I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Bo...

By BeckySmolder

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Danielle Rodriguez has been playing house with her boyfriend, Klaus Mikaelson, and his daughter hope for the... More

CH. 1
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Book No. 4 - OUT NOW ‼️💚🌈

CH. 5

450 20 41
By BeckySmolder


Saturday, September 29th
8:55 AM

I was panting as I walked through the living room, "Whoo!" I sighed, wiping my forehead of sweat. A soft chuckle caused me to look over. I raised an eyebrow at Marcel who made his way to his drink station. "We just went for a five mile run and you want a drink?" I asked him in disbelief.

"It's empty," he frowned, holding the glass up.

"Is there something in the bottom?" I questioned, squinting. He shook the decanter and it clanked around. He turned it over and something gold slipped out into his hand. "What is it?"

"Gold, owl cufflinks."

"Weird," I commented, opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. "Ugh, who is eating all my yogurt? For vampires, my side of food is going faster than the side of blood bags."

"Where did this tux come from?" Marcel asking instead.

I looked at him across the room, standing in front of a tux hanging on his metal rack. I walked over to examine it. "Oh, these are fancy threads. But what's with this mask?" I snorted, thumbing the black masquerade mask.

A buzzing sound filled the room. I looked at Marcel who was pulling his phone out of his shorts pocket. Unknown caller. He smirked, answering and putting it on speaker for my benefit, "You wanna dress me up in nice clothes, all you gotta do is ask."

"I'll keep that in mind in the future, Mr. Gerard," an accented man came through the line. I held back a laugh as Marcel's face showed disdain. Not who he thought it was, I guess. So friggin hilarious!

"I thought you were someone else."

"Perhaps my associate, Aya?" The man questioned.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Aya, the vampire who kidnapped him last weekend? According to Marcel she mentioned helping him with his daylight ring problem and getting him to be king of the city again. But the help would come from this organization she was part of, 'The Strix'. Marcel said, he didn't get the full details because Elijah showed up and this Tristan fellow, the leader of said vampire faction got to talking and Elijah dismissed Marcel like a child.

"Clearly she made quite an impression. She is an exquisite beauty. And, in fairness, the violence wasn't my idea. Had you come willingly, none of that would have been necessary," the man continued.

"Is that Tristan?" I whispered and Marcel nodded. He then pulled out a business card from the inside coat pocket.

"So, this is your version of asking me something nicely?" Marcel asked Tristan. He handed the business card to me. It had an address, '7041 ST. CHARLES AVE.' and under it said 'MIDNIGHT'.

"It's an invitation. I believe Aya told you a bit about The Strix, who we are, what we're capable of. Every few years, we gather to celebrate our status as the most elite creatures in the world. And, in the rare instance we feel we've identified someone worthy of our attention, we open our doors."

My eyebrows raised. He made it sound so badass and boujee. My kind of people. If they weren't ancient vampires that could snap me in a million little pieces. Well, I guess that's still my people. Their sire is Elijah who I've been living with for over a year and dating his brother who is about the same age, a millennia or so.

"What makes you so sure I'm interested in you?"

"You haven't hung up the phone yet," Tristan quipped. Ooh, witty. I snickered at Marcel's face of utter annoyance. "I understand you've fostered quite a community here in New Orleans. We can offer you a global network: resources, access, power. You're a born leader, Marcel. Why stop at just one city?"

"Maybe I'm happy with what I've got."

"Somehow I doubt that. But, if I've failed to pique your interest, by all means disregard this call. If, on the other hand, you feel you'd be a worthy addition to our ranks... Join us. Tonight. Bring that gorgeous woman standing next to you as your date, if you so well please. Just don't be late."

The phone call ended then and I rushed to the window. How the hell did he know? And god, I was flattered. Gorgeous? Thank you, sir. "Wow, look at his limo," I murmured, watching it start to drive away. It was parked right outside our building.

"You think I should go?" Marcel asked me.

