Yiga Husbands


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New hyperfixation means new fic material! So here are some gay ninjas!! Beware: Crude language, epic secks... Еще

Yiga Husbands Angst Fic
Yiga Husbands Seggsey Fluff thing
Yiga Husbands Fucj
Soog gets head
The Sons of the Master
A Very Generous Master
Secret Meetings for Lord Sooga
Stay Safe, Please.
Honored To Love You
Warm Pillows

A Long-Awaited Battle

111 0 2

Yes this is porn with way too much plot, I spent way too long on this. (About 8 hours) (Thank you to my beloved K for finishing this for me <33)


"Sooga desires one-on-one sparring with Master Kohga, who is often "too tired" to accommodate. Offer things to help motivate Master Kohga so that Sooga can have his special training."

- EX A Long-Awaited Battle (Character Quest: Sooga- Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)

"I'm just not feelin' it, buddy."

As much as Sooga respected and adored his Master, he definitely knew how lazy he could be. For years he has been trying to get a chance to spar with him. A one-on-one session against the grand and powerful Master Kohga himself... it was like a dream. There is no way he'd win, but that's not what Sooga was looking for.

"Of course, Master Kohga." He was the right hand of the Yiga Clan... and he still hadn't managed to do it. This idea of his might not even work... unless. "Perhaps I could do something to motivate you?" His voice was shaky. What was he thinking?! What would he DO?!

"Fine. I'll do it if you get me some bananas from the cellar and... Endura carrots from Satori Mountain. You think you can do that for me?" Kohga sat there with a smug look and a hand at his chin. Damn, he was really playing hard to get.

"O-Of course." There was no way of escaping it now. How was he going to get to Satori Mountain without being kicked out by the Lord of the Mountain...


Thankfully after a quick stop at the mountain, Sooga managed to get the carrots unscathed. So, back to Kohga he went.

"I have returned with your requests." He stood at the door of Kohga's quarters with the bananas and carrots in his arms. His master quickly propped his head up on his hand again and smiled.

"Aww I knew you would! You're too sweet."The man stood up from his bed and patted Sooga on the shoulder. "Now, head to the kitchen and get all that cooked up, okay? We're gonna have ourselves a nice little feast before this... session." Why did he say it like that? Was this actually gonna go as planned? Oh dear Lord Ganon. This time Sooga only nodded and headed off to the kitchen. He started fearing for his life. Sooga, the commander of the Yiga Clan, was finally going to spar against THE Master Kohga. What was he getting himself into...

Soon enough, the dishes were complete. Just some simple fried mighty bananas and salt roasted endura carrots. Kohga clapped happily as the dishes were placed in front of him, and almost immediately got to digging in. Sooga was a lot more hesitant. He watched Kohga stuff his face for a moment before finally tucking in. His master seemed to be enjoying himself, so that was... good.


"Alright! I think I'm ready, big guy!" Sooga was startled by Kohga wrapping his arm around his shoulders. With the snap of his fingers, the two were in the training hall. It was late, so it was empty. Did the master plan it like this? Sure, this is what Sooga wanted, but he expected an audience at least... Once again he shook with fear. He was too far in to get out of this plan now.

"I'm gonna summon a little thing real quick, and the second it disappears... we begin."

"Any restrictions, Master Kohga?"

"Hmm... nah. Just try to keep it a clean fight, alright?"

"Yes, sir. Then I am ready."

With a quick movement of his hand, the Yiga leader summoned a small boulder covered in the clan's signature talismans and sat it just between the two of them. Just as he had said, the boulder stayed in place for a few seconds and disappeared.

Kohga was on his feet in an instant. He managed to take down Sooga in one go. Granted Sooga was extremely distracted- But that didn't matter now that he had this very specific someone on top of him. The blademaster could feel his blood heat up and all the adrenaline in his body go straight to his head.

"Oh come on, Sooga! You didn't even put up a fight! Now we've gotta restart." the smaller man huffed as he climbed off of Sooga, who was still in shock. Thank Ganon Kohga couldn't see his face cause it felt like it was on fire...

"Get up, dumbass. I can see your battle boner."


The man sat up from the floor and quickly tried to cover his crotch with his hands. Kohga chuckled at the sight of this normally stoic man actually doing something well... interesting. It was honestly a little cute.

"You ready?" The master stood and stretched his arms out a bit. "Don't go too easy on me this time. I like it rough, y'know." Oh, Sooga could just FEEL the smug ass smile this guy had on his face.

"I see...I-I will not disappoint you."

Again, the small boulder appeared between the two. This time Sooga would be ready. He finally moved his hands away from the still very obvious thing that was there and clenched his fists. After a few seconds the boulder poofed into falling talismans.

