Miraculous Ladybug Season 3:...

By MiraculouslyGory

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Ok, I think the best way to start this is with the fact that I am a little intermediated to do this. I have... More

Info Page
Essence(Original Story By Me)
Clawers(Original Story By Me)
Party Crasher(rewrite)
The Bubbler 2.0(original story by me)
Rage Ravager(original story by me)
Heart Hunter(rewrite)
Miraculous Menace(original story by me)

Star Train(Rewrite)

266 8 0
By MiraculouslyGory

(IMO, Star Train is a pretty good episode. It's fun, something different, etc. Also, we get a decent Adrienette moment, and a new hero. However, there is one issue when it comes to where I want this to go. Chloe in this episode. I believe this is the third time she desperately wanted to get the Bee miraculous, and since in my Miracular rewrite she agreed what she must accept the truth, I have to fix this. So, I want to turn the Chloe and Sabrina scenes from Star Train into something beautiful. You will see what I mean when you get there. This is going to work like Miracular and Party Crasher. As always, please enjoy this next rewrite)

Marinette delivers the Fox miraculous back to Master Fu. It is late at night, and Mari is extremely tired, and has to go home to defend Paris again. She then tells Master Fu that her class has a school field trip to London tomorrow. Unfortunately, she cannot attend it because she is Ladybug. Master Fu then tells Mari that is not a problem at all. To help her defend Paris, and attend to school field trip, he gives her the horse miraculous. Fu tells Mari that this miraculous allows her to teleport to anywhere she wants. He informs her it is ok because everyone should have a break once in their lives(he also is doing the same thing he did with Adrien in my Desperda rewrite). Mari thanks Fu, and goes home. In the morning, Adrien is waiting outside of school all alone. Turns out this was a trick, so he can attend the field trip. His Father believes he is going to school, but he didn't tell him he was going to London. He rushes to the train station as fast as he can. Happy to finally feel a little freedom. (This is where the rewrite portion begins).

    The next morning, all the students arrive to the train station. The students include Rose, Juleka, Kim, Alix, Ivan, Mylene, Nate, Chloe, Lila, and Jack(added in). "Ok class. Make sure you check with me before you board the train." Mrs. Bustier said. As for the other students, Max and Markov were arrived by Max's mom, the train's conductor. She looks at her watch, and sees that she has no new emails. "You don't need to be worried Mom, you'll do fine." Max said. "I sure hope so, Max. This is probably one of the biggest days of my life, and it terrifies me if I fail." Max's Mom replied. "Trust me when I say this, you will do great." Max said. "Thank you Max. Better head off with your classmates." Max's Mom replied. The two of them and Markov leave the car, and go to the train. Max is then greeted by Marinette and Alya. "Morning, Max." Marinette said. "Hey guys. Are you excited to go to London today?" Max asked. "Of course. I have been waiting for this field trip for weeks. I am so excited." Alya replied. "Well I hope you guys enjoy the train ride there. Courtesy of my Mom." Max said. "Your Mom conducts the train?" Marinette asked in shock. "Yes. She has been doing it ever since I was in grade school. It is really interesting how one system can travel to different places at an incredible speed. My Mom does enjoy conducting a train, but she told me she always wanted to be something else. An astronaut. Just like train conducting, it is so cool how you can travel places, and explore new things. But I guess you can say being an astronaut is cool because it is out of this world." Max replied. The girls laugh at Max's little joke. "Little joke I cam up with. Anyway, she took an exam last week, and will be getting the results today. She is very anxious about it." Max said. "Well if you get a chance, tell your Mom we wish her the best of luck." Alya replied. "No problem." Max said. "Come on class. The train leaves in five minutes." Mrs. Bustier said.

