I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Bo...

Par BeckySmolder

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Danielle Rodriguez has been playing house with her boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson, and his daughter hope for the... Plus

CH. 1
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Book No. 4 - OUT NOW ‼️💚🌈

CH. 6

434 14 47
Par BeckySmolder


Sunday, September 30th
3:40 AM

A gentle hand came to my arm, "Are you okay?" Tristan asked me. I swallowed, glancing over at him and forcing a smile to my face. I nodded my head. "You sure? I know that wasn't easy on you."

"I'm fine, really," I lied, "thank you."

A couple of people approached us, one tapping Tristan on the shoulder and whispering in his ear quickly before stepping back. "Oh, excuse me, Danielle," Tristan said, squeezing my arm before letting go and walking away from me with four lackeys following suit.

I furrowed my eyebrows, watching them head up a staircase. I looked around and noticed Aya and Mohinder approaching Marcel who was huddled at the bar next to Hayley. I rushed over to them as they were all headed in my direction. "What's going on?" I asked and Hayley grabbed hold of me to pull me to the side while the vampires left.

"They're taking Marcel somewhere," she said.

I furrowed my eyebrows and we both followed after all of them, upstairs into a private room where Tristan stood in the middle of the room, flanked by two men. Aya waltzed right through to his right hand side.  And suddenly more vampires flooded in, crowding and surrounding every wall surface from every entrance. I took a deep breath, gulping. This wasn't good. Marcel stood by the doors we entered, Hayley and I right behind him. We stood still, preparing for whatever was to come.

"Mr. Gerard! It's time," Tristan said.

"You're pushing up the clock? I have another hour," Marcel pointed out.

"And I'm afraid that an inability to improvise is the most common of failings. Either you have an answer, or you don't," Tristan quipped.

"So much for saying you were honest," I scoffed under my breath. Marcel and Hayley shot me warning looks. I rolled my eyes. Elijah was lurking around. I wasn't in any danger. Marcel on the other hand? All these vampires were here to make sure he played his role in their twisted game.

"Aya. Aya took my ring," Marcel said. "I went to shake someone's hand, got rejected and she slipped it off me when she led me away from the awkwardness."

"I'm sorry, but I don't have your r—" Aya was saying matter of factly, giving him a look that said she was offended he even named her. As if it weren't true.

"Hold up!" Marcel cut her off. "I said you took it. I didn't say you still have it. See, after you lifted it off me, you gave it to my man Mohinder over there."

All eyes turned to Mohinder, standing behind Tristan, holding Marcel's daylight ring. Oh, no. He eats vampires. He has complete control over his mind and body to starve forever without any repercussions. He taught Aya how to fight. And apparently she could whip Marcels ass, so I could only imagine Mohinder.

"Well done! Of course, as you know, that was only half the challenge," Tristan said, clapping Marcel on the shoulder as he passed by him. Aya his lap dog on his heels. Hayley tugged me back as everyone made room for Marcel and Mohinder to stand in the middle.

"Let's see how he does," Tristan whispered as he came to the other side of me, giving me a soft smile. It felt genuine, but I couldn't be sure. I didn't trust him. He's been nothing but nice to me but he had this vibe about him that made me weary. He led this vampire cult, and that should've been enough of a red flag. I just sensed there was something more psychotic hiding under that suit and charm.

I looked away Tristan as both men in the fight curl cake were unbuttoning their suit jacket. "Kick his ass, Marcel," I mumbled lowly, taking Hayley's hand in mine and squeezing it.

"There's no shame in dying at the hands of one's superior," Mohinder said.

Marcel smirked, "There's not much glory in it, either."

Mohinder tossed his jacket completely to the floor while Marcel bounced on his feet. I braced myself, I was familiar with his fighting. He and I were in a boxing cage multiple times a week. I had the bruises to prove it. As expected, Marcel sent two jabs right to Mohinder's face. Yes! It was short lived as he went to follow up with a kick to the rib cage. Mohinder grabbed hold of his leg, flipping my friend around and sending him flying back into a table. I winced as Marcel went right through it.