"Is Tristan cute?" I smirked, turning around to face him.

"Didn't you break up with Klaus only like a couple of weeks ago? I hear you crying every night."

"We share a room!" I laughed. "Shut up. No. I deserve some fun. What better way to kickstart being single again than flirting with another guy. Hell, Klaus spent our relationship with other women so..."

"Okay, okay. We'll go," Marcel said. "But I'm taking a shower first."

I smiled, nodding and waving him off. He headed up the short couple of stairs to the higher floor where his bedroom and bathroom were. Once he was out of sight, I sighed. I rolled my shoulders back, trying to relieve all my pent up tension. I missed Klaus like fucking crazy.

He's called me a hundred times at least. I haven't answered once. I've spoken to everyone else though. Hayley, Jackson, Freya, and Elijah. I've been crashing with Marcel for the last three weeks, trying to come up with a real plan. I knew everyone was expecting Klaus and I to get back together. I could feel it with every half-hearted 'you'll be okay'. I knew they were sorry and understood that I was hurting. But they couldn't possibly imagine the tiredness I was feeling. I was hopeless. And I didn't anticipate any reconciliation with Klaus in the near future. He wasn't brushing this off. He wasn't fixing this with an apology or promises or even diamonds.


Saturday, September 29th
1:00 PM

I was hurrying up the steps, trying to make it to my makeup room. I did not want to get ambushed by anyone. I've been avoiding Klaus of course, and Freya half the time, who has left me voicemails, begging me to sit down and talk to my ex. But I wouldn't do that. I wasn't ready for that. I just wanted to sneak in the compound and grab more clothes then sneak back out without any melodrama.


I sucked my teeth, cursing the universe. "I'm just grabbing some clothes. I'll have movers soon," I told Klaus dismissively.

"Baby girl, wait," he pleaded, chasing after me as I slipped into my makeup room. He caught the door just as I was closing it behind me. "It's been weeks! Danielle, please."

"I just need a dress for a party tonight!" I groaned in annoyance, pushing against the door. As if I was ever going to be stronger than he was. "Klaus, stop. Go away, please. It's been 20 days. Why can't you just give me some space? It's the fucking least you can do."

A moment passed then so did his hold of the door. It slammed shut as my body weight was against it. I sighed in relief. "I'll give you space. For now, Danielle. But we will talk... Right? Soon I hope. I... I really miss you, love. I just want you to come home. Or at least tell me where you've been staying. I've been worried about you. No one knows and those who do won't tell me anything," he said and I winced.

"You don't need to worry about me," I replied, biting my lip as I locked the door just to be safe. I couldn't face him. I didn't want to see him or talk to him. And I really, really didn't want to start crying.

I hurried to my closet, grabbing my suitcase. I needed a dress for this thing tonight with Marcel. It was clearly dress to the nines, considering the tux he was given. And besides I packed clothes for a couple weeks. I still had a million things to get out of this compound. I should pack as much as I can. Not that I had anywhere to put my things. Marcel's loft was only so big, and he was generous enough to let me stay with him, I couldn't just go using his home as storage unit.

"I miss you," Klaus repeated. "I hate sleeping alone. I hate not seeing your face a million times a day. Bloody hell, I've missed your voice. Just yell at me some more. Hit me again. Just... take me back. I'm a mess without you."

I ignored him. I didn't say anything. But I could feel the lump in my throat as I tossed in a handful of clothes out of my dresser into my suitcase. I cried as silently as possible. I was a mess without him too. I barely slept. I was going for runs every damn morning at the crack of dawn just to keep myself busy. Going to my classes was a waste of time. I couldn't pay attention. I thought about all the things I was missing. Like time with Hope, date night with Klaus which would be today, yoga with Freya, and homecooked dinner. Dinner at Marcel's was a blood bag in one glass and scotch in another.

"Dani," Klaus continued. "I'll do anything. And I mean absolutely anything. Just name it." I zipped up my suitcase, ready to leave. "This is ridiculous! Just talk to me. Open the door. Let me fix this."

