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By writemewho_

21.4K 694 169

โž  "The way she smiles, The way she talks, The way she laughs, Everything she does, She's like a butterfly... More

๐—ฌ/๐—ก ๐—™๐—œ๐—Ÿ๐—˜


2.8K 82 8
By writemewho_

"𝙂𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙡𝙪𝙘𝙠"

𝘼𝙡𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 as always, he rode through the streets scaring passerby's as he sped through them as he rode his scooter, he saw an alleyway he could use as a short cut to school. Just as he was riding his scooter through the alley he heard some voices and sounds of things falling down following.

"Hey! Give that to me" a tall boy with pushed the other boy down while his friend snickered. Ali easily recognized the voices it was Syed and Shaun the two bullies of the school.

"Don't you know its bad to have ice cream in the morning?" Syed, the tall boy with glasses scolded him as if speaking to a young child.

"Please, give it back to me." The boy said while pointing to the ice cream. "Don't be stingy! We're only taking a small bite" Shaun, the chubby boy widened his eyes.

 "But I wanted a big bite!" he quickly said forgoing the plan to make fun of the boy. "Be patient, can you!" Just as Syen said that a can suddenly hit the wall behind them, scaring them.

"Who's that?"

They turned around to see Ali.

"Hey! Ali! You did that?" He threw the ice cream on the ground, both the boy and Shaun looked sad seeing the ice cream wasted on the floor.

"You're gonna get it!" Syen shouted at Ali, he quickly turned to run away. "Hey, don't you run away! You weren't so tough after all!" Syed shouted as he ran after Ali "Oh man, I don't wanna go after him" Shaun said disappointingly, he followed Syen to wherever Ali was.

"Wait, where is he?"

"Maybe he went that way"

They ran in a random direction, once they were gone the box lifted up now showing Ali who was under it. He quickly ran away from the alley.

Pulling out his scooter out of his bag. Ali the jumped on the stairs as he was making a weird sound from the movement he quickly turned as he was about to go on the road without realizing that there was a cat going the same way.

Ali jumped up to avoid the cat but hit some rocks making him spin around uncontrollably as he was heading directly at a stall.

"HEY NOT MY STALL!" he screeched as he panicked to somehow stop the boy. Ali stepped on the back of his scooter to stop it as the guy was still screaming bloody murder.

"Drat" the guy said walking back to his stand going behind the counter.

Ali sighed in relief grateful that he didn't get in trouble (yet) "Mister, one nasi lamak, please" Ali told the guy as he started to play with his yoyo. "Any toppings?" he asked as he started to prepare Ali's order, As Ali was listing his toppings.

"...and tempoyak udang" the guy stopped suddenly and then remembered what the woman with purple hair that came earlier had said. He turned to Ali in alarm.

"What did you say?!"

"Tempoyak? You don't have it" Ali stopped playing with his yoyo and tilted his head. The guy looked him up and down surprised that a kid was collecting the delivery but he quickly regained his composure. "Yes I do, hold on".

Ali resumed playing with his yoyo as the guy gave him his 'lunch'. "Here you go, Next time tell me sooner" the guy said nonchalantly, Ali took the green box "How much?" he said as he put it in his bag "Don't worry, It's on me" he smiled quite impressed that someone young is these kind of jobs.

Ali's eyes lit up "Okay, thank you!" he said cheerfully. But his excitement turned into panic as he heard the bell of the school ring "Oh no! I'M LATE" he quickly rode his scooter and sped away.

The guy shook his head his expression slightly disappointed, he turned around to sit down on a chair.

 "Kids these days are so advanced-"

"Wak Musang." 

He almost dropped his phone due to the sudden voice. He turned around to see a man clad in all black, he quickly shushed him as he looked around suspiciously if anyone was watching.

"Yes, what is it?" he asked the guy in black "I'm here for 'Tempuyak Udang'" he said as he extended his hand out, "One of your boys already took it" he said confused "My boy?" the guy also asked confused. Wak musang felt like a brick just got thrown at him as he heard the guy in black's words.

"So he's not your boy...Oh no"

He was screwed.

Viktor Ali's best friend was sitting on desk with his hand on cheek when something or someone lightly slammed the window beside him cutting his train of thought.

He lightly yelped when he saw Ali put a finger to his mouth to shush him and pointed to Ms munah who was giving the others their test scores as he slightly nodded, Viktor sent him a thumbs up in conformation.

"Ma'am I don't understand!" Victor said as he stood up to distract their teacher from Ali "Yes Victor, what seems to be the problem?" Ms Munah asked, "Uh I don't get..." Viktor paused thinking of an excuse "...The question ma'am!" He quickly pointed at the empty board behind her.

"Question?" Ms. Munah turned around. Ali slowly crawled on the floor to his seat.

"I've not even given out anything yet."