Marcel grunted, laying on the floor as Mohinder slowly stalked forward. I stared in confusion wondering what he was going. Marcel was always clever. He always had something up his sleeve when he wasn't one move ahead of his opponent. I just had no idea what it was in this case. "Do something," Hayley whispered beside me.

Marcel grabbed hold of the broken end of the table, using his vampire speed to rush at Mohinder. He got in one good swing to his head. That was it. The terminator caught hold of it and there was barely a struggle before he tossed the table piece away with one hand and the other wrapping around Marcel's throat.

Marcel sent two desperate hits to Mohinder's chest, which had no effect. The third swing didn't make it as Mohinder caught hold of his fist and then head butted Marcel. Ouch! I gasped as Marcel was then thrown across the room into an empty wall space, going straight through it. Damn!

I peered my head to look into the next room. There was a lot of commotion and punches being thrown. And before I knew it both men came flying out the whole and to the floor a few feet away from us onlookers. Mohinder was on his feet first, kicking Marcel who was crawling towards a tiny stake on the floor.

As Mohinder goes towards Marcel again, he's ready this time and sends a kick to his gut. Then he's on his feet as Mohinder is bent over in pain. Marcel punches his stomach then his face a couple times. I gasped again when Mohinder got a hold on my roommate, throwing him into another table. This time he didn't hesitate to go for the man laying on the floor. He pulled him up to his feet, Marcel's back to him.

"No!" I screamed as Mohinder bit into his neck. Hayley pulled me back and I turned to see she was holding back Elijah as well. She gave me a look that said 'just wait' and shook her head. She knew something. Please tell this was a part of some plan. Getting his ass kicked was a good thing somehow.

Mohinder finally pulled away and rushed them to the wall next to one of the holes in it. He pinned Marcel to it, his hand around his neck and a stake in his other fist.

"You fought with honor. Embrace the nobility of this end," Mohinder said just loud enough for me to hear it.

"I will if you will," Marcel retorted. "Or do you still not know?" He paused then to chuckle and I furrowed my eyebrows. Oh, my god. He wasn't laughing in the face of danger. He wasn't an idiot. I began to grin. "You must have tasted it in my blood."

Mohinder's knees slightly wobbled. I couldn't see his face as his back was to us all. "Oh, now you're starting to feel it, aren't you? That burning sensation in your gut? Wolf's venom. A going-away gift from me. I may not have beaten you, but you lost all the same," Marcel filled everyone in. "I suggest you make your peace. We're both dead men walking."

Mohinder looks over his shoulder at his peers, angrily yelling, "A desperate ploy! A lie!"

Marcel pulled up his sleeve and held up his left arm to Mohinder's face. It was a nasty wound, werewolf bite. Or should I say hybrid? Marcel chuckled again then. And then suddenly he flipped them around, pinning the ancient vampire to the wall.

"I don't know why they want you dead, but clearly they do," Marcel told him. Then he let him go, walking towards us all. "Why else tell me all about his little feeding habits, or give me a taste of his technique when you came into my gym the other day? All I had to do was be observant," he continued, talking to Aya. Then his gaze shifted, looking among the others. "But, I'm done picking up your bread crumbs. You want him dead? You're gonna have to do it yourself. As far as I can see, the only thing he's done to deserve it, is picking his friends poorly."

Marcel then took a step forward and then stumbled. Hayley and I were quick to catch him. Tristan then left my side, walking forward to Mohinder who looked a hot mess. Blood pouring from his mouth, his face showing nothing but fear. He didn't want to die. Who could blame him? Tristan cupped the back of his neck as he faced his... not friend I guess. Then after a second he clapped his shoulder as if to say, 'it'll all be okay' or 'you did good and it's over now'. I didn't anticipate Tristan moving behind him and yanking his heart out. The large man fell with his eyes wide and jaw slacked in shock.

Tristan smirked, "you chose well." He was looking at Aya. I rolled my eyes. There it was. The extra crazy to the man. He was twisted. "Now, I assure you, he did deserve it. He's been plotting unspeakable crimes against his sworn brothers and sisters. Of course, you couldn't have known. Beating such a worthy opponent is proof of your strength and courage, but your restraint, your refusal to kill without cause, demonstrates a rare integrity. You see, Marcel Gerard... This was the test."

