Miraculous Ladybug Season 3:...

By MiraculouslyGory

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Ok, I think the best way to start this is with the fact that I am a little intermediated to do this. I have... More

Info Page
Essence(Original Story By Me)
Clawers(Original Story By Me)
Party Crasher(rewrite)
The Bubbler 2.0(original story by me)
Star Train(Rewrite)
Rage Ravager(original story by me)
Heart Hunter(rewrite)
Miraculous Menace(original story by me)


898 26 9
By MiraculouslyGory

(In my last chapter, you saw me rewrite an entire episode, kind of.  Yes, I did have similar elements in the actual episode, but I do have some decent changes.  Now, you are about to watch me rewrite a scene, not a full episode.  The scene I am specifically going to be rewriting is the ending of this episode, as well as the conversation Chloe had with Ladybug.  Why?  Well, that scene didn't feel that important as it should be, and it really did not end anything, just like the ending of Kuro Neko.  So yeah, this needs a rewrite.  Also like I said before, Chloe's redemption arc will stay alive, and will continue throughout this story.  To make this not feel that short, I will try to summaries the events of Mircular as best I can up until the point I need to rewrite the scene.  Ok, let's do this).

Paris is under attack by another supervillain as always.  Meanwhile, Chloe is at the top of her hotel, using her bee signal to get Ladybug.  As this stage in the game, Chloe does not seem to be taking this whole superhero job seriously.  Sabrina shows Chloe the news on her phone as they wait for Ladybug to show up.  Speaking of waiting, Mayura hides behind a statue, spying on Chloe.  She reports to Hawkmoth about the situation, and he tells her to wait until Ladybug comes.  Unfortunately of them, the villain is defeated, and Paris is saved thanks to Ladybug, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Carapace.  Chloe is upset, but believes that she is called upon the more serious villains.  Sabrina sees that is not true, but doesn't say it to her.  Speaking of Ladybug, she gets the miraculous of Rena Rouge and Carapace back, before meeting Cat Noir at the Eiffel Tower.  Cat is concerned about the fact that Ladybug didn't call Chloe to the battle.  Ladybug says that is too dangerous considering because everyone, including Hawkmoth, knows who she is.  Cat suggest that should talk, and Ladybug says she will think about it.  As Cat leaves, Chloe's bee signal turns off.  Gabriel is now mad that Ladybug didn't give Chloe the bee miraculous.  Natalie believes Ladybug is being careful considering that once again, everyone know who Queen Bee is.  Gabriel doesn't care, and says he wants to make Chloe an ally, and will do what it takes to akumatize her.  Realizing that they must come up with a new strategy, Natalie suggest they get assistance.  That assistance is my second favorite character in this show, Lila Rossi.  Lila is sitting on a bench in the park, as Gabriel's car pulls up behind her.  After the window roles down, Lila starts to speak to Gabriel, knowing he is here.  She first thanks Gabriel for giving her the opportunity to protect Adrien, and then describes the bad influences.  Nino, Chloe, and especially Marinette.  Lila then tells Gabriel that Adrien doesn't show any love to Chloe, who only cares about being Queen Bee.  In fact, Adrien not caring for Chloe's love to him is what she thinks makes Adrien perfect.  Gabriel tells Lila that the two of them have had a strong relationship together.  One so strong, that it is unbreakable.  He thanks Lila for the help, and Gabriel leaves.  At school, Chloe tells Mari, Adrien, Alya, and Nino about not being picked as Queen Bee.  She once again normally brags about how awesome Queen Bee is, and thinks she should have been there.  Of course, ever hero needs a villain, so it is a good thing Lila Rossi shows up.  Mari immediately drags Alya away from Lila, as does Adrien with Nino, but to study for an exam.  Lila, seeking the chance to strike, goes to talk to Chloe.  Chloe does not know who she is, until Sabrina tells her that she is in her class.  Lila uses her manipulation to look like a good friend of Chloe.  When Lila starts talking about Ladybug, that gets Mari's attention.  Chloe is shocked that Lila and Ladybug are BFFs, and Lila even tells Chloe she has a magical way to call Ladybug whenever she wants.  Chloe at first is not interested, but after Lila offers to tell her what it is, she immediately changes her mind.  She tells Chloe to test it out, and see if Ladybug truly cares about her.  Mari goes up to Chloe, and ask her if what Lila said is true.  Chloe believes that Mari thinks Lila is a fraud, which she is, and tells her she is going to talk to Ladybug now.  Tikki then suggest Mari go talk to Chloe, and Mari agrees.  Unknowingly, Hawkmoth's plan kicks into action.  Mayura leaves his lair, and Mari transforms into Ladybug to talk to Chloe.  Meanwhile, a baby is crying over not getting any lollipops.  