Outside the train station, Sabrina arrives, and gets out of the car. Her Dad hugs her as a goodbye, and goes to stop crimes. She has a backpack, but only for emergency needs only. As Sabrina walks to the train, she accidentally slips, and falls to the ground. Turns out her backpack was unzipped in one pocket, and almost all her stuff fell out. As she attends to get her stuff, Marinette, Alya, and Max check in. Before they board the train, they hear someone calling them. Turns out this someone is Adrien. "Hey guys, wait up." Adrien said. Adrien catches up to them. "Adrien, what are you doing here? Doesn't your father not allow you to go on school field trips?" Alya asked. "Yes. But I didn't tell him about this one. Therefore, he doesn't know." Adrien replied. "Ohh. Your sneaking out? Won't you Father get mad if he finds out?" Alya asked. "Pfff. What are the chances he will know about this? Let's go. I am really excited to see London." Adrien replied. As Adrien boards the train, Alya gets excited for Marinette. "Looks like you get to spend a whole day in London with Adrien." Alya said. "Yeah......a day with my sweet, adorable, Adrien." Marinette replied as she thinks of her crush. "Well then, if you really want that to happen then we should definitely get on the train now." Alya said. Alya grabs Mari's hand, and they run to the train. Back with Sabrina, she has got all of her things, but can't seem to find her medicine bag. As struggles to find it, and things a get worse when an announcement goes off saying that the train will leave in two minutes. Sabrina starts to worry that she will miss the train, and begins to panic. This sends joy to Hawkmoth, whose lair opens up. As always, he creates an akuma, and sends it to Sabrina. The akuma arrives to the train station, and is close to Sabrina. Before long, Chloe checks in and is about to get on the train, but sees her BFF struggling. Thankfully, Chloe runs to Sabrina to help her. "Hey, Sabrina. What is the matter?" Chloe asked. "I lost my medicine bag, and I have to hurry. The train leaves in about a minute." Sabrina replied. "No need to worry, let me help you." Chloe said. "Wait, really?" Sabrina asked. "Of course. That is what friends are for." Chloe replied. "Oh, you are a life saver, Chloe." Sabrina said. As they look for the medicine bag, the akuma closes in. "I found it. It was under this car over here." Chloe said. "Great looking, Chloe. But, you jacket. It is all dirty now." Sabrina replied. Chloe looks at her jacket, and sees how dirty it is. "It's fine. I have dealt with worse before. Now come on. We don't want to miss the train." Chloe said. Unfortunately, while they were putting the medicine bag back into the backpack, the akuma accidentally slipped in. They didn't notice, and head board the train. "Ok. There you two are. You made it just on time." Mrs. Bustier said. "Sorry for the delay, Mrs. Bustier. Sabrina dropped her stuff, so I wanted to go help her out." Chloe replied. "Well, that was kind of you Chloe. I am glad you got your stuff, Sabrina. However, why do you need all that stuff anyway?" Mrs. Bustier asked. "I always bring a bag full of stuff needed in case anything bad happens. I want to be prepared." Sabrina explained. "Ok then. Please go to your seats, and enjoy the ride." Mrs. Bustier said. Chloe and Sabrina go to their seats, as the Star Train kicks into gear. In the cockpit, Max's Mom holds onto a lever, that starts to make the train move. The train leaves Paris, and is on its way to London. Chloe and Sabrina are seated together, and are next to their peers. As they all sink in and relax, Mari lets out a massive yawn. Everyone laughs at her, as Mari sits in embarrassment. "Wow. What kind of stuff did you do last night that makes you yawn like that?" Alya asked. "Uhhhhh. Nothing just........HW. Yep, lot's or HW. I am really glad we are doing this trip." Marinette replied. "I know. And Max was not wrong. This train is so awesome. I wonder how this trip can get any better?" Alya asked. She finds out, as some box robots as the girls if they want drinks. "Ok, now this is getting better." Alya said. As the girls get their drinks, the other students spend their time the best they can. Whether it is reading books, playing cards, or jamming to music. As for Chloe and Sabrina, they are just on their cell phones. Chloe is taking selfies, as Sabrina just looks at her phone. "Do you better that you found your medicine bag?" Chloe asked. "Definitely, Chloe. I would have missed that train if you didn't show up. Thank you so much." Sabrina replied. "Of course. Just helping a friend out. Say, do you want to take some pictures with me?" Chloe asked. Sabrina is a bit in shock, since Chloe never allows Sabrina to take selfies with her. "Do you really mean it?" Sabrina asked. "Sure, why not." Chloe replied. "Ok then. Should I apply your makeup as always?" Sabrina asked back. "That won't be needed. In fact, if you want. You can use my makeup." Chloe replied. "[Gasp]. Wait, really? You want me to use your makeup?" Sabrina asked. Chloe pulls a thin case of makeup she has in her jacket. She opens the case, and says, "Take your pick." Sabrina is excited, and proceeds to put some of Chloe's makeup on. Chloe even helps her pick out one she thinks look beautiful on her, or ones she would recommend using. With the makeup attracted, Chloe is stunned to how she looks. "Oh my God, Sabrina. You look.........gorgeous." Chloe said in shock. "You really think so? I look.....gorgeous?" Sabrina asked. "Definitely. Now come, let's have some fun." Chloe replied. The two of them take pictures from left to right, to up to down. This selfie marathon is currently being watched by Alya. "I never knew Chloe would actually let someone else use her makeup. Don't you agree, Marinette?" Alya asked. She looks at her BFF, and sees that she is passed out from little sleep. Now comes one of my favorite Adrienette scenes.