I wiped my eyes before opening the door. "It's not my job to tell you how to fix this. I told you, you needed to change. Do some self reflecting. If you want me back, you need to figure out all on your own how to win me back. And harassing me through a door isn't it."

"God, you are a beautiful," he whispered. "I missed your beautiful face."

"Please move."

"How can I make it right if you don't want anything to do with me?"

I pressed a hand to his arm, pushing him slightly to the side. He barely moved but I slipped around him and jogged to the stairs. "Want a hand?" He offered.

"No!" I called back, running down the steps and dragging my suitcase behind me. I headed to the garage where I parked my car. I breathed a sigh of relief when I was able to get in my Audi without Klaus chasing after me. Part of me felt like he should've followed. I mean, three weeks and he's saying he wants me back, but he hasn't figured out I was at Marcel's? Doesn't seem like he's applying himself. And what has he done since I've been gone, huh? It's not like he bought me anything or made any grand gesture. It's just more "I'm sorry" bullshit. He'll "do anything" but can't think of anything to do his damn self? Not worthy of my forgiveness.


Saturday, September 29th
11:40 PM

"Do I look okay?" I mumbled, fiddling with the large bow around my neck. I was wearing a shimmering gold dress. It was floor length from my chin to my toes. It had a big rose bow around my neck, a triangular cutout by over my ribs on my left side, and a slit so high on my left thigh that started at the bottom of my ass.

"Yeah, you look great," Marcel assured, wrapping an arm around my waist and tugging me forward.

"Nervous?" I whispered.

"I have no idea what we're walking into," he whispered back and I nodded.

"Do you remember who I was dating?" I joked. "I can survive one party."

Marcel chuckled, shaking his head as we walked into the open doors leading to a crowded party. Everyone was dressed in gorgeous dresses and luxurious suits. Many of them wore masquerade masks. "Wow," I grinned, looking around.

Twinkly string of lights covered every window and doorway. There were waiters in white button down vest, black dress pants and bow ties with creepy full face covering masks. A group of burlesque dancers were performing in the middle of the room.

A dark skinned woman in a stunning, strapless gray dress with a silver glitter various pattern, approached us. She held a mask on a gold handle that she lowered as she smiled at us. "Marcel! Welcome," she said, then she looked me up and down slowly. "I admire your confidence. Who's your date? I wasn't aware a plus one was on your invitation."

I scoffed, "Danielle. His protective friend. And Tristan invited me, thank you very much. Who the hell are you?"

Marcel chuckled, "Dani, this is Aya."

"Mmmm," I hummed in distaste. "I need a drink."

"You're a human at a vampire party," Marcel hissed quietly as I pulled away from him.

"I dated the Original Hybrid. I'm not scared of anybody in here. They touch me, he'll kill them," I smirked, looking at Aya up and down.

"Don't stray for too long."

"I'll catch up soon," I assured Marcel, patting him on the arm. He gave me a disapproving look as I walked off, heading for a tray of champagne nearby. While I sipped down a flute of bubbly, I kept my eye on Marcel with that snake on his arm.

I got a few stares and I met them with a dirty glare. There were vamps sharing people they were biting into and I did not want them to get the wrong idea. I was not here to be anyones chew toy or a victim. "Want to dance?" Someone asked, coming up beside me.

"No. I'm here with someone," I said, waving dismissively at the man. He didn't walk away. I raised a brow and tilted my head. "Maybe you're hard of hearing, sir. Let me introduce myself, I'm Mrs. Klaus Mikaelson... Must I repeat myself?" I questioned.

He gave me a once over before walking away. I rolled my eyes. I was at a vampire party, I was going to take a lot of advantage of Klaus' status and name. So if that meant claiming a relationship with him to scare people off, I will do it. What's he going to do? It's not like he's here. And I doubt he'd be offended by the idea. It was clear that he still cared for me. Still... loved me.

