Chapter 1: Packing Up

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Want to know why Alaina was inside of her car today?

Well, The Harvesters had a House Problem, Both Mr And Mrs Harvester decided to show Alaina around due to there house having situations,

They decided to all go to The Leaky Cauldron considering they wanted to spend more time as a family, and Alaina was almost ready for her Third Year at Hogwarts, Being Thirteen, and hoping that this year is actually normal.

Here's how it all went through.

Alaina was in her bedroom packing her things as her parents were waiting outside near the car.

Alaina sighed and collapsed onto her bed for a few seconds before sitting on her bed.

"Great, House Thrashed, but hey, atleast me and my parents get to bond." She said to herself

Before her House was thrashed, She's been writing to Harry, Ron, and Hermione all summer.

And it was almost Harry's Birthday, Ron and Hermione, and Alaina send him letters with treats. Hopefully his Rotten Aunt and Uncle haven't ruined his big day again.

Once the Couple got into the car, Frank honked the car horn once or twice or thrice, Alaina still wasn't ready, Lila eventually pushed Frank a little and honked the horn more than thrice.

"Alright, Alright, I'm Coming!" Alaina called out

Alaina eventually came outside and got into her seat, as the Harvesters began to head to The Leaky Cauldron,

Last Week, Alaina got a new owl named Goldie, Goldie herself is pretty Golden.

Alaina wasn't the one to have pets but it was worth a shot.

As soon as the Trio drove down the street, Alaina asked

"Hey Dad, When Can I drive?"

"When You're Older Dear." Said Frank

"I might drive when I have kids of my own." Said Alaina

"You don't have to be as strict as me Alaina." Said Lila

"I know Mum." Said Alaina

"Honestly Goldie reminds me of Hedwig." Said Alaina

"Hedwig?" Asked Frank

"She's the owl of my friend Harry, oh by the way, Harry's turning thirteen, just like me and my friends!" Said Alaina

"That's Wonderful! Lucky boy to be turning into a wonderful young man!" Said Lila

"When do we get there?" Asked Alaina

"Soon." Said Frank

Alaina sighed and pet Goldie

When they finally reached The Leaky Cauldron, The Harvesters unpacked there things.

"Alright, here we are, Now Alaina, we'll check in and unpack, why don't you play around with Goldie and unpack you're things, we'll be back soon." Said Frank

"Okay." Said Alaina

As Alaina entered there room, she unpacked her things and let Goldie out of her cage, only for Goldie to nearly go crazy,

"Goldie! Shush! People will hear you!"

Goldie eventually calmed down, but not without screeching a little more, quietly.

"That's Right, Quiet down Now." Alaina whispered

Alaina eventually spend a few days with her family, they all had a pretty nice time there, Alaina thought back at all the delicious meals and food she had to eat, and all the people were quite spirited.

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