SUMMER LOVIN' • steve harring...

By jadzethhh

105 0 0


part one
part two
part three
part five
part six
part seven

part four

8 0 0
By jadzethhh

hey lovelies. how was your day/ how is your day going?

"YOU'RE SERIOUSLY going to the championship game?" Donna Darke says, aimed at both of her kids. Pacing around the kitchen Jude answers, "Yeah mom, I think it'll be fun. Maybe?"
"If you say so." The boys mother replies with a shrug.
"Jude, why are you pacing?" Lucia asks, standing from her seat at the island.
"I can't find my other shoe." Jude says, still pacing up and down the kitchen.
"And you think pacing is going to help you find it?" Lucia says, starting to look for the missing shoe.
"Yeah." Jude retorts, opening the kitchen cabinets in hopes of finding the missing brown converse.
"Here, it was by the couch." Donna says, reappearing to the scene, her kids not even knowing she left.
"Thank you." Jude says clasping his hands together dramatically.
After pulling on his shoe, the blonde boy jumps up, "Let's go! We have a basketball game thing to watch!"
"I didn't even think you liked basketball." Lucia says whilst walking towards her 1967 ford mustang.
"Oh yeah I'm super obsessed with basketball." Jude says opening the car door as his sister does the same.
"Oh really?" Lucia says, looking over at her brother obviously unconvinced. Her brother didn't like sport. So why was he so adamant on going to the game?

ARRIVING AT the high school, Jude and Lucia climb out of the scarlet red car.
"Isn't this so fun." Jude comments sarcastically.
"Yeah, you don't sound very excited to be here." Lucia says, looking over at her brother who has a smirk plastered on his face.
"Oh, I am so excited." Jude calls.
He's up to something. Lucia wracks her brain for anything her brother could be planning. But what on earth could a 15 year old be planning to do to his sister at a basketball game?

WALKING IN the hall the not-so-ecstatic pair were greeted by none other than Nancy Wheeler. Nancy and Lucia go way back. Their mothers were best friends in high school so the pair were raised together, practically being sisters, this all came to a halt when the girls were in their early teens. Their mothers got into an argument and after everything settled, Donna being Donna held a grudge.
"Hey Nancy! It's been a while." Lucia beams, happy to see her old friend. After the argument there was never any animosity between the two, though people assumed there should have been.
"Yeah, it really has! How are you?" Nancy replied, equally as ecstatic to be catching up Lucia.
"I'm good, not exactly excited to be here but Jude needed a chaperone. How are you?" The blonde haired girl half-joked. Laughing slightly Nancy replied, "Yeah, you never really did like basketball. I'm well, slightly more excited to be here than you."
Lucia chuckled at the dark haired girl, a grin forming across her face.
"Yes, yes. We get it you two still love eachother dearly. Now ask about me would you Nance, i'm feeling quite, unimportant." Jude grimaced, jokingly, screwing up his face in response to feeling 'unimportant'.
"Ah Jude, how much I've missed you and your humour." Nancy replied revelling in old memories.
"How could you not miss me, I'm hilarious darling!" The boy slaps his hand over his chest with an exaggerated laugh, people staring oddly at the strange child. Jude scanned the room giving snide looks at the people who were staring at him. His eyes flit and landed on a familiar brunette, one he'd see in his house most mornings. Steve Harrington. What the boy failed to notice was that Steve was there with someone. A girl. Without a second glance Jude whips around, "So! We should be going to sit down, the game is about to start."
The two girls broke off their conversation to adhere to the voice of the blonde boy.
"Yeah, okay. See ya later Nance." Lucia says, completely over her brother.
"Bye!" Nancy sighs. Nancy always looked up to the slightly older girl, always secretly looking for her approval. She never had an older sister but growing up with Lucia, she felt like she did.