I took a deep breath, chugging my champagne and then swapping it out for another. Now was not the time to think of my boy—ex boyfriend. I headed over to Marcel who was with Aya and a large lightly tanned skin man with a shaved head. He was very terminator like. I slid over to Marcel's free side, looping my arm around his.

"Marcel, I'd like you to meet my mentor, Mohinder. He taught me everything I know about combat," Aya said.

"Oh, if that's the case, then I am impressed!" Marcel grinned, sticking his hand out. Mohinder just glanced down at it. Marcel winced, closing his hand in a fist and going to drop it to his side when Aya took it, tugging him away. "Intense guy," he commented.

"As part of his discipline, he drinks only the blood of vampires he's vanquished in combat. He can go weeks without feeding, yet suffer no effects of hunger, such is his control over body and mind," Aya told us.

"So where is this Tristan guy?" I asked. Marcel looked at me with a smirk. He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it, his eyes looking in the distance.

"What are they doing here?" Marcel questioned, glancing at Aya. I spun around, eyes widening as I saw Elijah and Hayley on the dance floor. Oooooh. What was she doing here with him? Didn't she have a husband?

The five of us were staring at each other intensely. I caught Aya glaring in the direction, assumingely at Elijah. Hayley like I looked shocked to see the other duo. Marcel and Elijah had this macho stare off going. They didn't discuss this. And the right thing to do would have been for one of the men to mention to the other they were going. I didn't imagine Elijah would feel the need for that open line of communication. With the way Marcel said he was dismissed the last time from speaking with The Strix, I don't blame him for keeping his mouth shut about tonight.

Suddenly a bunch of waiters began tapping champagne glasses with knives, calling for attention. They stood at an open doorway. A man in a a fine tuxedo waltzed in casually with an air of arrogance. His dark hair was combed to near perfect with a tantalizing curl loose over his forehead. This must be Tristan, The Strix leader.

He held a half full champagne flute in his right hand while his left pulled out of his pants pocket to gesture as he spoke: "Distinguished friends, welcome. It's so rare that we're able to come together like this to revel for one night in the company of true equals. Now, I'd like to take a moment to welcome a very special guest, Mr. Marcel Gerard."

I held back my shock while Marcel stood up straight, addressing the crowd with a nod as they all clapped for him. "I'm honored," my friend commented with a charming smile and a slight wave of his hand holding his champagne glass.

"Of course, before we tell Marcel all of our secrets, there's one small piece of business to which we must first attend," Tristan stated. Marcel looked at me then Aya in confusion. "We must determine his worth."

Marcel kept his smile on his face as he pulled his arm from mine and stepped forward, walking towards Tristan. "That's funny. I seem to recall you being the one knocking on my door," Marcel said. Tell him, bro!

Tristan smirked, "You'll notice, Mr. Gerard, that over the course of the evening, someone has managed to take something quite dear to you... Your daylight ring."

The two stood toe to toe, Marcel looking down at his hand. No ring. I checked the other. Nothing. Oh, shit. What the hell is going on? I narrowed my eyes, giving Aya a dirty look as she smirked as well. This ties to her somehow. I shouldn't have left him alone with her. I had no idea who he met or where he could've lost his ring.

"The test is quite simple. First, you need to deduce the identity of the thief. Then, you are simply to take back what is yours," Tristan informed him. "Although, I doubt the prize will be easily relinquished. After all, despite our refinement, we're still a rather violent bunch. In victory, you become one of us. In failure, you meet your death... You have a few hours until dawn. I wish you the best of luck."

Marcel looked around, glancing at Elijah before walking towards me. I met him halfway, taking his arm once again. The music began again and people dispersed to go back to the party as if that scene never happened. I tugged Marcel to the side. "Did you shake anyone's hand?" I whispered to him as we put our heads together.

"No," he answered. "When you left she and I stepped by the bar and she went on about how many celebrities were apart of their elusive camaraderie. The vampire who eats vampires is the only person she introduced me to and he—"

"What?" I asked.