Tristan then bent down, fishing Marcel's daylight ring from his pocket. "Welcome to The Strix," Tristan smiled, holding out the ring.

Marcel pulled his arm from around my shoulder, his other still hanging onto Hayley. He snatched the ring weakly from Tristan's palm. "Provided, of course, you survive your own gambit, Tristan added.

"Don't you worry, he will. He has good friends," I spat, wrapping an arm around Marcel's waist. Hayley and I turned together, practically carrying the man out the room, down the stairs, put the building and to his car. He gave me the keys and just as we all piled in, Elijah came running out after us.

"Can I catch a ride?" Elijah asked.

I rolled my eyes, "we're going to see Klaus, aren't we?"

"I'm fresh out of his blood at my place," Marcel said.

"Klaus, Lucien, and Freya kidnapped the seer back. Tristan had gotten a hold of her," Elijah filled me in.

"And I wanted to meet her," Hayley said. "Since I just found out about this prophecy. Where was that info when we got lunch, Dani?"

"Sorry," I snorted sarcastically. "I was venting to you about Klaus and how he broke my damn heart by being a vindictive, lying bastard!"

"Sorry, I was just joking," Hayley laughed.

"And it wasn't funny," I snapped. "Where's the info to your husband about your adventure tonight with Elijah and ancient vampires? Oh wait, let me guess, you didn't tell Jackson, did you? Maybe you and Klaus have more in common than you think."

There was an awkward pause then. But I didn't care. I was irritated. With everything and everyone. Tonight was fucking terrible. And the last place I wanted to end up was at this godforsaken, rundown compound. I didn't want to see Klaus. Especially not after what took place tonight. We said words, not kind ones. I wasn't in a good place right now.

"She didn't mean that," Marcel coughed. "Heartbreak has made her bitter and impatient. She's a little snippy as of late."

"Don't tell me what I meant," I scoffed. "She slept with my boyfriend and never apologized. I think she can handle me pointing out simple facts—"

"Danielle," Elijah's voice broke through.

I stopped talking, looking at his disapproving face in the rear view mirror. I glanced at Hayley squirming in the passenger seat. "I'm sorry," I mumbled. "I'm cranky. You don't deserve me being a bitch. But there's still a lesson here and well, good advice is good advice. Don't lie to your husband, Hayley, he's a damn good man. Don't be like Klaus and let secrets ruin your relationship."

I wanted to say more, but in present company I held back. In reality she was playing with fire. She was married to Jackson but was in love with Elijah. It was clear as day. And what she should be doing is putting distance between them two. He tried to and she just pushes and pushes, can't stand when he doesn't give her attention. It was sickening to see. Jackson was a great guy. I related to him in that sense. You're a good partner yet your significant other has this connection with someone else they're fixated on!

I fought down my anger, stepping on the gas as the light turned green. A hand slowly found its way to mine over the gear handle. "I know you're hurting. You're angry and you're sad and... and I should've been taking your feelings more seriously. I just... we all assumed you guys would sleep in different beds for a couple days and then make up. That you guys would talk so Klaus can really apologize with some grand gesture that would make you take him back. Because he does love you. He has many faults but the man worships you," Hayley said.

I could feel the tears in my eyes as the boys chuckled in the back. "It's true. I've never seen him the way he is with you with anyone else. The man is in love," Marcel chuckled. "And you love him. Y'all have something really special, Dani. That's coming from people who can't stand him at times."

"You guys are family," I pointed out. "It's not the same. You guys fight and then something rallies you all to work together. And together... you're unstoppable. You'd all kill for one another—"

"We are all in this cramped vehicle, showing up in this compound to rally together against Tristan, Lucien, and every other demon Niklaus and I have. You are family," Elijah cut me off.

I smiled, putting the car in park as we had made it to the garage. I turned in my seat to look at all of them, "you guys are my family too... but Klaus... I don't want him to die or get hurt, but I can't just forgive him like this isn't a big deal."

"How can you decide that if you don't talk to him?" Hayley asked in turn.

"We did talk. At the party. You all saw it. He talks to me and about me like I'm a possession, a sex object or toy he can use when he feels like, and his pride comes before anything... And that's not the love I'm looking for," I said, fighting back tears.

