Endless Echo [Horrordust; Hor...

By Seven_ET

10.4K 333 599

The most this fanfiction contains is fluff, angst, and whatever you call a singular making out session. Enjoy... More

I: Light in the Forest
II: Clingy & Nosy
III: Caught yet found
IV: Romantic Rhythm
Comic + Art (A/N)

Extra chapter

1.3K 51 120
By Seven_ET

Really long chapter and heavy passionate romance.

Horror's POV:

I woke up from the feeling of something pressed against my chest. It was a hand. When I looked at whose hand it was, I saw Dust over me, a couple feet from my face. He noticed I was awake, and blushed, backing off.

"Uh- Good morning." He said awkwardly. I just laughed, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Mm, what's going on? From what I remember I don't recall you being here when I fell asleep last night." I joked. Dust laughed a little.

"Well, I let the others let you sleep in today and made breakfast. I wanted to make breakfast for you to start off a good day." He reminded me. I smiled, remembering today is going to be our first date.

"Aw you didn't have to.. You know I love cooking." I said, still waking up. He leaned over, giving me a kiss on the forehead before getting up from the bed.

"Well, I wanted to treat you to start the day off." Dust remarked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, I'm the one taking you on a date. Shouldn't I be treating you?" I reminded, giving him a sly smile.

"Oh, trust me, you will." He smirked back at me. I didn't know what he meant by that, feeling my cheeks get hot. He just laughed, walking towards the exit. "Come down when you're ready."

Ergh, he always knows how to get butterflies in my stomach.

Since I noticed he was wearing his casual outfit, I decided to wear mine too. The group has never really worn anything formal for any occasion. Nightmare has but it was only once. The only informal thing about our outfits is that mine is covered in blood while his is covered in Dust. Although, we aren't exactly ashamed of that. Well, not exactly, unless you're speaking about trauma.

I went down to eat breakfast Dust made me. It was nothing out of this world, but it was pretty good. He isn't one to cook, so it flattered me that he tried for me. The others must be doing errands because they weren't around.

Since we need Nightmare to teleport from AU to AU, we simply asked him to take us to Outertale since I had some plans for our date there.

There was one thing we both worried about, and that was the Star Sanses. Dust and I don't want our date ruined because they think we're going to hurt someone. They shouldn't be able to track us since we aren't doing anything for Nightmare, but if they supposedly come to this specific AU, we know they can still track our negative energy.

Besides we never attack Outertale anyways. It's one of the beautiful AUs in the multiverse.

To get it the Star fucks off our minds, we got some nice cream. I got strawberry Italian ice while he got mint ice cream. Dust loves minty stuff, yet only likes dark chocolate because normal chocolate is too sweet. Weird, but cute.

Dust's POV:

Horror and I actually went near the forest area of Outertale and ate our food on a bench leaning against a tree. That's when I noticed teleportation not too far from us. I bet you couldn't guess who it is.

It was the Star Sanses. Fantastic.

Horror didn't seem to pay any mind, as he was more focused on the food. I knew Dream noticed our auras, and started to walk off while the others spoke with each other. I was watching them from the side of the tree. I'm pretty sure he noticed me. I didn't want any fighting so I thought of something that might get him to leave us alone.

I gently placed my hand on Horror's cheek. His eyes widened, confused, before I leaned in to kiss him. He was surprised, but kissed me back passionately. I could taste the sweet strawberry from his mouth. When we departed soon after, Dream seemed shocked and slowly backed away back to the others, not saying anything to them. I just smirked. Horror seemed confused, his face a little red. Mine was too after realization.

"Sorry, I probably should have asked first. You were eating after all." I apologized, a little embarrassed.

"No no, it's fine. I don't mind kisses at any time. Besides, mint ice cream doesn't taste so bad." Horror said, licking his lips. My face flushed more- Why does he have to be such a tease? "Was there any specific reason that happened though?"

"Dream sneaked up on us, so I wanted to give him something actually worth watching." I said simply, continuing on my ice cream. I heard Horror snort.

"I know I heard someone. I wonder how he is going to react next time we battle him." Horror said, finishing up his food.

I finished up mine soon after, and Horror brought me to an arcade that had just recently opened up in Outertale. That's one of the reasons Horror wanted to take me here.

We approached a funny looking game about shooting blocks before they could make contact with the ground. This was supposedly one of the games in the arcade that gives you a lot of tickets. Horror took out a quarter and tried to play, yet lost very quickly. He tried again, and lost again. I just chuckled while he went red.

"Grrr... This game is too hard! How are you supposed to shoot at a super-monster speed before they can hit the ground! They bounce everywhere so fast!" Horror growled, gripping the sides of the machine angrily. I went behind him and rubbed his shoulders, which snapped him out of it. He was confused when he turned around to me smirking.

"What? You wanna try?" He laughed, before stepping away from the machine so I could stand in front. I mean, I can try to beat it, but I just found it funny how angry he gets.