Alya looks at her sleeping friend, and Adrien, who is sitting next to Nino. She decides to take this chance for Mari and Adrien to spend time together. She gets out of her seat, and goes to Adrien and Nino. Alya than ask Adrien if they can swap seats, to which Adrien replies with yes. Adrien moves into Alya's seat, and Alya moves into Adrien's seat. Adrien sits down, and continues to listen to his Chinese lessons. As he does, Marinette leans to her right, and lies on Adrien's shoulder. Adrien doesn't let it bother him, and instead smiles. He too closes his eyes, as the two of them nap. Alya looks and is proud of her accomplishment. To make sure that this never gets forgotten, she takes a picture of them together. Speaking of pictures, Chloe and Sabrina are having the time of their lives with the selfies. They take a break from selfies, and laugh after their photo shoot. "That had to have been the most fun I had with you, Chloe. And this makeup is phenomenal." Sabrina said. "Thanks. It really looks incredible on you." Chloe replied. After that complaint, Sabrina smiles. Chloe sees that smile, and she then thinks back to all the time they had together. All the times they played superheroes. All the times they laughed together. And all the times Chloe treated her like a servant. This makes Chloe feel bad for what she did, and she frowns. But this whole selfie marathon made her realize how truly appreciate she is to have Sabrina. Despite everything she did to her, she still by her side to this day. This makes Chloe want to clean the plate, and start over. "Hey, Sabrina?" Chloe asked. "Yes, Chloe. What is it?" Sabrina asked back. "I........don't think you want to speak about this, but I knew I had to have this conversation with you. [Deep breath]. I am sorry." Chloe replied. "Sorry? Sorry for what?" Sabrina asked. "What do you mean. I am really sorry for the way I have been treating you over this period. I have haven't been treating you a friend, but rather as a servant. Actually, I take that back. I have NEVER been treating you as a friend, but always as a servant. We only had few times of fun together, but to me those never meant anything. I feel so awful believing that I can use someone to do my doings, instead of treating them with the respect they deserve. Apart from Adrien, you are the only other friend I have in my life, and you have been with me every since we meet. And yet, I treat you like a bag of garbage." Chloe said as she feels guiltily for being a bad person. There is a moment of silence between the two friends, before Chloe continues to speak. "But now.......I am done being the ridiculous utterly ridiculous. I realized, that despite the bad things I have done, I can still change who I am for the better. I don't want to harm people, but instead, help them. I am not longer going to treat like the old Chloe. I am going to treat you like the friend you deserve to have in your life. A sweet, caring, and especially respectful person. I hope you understand." Chloe said. Chloe's emotional confession has Sabrina left speechless. But then, she puts her hand on Chloe's shoulder, smiles, and says, "I understand, Chloe. Thank you." Chloe then smiles, and the two BFFs hug. Their friendship stronger than it ever was before.

