(Pinkppy) The Music Box Remas...

By littlepinkppy168

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Info: Pinkppy had decided to investigate a mansion in the woods, she heard rumors about people going missing... More

The cast and intro
Extra 1: Coward Ending
Part 2: Continue Exploring mansion-2
Extra 2: Cowardice ending
Part 3: Looking for Pinkppy in the mansion
Part 4: The Dream
Part 5: The trust & Let's Pinkppy to snapping out
Part 6: The dark truth about Riba & A deal with killer
Part 7: Pinkppy & Cene reunited
Extra 3: The butler Alfred and The maid Rosa
Extra 4: Comatose Ending
Extra 5: Omitted Memory Ending
The Secret Scene #1
Finale?: Missing ending - Part 8
Part 9: More the secrets about Riba & Alice
Part 10: Putting The sisters spirit in place
Part 11: The dreadful problems
Part 12: The Ritual
Part 13: The final battle with Palice
Extra 6: Tragedy Ending
Extra 7: Sealed Ending
Extra 8: Puppet Ending
True Finale: Better off lost ending
The Secret Scene #2 (Story finale)
Special thanks/Postscript

Part 1: Continue Exploring mansion-1

62 3 0
By littlepinkppy168

In upper part, I has made it to the mansion, but I now trapped inside with no way out. What will happen to me now? Let's find out.

I then walks to the right hall, as I enters it I sees a shadow figure walking in front of me. The shadowy figure looks familiar.

Pinkppy: What, is that teacher? Teacher!

No response, and she/it kept walking.

Pinkppy: She must have not heard me, I should go catch up. Wait a second, why is she here? I never told her I was coming. Could she have arrived before I did?

I looks at an artificial plant with an uninterested look on my face.

Pinkppy: It's an a artificial plant, tacky if you ack me.

I then enters through a door on my left, I walks through the hallway and opens a closet, it's empty, other than this note inside.

Pinkppy: There's something in here.

I picks it up to see it was a note that spelled "EL".

Pinkppy: EL? Is this supposed to spell something? Maybe a name? Should hold on to this and see if I can find anymore like this.

I then looks at the back to see it has the number "46" on it. I puts the note in my backpack and continues on by walking through the door. I walks out to see that my outside again, as I looks at the river.

Pinkppy: There's something off about this water. It's dark and it smells of decay.

I wonders whether or not I should swim across, I soon decides not to, as I gets a bad feeling about the water.

Pinkppy: No way, I'll find other way.

I enters the door next to the mirror, I sees two beds, artificial plants, a bag, and a table with a paper and a teddy bear on it. I picks up the paper and reads it.

"There's a huge mess in the first floor bathroom. I saw auntie lock the door so no one can see what she did. I drew a picture to show where she hid the keys."

I sees a drawing on the table as well.

Pinkppy: There's a drawing here, I can probably find the key which is mentioned.

After putting the picture away in my backpack, I then goes over to the teddy bear and looks at it.

Pinkppy: The bear is old and worn. Awe, it's adorable.

I touches it, only to yelp as the bear pricked my finger.

Pinkppy: Ouch! Thing pricked my finger!

I walks out of the room, not before giving the beds a second glance, I wants to take a nap, but this place isn't safe for one. After walking out of the room, I then looks at a bookshelf next to the mirror, I picks several torn pages in the bookshelf and reads me out loud.

Pinkppy: There's old scraps of papers shoved in between books.

"1/8 I finally married the man I loved for so long. We could finally make the perfect family." Yeah, cause that doesn't sound creepy, anyway let's see the next one."

"2/8 I didn't know I would end up being this way being with him. I am ill. He tells me I should sacrifice my family to live."

I notices the pages skipped, 3 to 7.

"8/8 Please, someone make me stop. I can't stop this. I have done horrible things to my family."

I stares at the page for a few minutes before shaking my head, I notices there was a photo placed there as well and picks it up.

Pinkppy: There's a photo here. I Looks like a old wedding photo. time has taken it's toll on it. I should look around and see if I can find anything else about this couple.

I puts the photo away and I brings out my journal again, I then hears something making they jump a little.

Pinkppy: Eh? What is that?

I then brings out my journal and writes down a new entry.