Without a second thought, Sooga threw himself onto his master. He could feel Kohga's body heat... his chest heaving... and what was that thing up against his leg? He was already losing it and now... oh no. This was definitely not making his little problem any better. Instead of actually continuing his "attack", Sooga just stayed there. Actually, neither of them moved. Both ninjas, bodies pressed up against each other, breaths getting hotter by the second...

"Well at least you took my advice, huh?" Kohga broke the silence and carefully wrapped his arms around Sooga's neck, bringing his mask closer. What was he doing? Was he actually into this? Was he not joking when he said he liked it rough?

"M-Master Kohga... I apologize for all of this, I-" He was cut off by Kohga bumping his mask into his own, the closest thing to a kiss in the hideout.

"You're pretty cute, y'know."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean you're cute! What else would that mean?"

"You could just be messing with me... I know that you are quite the jokester-"

"So would it still be considered 'messing with you' if I kissed you for real?"

This had to be a joke. Was it just a prank? Sooga looked around for an audience of some kind, just someone, ANYONE COULD SEE THEM RIGHT NOW.

"Master- Someone could see us-"

"Who cares? I like you, and clearly you like me... so why not have a little fun, hm?"

"But what if we get caught? You can't be seen with me of all people!"

Sooga was terrified. Did he want this? Absolutely. Was this the time or place? NO. If he was seen having... relations with THE Master Kohga, he'd be torn to shreds! But what else was he supposed to do? He couldn't turn him down, he was his right hand, he would do anything for Kohga... including this.

"Come on, Sooga..." At this point nothing mattered. It was him and Kohga. Even if someone did come in, this was their time. No one could stop this from happening now.


Master Kohga chuckled again, lifting his mask only so Sooga could have access to his lips. Sooga did the same, shifting his mask to give his master a look at his chapped lips and messy stubble. Without any hesitation, Kohga brought his head down again. Their lips collided and despite the strange feeling at first, the two slowly got more into it.

The sound of smacking lips, moving tongues and deep breathing filled the air. Both ninjas kept hearing the slight tap of their wooden masks touching as they kissed. Sooga was in awe. He had been kissed by the master a few times before, but they were all quick pecks on the cheek... with the mask on of course. This truly felt like a dream. The more he thought about just how insane this was, the more he pressed himself into Kohga.

Slightly pulling away from the kiss, Kohga said something. Sooga was unable to hear it due to how breathy his voice was, and just rested his face in the crook of his master's neck. This was really doing something to him... Kohga tiredly groaned a bit before bumping into Sooga's mask again.

"You wanna go a little bit further, Soogy?"

"W-What do you mean..?"

"Well, that battle boner of yours is practically up my ass, so..."

It absolutely was. The blademaster's cock had been lightly twitching the entire time. It was so close to where he wanted it to be. Was he really going to do this? Yes. He really really was. Sooga, moving so he'd be at eye-level with Kohga, began grinding into him. It was disgusting and uncouth, but he was doing it. He could feel... everything. The Yiga uniforms were quite thin, so not much was usually left to the imagination, but with Kohga it was different. Everyone stared at him, everyone knew about the assets he had, and absolutely everyone wanted a piece of that.

"Holy Hylia, Sooga! It's a good thing I thought of those endura carrots, huh?"

Sooga simply scoffed and went back to kissing the flustered man below him. Master Kohga was very much used to being in control, both in the clan and in bed, so something about Sooga being this excited made him giggle through the kisses. The blademaster on top of him was just... fucking hot to say the least. He had everything, the voice, the body, the strength... and good Ganon he was definitely packing. Now if only he could get some of that... if he could move. Sooga was a heavy guy, and Kohga was well... Kohga.

"Hey- hey- Big guy- um" He tried to spit out the question between kisses.

"Hm? Is there something wrong, Master?" Sooga stopped everything and held onto Kohga's face gently despite the fact that they were both rock hard. Neither could tell who was swooning harder, all they knew was that this felt good. It felt... right.

"You wanna get to it?" Kohga half whispered, pointing at his lackey's very obvious hard-on.

"I would love nothing more than to please you in this way, sir." Man, was he good with words. With another snap of his fingers, Kohga sent both of them to his room. Sooga looked around, a bit confused by the sudden change of scenery.

"Hey, I'm cool with people seeing us all over each other, but I draw the line at 'em seeing my dick."

"I suppose that makes sense... Does that mean I get to see your..?"

"No, I was gonna hide it- Of course that's what it means! If I'm doing the do with you I am going ALL IN."

Sooga couldn't help but laugh a bit at that. Kohga was definitely an expressive man, and that made him so much more lovable. With a quick nod Kohga began removing whatever decorative armor he had on, and Sooga followed suit. Sure, the base uniform was simple, but due to their higher ranks, the ninjas had plenty to remove before actually getting to the main event. Thankfully they were in nothing but their red and black suits in no time.