Meanwhile, Max's Mom checks her watch with her nose because her hand must be on the lever at all times. She got no new emails, and this starts to concerned her. Back with the class, Mari and Adrien are still snoozing together. Unfortunately, this leaves a bad taste and sight to Lila, who sees this going on. Knowing she needs to "protect Adrien from bad influences," she gets up from her seat to wake her up. Thankfully, Alya sees Lila, and stops her. "It looks like you need something from Marinette, Lila." Alya said as she confronts Lila. "Oh........I is nothing really. I often get sick when moving on fast vehicles, and I was hoping Marinette can help." Lila replied. "That is true. Marinette is the best one to lend a helping hand. However, she is very tired now, and it is best to not disturb her." Alya said. "Did someone say they feel sick?" Sabrina asked. "Yeah. Lila said she can get motion sickness on fast vehicles." Alya replied. "Don't worry, Lila. I have everything I need here in my emergency backpack." Sabrina said. "That is just too sweet of you Sabrina. Thank you." Lila replied, but then gets mad she didn't ruin this decent Adrienette moment. Sabrina gets out of her seat, with her backpack in hand. She places it on the ground, and prepares to get Lila what she needs. "Ok, I should have the right medicine right.........here." Sabrina said. But as she unzips her backpack, fear is unleashed on the Star Train. Because the akuma from earlier flies out of the backpack. Everyone sees the butterfly, and starts to panic. The sight of the akuma has Chloe pull Sabrina away from the akuma. Protecting her friend. Sadly, this has Marinette and Adrien wake up. "Huh. What just happened?" Marinette asked. She looks to see that Adrien is next to her, and she freaks out. She falls out of her seat, but then screams again to see an akuma on board. Everyone moves to the other side of the cart safety, so they can be safe from the akuma. "An akuma on board. But how? Hawkmoth is back in Paris, and we are at least a few miles away from Paris" Alya asked. "Well if you ask me, it would be Sabrina's fault. The akuma was found in her backpack." Nino replied. Everyone suspects Sabrina of this mess, and looks at her. "Uhhh......I don't know how it got in there. I swear on it." Sabrina said. "Yeah, likely story." Ivan replied. Chloe refuses to have her friend take the blame, and defend her. "Hold on. How do we know for sure it is Sabrina's fault?" Chloe asked. "Do we need to talk about this? The akuma was found in HER backpack. That is all the proof I need in my book." Kim replied. "Ok, you have a point. But still. I was with Sabrina when she dropped her stuff on the ground accidentally, before boarding the train. Theoretically speaking, the akuma could have flew into her bag, and we didn't see it." Chloe said. "Even if that is the case, how do you expect we last this train ride with the chances of a super villain coming aboard?" Alya asked. "Even worse, Ladybug and Cat Noir are still in Paris. We will be doomed if that akuma goes into something." Rose replied as she panics. "Look. We can do this. We just need to stay calm, keep positive emotions, and just make sure the akuma goes into nothing." Chloe said. "Good plan. But there is one problem though. The akuma flew into the air vent." Jack replied. The classes sees the akuma go inside the air vent. "Well.......were screwed." Jack said. Things get worse, as Max's Mon sees that she still has no new emails. She starts to worry more than before, and eventually believes she failed the exam. Lucky for her, she has the chance to live her dream now. Unlucky for the passengers on board, the source of her dream is an akuma. The akuma goes into the switch she is holding, and with no Hawkmoth to control her, she gets the powers to turn this train into a spaceship. As the trains gets evilized, Star Train, Max's Mom's villain's name, tells her passengers to hold on. The train ascends into the air at fast speeds, until the entire train is in outer space. With no gravity, the class starts to fly in the air. "Yep, we are totally screwed." Jack said. "Calm down, Jack. I am sure there is a way out of this mess." Mrs. Bustier replied. "Oh really. How you expect we escape. He just open the door, and walk away. Yeah, there is no way off this train." Jack said. "Even worse, Ladybug and Cat Noir is back on Earth." Alya said. This leads to everyone arguing among the train. Thankfully, Markov thinks of a way to help everyone out. He connects himself to the speaker, and starts to hack the machine. Thanks to being all advanced, he is able to open the door. "Attention everyone, we have progress." Markov said. Everyone is surprised at Markov's hacking skills. "Now don't just stand there, let's go stop an akuma." Markov said. The class swims to the next cart, and try to swim to the end of this cart to get the next door open. Unfortunately for them, Star Train sees this, and doesn't allow it. He turns the train around, as the class is sent flying back to the cart they were previously in. Marinette and Adrien on the other hand, stay behind, so they can transform. They go to separate bathroom, each one of the other side of the cart. They transform, leave their bathrooms, and are shocked to see one another. "Cat Noir. You are one this train?" Ladybug asked in shock. "Yeah. But relax. There are hundreds of people on this train. They will never know it is me. And that is hard considering how purfect I am looking." Cat Noir replied. "Very charming. I got here with the Horse miraculous, which grants teleportation. We can just say that, so people won't expect a thing." Ladybug said. "Understood, My Lady." Cat Noir replied. The duo approaches the class, and tells everyone to stay calm. The class is shocked, but Ladybug tells them all they will explain later(Spoiler, they don't. This next part is pretty much from the original episode, so I will summarize it). Ladybug tells the class to go to the end of the cart, to stay safe. As they swim away(minus Chloe asking for her miraculous), Max and Markov decide to accompany Ladybug and Cat Noir because he wants to help his Mom. They go into the cart they opened, and there are only two carts away from the cockpit. As they enter the cart, the door slams shut. Ladybug uses her lucky charm, and it forms a London officer hat. Before she think of anything, hot strong air is blown into the room. They have to escape fast before they get cooked to death. Thankfully, Markov is able to hack into the next cart, and opens the door. There is only one cart left to go. Before entering, Markov notices that it is below zero degrees. This is going to be a hard one to open, so Ladybug decides to give Max the Horse miraculous. Max agrees to help, and after meeting Kaalki, he transforms into Pegasus. They open the door, and prepare to end this. However, the akuma gave Star Train's robot boxes the power to shot lasers. While Pegasus and Cat Noir hold them off, Markov tries to open the door. However, the room is so cold, that if freezes the robot. After looking at some hand warmers, Ladybug figures out what to do with the lucky charm. She puts the hand warmers into her lucky charm, and covers Markov with the hat. That warms the robot up, and the door is opened. The heroes charge at Star Train, and Cat Noir cataclysms the train lever. To make sure they arrive safely, Pegasus uses his power, Voyage, and opens a portal to London. As the train de-evilizes, the train lands right through Big Ben. No problem though, since Ladybug uses Miraculous Ladybug to fix the mistakes, and the train is back to Paris(Now here is my rewrite for the ending of this episode).