"Sure." I volunteered, looking at the controls in front of me. I adjusted my hands, and started the game.

The first few levels were easy, but then it quickly got fast and hard, having to quickly move to the exact spot of where the square will be and shoot before it could make it to the floor. Horror was shocked that I was getting every square. The joystick my hands gripped going back and forth at a super-human speed. It got so bad that I snapped the joystick off the machine. The machine kept playing until I actually lost. I pouted, backing up into Horror.

"Ugh, I could've made it farther. I see why you got so angry at this game now." I groaned and huffed. Horror just seemed shocked, before grabbing my shoulder and pointing with his other hand.

"Dust look!" Horror pointed at a huge pile of tickets the machine spat out. I just grinned, throwing away the broken joystick. They won't notice.

We grabbed all the rolls of tickets and took it to the counter. The person that worked there seemed surprised, but just sighed and pointed to the selection of prizes we could get with this amount.

These things always charged a lot of tickets for something actually good. We still were only allowed to get crappy things cuz arcades are just rigged like that.

"What do you think Dust?" Horror said. I just shrugged. I didn't even bother to look around that much as none of it seemed worth getting.

While I was spacing out in my own thoughts, I felt Horror tap my shoulder. I turned around to see a shark stuffed animal in my face. Confused, I took it from his hands. It was so squishy.. I blushed, looking back at Horror.

"Did you really get this for me?" I asked. He nodded, before leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"Of course, I'm still treating you afterall. Do you like it?" Horror grinned, awaiting my answer. I gazed back at the cute stuffed toy in my hands, and at the moment, I never realized how much I liked sharks. I smiled, caressing Horror's arm, leaning my head on his shoulder near his neck, before whispering..

"I love it. Thank you."


Horror's POV:

It was getting dark, and hand in hand with Dust, I took us to a hill where we could lay ourselves in the fluffy snow and look up at the sky. Today there was supposed to be a meteor shower.

Dust sat down and watched the sky. I chose to lay down next to him with my head resting on his lap. We stared at the sky in comfortable silence. Dust held his stuffed animal close to him. He's so cute. I seemed to be having a hard time focusing on the sky when he was above me, and he seemed to notice. When we made eye contact, he just gave me a smug smile.

"What? Having a hard time focusing on the sky and me?" He said snarky. I just grinned, shrugging.

"I can't help it. You both are just as beautiful." I remarked, leaning up to be only inches away from his face. His face lit up, before I felt a hand gently collide with my face as he pushed me away while laughing.

"Pfft, you think you're smooth?" He said, his hand still on my face preventing me from getting close to him. I licked his hand, between his fingers, and I felt him jolt and take his hand away.

"Horror! Gross!" He laughed while hurrying wiping the spit from his hand on his jacket. I also burst out laughing, falling back down on his lap, my hand held my head.

When we both stopped laughing, we looked back at the sky as the meteor shower had started. It was so beautiful, and I'm sure he thought so too.

"Hey Dust.." I said, still not taking my eyes from the sky. He didn't either.


"I just wanted to ask.. are you okay?" He seemed taken back for some reason. He doesn't seem to be asked that much to be used to it. Although, his expression softened, as he closed his eyes smiling.

"I'm the best I've ever been in years."

I smiled hearing that. It made me happy that I could help him. I leaned up again to get close to his face. He glanced down, and also leaned down to get closer to mine.

"Dust, can I kiss you?" I asked. He snickered, our fore heads touching and breaths colliding.

"Horror, you don't need to ask permission. You can kiss me at any time." He said, recalling what I said earlier. I smiled, and leaned in to lock lips with Dust. He kissed back, placing a hand on my cheek. I turned my head to deepen it, but we ended up falling backwards, with me on top of him.

We continued kissing in the snow, his hood falling back as he let go of his stuffed animal to wrap his arms around me. My hands pinned him on both sides. When we departed, our eyes half lidded, I face planted on his chest. He giggled, still holding me.

"Hey, you know you're bigger than me right?" Dust reminded.


"And you know how heavy you are on me right?"


Dust sighed, while I laughed and rolled over so I was next to him instead of on him. The meteor shower continued above us. Dust scooted closer so he was hugging my arm as we watched together.

It was really nice.

Dust's POV:

We got back home thanks to Nightmare, back in the living room. Killer was chatting in the living room, but when he noticed we showed up he jumped up from the couch.

I'm not super close with Killer. I'm not super close to anybody sadly, but Killer especially is someone I don't want touching me. He isn't a bad guy, I just can't help but be disgusted at his AU. Him teaming up with the same person I tore my life apart just to kill by killing everyone else in my universe. I'm trying to push past that though. He is still my friend. I'm just glad I have Horror.

He followed us in the kitchen where Horror and I were going to make dinner for ourselves. Killer said everybody else already ate besides Nightmare, who was the one who cooked.

"Dude it's been so boring without you too! Boss made food for everyone, you just missed it. I was actually going to send him some food since he didn't even eat anything himself." Killer exclaimed.