Pinkppy's journal 2: Couple in the photo

"I found a photo of what seems to be from a wedding. For some reason the faces were blurred out. There was also some torn entries saying that she regrets horrible things to her family. I wonder what she did."

I closes the journal and puts it away, before continuing my exploration of the mansion. I enters through another door, the room was filled with 3 plants, a chest on the left, and another chest at the end, I sees something on the ground and picks it up.

Pinkppy: An incomplete music sheet, should hold onto this, might be important.

I then opens the chest to my left and finds a note, I then starts to read it.

"6/8 I started to lock everything that reminded me of my family after I have crushed Aria's skull on the piano. The locked chest in this room contains the last thing Aria was holding onto. I hid it so she wouldn't remember her death. I made the combination to something I can remember around the house... I will hide this note in here so only I can find it. 1st number: The amount of plants in this room. 2nd number: The amount of bookcases outside this room. 3rd number: The amount of artificial plants in the left straight hallway. 4th number: Number of dolls in the 1st floor."

I then sighs as he tries to remember the puzzle, I was interrupted when I hears a noise that sounds like scissors.

Pinkppy: What the? Is someone there?

I was answered, when a little girl holding a pair of scissors appeared. She giggled.

Pinkppy: (She's holding scissors, is she going to attack me?)

The little girl then walks closer to me, making me take a step back. Normally I wouldn't be afraid at this sort of thing, but since my quirk isn't working, I has no way to defend myself.

Pinkppy: (She's getting closer! I have to get out!)

I runs to the door and tries to open it, but it's locked.

I then rams the door open, before quickly getting up and slams it shut, preventing the girl from following me. I takes a minute to catch my breath, before I taking out my journal and writing down what happened.

Pinkppy's Journal 3: Girl with scissors

A girl with scissors in her hands almost attacked me! The door closed and I had to force it open. Thankfully I made it out alive. There's something wrong, a spirit that takes psychical form only can mean there is some sort of curse in this place.

I closes the journal and puts it away, I then walks back to the right side of the mansion, I opens the door and to my luck, the girl wasn't there. I sighs in relief before noticing a chest at the end of the room, I quickly walks over to it.

Pinkppy: It's locked by a code. Wait, that's it! If I remember right, it's "3," "2," "6," and "8."

The chest opens, I reaches in and pulls out a pair of scissors.

Pinkppy: Scissors? Maybe I'll just take one.

I suddenly hear the scissor girl giggles, causing me to freeze.

Pinkppy: *Scared* ! Is she still here...?

I slowly turns my head, as the Scissor Girl suddenly appears holding a pair of scissors and she jumpscare me.

Pinkppy: Woah!

I frantically turns around fully, looking around trying to find her. I quickly calms down after a while.

Pinkppy: Urgh... I guess it was just my imagination. She's not here.

I walks out of the room, and I remembers the note he found in the chest mentioned something about the left straight hallway. I groans, I hates backtracking, both IRL and video games, I then walks back to the front entrance and walks towards the left hallway. I enters a door on my right, he sees 6 artificial plants, 3 on each side.

Pinkppy: I would never spend money on these.

I keeps making comments on the artificial plants, until I feels something in one of them.

Pinkppy: It's an artificial plant, tacky if you ask me. Wait a second, there's something in there.

I reaches for it and pulls out a key labeled for the bathroom. and I enters through the door, only to end up in the same hallway as before. then I enters it one more time, and I sees a floating girl, with red eyes and hair, looking at me with a look of death.

I quickly opens the door and closes it, I looks around to see that my in the left hallway. I gives off a sigh of relief, as I falls to my knees, I brings out my journal.

Pinkppy's Journal 4: Endless Hallway.

There has to be some sort of power at work. I just walked into an endless hall, no matter how many times I walk through door I end up in the same room, Not to mentioned I almost got killed by a little girl. She looks like death. What is going on? I can't find a way out! Okay... I need to calm down... I will get out... will...

I closes the journal and puts it away before standing up, but I found a key in a artificial plant.

Pinkppy: It's an artificial plant. Tacky, if you ask me.

That's when I notices something inside it.

Pinkppy: What a second, there's something in there.