"May I?" Now he was getting more confident. Sooga looked Kohga up and down, before receiving his answer. The Yiga master leaned back into his pile of pillows and sighed. His right hand man, still a bit anxious, began removing the last of his clothes.

"I think now is the time for me to confess, huh?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well, I know that you and probably a good majority of this clan have probably jerked it to me. Right?" Sooga paused this time, very confused and probably turning even more red.

"I mean... yes, but- Wait. You don't mean-"

"Listen! I think you're a fucking stud, Sooga. What else would I do?"

"You flatter me, Master Kohga."

"Man, I'm kinda surprised you said yes to this though." Kohga looked around aimlessly, trying to make the conversation less awkward. It didn't really work, but there was an attempt.

"You just seem so... I dunno. Like a stick in the mud. Not to offend you or anything- like you're hot, but you're also really quiet."

"I try my best to keep everyone's eyes and ears on you, my master."

"Aw come on- You're too sweet..."

"Only for you, Master Kohga." Oh, the way he said it that time... Sooga finished removing his clothes, leaving them both in their underwear and masks.

Sooga was covered head to toe in scars, and a large patch was a dark red. It was a burn. A bad one too. Kohga on the other hand was almost completely untouched. He had a few small cuts here and there, but nothing as bad as Sooga's. Not to mention his piercings, sure they were small, but Sooga was surprised... not surprised enough to ask about them though.

"So can I see it yet?" Kohga smirked as he poked at the tip of Sooga's cock. It was very obvious just how ready he was.

"As you wish." He pulled off his boxers as Kohga just looked in awe. Oh he was in for a treat now and he knew it. Almost instantly, his were off as well and he was flipped over, ass in the air. Sooga leaned over him, and placed his head on his shoulder. He had one hand on the head board of the bed and the other holding one of Kohga's.

"You're cool with just like- Going for it, right?"

"I think I can handle it. How about you? Are you going to be alright? Are you very very sure that you don't need any sort of preparation?"

"Sooga, you say that like I've never been fucked before-"

"I just don't want to hurt you. Now, are you okay with this?"

"Yes, yes I am. Get to the good part already!"

And with that, Sooga locked him into a good long kiss as he inserted himself into his ass. Kohga was experienced, sure, but this was somehow different. Something told the master that this was not going to be a one time thing. He moaned into the kiss before breaking it and taking a deep breath.

"Shit- Okay I knew you were pretty well hung, but DAMN-"

"Are you alright? I can stop if you want me to-"

"Hell no. I am not the type of guy to turn down good dick. Now come on and finish what you started."

He pressed himself up against Sooga and smiled wide. This was it. The blademaster adjusted himself before pulling back out. He gave his master a few light pecks on the shoulder as he shoved himself back in. It was oddly sweet, exactly like what Sooga wanted. Kohga on the other hand was starting to get antsy. He tried to speed things up by making a show of himself, moaning, shaking his ass, just ANYTHING to make this guy go faster.

"Soogaaaa" Kohga whined. He felt Sooga throb at that... perfect. "Can you just go a little faster? Pleeeeease?" His bed creaked slightly as Sooga adjusted himself again, this time getting a good grip on Kohga's ass.

"Anything for you, my beloved."

"Mm I like that one a lot~"

"It just sort of slipped out... but I'll be sure to say things like that more often."

"Good, because now you've got me feeling all warm 'n fuzzy." Within seconds, Sooga was back at it, but this time he was really going for it. He used all the strength he had to slam himself into Kohga.

"Fuck- Sooga! You are a god damn beast-" Just as he expected, Sooga could absolutely go harder than he was before. It felt heavenly... just the feeling of skin on skin, Sooga's cock so far in Kohga's ass- "Keep up that pace, big guy- I'm almost there!"

"I-Is it alright if I- ah... if I-"

"Oh yeah totally just cum in my ass I could care less."

Sooga continued to thrust as hard as he could muster into Kohga's ass. It didn't take too much longer for him to release inside him.

He fell backwards onto the mattress, panting to catch his breath as he came down from his high. But he was still hard? Oh, yeah. The endura carrots.

"Well, Soogy, you managed to cum in me — not many can claim that," he said, turning onto his back. "But I haven't cum at all, and, to be honest? I'm feeling kinda left out..."

"Would you want me to take care of that for you, my beloved?" he crooned. He sat up again, "After all, I think I can go another round... I think."

Kohga reached up and held Sooga's face. "Round 2 is the one where I make you my bitch."

Prompt end:

"Master Kohga became sufficiently motivated, and Sooga finally got his chance to spar. As for how the session went... that's between the two of them."- EX A Long-Awaited Battle (Character Quest: Sooga- Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity)

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