Mayura, sensing the negative emotions, uses a feather, and blows it away.  The feather goes into the baby's pacifier, and the lollipop senti-monster is born.  Ladybug arrives to the hotel where Chloe stays at, but then sees the senti-monster.  As does Adrien and Chloe plus Sabrina.  Adrien immediately rushes inside home to transform, and Chloe plus Sabrina immediately rushes to the rooftop to get her bee signal.  Too bad Ladybug and Cat Noir are fighting the monster with no help.  Chloe and Sabrina look on the news about the lollipop monster attack.  Chloe still questions why Ladybug doesn't call her, but she then remembers what Lila told her.  She decides that if that works for Lila, it can work of her too.  She does what Lila told her, basically an embarrassing ballerina dance, and nothing happened.  Ladybug and Cat Noir defeat the villain, the feather is gone, and city is safe.  Chloe is now even more upset, and even even more upset that Lila lied to her.  Sabrina, seeing the anger in Chloe, goes to find a way to help her.  Hawkmoth, who sees Chloe's anger as a sign of joy, waste no time to strike.  He creates an akuma, and sends it to Chloe.  Sabrina returns with Ladybug and Cat Noir costumes, and tries to cheer up Chloe by saying that they can play superheroes by themselves.  She can be Cat Noir, and Chloe can be Ladybug.  Chloe then gets anger, saying that there is only one Ladybug, the actual Ladybug.  She yells at Sabrina that this idea is dumb, and tells her to go away.  She does so, and Chloe get akumatized when the akuma goes into the photo of her and Ladybug.  Hawkmoth tells Chloe that the two of them can be a team again, and they will get the bee miraculous.  Therefore, she can be Queen Bee whenever she wants.  Hawkmoth, hoping that Chloe takes her deal, instead gets upset when Chloe resist.  Chloe tells Hawkmoth that she is Queen Bee, and despite what happens, Ladybug will call her.  She then ends their conversation by saying she will never join forces with him.  As the akuma flies away, Chloe takes some deep breaths.  Hawkmoth is surprised, but he is still happy when he feels another negative emotion.  That emotion is from Sabrina, who is sad because Chloe rejected her.  She then gets akumatized, and turns into Miracular.  Miracular heads to where Ladybug and Cat Noir are, and starts copying what they are saying.  She tells the heroes that they rejected Chloe for the last time.  So, Cat is a bit upset here, but that is cut short when Miracular attack them.  Using her baton, she steals the powers of Ladybug and Cat Noir.  Cat Noir is given a painfully treatment, when he gets cataclysm in the rib cage(ouch).  Ladybug, knowing she needs help, goes to Master Fu, as Cat Noir escapes Miracular.  At Master Fu's place, Ladybug takes not one, not two, but three miraculous.  The fox, turtle, and bee.  When she returns to Cat Noir, she tells him to give the bee miraculous to Chloe.  She doesn't care if everyone knows who she is, they need as much help as possible.  Ladybug goes to get Alya and Nino, who are doing "superhero training" on the bridge.  As they get recruited, Miracular shows Chloe her new powers.  And by powers, the powers of Ladybug and Cat Noir.  Chloe, instead of feeling happy, feels upset.  She doesn't want to be the actual Ladybug because there is only one.  Cat Noir then shows up to give Chloe the bee miraculous.  She is upset that it is not Ladybug, but agrees to take it.  Before she can, it is snatched from his hand by Mayura.  Mayura than makes an offer to Chloe, join forces, and she will be Queen Bee forever.  Cat Noir believes she shouldn't take the deal, so despite his injured rib cage, he goes to fight the two villains.  Meanwhile, Chloe is pulled from behind by Ladybug, Rena Rouge, and Carapace.  As Cat Noir struggles to fight, Chloe agrees to take the Ladybug powers.  Miracular, happy to see this, does so.  Too bad of the villains it is an illusion, and Ladybug's powers have been transferred back into Ladybug.  Knowing they were tricked, everyone except Chloe go fight.  Ladybug helps Cat Noir fight Mayura, while Rena Rouge and Carapace fight Miracular.  The two of them get their butts kicked, as Miracular takes their powers.  Hawkmoth tells Mayura to go back to the base, but Cat Noir uses his baton to knock the bee miraculous out of Mayura's hand.  Ladybug gives it to Chloe, and transforms into Queen Bee.  Queen Bee goes after Mayura, as the others fight Miracular.  Queen Bee finds Mayura, whose but gets kicked pretty badly by Mayura.  Mayura still offers Chloe to work with them, but Chloe is still keeping her promise with Ladybug.  She nearly gets the peacock miraculous, but Mayura gets away.  Miracular continues to fight, as Ladybug uses her lucky charm to get a pillow.  Chloe returns, they use the feathers in the pillow to tickle Miracular, she drops the baton, they break it, they capture the akuma, and everything is fixed(Yeah, I wanted to write fast because I am guessing I kept you all waiting long enough.  Anyway, here is where the real rewriting begins).