I found a bathroom key and through the left side of the mansion. I sees more artificial plants. Despite remembering that I needed to count these things, I couldn't help but feel disgusted about how me look. then, I notices that one of I fell on the ground.

Pinkppy: The flower stand fell.

That's when I notices something inside it.

Pinkppy: Oh? What's this?

I found the chest key In artificial plants, and I was about to walk through the door at the end, until...

Pinkppy: *Scares* What was that? I hear it coming closer! I gotta hide somewhere fast! I'll hide in the crate!

I open the crate, goes inside, then quickly closes it just as whatever it was came in, I felt my heart beating loudly as me hears the things creepy laugh. I gulps.

Pinkppy: *Thinks* (I don't know if I should open a crack to see what is there.)

I reaches my hand out, only to slowly pull away.

After a few minutes, I left the crate, after I made sure the thing was gone.

Pinkppy: *Thinks* (I rather not find out what that noise was. I should move around cautiously.)

As I walks through the door, my greeted by a very, very a large gap between me and the other side.

I thinks on whether or not I should jump across, I then decides not to.

Pinkppy: Seems highly unsafe to try to jump over. Everything is too wet to grab on to.

I then walks back inside, I then walks back to the chest I saw near the door of the endless hallway. I uses the key open it, what the found was a note inside it, it had three letters.

Then I explore bathroom. As I opens the door, the bathroom reveals some blood staining the floor, a broker mirror, a bathtub with its cover covering it, as the bathtub, sink, and toilet are all covered in blood. I covers my mouth to prevent myself of puking, before I explores.

I then looks into the mirror above the sink.

Pinkppy: This mirror the reflection is off. There's a open door behind my reflection.

Suddenly, I feels a sense of Dread.

Pinkppy: *Scared* I have a sudden feeling of dread.

I checks the cabinet next to the sink and starts looking through it.

Pinkppy: Just soaps and other bathroom supplies. Is there anything useful in here? *Sees something* What a minute, there's something out of place here.

I grabs it to reveal it being a competed music sheet. And I suddenly hears glass breaking, causing me to jump.

I looks to see a shadow girl with glowing white eyes and mouth.

Shadow girl: Come play with me~

Pinkppy: (I have to get out of here!)

I runs to the door and tries to leave, only to my horror that the door was jammed with the girl getting closer.

Pinkppy: I-It's jammed?! No! I have to force it open!

I kept slamming my body against the door, in hopes of being able to open it, With ramming my body against the door one more time, I was able to open it, as me quickly closes the door, I takes a moment to catch my breath before running to room with the piano. I sits down on the chair in front of the piano keys.

Pinkppy: I have this complete music sheet. I can try to play it to ease my mind.

I then starts playing the piano, as it sounded so peaceful and beautiful. Suddenly, a girl with brown hair wearing a dress appears.

Brown haired girl: That's is very beautiful.

Pinkppy: Who are you?

Aria: My name is Aria. I was the owner of this piano, I died here long ago.

My eyes widened, I remembered one of the notes I found mentioned something about crushing a girl's name is Aria's skull. How could someone do this to a poor child?

Pinkppy: *Shock* A spirit?! But you seem so young! What happened to you? Tell me!

Aria: I can't remember much of my death, all I know was that I was playing my piano and suddenly everything blackened out.

Pinkppy: I see... Is there any way I can help to put your spirit at peace?

Aria: Please, the rest of the music sheets. I have been lonely here for many years. I haven't had the chance to play my piano ever since my death. Please find my incomplete music sheet, I must finish it.

My eyes lit up as I reaches into my backpack and hands her the incomplete sheet.

Pinkppy: Do these happen to be the sheets?

Aria: Yes, these are my incomplete sheets. Thank you.

As Aria disappears, she ends up dropping something. I picks it up to reveal it being a key to the kitchen. I puts it away, as I brings out my journal again.

Pinkppy's journal 7: Aria

I met a pianist, her name was Aria. She seems so young, I wonder how she met her demise so early. She doesn't have any memory of her death, was it perhaps murder?

I then walks back to main floor from where I entered the mansion from and walked up the stairs, I takes the scissors out and uses it to cut the webs. To my surprise, it worked!

Pinkppy: *Smiles* Aha! The scissors worked!

I opens the door, to reveal myself in a library.

To be continued...

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