"Tonight was..." she trailed off, speechless trying to find a way to defend him.

"There isn't anything you could say that would make me excuse his behavior," I told her, letting her save her breath. "There's no right words for what happened between us at that party. Just like there are no words to justify his betrayal, or to fix the trust in our relationship that he broke by lying for six months."

Elijah sighed heavily before opening the door, "you girls feel free to sit out here and talk for longer. I'm going to get Marcel inside so he can beg for Niklaus to give up some blood to save his life."

Marcel chuckled sarcastically, "ha-ha."

Elijah smirked, helping the other man out the car. The two headed into the compound leaving us girls to discuss Klaus. "You gave me good relationship advice, even if it was in a bitchy, bitter, tough love kind of way. So I'm going to do the same," Hayley warned.

"Okay," I laughed. "Hit me."

"Just get over it! Klaus is an idiot!" She exclaimed, reaching out and grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me, playfully. "Men are all idiots. Don't you know that by now? Klaus is not different."

I was grinning, semi-amused, assuming she was completely joking. I can't 'just get over it'. I pushed her hands away while she laughed lightly. "Trust me, I know he's an idiot," I replied.

"But he's your idiot?" She smirked, trying to finish my sentence. "Isn't there anything he can do so you guys can get over this? Someway he can make you forgive him so you guys can get back together? Because honestly, you aren't the same without each other. He's always been a lot to handle, but without you he's unbearable to even be around. He's more short tempered, homicidal and just plain crazy. And you... you're mean. So please, forgive and forget. Move on. You know you want to—"

"I'm so sick of forgiving him!"

She frowned, "but you're miserable without him! Wouldn't you rather be angry at him and be with him? Isn't that your guys normal?"

"This isn't a joke, Hayley," I said. "I'm not just angry he did something I didn't like or a petty argument because he has bad time management skills... We've been fighting about this woman for a year now. That's as long as our relationship was without breaking up. And that time was supposed to be forever... It wasn't because again she came between our relationship. Do you know what it feels like for the man you love to be chasing the attention of another woman?"

She shook her head, "No."

I rolled my eyes. Of course not. She was Klaus in this scenario. Jackson was me and Elijah was Cami. Those three were in a love triangle too. "Put yourself in my shoes. If it were Jackson sneaking around with a woman who was in love with him... would you accept the words 'I'm sorry' and move on?" I asked her.

"Hell no."

"Then why should I?" I quipped.

Hayley was silent, "I'm sorry, Dani. I wish I knew how to help you two. It's clear you guys want to be together. But that doesn't change what he did. I get it. You've forgiven him for a lot, and if you forgive him now the pattern will just continue."

"Exactly," I stated. "In a few more months what will he ask me to forgive next?"

She sighed, look over at me sympathetically, "I'm sorry."

"A person is only so patient, nice and forgiving for so long. But everyone has a tipping point. I think I've reached mine."

"I'm sorry," she repeated.

I shrugged, smiling sadly, "Yeah, well, it is what it is... ready to go inside?"

She simply nodded. I grabbed my purse and we both hopped out the car, heading into the compound. In the courtyard we found Lucien, Freya, Elijah, and Alexis. The seer was unconscious on the couch. "Where's Marcel?" I asked.

"Upstairs with Niklaus," Elijah answered me.

I bit my lip, contemplating on whether or not I wanted to face my ex and talk. What would I even say to Klaus? What words could fix this? We don't have trust, because he lied to my face nearly every single day about therapy. Seeing her behind my back after I asked him to stop seeing her was beyond disrespectful, it was just plain selfish and dismissive of my feelings. And clearly, we had a lack of communication because I had no idea he had issues with Dr. Jacobson, or issues with therapy, yet not enough that Camille was a problem.

The foundation of our relationship was in shambles. I didn't have a single solution on how to repair it. Because I had no idea where I stood in his eyes anymore. His therapist was on a pedestal and I hadn't the faintest idea why... I wasn't going to get the answer by avoiding him or the subject any longer.