The whole team gathers with Queen Bee, as the conversation begins.  "I'm sorry Ladybug, Mayura got away."  Queen Bee said.  "It's ok, you did your best.  We will get her next time.  However, I do need to talk to you Chloe.  I am sorry I have been ignoring you, but that is because I have to tell you something that will be hard to accept.  I can't give you the bee miraculous anymore"  Ladybug replied.  "What....Why?"  Queen Bee asked.  "You are right, Queen Bee is amazing, but Hawkmoth knows who are you, and that is too risky for us.  Not to mention, the way you use your bee signal, and constantly ask me for your miraculous shows how you are not taking this seriously.  Being a superhero, is a very serious job, and must be kept a secret.  I'm so sorry Chloe, but I can't let you be Queen Bee anymore.  I am doing this for your own safety, but just because you aren't a superhero does not mean you can't do good for others.  I know deep down, you want to do good, and I know that will make you a better person."  Ladybug replied.  Queen Bee is upset/sad/shocked at first, but after hearing Ladybug finish speaking and thinking for a moment, she understands that Ladybug has a point.  She de-transforms, and says a few final things before giving the miraculous back.  "Before I give this to you Ladybug, I just want to say sorry for everything that I have done.  It is my fault my identity got revealed to Hawkmoth, and I now understand that what I have been doing is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.  Moreover, what I did to become a famous superhero resulted in people almost getting hurt, and me joining forces with Hawkmoth.  Finally, I understand that I can't be Queen Bee anymore, but you are right, I can do good for others without a superhero costume.  I want to do good for others.  I also want to say that it was an honor fighting not just with you Ladybug, but with all of you guys.  And Pollen, although it was short, I am really glad we had fun together."  Chloe said.  "Of course My Queen.  It was a pleasure to be your kwami."  Pollen replied.  Chloe gives the bee miraculous back to Ladybug, as the whole group, including Chloe, does a pound it.  Hawkmoth is upset that his plan to make Chloe his ally a waste of time, and decides to fully give up on manipulating her.  Sabrina meets up with Chloe the next day, in which Chloe acts in a very strange way.  In fact, a good way.  "Good morning Chloe.  Do you need me to carry your bags?"  Sabrina asked.  "That won't be need Sabrina.  I can carry it myself."  Chloe replied in a nice way.  Sabrina is a bit surprised, but ends up going with the flow.  Meanwhile, Lila sees Chloe, and is hoping to see true disappointment on her face after yesterday.  "So, did my call work?"  Lila asked.  "It did actually kind of, and I have to say it was really helpful for you to tell me.   Ladybug and I talked, and I feel a lot better now."  Chloe replied.  "Wait, your not mad?"  Lila asked confused.  "Why would I be mad?  Oh btw, you look nice today."  Chloe replied.  Lila is shocked at this, as is Marinette.  "Looks like Cat and I were right Marinette.  All you had to do is talk to her, and everything will be alright."  Tikki said.  "I guess so Tikki.  I can't believe Chloe is being nice now."  Marinette replied.  "Well, let's hope it stays that way."  Tikki said.  "Of course, Tikki."  Marinette replied.

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