyung up and sat him back down on the bench, beside him.

Taehyung was stunned and found himself soeechless, not noticing something fall from his short pocket.

Jungkook recognized it being the card with the flowers. Without deliberately wanting to see what's written on it, Jungkook saw it as the card wasn't in the envelope anymore and fell face up.

(Credits to the image owner)

Jungkook felt his heart clench as anger and bettayal were starting to build up in his chest.

He picked up the card with trembling hands and looked at Taehyung.

"What's the meaning of this?" Jungkook asked.

"Kook, you weren't supposed to see that!" Taehyung said as he snatched the card from Jungkook.

"What the fuck Taehyung?! So you can lie and I can't?" Jungkook yelled.

"We weren't talking Kook! How was I supposed to tell you?!" Taehyung yelled back.

"You had a chance to tell me about it earlier! And you didn't!"

"You asked me who it was from and I told you that it's from nobody important and that's the truth!"

"Oh come on, Taeh how is that the truth? It's Min-ho hyung we're talking about here!!!" Jungkook said.

"It wasn't the right time to tell you and besides there's nothing to tell since I completely ignored him and never gave him a chance!" Taehyung said.

"So you can just manipulate your own rules just like that, huh?! Since when has he been after you?!" Jungkook said.

"It doesn't matter!"

"WHEN DID HE CONFESS TAEHYUNG?!?!" Jungkook yelled quite loudly making Taehyung flinch. He's never seem Jungkook this mad before.

"H-he talked to me after our final press conference. He confessed then and tried to hug me and I pushed him away. He said that he could love me better and that you don't deserve me so I slapped him and that was the last time we talked." Taehyung said.

Jungkook felt his tears streaming down his cheeks. He was silent for a few minutes so Taehyung tried to touch him but Jungkook yanked his hand away.

"You should've told me earlier, Taehyung. You know why? He was the one who encouraged me to see my friends behind your back." Jungkook softly said as he grabbed Yeontan's bag and went to pick him up.

"Kook, please stay. Let's talk about this please." Taehyung pleaded.

Jungkook stopped in his tracks and turned to Taehyung. "You're right, hyung. It fucking hurts to be lied to. I'm sorry I made you feel this way."  He said as he stomped off.

Taehyung quickly grabbed Luna and ran after Jungkook.  But when he  got to the elevator, the door just closed.

Taehyung felt so helpless and shattered, hating himself for doing the one thing he himself hated the most....and ended up hurting the one person he loves.


Since Eyes on You is now done, will have more time updating this book from hereon!  Hope you can support it too!  Thank you in advance!!!

Please comment and vote too!!

- D.T.

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