PULLING HIS sister in the direction of her current hookup, Jude felt overjoyed, proud, satisfied and most of all selfless. He was setting up his sister and Steve and he couldn't be happier. I am an amazing person. He thought too himself, breathing in happily.
"Where are we sitting?" His clueless older sister asked, her eyes trained on her brother, who's hand grips her wrist.
"Oh don't worry just follow me." The sneaky child grins.
Lucia furrows her brows in both amusement and skepticism. What is he up to? The brown eyed girls eyes shoot up as her brothers comes to a rather hasty halt, her eyes locking on his. Steve Harrington. Oh god. Save me now. What is he doing here? God he looks good. I could lick him up. Lucia stands staring for a good minute, letting her thoughts wonder before her eyes land on her brother once more. Cheeky. Little. Shit. Then she hears it. The voice of the man she is so desperately inlove with.
"Hey Cia."
He greets, his eyes racking over her body subtly.
"Hi Steve, funny seeing you here.." Lucia returns, quickly sending a glare towards her grinning brother.
"Steve, who's this?" An annoying voice rings out. All three of them turn to face the blonde girl.
"This is Lucia and Jude. Jude, Lucia meet Brenda." Steve says an awkward smile on his face.
"I'm like his date." The agitating blonde comments, gum smacking around her mouth. Jude's eyes widen significantly, he did not see that coming. The younger Darke sibling turns around swiftly to compose himself. Laughter starting to bubble in his throat.
Lucia almost scowls at the blondes words. his date? The dirty blonde haired girl scans over Steve's date, the urge to laugh in both their faces becoming extremely hard to push down.
"Oh! I didn't think you were his type." Lucia says, forced smile evident on her face. Steve reaches his hand to scratch the back of his neck, the awkwardness of this situation becoming too much. He knew she was going to be here. But he didn't expect her brother to drag her up to him.
"You didn't think i was his type?" Brenda scoffs, crossing her arms.
Jude, after finally gaining his composure back turns around, "Well your not his usual type. That's for sure." He mutters, loud enough for all of them to hear.
Lucia smirks at her brothers comment, turning her gaze onto Steve. The man with the gorgeous face, the man who has her heart and the only man who's actually made her cum.
"You never told me you were dating someone." She smiles, a trace of jealousy slipping through.
"Mustn't of come up." He shrugs, sensing the jealousy.
"Oh, there seems to be no seats left let's sit here Lu." Jude says practically shoving his sister to sit next to Steve.
"There are a lot of free places to sit." Brenda the bimbo states her face scrunching in annoyance.
Laughing sarcastically at the girl Jude degrades, "No there's not, what are you talking about you silly muffin. I think you might need glasses you know."
And with that, the band stops.

"EVERYONE NOW, please rise for our national anthem." With a role of her eyes Lucia stands, her brother and Steve standing on either side of her.
"Singing for us tonight we have a very special guest." The partially bald man starts, "All the way from Nashville, our very own Tammy Thompson!"
Lucia practically hurls at the name, as the the dark blonde haired girl walks into the hall, arms flaring around her head.
"Oh say, can you see. By the dawns early light.."
"Told you. Muppet." Steve whispers, causing Lucia to look up at him, following his eyeline to Robin.
"Okay, she does sound like a muppet." The freckled band girl replies before turning back to face forward. Oh she sound like a muppet alright. The girl thinks, as her brother beside her gnaws at his lip trying desperately not to laugh.
"Wow, she sounds amazing doesn't she." Lucia hears the annoying voice of Steve's date, Brenda, ring out. Lucia looks up at the brunette once more to see his face scrunch up in both confusion and disgust. Leaning into his side Lucia whispers, "Seriously? You could do so much better than her."
Steve leans his head towards hers, a wave of confidence washing over him, "Don't be jealous, sweetheart. It's not her I've been fucking for the past 4 months."
Lucia's eyes widen slightly, her legs clamping together as Steve smirks to himself.
"The bombs bursting in air. Gave proof through the night." Tammys voice becomes clear again, "That the flag was still there. O say does star-spangled.."
And with that Lucia drowns out Tammys muppet-like voice, revelling in her thoughts.

part 4 complete. I wrote part of this one day at like 1 am and part of this the next day at like 4:30 pm. Turns out I write better at 1 am.

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