"He didn't shake my hand."

"Uh, yeah, I noticed," I said. "It was awkward and Aya grabbed your hand to pull—she took it."

"Shhh," he shushed me, chuckling. "Look, it can't be that easy. She took it, she must have handed it off, right?"

"To who? Mohinder?"

"Who else would I know to guess?" Marcel shrugged. "It makes sense."

I nodded slowly, unsure. "More importantly, how are you going to go up against that old as dirt, vampire blood sucking psycho terminator?" I scoffed.

"I think I have an idea," he whispered. "But I need you to cut the tension. Go talk to Hayley and Elijah."

"Hayley and Elijah?" I frowned. I guess Elijah could help him figure something out. But he couldn't fight for him.

Marcel slipped away from me before I could stop him. I rolled my eyes, men, annoying as hell. However, I did as he asked. I searched for the two familiar faces, finding them by the bar. No complains here. I could use another drink. Something strong.

"Fancy seeing you here," I approached the two. Hayley smiled kindly, opening her arms for a hug. I saw her two days ago when we got lunch with Hope after my classes. We got food, talked for hours then took our favorite one year old to the park. It was a nice time. I missed that baby so much.

"Love this dress," I told Hayley.

"Stole it from Rebekah's closet," she laughed. She was in this satin red ball gown, sleeves that dragged across her collarbones and over her shoulder, the neckline dipping a tad low with a small ruffle along the top. Fabulous.

"Danielle," Elijah greeted. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay," I lied. "Taking it day by day. School keeps me busy. And Marcel's been great."

"I can compel you an apartment, that offer still stands."

"I don't want Klaus peeking into my place 24/7," I scoffed.

Hayley nodded, "every time I see him, he's asking about you. I can admit the man has gone mad since you left."

Elijah sighed, "he's having a hard time. But he made his bed, now he must lie in it."

"Thank you," I said.

"Now what are we going to do about our other friend?" Hayley changed the subject. "These vampires are ancient. How is Marcel supposed to beat one of them?"

"With guile, courage, perhaps a bit of trickery," Tristan answered, joining the three of us. "Admittedly, it's a long-shot, but then, sometimes the new candidates surprise us."

Elijah narrowed his eyes while I gave him a once over, and Hayley glared. I wasn't sure if he was cute or not. I mean, he wasn't unattractive. He just looked like a knock off Elijah. Like some arrogant, foolish, callow version. His presence screamed over compensating. He just wasn't my type. Not that, that was saying much. Whatever was my type wasn't working. I was single, again from again from again and a-fucking-gain.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tristan de Martel, and you must be the famous Hayley Marshall-Kenner, Alpha to the Crescent wolves," he greeted Hayley first, taking her hand and kissing it gently. Of course my friend jerked her hand away, her glare unwavering. "The pleasure's all mine, I see."

I snorted, looking at Hayley who shrugged. Tristan than grinned at me. "And you are more exquisite in person," he commented, eyeing me like I was his next meal. I was flattered, honestly. My lack of male attention from Klaus had put me down a peg. Now a compliment from anybody made me feel special because I was starting to feel insecure. Like, Cami over me? What delusional man would do such a thing? No offense to her per se. But I was definitely hotter than she was. And the way I was putting it down on Klaus a dozen times a week? I've never felt more disrespected, unattractive, or insignificant in my life.

"Thank you," I said softly, placing my hand in his. I didn't pull away when he kissed it. Oh. He had soft lips. Ugh. Maybe I was horny too. It's been weeks without Klaus now. We had sex a hell of a lot. And I've been surrounded by men these days, Marcel and his million of vampire jockeys.

"Danielle Rodriguez, correct? You're here with Marcel but you belong to—"

I cut Tristan off, "I don't belong to anyone. I'm not an object. I'm a one in a million kind of woman, who you're lucky to be in the presence of. And I'm single now so you're really lucky."

He smirked, "I believe I am. Save me a dance?"