"That's why"

"What do you mean by that?"

As Ali was crawling to seat while looking at Ms Munah just in case she saw him. But he forgot to check his front view when he saw four shoes stop in front of him.

He looked up to see Alicia, the head prefect his worst enemy, and Y/N the vice head prefect his-

He felt like time slowed down as his eyes connected with e/c eyes, as she had a pityful look on her face while sending him a small smile, before he can get lost in thought- " Excuse me Ma'am, Ali's late again" Alicia said nonchalantly.

Ali quickly sprung up from the floor accidentally hitting head on his chair not noticing something fell out of his bag, he quickly regained his posture "Wait no! I was looking for.." he looked in the floor to see an eraser as he tried to pick it up as ruler suddenly was slapped on his desk surprising him.

When he looked up he saw his test paper with a lot x marks and a big red F in front of it. "This is the third test you've failed! And the millionth time your late!" Ms. Munah scolded him as the other students were quietly laughing at him.

Y/N sat down on her seat as she put the thing she caught in her bag while watching Ali get scolded.

"I'm sorry ma'am" Ali said sadly as he sat down on his seat. "No use being sorry if you're not gonna change." 'ouch' Ali thought. Ms Munah suddenly threw his paper towards him like lightning she cut the paper with her stick before it hit Ali.

"I'm toast!" Ali groaned as he sat down "Ms Munah hates me, How am I going the pass?" he asked to seemingly nobody as his friend was playing on his tablet.

"Relax, You can't study under stress" he said still looking at his tablet "Let's play a game first" Ali sighed "Easy for you to say, you're a genius" he said with envy.

"You and I are the same" as Viktor continued to list some things he and Ali had in common as they didn't notice a certain h/c haired girl walking towards their table.

"Um.. Excuse me" her soft voice reached their ears, making them stop. Viktor stopped talking as for Ali well he stopped moving like he was turned to stone as he heard the voice.

"Oh, Hey Y/N what's up?" Viktor asked the girl whose hands were behind her back.

"Hi, I actually need to speak with Ali but..." she motioned her eyes to the boy who was frozen.

He snapped his fingers on Ali's face it took a couple of snaps to get Ali to snap out of it. "Heyyyy, earth to Ali." Once Viktor noticed he was back to earth he motioned to the girl who was still standing beside their table.

Ali took a breath in to ready himself he turned around with a fist on his cheek with a nonchalant look on face. "Uh, yeah, sorry about that, I was just thinking" Ali deeply laughed to empress the girl.

"So, do you need anything?" He repeated Viktor's question but in a much deeper voice.

"Well, I'm actually here to return something." She revealed her other hand to reveal Ali's yoyo. Ali seemed to be confused, "It fell out of your bag earlier when you hit your head." Ali's 'cool guy' image seemed to falter when he heard her laugh when he embarrassed himself in front of her.

She softly grabbed Ali's hand with both hands and put the yoyo in his palm.

"Just be careful not to lose your things next time" Y/N said, giving a soft smile in the process.

Ali blushed as red as a tomato when she smiled, "Well I gotta go now, good luck with studying and have a nice lunch!" she said as she turned and walked away.

"Bye Y/N!" Viktor said but noticed something. "Hey... How did she know we were talking about you studying?" the boy questioned to himself. Ali ignored Viktor's statement he panicked.

"U-Uh wait!" he suddenly spoke out making Y/N turn back to him. "Hm, Is something wrong?" she asked tilting her head.

"W-Wanna have lunch together?" He tried to go back to his 'cool guy' image and by deepening his voice but failed miserably. Viktor tried to contain laughter by hiding his mouth with his tablet.

"Oh, thanks for the invitation Ali, but I'm already having lunch with Alicia in the library." She said folding her hands in front of her while keeping a tight smile.

"Oh...okay" he said half heartedly, but seeing her guilty face he quickly interjected his last words.

"NO NO! Ahem, what I meant was its okay I don't mind" He tried to brush it off still keeping the deep voice as he avoided her eyes.

"Oh, well if you say so, let's just have lunch next time okay?"

Ali nodded coolly still looking away from her eyes. She nodded as she walked away again. Ali quickly turned around to look at her retreating form. Unable to control his laughter Viktor still tried not to laugh at his friend although Ali was didn't pay attention to him.

"The way she smiles, The way she talks,

The way she laughs, Everything she does,

She's like a butterfly,"

The boy said breathlessly as he watched the h/c haired girl leave.

"Okay...." the other boy seized his laughter now awkwardly staring at boy.

"Can we just start our game now?" Just as he was about to conjor up some fantasies about the girl he suddenly heard some very familiar voices. He immediately ran away grabbing his 'lunch' and dragging Viktor along with him.

Ali looked under the stall after hearing the stall next to him flush. He saw the familiar skinny jeans of the bully walking past the stall he was in. He sighed in relief as he laid back on the wall of the stall.

