πŒπ€π…πˆπ€'𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄...

By arufiction

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NEED EDITING ⚠️ The story contains some violence abuse which may trigger you if you're uncomfortable you can... More



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By arufiction

Miya: "I will never forget this, it's means alot I'm so thankful to you" She said and softly kissed y/n's hand which she rubbed in response and gave her a soft smile hiding the harsh reality of her husband and her vulnerable sight

Y/n: "Lia is like a sister to me" She assured her in a low yet genuine tone earning a warm hug from miya she still didn't forget the morning incident and all those scenarios make her feel dizzy whenever the incident flashed in front of her sight all she felt is empty.

Y/n: "I payed all the bills, you shouldn't worry about anything just focus on lia and don't cry please and eat something at least for lia" She said in a worried tone as miya didn't eaten anything since lia had gone to ICU

Miya: "I will and you too take care of yourself, you look pale and like something bothering you but I will not force you to say I understand but please don't take too much stress and be strong" Miya's word really comfort her foe the first time she felt like someone actually read her like an open book and she want to burst out crying but holding herself back, hiding her pain with the strongest smile ever

Y/n: "I am fine"


Jimin: "ARE YOU FOR REAL?" He shout when Taehyung told him morning incident, he wasn't able to think properly, her bowing down so easily was bothering him and can't able to control his emotion he share his shity behavior with his soulmate who was boiling in anger, taehyung look down guiltiness is the only feeling surrounded his every cell

Taehyung nod his head commiting his sin, his now teary eyes still fixed on the floor not meeting Jimin's furious one and in one swift moment a hard punch land on taehyung's face make him land on floor with the hard impact of the punch.

Jimin: "Are you even in your senses? Did you even think properly before making her that shameful thing" After every word he punched taehyung making the corner of his lips start bleeding and he gladly accept those punches.

He knew he was wrong, extremely wrong, he hurt his love whom he promised to protect from everyone, he become the one behind her pain and loss of her heartbreak.

Jimin: "You're not the Taehyung I know"

Jimin: "YOU ARE NOT" He shout in frustration her teary eyes, she celebrating her birthday alone with her eyes holding only one emotion. Pain. Flashing in his sight continuously the thought that she was already broken and after taehyung's act what her condition would be make his heart clenched

Jimin: "You make me to give a second thought, If you love her truly? Because if you do, you trust her first not the shitty half drama which you saw with your eyes and believe it without even checking the whole truth. She is not like her father for fvck sake"

Jimin: "Today is her birthday and congratulations Mr. Kim you gave your wife the most beautiful gift ever"

Jimin said clapping his hand and give him a fake smile his eyes was still furious, sarcasm was clearly visible in his tone as he pushed his hair back in frustration while taehyung shot his head up towards him, eyes widened with some unshed tears.

Taehyung: "Her birthday?" He muttered under his breathe

Jimin: "Do you have any proof, that day she tried to kill you mom? Do you have any proof that she want money for shopping or going out for pub and drinking? Do you asked her first where she will spend your money before accusing her? Do you?"

He questioned in a bitter tone, he wanted to kill him at that moment so badly his action with her make him ashamed to call him his soulmate.

He is really disappointed.

Taehyung move his gaze from Jimin's eye, he is right, he don't have any proof, he only saw her holding the oxygen towards his mom, he don't even know the reason why she asked for money and he accused her and insult her directly.

Jimin: "Look you don't, You'll regret taehyung and I want you to regret, I hope she don't forgive you for your doings" His harsh tone make Taehyung realized how wrong his act was, he look up at Jimin helplessly with guiltiness

Jimin leave his office not wanting to turn soft after looking at his helpless and teary eyes, he truly want him to regret his action and beg for forgiveness, he slammed the door loudly before leaving a guilty Taehyung.

Do you have any proof?

If you truly love her?

You gave your wife the most beautiful gift ever.

I hope she don't forgive you .

His words again echoed in his ears making the guilt deepened as a tear roll down his cheeks

Don't always trust your eyesight tae sometimes our eyes get deceived.

His mom's word rang in his ears, his heart clenched when he remembered her pale face, eyes reflecting how he broked her with such intensity

If you truly love her?

Jimin's words added fuel in flame and his eyes darkened this time, he throw the glass which resting on his table on the wall, he can't digest the fact that he don't love her, he do but his love his unhealthy.

Taehyung: "I love her, I love her, I LOVE HER" He chant those words like mantra and throw the things resting on his table creating a mess in his office, his palm got cut when he throw the vase on ground and the gravity throw some of the broken pieces on him back

He sat on his knees, crying and sobbing hardly not caring about his palm and his now messy surrounding all he want right now is her in his arms comforting him. He cry more hard for expecting her to comfort after what he did to her and hurting her several times.