"Maybe," I said coyly, giving him a flirty side eye before I looked away uninterested. I felt his gaze linger on me and I forced myself not to squirm. Confidence was everything. Mine was wavering these days. I did not like that. Three weeks ago I walked into an art exhibit like I was a goddess, the most beautiful thing anyone there had ever seen. And that was compared to art to art critics. Since we left the lift I've been worried about how I looked. If I should've worn my hair over my shoulders not pulled back into a pony tail. Should I have worn gold heels instead of black. If the slit in my dress was sexy or trashy. When really who cared? I was just walking, talking food to most of these guests. If I looked delicious that was a bonus for them. But I wasn't sure I did look good, my dress was itchy and my body felt uncomfortable every time I made eye contact with a stranger by accident. I hated this feeling.

"Elijah! When I sent your invitation, I didn't dare think you'd come. Tell me, as our founder and patriarch, what do you make of our latest candidate?" Tristan finally addressed Elijah. His sire.

"Well, let me see. Marcel... He's arrogant. He's stubborn. Prone to self-aggrandizement. He should fit in perfectly!" Elijah smiled sarcastically.

"If he survives."

"He will," I stated.

"I take it Mr. Gerard is a friend of yours?" He asked, I went to say 'duh' when I realized he wasn't talking to me. He was asking Hayley who looked ready to rip him apart she was so mad.

"Mhmm. We're friends," she answered. "And, even if we weren't, I don't much like bullies."

Tristan looked surprised by the accusation, "A bully? My dear, you barely know me! Allow me to remedy that, and, in doing so, I can explain our methods. Would one of you ladies care to dance?"

He held his hand out, I stepped in front of Hayley, placing mine in his. I really wanted to dance. "You explain it to me and I'll fill her in," I said.

Hayley gave me a confused look while Elijah looked utterly irritated. "If it's not an intrusion," Tristan said, looking at his sire for permission.

"Why, of course," Elijah grinned politely, nodding in approval. Though I know he didn't approve. He probably knew what I was up to. But hey, I was single now. Everyone needed to get used to the idea of me being near and with other men. I wasn't going to wait around for Klaus.

Tristan led me to the dance floor and then we positioned ourselves. His arm around my waist, his large hand spread over my lower back. A foot between our chest and our other hands joined together to the side of us. We both swayed together in sync. He could dance. I was impressed. He was probably old as dirt so I don't know why I'm surprised. He had lifetimes to learn how to waltz and tango. Oooh, a tango. Sexy.

"I'm glad you came, Danielle," Tristan purred in my ear. I gulped, did I mention I was horny? "Tonight will allow you to make up your own mind about our organization."

"And you think by killing my friend, you're gonna make the best impression?" I retorted. I couldn't lose sight to what was happening here tonight. Marcel was in a dangerous game he didn't ask to play.

"I think tonight, you'll bear witness to the truth. At the very least, you cannot call us liars."

I scoffed, "as if that matters."

Tristan didn't reply, instead he twirled me around and pressed his chest to my back. We stood still, his arm sliding across my body as he held possessively. "There are few novelties left in the world, especially to us. A creature such as you is certainly among them," he whispered in my ear.

"Yeah? And what kind of a creature might that be?" I asked, slightly breathless. His lips brushed my neck and I shuttered. A mixture of disgust and lust. He was too bold. But I almost like that. His confidence and his interest in me. Again, flattered as hell.

"One of a kind, like you said. And, a true beauty, at that."

He spun me around quickly then, our chest pressed together. Our breath mingling as his face was now entirely too close to mine. I pulled back. I could flirt, I could love the attention but... getting involved with another man. I wasn't ready for that. As much as I wish I was. A rebound guy before moving on for real.

"How did Niklaus ever let you go?" He asked softly, one hand coming to touch my face. I slapped it away on impulse. His eyebrow quirked then. "He must've been a fool. A woman as gorgeous as yourself, who accepted this life with open arms... Rare."