"if I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have helped that kid" he sighed now regretting his choice to be a hero.

"Courage is not when you fight and win, It is when you keep fighting for a noble cause, despite countless challenges" Viktor suddenly spoke up. When hearing this Ali felt encouraged by the words. It is when you keep fighting for a noble cause, despite countless challenges"

Viktor suddenly spoke up. When hearing this Ali felt encouraged by the words.

"You're right, thank you-"

"Get 5 Courage shield to complete this round!" Viktor read on his tablet, Ali now realizing that he was not encouraging him. He deadpanned at him.

He tsked in annoyance and looked away not realizing that a small device was glowing and making slight noise in the box he had.

Y/N smiled at the librarian who waved back at her while looking at her phone.

She walked back behind one of the book sleeves where some tables were where students could read at, she looked around to see if anyone was around. When she thinks no one was around other than the librarian who was on her phone, she thinks it'll be fine.

The IRIS had been stolen from the location it was kept, somehow the gadget was detected in the school where Y/N went to. So she had been given the task of tracking down IRIS since it was suspected that school was the trading location.

She took out a green lunch box that she purchased from Wak Musang's stall earlier, setting it on the table. Y/N took out her phone, her phone screen lit up showing a map and two glowing circles.

She had put the small tracker sticker on Ali's yoyo when it fell out his bag earlier, talk about fate, it made job easier and less awkward. She opened the lunch box to see an appetizing meal she had control herself, she still had a mission. She noticed there was a another thin rim in the inside of the lunch box, she tried to slowly pulled at the rim of the lunch box careful not to spill anything.

As expected, there was a hidden compartment under the food was. She smirked, this just confirmed two things, that Wak Musang was truly doing shady business, and the one who currently had IRIS.

"Well, killing two birds with one stone" she said to herself quietly a smile on her face. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of the lunch box.

She dialed a number and a hologram showed up of a man with a mustache. "General, I know who has IRIS" she said with a serious look on her face. The general listened intently to what she was saying, while scratching his chin at the possibility of the owner of the stall to be working with them.

"Good, send the information to Ejen Bakar" the general said nonchalantly as Y/N nodded with a small smile

"Alright then, act immediately!"

A tall chubby man with dark skin just sat down on the table, burgers perfectly stacked on the plate he held, just as he just about to enjoy his 'snack' his phone suddenly rang surprising him almost dropping the burger he held.

"Ah, hello?"

"Ejen Bakar, Ali is in danger." The man immediately dropped his burger as he listened to the h/c haired girl speak.

"Alright, thank you Y/N."

"Of course, Ejen Bakar good luck." Y/N said as she ended the call.

Bakar stood up as he ate the last burger in one whole bite as he immediately ran towards Ali's school.

Meanwhile, Ali was doing tricks with his yoyo the memory of Y/N returning it to him still fresh in his mind . "Hey, check this out, I learned it yesterday" he tried to show Viktor but he was busy with his tablet playing games.

"Good, carry on" Viktor said as a car honked indicating that Viktor's ride was here. "My mom is here, do you want a lift?" He asked Ali.

"I'm good, I'm going to Zali Mart" Ali said as he put his yoyo back on his bag, "Come over for some games?" Viktor said pulling out a (DVD??) "Look, I've installed Detective Jebat!" Viktor said excitedly.

Ali took the game with an astonished look on his face "Awesome! I'll drop by later"

He bid Viktor goodbye as he rode away. Just as he took his tablet out a voice suddenly spoke up "Ali?" the said boy turned around to see his uncle "Uncle Bakar!" Bakar smiled at his nephew.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in ages" he said while hugging the boy in a bone crushing embrace "You've grown so much! How old are you now, Nine? " he asked finally letting go of the boy.

Ali deadpanned at his uncle's guess of his age "I'm twelve!" he answered still deadpanning at him, "Seriously? You're so small, You don't get enough food?" patting his shoulder "What are you doing here Uncle?" Ali asked.

Bakar pulled out his phone to see Y/N sent him the information, As Ali was asking him he read the info quickly and turned to Ali "Nothing really just strolling around" quickly making up an excuse.

Ali looked at him weirdly at first but shrugged it off "Okay then, I'm heading down to the shop" he pointed down the street.

Bakar had his hand rubbing on his chin as he looked at his phone again quickly catching up to Ali "Let's go, I'm coming along" he said putting his phone behind his back.

Showing the location of Ali and IRIS

A/N: hii author hope you enjoyed this chapter I wanted to make it like Ali is still the main character while Y/N is a side character and main character at the same time with her like working in the background to like still know she's still a part of the fanfiction lol. Also chapter 2 or 3 is gonna explain what Y/N does basically like her abilities, her pillar, etc.

Anyways thank you again for reading this have a great day <3

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