The Prisoner Of Azkaban

By WassupItsDisco

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The Quartret returns as Teenagers in this new adventure, throughout there third year at Hogwarts, they find o... More

Chapter 2: What is that?!
Chapter 3: Talons and Tea Leaves
Chapter 4: The Boggarts
Chapter 5: Sirius Black Has Arrived
Chapter 6: Things Gone Wrong
Chapter 7: Say More
Chapter 8: The Patronus
Chapter 9: Buckbeak's Execution
Chapter 10: Rat, Dog, and Wolf
Chapter 11: Finding Them

Chapter 1: Packing Up

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By WassupItsDisco

Want to know why Alaina was inside of her car today?

Well, The Harvesters had a House Problem, Both Mr And Mrs Harvester decided to show Alaina around due to there house having situations,

They decided to all go to The Leaky Cauldron considering they wanted to spend more time as a family, and Alaina was almost ready for her Third Year at Hogwarts, Being Thirteen, and hoping that this year is actually normal.

Here's how it all went through.

Alaina was in her bedroom packing her things as her parents were waiting outside near the car.

Alaina sighed and collapsed onto her bed for a few seconds before sitting on her bed.

"Great, House Thrashed, but hey, atleast me and my parents get to bond." She said to herself

Before her House was thrashed, She's been writing to Harry, Ron, and Hermione all summer.

And it was almost Harry's Birthday, Ron and Hermione, and Alaina send him letters with treats. Hopefully his Rotten Aunt and Uncle haven't ruined his big day again.

Once the Couple got into the car, Frank honked the car horn once or twice or thrice, Alaina still wasn't ready, Lila eventually pushed Frank a little and honked the horn more than thrice.

"Alright, Alright, I'm Coming!" Alaina called out

Alaina eventually came outside and got into her seat, as the Harvesters began to head to The Leaky Cauldron,

Last Week, Alaina got a new owl named Goldie, Goldie herself is pretty Golden.

Alaina wasn't the one to have pets but it was worth a shot.

As soon as the Trio drove down the street, Alaina asked

"Hey Dad, When Can I drive?"

"When You're Older Dear." Said Frank

"I might drive when I have kids of my own." Said Alaina

"You don't have to be as strict as me Alaina." Said Lila

"I know Mum." Said Alaina

"Honestly Goldie reminds me of Hedwig." Said Alaina

"Hedwig?" Asked Frank

"She's the owl of my friend Harry, oh by the way, Harry's turning thirteen, just like me and my friends!" Said Alaina

"That's Wonderful! Lucky boy to be turning into a wonderful young man!" Said Lila

"When do we get there?" Asked Alaina

"Soon." Said Frank

Alaina sighed and pet Goldie

When they finally reached The Leaky Cauldron, The Harvesters unpacked there things.

"Alright, here we are, Now Alaina, we'll check in and unpack, why don't you play around with Goldie and unpack you're things, we'll be back soon." Said Frank

"Okay." Said Alaina

As Alaina entered there room, she unpacked her things and let Goldie out of her cage, only for Goldie to nearly go crazy,

"Goldie! Shush! People will hear you!"

Goldie eventually calmed down, but not without screeching a little more, quietly.

"That's Right, Quiet down Now." Alaina whispered

Alaina eventually spend a few days with her family, they all had a pretty nice time there, Alaina thought back at all the delicious meals and food she had to eat, and all the people were quite spirited.

Alaina couldn't help but slightly chuckle at all the Witches argue with there Supposed Other about some random Blabbering nonsense, Alaina was having a pretty good time so far.

It was about to get better.

Before Alaina would head back to her room, she saw a Familiar Blonde Girl stand in the hall

"C-Claire?" Alaina asked

"Oh! Hi Alaina! What are you doing here?" Asked Claire

"Well, I'm spending time here with my family, they wanted to show me what The Leaky Cauldron was like, What about you?" Asked Alaina

"Oh, Since I live in an Orphanage, I always feel really bored there, I sneak out sometimes, but I got lost, so I had to come here!" Said Claire

Alaina had no words for what Claire just said.

"You live in an Orphanage?" Al asked

"Yes." Said Claire

"And you sneak out?" Asked Alaina

"Yes!" Said Claire

"And you never get caught?" Asked Alaina

"Never." Said Claire

"Um Okay.. Well, what are you going to be doing?" Asked Alaina

"Nothing Much, just feed my pets, Why?" Asked Claire

"Oh! No reason, Just wanted to know." Said Alaina

"Well, see you later!" Said Claire

"Bye." Alaina waved back

As Claire entered her room, Alaina wondered how much quirkier Claire might get.

But little did Alaina know that the night after that, might be one of her best.

While thr Harvester's were asleep, Alaina woke up to head to the bathroom, and before she could head back to her room, she heard some noise coming from Claire's Room.

Alaina shouldn't just immediately open up and see what Claire is doing, but the noises were startling her a little, so she walked over to Claire's Door

She opened her Door, only to see Claire opening her window and trying to leave

"Claire? What are you- Where are you going?" Alaina asked

"Hi Alaina! I'm sneaking out again, Told You I sneak out often." Said Claire

"Why are you sneaking out?" Asked Alaina

"Most of the time I sneak out to play with my pets, I can't really help myself." Said Claire casually

"Isn't It Dangerous?" Asked Alaina

"Not Really." Said Claire

"Hey, do you mind if..."