Taehyung: "I-I am s-sorry"


The girl looking in his late 24s entered in Park's house with a luggage beside her, a smile playing on her lips showing how happy she felt after coming back home after a long time.

Tiya y/n's step mom was reading some magazine when she looked up after hearing the sound of heels and a big smile appear on her face looking at her pretty daughter after year's.

She put the magazine on the table and stood up to the young girl engulfing her in a warm motherly hug which she gladly return with the same intensity, her eyes sparkling screaming how she missed her mom, dad and specially her sister which sadly don't call her as hers but somewhere inside her she knows she also cares.

Tiya: "Rose my daughter"

She said and kissed her forehead rose smile towards her mother and look around trying to finding that one person and when she didn't find she spoke to her mother confusedly

Rose: "Where is y/n mom?" She asked her mother who rolle her eyes before answering

Tiya: "At her home" Rose tilt her head in confusion and mumble a small her home?

Tiya: "She is married now with the handsome Kim Taehyung" Her mother said taehyung's name in a seductive tone which slightly disgust rose, she knows her mother very well but still love her so much like every mother love their child even if they're criminal

Rose: "She got married and y'all didn't even bother to inform me not even a message? Mom she is my sister"

Tiya: "Step sister" She corrected

Rose: "I never saw her as step sister and I know somewhere in her heart she also has a soft corner for me, It doesn't matter if she don't show from outside so please don't ever said step sister, I'm going to my room, I'm tired"

Saying that she dash out without waiting to hear her reply. She just arrived and don't want to mess up her mood because of her mother hate towards y/n


It's already evening and taehyung is at home to have some serious talk with y/n about everything and also wanted to apologies for his shameful act

Taehyung: "Where is Mrs. Kim?" He asked one of the maid not finding her in whole mansion after searching for her

Maid: "Mrs. Kim didn't come back since morning" A sudden tensed feeling rushed inside him What if she didn't come back because of morning incident?" He thought and rub his forehead worriedly

Dialing her number he called her but she didn't picked up make him more tensed, he was about to call again when the door open and he immediately snapped his head towards the direction

There she is standing with her red puffy eyes screaming how much she cried, her face look pale and he cursed himself internally at her state.

She lost herself abandoned by humanity, love and happiness.

What she have now for lost?



She felt empty.

A body with lifeless soul.

Hope, hope is all she have this time not from someone but from god.

She know he is the one who will not betray her, abandoned her like everyone did.

He part his lips to say something but stopped in mid way and tilt his head in confusion looking behind y/n, her gaze met his and saw him looking behind and as she followed his eyes and turn to see

Her fist clenched on her shirt tightly, there she is standing Park Chaeyoung aka Rose her stepsister standing with a bouquet and a gift box in her hand, a big smile on her face and she come forward and engulfed her in a tight hug

Rose: "Happy birthday cupcake" She said in an excited tone not realizing taehyung's presence in the room whose eyes again surrounded with guilt

Taehyung: "Who is she?" Y/n head snapped towards him hearing his confused tone and she scoffed internally at his guts still talking to her after what he did to her

Rose: "Oh I think you're husband? I'm her sister Park Chaeyoung" She said passing a soft smile to taehyung not like her mom but a genuine one to which he just nodded and they all come and sat on the couch

Y/n and Rose sat on the right couch while taehyung opposite of them, his eyes without blinking fixed on her pale face who's staring at space but snapped out when rose spoke

Rose: "Why you didn't inform me you're getting married?" She complained pouting at her, y/n look at her emotionlessly finding it hard to believe that she is not like her mom or she is playing the good card in front of her husband? Her gaze didn't go unnoticed by taehyung and he blame himself for that not knowing there is something more.

Y/n: "It's not you care" She blabber out in monotone too busy in her own world to care about her surrounding and Rose smile drop at her words, taehyung tilt his head registering her words observing her moves keenly

Y/n wanted to hear no from rose she really wanted her to deny at her words, scold her for her words which she spit, she cares for rose. Very much.

Rose: "Yah I am your sister and you know there is someone i want you to meet" She said changing her tone going from scolding to shying and the couple easily understand the reason behind her shyness

Y/n: "Not interested" She said in unbother tone and lean onto the couch when her eyes met his and there is a long staring contest took place between them which she broke not wanting herself to drown in those dark yet hypnotic gaze

Rose: "I don't care you'll meet him in the business party" She said blushing in her own world thinking about her special one y/n roll her eyes at her whipped ass but internally she was excited to meet her brother-in-law.