I took a deep breath before making my way upstairs. I followed the faint sounds of talking, which grew louder and louder. Unsurprisingly, Klaus was in the study, ranting angrily, "I bet they were all so impressed, weren't they? Hmm, your new mates? Positively taken by your boldness, your cunning wit, and your steely resolve. And you just assumed that I would be willing—eager, even—to drain the blood from my veins in the aftermath. We cannot tell friend from foe, and what are you doing? You're pledging a fraternity run by those conspiring against us!"

"My interest in The Strix is because of you," Marcel retorted. I thought his interest in the Strix was a little more self-centered. They were old vampires that had a lot of knowledge and power. He could certainly learn from them to better himself. Besides, it didn't go unnoticed with me that he was was interested in Aya. She was pretty, for an assassin. "I don't get to choose sides. Whoever comes for you, comes for me. That's all I need to know," Marcel continued to defend his whereabouts tonight.

He looked terrible. He was struggling to push himself up from the desk he was leaning against and Klaus sat behind. Marcel was sweating profusely, panting like it was hard to breathe and his eyes were barely open. Klaus needed to save him, like right now. I cleared my throat, getting the attention of both men as expected. Klaus stood up the minute our eyes met. "Danielle," he gasped, surprised to see me. "What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you—No matter. You're home now—"

"I'm not here to stay," I cut him off. "Marcel is my ride."

He frowned, "oh."

"But we should talk, right after you save my friend and send him on his way," I said.

Klaus' frown only deepened as he walked around the desk to Marcel's side with an empty drinking glass in his hand. "Yes, whoever comes for me may very well come for you," he told the sick man. "But, they may also come through you, Marcellus. Remember that."

He bit into his wrist and bled into the glass while the three of us waited in awkward silence. Our third wheel didn't wait a second after the blood was in his hands. He drank it on his way past me in the doorway. I remained there though. I thought it best to keep space between me and my ex. It didn't allow him to get the wrong idea and... it was easier for me to focus on what really mattered, not how good he looked despite the bags under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't been sleeping well, which I felt amazing about. I was suffering without him, I wanted him to suffer without me in return.

"Why don't we sit down?" Klaus suggested, nodding over to the loveseat.

"I'm fine here."

He nodded, "Well, what do I say? Danielle, you have to know I'm sorry. You have my deepest regrets. I messed up—"

"Which time are you referring to?" I interrupted him, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning in the door frame. "Tonight at that party or for the last six months you were sneaking your therapist in and out of our home right under my nose?"

He frowned, "I am sorry about the therapy thing—"

"The therapy thing?" I scoffed.

He talked right over me, ignoring my comment, "And I am sorry for how I behaved tonight. I was playing a role. I did not know you were going to be there. I wanted to get you the hell out of there, but you had to fight me on it. Unlike you, I wasn't embarrassing  you on purpose. I let my jealousy get the best of me. Seeing that bastard with his arm around you... I should've killed him for that alone. I didn't though because I saw the lust in your eyes, for me. You can't deny that."

"Fine, you're right. And I'm disgusted with myself like I'm disgusted with the things you said. Did you hear yourself say you wanted all of those people to see me naked? To watch us have sex?"

He started to smirk, "I needed to stake my claim."

"You have no claim! I broke up with you!" I shouted, in complete disbelief with his attitude. "I am not yours anymore, let me make that clear. I stopped being yours the second I found out I was sharing you."

"Sharing me?" He snorted, walking over to his drink station to pour himself a glass of bourbon. "That's a bit of a stretch, Danielle."

"A stretch?" I questioned. "What do I get from you that she doesn't, besides the physical stuff like sex, kissing, and hand holding? She gets your time, your attention, you on your best behavior just so you can impress her. You're always going out of your way for her! You're her shoulder to lean on and her own personal knight in shining armor. And she is to you, what did you call her? 'Everything good'? She's the one you run to, to vent about anything and everything. You care for one another. You treat her like she's more than a friend and she's blatantly in love with you. I'd call that sharing you, Klaus. I don't have a 'friend' like that, you ever wonder why not? Cause it's wrong!"

"She is just a friend," he stated, walking over to me now slowly, as if I was a wild animal he had to be cautious of moving around. "If I give her any special treatment it's because she's human. Where as my handful of other friends are not. I mean, what else am I supposed to do, Danielle? If she's in danger, you want me to ignore that and let her die?"