"Alright. Dust and I will be in the kitchen." Horror said. Killer nodded, but before he left, he hardly patted Horror's shoulder.

Horror was that type of rough person who didn't mind, yet he still flinched at the sudden smack. He smacked Killer on the back of the head before he walked through the doorway with a plastic container for Nightmare. They both laughed, while I was getting out ingredients.

"So what are we makin'?" He asked, seeing I was already getting things ready.

"I wanted to make some soup if that's okay. Like ramen but homemade." I said. Horror nodded. I grabbed a knife to cut the carrots up. He watched me struggle cutting them, and snickered. I just blushed because I know Horror was so much better at me at this.

Before I knew it, Horror was behind me with a hand on my side and the other gently holding my wrist in place. He helped me cut the carrots correctly without saying anything. Although, the sudden action in general made me blush deeply from how close he was.

We continued working on the soup, throwing things in the pot with boiling noodles. I grabbed some seasoning since I liked to season my ramen, but I noticed something on Horror's back..

It was a sticky note that said "Kiss the Cook!". I laughed, and Horror turned at me smiling yet confused about what I was laughing at. I put the seasoned salt down, and offered my hand to Horror. Still confused, he took it, and I pulled him in for a quick kiss on the lips. He stared at me for a second, confused on what's happening. I just snickered, and held up the sticky note.

"Looks like Killer really knows how to add some spice to this." I said, grinning. He read the sticky note, before realizing why Killer slapped his shoulder so hard. He then started bursting out laughing at my pun and Killer's prank.

When the soup was done, we applied them to the bowls and went out to the dining room.

We ate the soup, Horror being messy as usual. He got broth and veggie bits around his mouth. I giggled, and he glanced at me. I leaned in, wiping the broth and vegetables from his face with my thumb. He huffed, a little embarrassed.

"It would've been hotter if you licked it off my face." He purred. I rolled my eyes, before licking the food bits off my thumb that I wiped from Horror's face.

"Does that count?" I purred back, while his face went an even deeper shade of red.

"Get a room." Killer said walking in. I jumped from the sudden alternate voice in the room, before glaring at Killer.

"Pft, we were here before you. You get out of this room." I joked.

"Whateverrr, I just wanted to spy on you guys cuz I'm bored. You guys are interesting to watch." Killer snickered. Horror stared at him with his grand glowing eye, and Killer just sweated and slowly exited the room.

Horror and I sat there for a second before bursting out in laughter.

We chatted for a bit after that. I grabbed my bowl and Horror's when we were done, and put them to the sink I stood there in thought for a second, deep in thought. I felt arms wrap around me, and I felt Horror breathing in my neck.

"Thank you for the perfect day." He said. I shivered, feeling the vibrations of his low voice against my neck.

"I should be thanking you. You're the one who has treated me today." I reminded, leaning into him more.

"Who says I'm done?" He said, still so close to me. My face was so warm but I tried not to show it. I gave in to my thoughts for a second.

"..Is it bad that I think about what I would do without you, and I can't think of doing anything with myself?" I admitted, remembering things I don't want to remember. "Is it bad that.. I have thoughts that you might die in my arms someday..? You might die by my hands? I might take you away from myself.."

"Dust.." Horror said, rubbing my back. He gently kisses my jawline. "I know you would never do that, because you have control of yourself. You just have to believe it. If you're so distraught over me leaving you, you wouldn't push me away." I closed my eyes, trying to take in Horror's reassuring voice. I breathed calmly. Horror gently grabbed my chin, turning me to face him. He looked very serious.

"And if I ever do leave you. If I ever die someday. I want you to keep going, make new goals in your life. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you even if I am gone." Horror said, staring deeply into my eyes. I just stared back confidently. I didn't want to look away.

"I don't blame you for having thoughts like that though. Sometimes I think about cutting a piece off of you to keep forever so I always have a piece of you with me." Horror grinned. That just made me laugh. I sighed. I turned around so that I was fully facing him now.

"Well.. why not have all of me instead?" I purred jokingly. The blood rushed to his face quickly.

"Pfft, smooth." He nudged me.

"I know." I replied confidently, nudging him back. "Do you mind sleeping with me tonight?" I asked. He jolted, looking very shocked.

"What!?- Uh- I-" He stuttered. I rolled my eyes.

"Not like that you dork, I meant to sleep over with me tonight." I said. His face got redder in embarrassment on how badly he misunderstood.

"O-oh, yeah of course." He stammered, still sweating.

"Good." I responded.

After a couple seconds, I rubbed my arm. "... I love you." Horror smiled at me, leaning in to kiss my forehead for the third time today. I didn't mind, I liked his protective touch.

"I love you too Dust."

[3194 words]

Over 3000 words!! That's the longest chapter I've ever written! Hope you liked the king chapter.
It's supposed to end here, but maybe I'll do another extra chapter, but I have no ideas. This isn't going to be a one shot but if you have any requests I'll gladly take some.
No smut, I do like to add a little spice to things though.

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