Rose: "Why are you not eating here eat this" She asked when she found y/n staring at her plate blankly, taehyung who was playing with his spoon look up only to find her zoned out

He was about to say something when his phone rang and he excused himself for a minute leaving the sister's alone

Rose continuously force y/n to eat and non-stop talking about her life in abroad which made y/n irritated, being so done she slammed her hand on the table making rose flinch by her sudden action and y/n deadly glare at her before speaking

Y/n: "He is gone now so stop pretending your good personality card" She said harshly which hurt rose her face showing sadness she was not pretending she really do care for her but she never snapped at her like this before

The things and pain stressing her making her lost her calm and her continuous talk just irked her

Rose: "I was just worried and trying to cheer you up, cause you look disturb" She said and look down at her plate with some unshed tears y/n's eyes softened immediately at her remarks and she felt guilty for snapping at her

Y/n: "I'm eating okay and you also eat too fast and no need to come here again we will directly meet on business party" She said trying to sound serious but the softness didn't go unnoticed by rose who smile brightly at her and nod her head like a kid after eating their Ice-cream at late night, they both sat straight when taehyung come back

They were eating in a pin drop silence which broke by rose's sudden coughing before anyone think about doing anything a glass of water was on her lips make her eyes move towards y/n.

Y/n was eating peacefully when rose start coughing making her panic and like a light of speed sbe put the glass on her lips making her drink it who was staring at her with unshed tears and shining glint in her eyes, Rose saw the concern for her in those pair of eyes.

She would love to do the coughing acting if this caught her attention and her concern towards her.

She smile goofily at her mischievous thoughts.

Y/n: "Eat carefully" Saying in strict tone like a mom she again turn toward her food before rubbing her back concernly

-Taehyung POV-

I entered in our shared bedroom after completing my few files, I look around to find her sitting on the sofa beside window. She is looking at the dark night with her empty gaze she didn't even realize I entered in the room

Removing my coat, opening the first two button of my shirt and folding my sleeves till my elbows I move my feets towards her, I need to talk to her, I don't want anymore misunderstanding, If she was right and innocent I will not hesitate to go on my knees and ask for her forgiveness.

I sat beside her quietly on the couch beside the window she was still looking out from the window, I took this as a chance to admire her eyes but all i found is emptiness but still shining in the moonlight, her hairs tied in a loose bun some strand falling on the side of her forehead

She look like goddess, her white smooth skin glowing under the moon, the loose t-shirt with sweatpants making her look small but the loose big t-shirt peeking her cleavage at sight making me gulp visibly my thoughts interrupt when she spoke

Y/n: "Are you here to humiliate me again?" She said still gazing the moon. She knows since start when I entered, she knows when i sat beside her, she knows when i was looking at her but didn't react that's how much i broke her

Taehyung: "Y-Y/n" I called her softly but before i say something her next words broke me

Y/n: "You promised to make our future happiest and me being dumb believe you instantly, I was wrong you never cared for me, you only humiliate me, you don't even consider me as your wife are you that ashamed to call me as your wife in front of everyone? Then, Why you said you loved me?"

Y/n: "You never loved me Kim Taehyung"

Y/n: "Why you make me feel home in your arms when you're going to leave me homeless in middle without any hope"

As she said those words a tear roll down from her eyes which she harshly wipe it but again another fresh tears come out making my heart clenched, her words stabbed me like a sharpless knife my eyes filled with tears I blink softly to get rid of them.

She look at me tried her best to not cry but her tears betrayed her, her face looked she's holding herself for so long and not able to control it anymore she burst out in front of me. Me.

-A/n POV-

Taehyung: "You are right, I never loved you" Came his emotionless voice making her head shot up at him who was already looking at her with the same intensity, her hand clenched on her shirt looking at him with pain, she didn't expect him to accept this easily

Taehyung: "I love you"

Taehyung: "I still love you Kim Y/n"

Taehyung: "I know what I did in the morning is unforgivable, anger took over me making me lost my senses, I'm regretting after hurting you my heart was not in peace after that, I-I am sorry"

Y/n: "I am sorry" She repeated his words with an emotionless face

Y/n: "How easily you said those words Kim Taehyung. Hurt someone then say sorry and boom everything is fine. Right?" She said sarcastically hurt clearly visible in his tone as she smile painfully at him, the fake smile which she managed after being hurt so badly

Taehyung: "I--"

Y/n: "No don't say anything, your Ego is too important Taehyung believing everything what you saw is in your nature, right? but don't do this with everyone because not everyone is not y/n who will bear your every taunt and humiliation. They'll bot, I bear it because, I loved you"

I loved you

His head shot up looking in her empty gaze directly, for the first time taehyung seeing her eyes holding no love for him.