I rolled my eyes, "if she's in danger it's because of your inappropriate friendship. I'm not the only one who sees it, so don't talk to me like I'm overreacting or making things up."

"She's known about you since the day she and I met. I made it clear that I had a girlfriend. She's my therapist. I spend some of my time talking about you. Always about  how I could be a better man. There's no way she disregards all that. So how could she love me?"

"How could she not?" I quipped. "What, are you dense? She's your fake therapist that you tell your supposed deepest thoughts and feelings to. Leaving me, in the dark. Which she knows. Can you imagine, how special that must make her feel? There's nothing like a bad boy who does good just for you. That's exactly what you are. On her little pieces of paper she's writing how you're an evil son of a bitch with a girlfriend that you probably complain about. Yet with her you're gentle and fragile like she's a fucking porcelain doll. She's perfect in your eyes. She's brave when you expect her to be, understanding when you want her to be, and fierce exactly when you deemed she should be. And you tell her you feel that way, Klaus. You're constantly saying sweet things to show you're affection and appreciation for her. Do you know how that makes me feel?! Like I'm just the person who nags you everyday, who asks for too much and cares about material things, and wants a career one day instead of living off of you and your skills of compulsion. You don't thank me for all the shit I put up with for you."

"First off, I don't think she's perfect. She's a good friend and a good person. I respect her and value her friendship, yes." he replied. "Second off, love, it's not a competition."

"Yes, it is. And I'm tired of it. You frown upon everything I care about and want in life. You like that Cami is smart and she labels you with her textbook diagnosis, yet you think school is a waste of my time. You don't want to get a place of our own to start a family but you're ready for me to be pregnant, a dog is out of the question, and vacations are meaningless to you because you've practically been everywhere.... All I want is just a little bit of normalcy, is that too much to ask? I support you, feed you, take care of your daughter, make love to you almost every night, talk to you for hours, forgive you constantly, stick by your side and defend you time and time again... Is loving me just a burden? Or is there some other reason you lied about therapy to see her? Cami's obviously someone you feel like you need in your life. So to do what's best for you, you snuck around to hang out with her and hid it from me so you didn't have to listen to my opinion about it or give a damn about my feelings. Because why should they matter to you? I'd already gotten family dinners and weekly date nights, it must just seem so selfish of me to ask you to distance yourself from a woman who wants to replace me in your life, right?" I asked.

"Is that what you really think?" He asked, standing right in front of me.

I nodded, "it's how you make me feel."

"For that I am truly sorry," he said, reaching his free hand out to cup my face gently. "Baby girl, you've gotten me all wrong. I love you. More than anything in this world—besides Hope. You are, without a doubt, the most important woman in my life."

"Then how could you do this to me? To us?" I whispered, letting my tears fall. "Why would you do this? You owe me an explanation, Klaus. This lie blew up our lives and our relationship."

"I don't know why," he said quietly, but I heard him.

"You don't know why? That's all you have to say? We are broken up, we are living in different houses, sleeping in different beds and you don't even know why you caused all this?" I questioned, pushing his hand away from my face. He didn't answer that correctly. "Bullshit. Tell me the truth. For once! Do you love her? Or are you obsessed with her or something? Why couldn't you leave her alone? Am I not enough for you?"

"What? You are. Of course you are," he answered.

"How am I supposed to believe that? You were desperate enough to see another woman under the guise of therapy," I retorted. "And don't give me that bullshit line that she's good. I'm a good ass woman, and I don't deserve any of the crap you've put me through in the last two longest years of my young life. This especially is hard to forgive, you're emotionally cheating on me. At the very least, I always had your heart. Now? I'm not so sure. Because if you didn't have feelings for her too, why the hell would you risk our entire relationship for some alone time with her?"

"Well, I didn't think you would break up with me," he admitted quietly.

I stared at him in disbelief, speechless for a moment. I wiped my eyes and pressed my hand to his chest, pushing him into the room further and further as I spoke, "But you knew I would be angry, right? That I would be upset? That I would feel hurt and betrayed? And what? I was just supposed to take it? Because your wants and needs are always supposed to come before mine, huh? Well, not this time!"