Max de-transforms, and returns the Horse miraculous to Ladybug. The trio of Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Max do a pound it. Successfully saving Paris again. All of Mari and Adrien's classmates get off the train, so they can take a minute to breath, before they can re-board the train. "Ok class, take a minute to stretch out, before we have to re-board the train." Mrs. Bustier said. As they rest, Max's Mom is waiting outside as well. She is hesitant to check her emails again. With one deep breath, she presses her watch, and sees she has one new email. She presses the email, and receives some much needed good news. The email says she passed the exam. As she stands in joy, Max meets up with her. His Mom tells him the good news, and Max hugs his Mom, congratulating her on her dream come true. "Ok class, it is time to board the train to London again." Mrs. Busier said. Max hugs his Mom again, and goes to meet up with his friends. As they board, Sabrina stops Chloe before boarding. "Wait." Sabrina said. Chloe looks, and sees Sabrina hold her hand. "Thank you for being there for me Chloe." Sabrina said. Chloe smiles, and responds with, "Of course. I won't let anyone hurt my best friend." The two of them go onto the train together. Adrien is about to board, but unfortunately Natalie is here to get him. Adrien, hoping his father won't be that pissed at him, has to go. "You have a lot to explain, Adrien." Natalie said. "I am sorry Natalie. I just wanted to go on a field trip for once." Adrien replied. "Well, your father is very happy you are safe, but I bet he is not going to be happy when you get home." Natalie said. As Adrien leaves, Marinette sees this happened, and is upset. "Poor Adrien. He gets to miss another field trip, and that means I won't be able to spend time with him in London." Marinette said. "True, but you got something better instead." Alya replied. She pulls out her phone, and shows Mari the photo she got of Mari and Adrien on the train. "You didn't?" Marinette asked. "Uhh. I did, and your welcome." Alya replied.

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