"Can I.. come with you?" Alaina asked

"No offense but.. Why?" Asked Claire

"Well, I've never really sneaked out before, and I really want to know what it's like to see the putside world at a time like this, so can I come too?" Alaina asked

"Uh, sure." Said Claire

As the two girls sneaked out the window, they started to head deeper into London.

When they finally stopped running, they reached some woods.

"Are these the woods you normally go to?" Alaina asked, panting

"Yes, it's really beautiful at night. Look at the stars!" Said Claire

Alaina looked up at the Night Sky, Claire was right about it being beautiful.

The Stars were as shiny as Claire's Emerald Orbs, and the night sky was as dark as her Raven hair.

The Stars glistened in her eyes, almost like magic itself.

Claire sat down next to Alaina, Alaina tried her hardest not to blush as the beautiful Girl sat next to her.

But when Claire looked at Alaina, she couldn't help but Blush herself, Could Claire have feelings for Alaina too?

But then, Alaina and Claire heard buzzing sounds.

"What was that?" Asked Alaina

"I don't know." Said Claire

The sounds occurred again.

Alaina took out her wand, but Claire stopped her.

"No! You can't use magic outside of school! Remember?" Said Claire

"Oh Yeah." Said Alaina as she put her wand away.

But then when the sounds buzzed again, little lights kept flying around.

"So these are the things that were making the sound!" Said Claire

Alaina has never seen such strange creatures before, were they harmless?

"What are they?" Asked Alaina

"They're Fireflies!" Said Claire

"Fireflies?" What a strange term, Alaina thought

"Oh, well there Muggle Creatures that light up when they move there wings, I saw one when I was Ten Years old once." Said Claire

But then some other creatures came into view.

Somehow, there were a bunch of Fairies who joined in.

"Faires? Why are there a bunch of Fairies here anyway?" Alaina asked

"I don't know, I've never really seen Fairies near the Muggle World." Said Claire

The Faires and Fireflies started Flying and Buzzing around the Girls, indicating that they were trying to tell them something.

"What are they doing?" Alaina asked

The Faires and Fireflies started flying away.

"Do you think they want us to follow them?" Asked Claire

"I don't think we should, Fairies aren't really that smart." Said Alaina

Two Little Fairies kept whispering in Alaina's ears, They must really want her to come with them.

"Okay, but we should be careful while following them." Said Alaina

As the Girls ran after the Flying Creatures, Nori, Claire's Pet Moke, and two more Animals jumped out of Claire's Bag

The First Animal was a small cat. A baby Kneazle.

The Little Kitty kept scratching at the Creatures.

"Felix! They mean no harm! Please calm Down!" Claire said as she picked up her cat

One of the Fairies scoffed at him.

The Other Animal was a Jack rabbit with deer antlers, the little jackalope kept quiet and fell asleep under the lights.

"Is that one named Flopsy?" Asked Alaina

"How did you guess?" Asked Claire

Soon after, all the Little Fairies and Fireflies kept dancing around, The Fireflies kept Shining brighter and brighter, some of the Fairies crashed into them while the others danced around.

Eventually they stopped, but when they did, a huge light shined.

The Girls looked in awe at the Glimmering Light, and soon Claire got up and started to playfully dance just like them.

Alaina smiled at the way Claire twirled around, and joined in.

The Two had there fun that night, when they fell on top of each other, it was embarrassing, but it was pretty funny, both of there faces were read when they landed on each other.

Eventually, after the Faires and Pixies left, the girls and the three pets all laid down.

"So, that was fun." Said Claire

"Yeah, it was.." Said Alaina

"Hey, I shouldn't really ask you this but, what ever happened to your parents? Did you ever get to meet them?" Asked Alaina

"Oh, Funny Story, I don't know who my parents are, at all." Said Claire

"Oh, Sorry for-"

"In fact, I don't even know if there dead or alive, No one knows who my parents are, I don't even know if I have a family, I really don't know that much about myself.. Someone did tell me that I might have an aunt, but. I just don't know.." Said Claire

Alaina looked at Claire, not really knowing what to say.

"I'm really sorry Claire, I- It honestly hurts to know what that feels like, It.. Really does." Said Alaina sadly

"No it's fine, not really as bad as being called a Mudblood." Said Claire

"But hey, I found it pretty funny when you started dancing, you can dance pretty well!" Said Claire

"Oh, Thanks, You dance better then me anyway." Said Alaina

"Oh don't say that! We can both dance really well, you're perfect just the way you are, actually no one is perfect, but people shouldn't change who they are." Said Claire

"Hey, I think you're really fun to hang out with, do you..."

Alaina stared into Claire's Orbs once more and Blushed deeper.

"Do you want to be friends?" Asked Alaina

"Best Friends?" Claire asked

"Yeah, best friends." Said Alaina

"Sure, you are now officially my best friend!" Said Claire

"Good!" Said Alaina

Soon, they headed back to the Leaky Cauldron, and They quietly entered Claire's Room.

"So, I'll see you soon?" Asked Alaina

"Alright." Said Claire

"Goodnight Claire."

"Goodnight Alaina."

Alaina left and headed to her room, as she slowly drifted off to sleep, she couldn't help but dream about how much better this night could've gotten.

("I love that witch.")

(The End)

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