"Dani, please," he begged. "I had already told her I had to stop seeing her. It wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth you. I came to that conclusion all on my own—"

"It still doesn't excuse that you did it!" I snapped. "You ended it, and still didn't tell me. You were hoping I would never find out—Which is crazy because everyone else knew you were seeing her and now I'm the city fool–"

"I said I was sorry!" He exclaimed.

I gave him a another hard shove, his backside hitting the desk now. "I've had enough apologies from you. And this? You can't be sorry for. You did this on purpose. You specifically did the opposite of what I asked and lied to me about it for six months—The long six months that I thought we were happy, we were better than ever. All that domestic bliss, was the best thing to have happened to me yet in life. And now it's all tainted. So you're going to have to do better than 'sorry' this time to repair what you broke."

He put his drink down and grabbed my hips with both hands, pulling me against him. "Then tell me what to do to make this right. I swear I'll do anything," he said. "I just want you to come home already. It's hell not having you here. I miss our late night talks. I miss your cooking, even when you burn it. I want you and Hope on Sundays again... I want you back. I can't live without you, please don't make me try to. I love you and I miss you and I need you, Dani. You make me the happiest I've ever been. I have a life with you, a full one, something I never in a million years imagined having. I can't lose that. And I never meant to jeopardize that. I swear on Hope's life. I didn't think it would play out like this. I knew you would be mad. I just thought you would ignore me for a handful of days and then you'd miss me too. And you'd accept my apology because I truly mean it when I say I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for causing you all this pain and turmoil. If I could go back in time, I would have never let this happen."

My eyes burned with tears that I willed not to fall. It was nice to hear those words. "We've had this conversation about her before, Klaus. You said you'd never want me to feel inferior or second place and what not. Yet just weeks later you were doing what you promised me you wouldn't. So... I don't know how you should fix this. I can't think of anything that erases this mistake. I'm hurting, everywhere. Physically, mentally... I hate being apart from you," I confessed.

"Then come back home. Let's figure this out together and work on us," he said softly.

"No. I need time. You lied to me—"

"I'll never lie to you again," he whispered, cutting me off and pressing his forehead to mine. "Baby girl, I love you and only you. I want to spend eternity with you. And if you want me to get on my knees and beg you to come home, I will. If you want me to buy you a castle, I will. I'll move heaven and earth if it means you'll forgive me and take me back."

"You can start there," I said.  He cracked a smile and I chuckled, shaking my head and taking a step back from him. I didn't want to get cozy or caught up in some moment. "I need actions over words, Klaus."

"Fine," he said.

He cupped the back of my neck in a nanosecond and his lips pressed to mine. I was frozen for a minute before my whole body ignited. But I pushed him away despite wanting to kiss him back. "That is not what I meant by action. Kissing me is not okay, because we're not okay. And in case you get any more ideas, let me explain something to you. Sex isn't going to fix this. I care about more than that and you should too. I want real actions. Buy me a fucking castle. End your friendship with Camille. Do something! But kissing me is not it."

"Okay," Klaus breathed, licking his lips.

"Um..." Freya interrupted us again. "She's awake."

"Who?" I snapped.

"Lucien's witch, the seer," Klaus said. Freya hurried  away to leave us alone again. "Her visions are ever changing... And when Elijah and I went to see her... the night we um—you broke up with me— we saw glimpses of Lucien and Marcel which differed from mine."

I sighed, "let's see what she sees now."

Klaus snorted, nodding for me to go first. So I did. I led the way downstairs to the courtyard where everyone else was: Freya, Elijah, Hayley, Marcel, Lucien and Alexis. The seer looked at us as we approached before looking at her only friend.

"I'm sorry. I hoped I was wrong, Lucien. I really did. But I saw it. I saw him die," Alexis stated.

Klaus hesitated and I stopped too. "No," I said. "No, you didn't. He's not dying. Not today, not tomorrow... Not in my lifetime or the next. So look again."

"Love," Klaus whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder from a step behind me and rubbing my arm. "It's not set in stone, okay?" I nodded.

"Did you see the weapon?" Lucien asked. Alexis nodded now. "What is it?"

"To understand, it must be seen."