He try to hold her hand and explain himself but she abruptly moved back making his heart ache at her ignorant but he is the reason behind all het miseries. He needs to fix this before it get too late.

Y/n: "And do you think I am a fool?" She look down and chuckle not the normal one but the most painful and sorrowful, looking up at him she continued

Y/n: "I'm not a fool to not notice your behavior since our first day of wedding while you're the one whi send proposal, I bet you're revenging on something from my father and this is why you marry me right?"

She spit bitterly the truth with a broken smile playing on her lips, she's master in giving fake smile's, her heart clenched painfully seeing him look down at her words which she noticed it from the day when her eyes met his

She is not a stupid who will not notice the hatred from her husband, the way he will always punished her for every little mistakes, the way he never look at her the way a husband look at thei wives, she was just a puppet before wedding and an usable thing for her husband to take revenge

Taehyung: "Yes I marry you only for revenge" His voice come out as whisper but audible enough for her to hear she look at him intensely she wanted to slap him so hard but at the same time want to cry on his chest and ask Why?

"You also used me" She muttered under her breathe and a tear drop from her eyes

She abruptly stood up and go to bed covering herself with blanket she face her back to his sight, he wanted to run to her and comfort her, explain her his whole reason but of which face he will go to her? Today his Ego broke, he was so blind in Ego and revenge that he forget his love was separating.

He look at her figure engulfed in blanket and anyone can tell she is crying, her heavy breathe saying it all but crying without voice is most painful feeling ever.

He was looking at her shivering figure for a good minute but then stood up and leave where he should go in the first place.

Y/n: "I hate you Kim Taehyung, I-I hate you" He heard her voice with his wrenching heart before leaving


I entered in mom's room found her sleeping peacefully within making any noise i sat beside her on the floor, I layed my head on her hand on the bed and sob escaped my lips and she move in her sleep slightly

Hyuna: "Tae" She said caressing my hair when she found me crying and sobbing, concern dropping in her eyes, I wanted to ask her as she's awake now and able to speak and in some days walk too on her own

Hyuna: "What happened my child" She said softly her loving motherly tone make me again let out a painful sob

Taehyung: "What happened that day mom when she had your oxygen in her hand I didn't asked because I don't want you take stress but I want to know the whole truth mom"

I said in a very serious tone I want to know the whole truth and she is the only one who knows as she open her mouth and explain everything about that day I felt myself deeply fall in the hole of guilt, make me want to kill myself because of the pain I gave her, tears continuously rolling from my eyes

Taehyung: "M-Mok I-I h-hurt her. I-I b-broke m-my wi-wife mo-mom" I said with difficulty, stuttering badly she was taken a back by the fact that I'm married but again ruffle my hair with a small smile, the continuous sob making ny throat hurt, my heart is aching with such intensity and crying soundly

Hyuna: "Are yiu giving up on her?" She said calmly making my head shot up with widen eyes how could i give up on her

No no no no no

Taehyung: "Never" Came the deadly voice of mine

Hyuna: "Then win her heart once again, ask for forgiveness because what you is also disappoint me I never taught you this but if i will not make you understand then who? I never taught you such things Taehyung and you need to make everything better again with Love"

Hyuna: "I can see her eyes she look so bold from outside but trust me tae she's very soft from inside, you have broken her completely and you have to fix it whatever happens you will seek for her forgiveness, I never taught you disrespecting a girl and stoop this low tae"

She was disappointed, her tone clearly show how much she felt hurt because of my action and it just eat me more

Hyuna: "You become so blind in revenge that you never noticed or you trying to be an ignorant that you're breaking an innocent and you will be the one to fix this i know love can melt anyone"

Taehyung: "S-She h-hate me m-mom" I said remembering her words before leaving the room, her words still hurt me the same whenever i remembered her but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up on her

Hyuna: "No one will forgive you after your deeds, treat her like a queen, She is Kim Taehyung's wife daughter-in-law of Kim's" She said with pride and confidence her eyes glinting with shone in then

Taehyung: "Kim Y/n" I whispered with finality yet in a deadly tone, my name with her reflecting different aura there's so many things i need to find out but for now her father death is close. Very close.

Taehyung: "Thank you mom I will never leave her side again" I said kissing her palm in response she smile towards me caressing my hair softly, I stood up and was about to leave when mom words stop me and an evil smirk appear on my face

Hyuna: "Treat her like a queen but don't show any Mercy on her father"

Spoiler: Where were you all this year?


4172 words

Salam beauties 🦋🖤

The longest chapter till now (☉。☉)!

Try to comment on the chapter as it's motivate me to write

Will post the next chapter soon so give your comments on the chapter not on update as it took me 3 and half hours to write this

Ignore grammatical mistakes and spelling errors <3

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