Alexis holds out her wrist to Hayley who sat down next to her on the couch. Lucien gets up from his seat and gestures for someone to take it. Elijah did, taking the seer's other wrist. The two then bit into her in sync while the rest of us watching impatiently.

"What's happening?" I gasped as Alexis' nose began to bleed. Hayley pulled away suddenly, covering her mouth as she gagged. Elijah snapped back a second later. He then was spitting up blood.

"Something's wrong," Hayley said.

"It's poison," Elijah stated.

Lucien was by Alexis' side quickly as she started to cough up blood now. "No! No!" Lucien cried. The woman then leaned forward, falling into his arms while he tried to wake her, repeating 'no' over and over again.

I winced, turning to Klaus by my side. "Who would've done that?" I whispered.

"I'm not sure, love," he said, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Why don't I make up the guest room for you... Just for tonight? It's late and Marcel obviously ditched you."

I rolled my eyes, pushing his arms off me, "We are exes on speaking terms. That's all, Niklaus."

He gave me a disgusted, "You're going to stop calling me that."

"Make me," I scoffed.

"Someone is dead," Lucien hissed. "Could you to take your flirting elsewhere."

I blushed, grabbing Klaus' arm, "Come on, give me a ride home."

"Does that mean I can know where you've been hiding?" He asked as I dragged him to the garage. "Seriously, I've been concerned with your whereabouts."

I sighed, "Did you ask everyone we knew?"

"Yes. I asked Freya, Elijah, Hayley, I even talked to Jackson."

I laughed loudly, "What did they say?"

"Freya was the only one genuine when she said she didn't know. Elijah said you didn't want to be found. Hayley said you weren't there when I showed up at her place. Then Jackson came to the door, I asked him and he said you were better off and slammed the door in my face."

I covered my mouth, trying to stop giggling. "And how did that make you feel?" I mocked.

He glared at me, shaking my hand off his arm, "Get in the bloody car."

I did as he said, climbing into the front seat of his SUV. I got buckled up while he walked around to join me. Once he started the car, he looked at me expectantly. "I'm staying with Marcel," I told him. "I trust you know how to get there."

"Marcel has a one bedroom," he stated. I kept quiet to torment him. I could only imagine what was going through his head at the moment. He furrowed his brows after a few seconds of silence. "You rather sleep on the couch than under the same roof as me?"

"I don't sleep on the couch," I snorted. "He has a one bedroom. Not a no-bedroom."

"He has a no-bedroom you're allowed in."

I smirked, "Oh, I'm allowed."


"He's got a nice bed."

"Danielle," he repeated, this time raising his voice. "If I find you in his bed, I will burn it, kill him and tie you to my own."

"Better find your matches," I teased. Klaus' glare was enough to make me laugh. "We aren't sharing a bed. We do share his room but he got me an air bed."

"An air bed?" He scoffed.

"Yes," I said, rolling my eyes. "It's actually not that bad. I kind of like the whole bed on the ground thing. I was thinking when I get my own place, I'd get myself a water bed maybe."

"You're own place. For what?"

"I can't stay with Marcel forever."

"You can stay with me forever."

"No thanks."

He sighed, finally putting the car into drive. We sat the next fifteen minutes in silence. Not even the radio played. Klaus would glance over at me at every stop sign or red light. But I ignored it. Nothing's changed. We talked. But I wasn't ready to take him back. I still had questions. I still had doubts about his friendship with Camille. And we still had real issues we had to work out.

~Picture: Klaus and Marcel, who was asking for his blood for the werewolf bite 🐺

Thoughts??? It's been a really long night. But Dani and Klaus finally spoke after three weeks. It doesn't look like Klaus made any headway. She's still upset. She's not letting this one go. I for one am proud of her... and warning: this will be a bumpy ride this break up ⚠️

However, she is a little snippy. How about that awkwardness with Hayley? There's some old tension. Honestly, I love that the two of them get along now. But I also kind of like the idea of friction between them. What do you think?

Good news is Dani has a real friend in Marcel. And her and Elijah are back. Tension has finally fully lifted now that Hayley isn't cursed.

If you liked this chapter leave some heart emojis for Marcel ❤️‍🩹🖤💟

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