Thank you! I didn't reply out loud, I took his hand in mine and continued our dance. My eyes searched for my friends as we moved. Marcel was walking away from Hayley and to Aya. Hate her already. Elijah stood alone, watching Tristan and I on the dance floor. I blushed then. Could he hear us speak?

"Aaoooooowwwwll!" Came barking howls. Tristan turned slowly, still holding me at my waist as we faced a rowdy bunch stumbling through the entrance. You have got to be kidding me!

"Greetings!" Lucien shouted.

"I'm ready for my medication," Klaus laughed, stumbling behind Lucien with a girl under each one of his arms. One was in a nurse's costume. Ugh.

"My God, it's a room full of Elijahs," Lucien commented, loudly. He too had two girls on either side of him. My boy—ex and his girls a step behind them.

"I had that exact same nightmare once!" Klaus replied.

The group of six all laughed, stumbling on top of each other. They were drunk. Which I've practically never seen Klaus be. I was suspicious immediately. Either he was up to something or... Lucien was as bad of an influence as he seemed. "Go and grab us a drink, love! Feel free to fetch one for yourself," Lucien told the magenta wig wearing girl, who pranced off.

I narrowed my eyes, she looked familiar. Tall, skinny thing with a smile I recognized. Freya? Oh, these bastards were up to something for sure. Did Elijah know about it? I looked for him quickly.

"One for me, please! And one for her, and her, and her, and her..." Klaus called after Freya.

"Tristan?" Lucien called out.

"Tristan!" Klaus echoed.

The man beside me sighed, we shared a look. I tried not to show any emotion. "I'm sorry. Please excuse me," Tristan said to me softly. He then stepped away from me then, slowly walking to the imbeciles.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are! Unless, of course, you're afraid!" Lucien bellowed in a sing-song voice. Annoying as hell. I hated when Klaus was obnoxious. I did not like the idea of him hanging out with Lucien.

Tristan met the group, standing only a couple feet in front of them. "You should, uh, move along. You're not welcome here," Tristan suggested politely.

"Oh. Oh, okay. We're—we're not welcome here," Klaus whispered mockingly, facing his friends then spinning around to take in the large number of people in the room, watching him make a fool of himself. He then cackled, stepping up to Tristan and reaching for a champagne flute from the nearest tray.

"Or maybe you should move along before I make you cry in front of all your little friends," Klaus said before laughing and stepping around Tristan.

"My concern is for your companions. They appear out of sorts without a shiny pole to writhe upon," Tristan retorted and I snorted.

"Ohhhhhh, he's suggesting that you're exotic dancers! Which, to him, is an insult," Lucien slurred, gesturing crazily at the burlesque dancers next, "If not hypocritical. But, don't take it personally, love. He finds all work demeaning. The only dignified way to accumulate wealth is by birth." The moron then stepped up to Tristan toe to toe, "Boop!" My jaw dropped as he pressed a finger to the tip of Tristan's nose, causing Klaus to giggle like a child. "Isn't that right, Tristan? Hmm?" Lucien smiled.

"Niklaus," Elijah's voice cut through the room. Klaus spun ungracefully to search for his brother.

"What is it?" Klaus asked, facing the wrong way. However, his eyes then landed on me. I stared at him, taking in his disheveled appearance. He looked drunk for sure. His hair was a mess. He was standing all types of awkwardly and his jacket was falling towards one side more than the other, his collar popped. My hands itched to fix him up and slap some sense into him. And then kiss him, cause god was he sexy.

"You're hammered," Elijah stated, passing Lucien and his girls, Tristan, and stopping behind Klaus' back. My ex boyfriend's jaw clenched and he turned to face his brother who was standing so close to him now. "Which should come as very little surprise to anyone here, but it does hamper the festivities somewhat. So, could I recommend that you find the nearest exit?"

"Just—" Klaus went to speak.

"Yes, and could you take your playthings with you, too?" Elijah cut him off. So he wasn't in on whatever the hell this is?

Klaus shoved his drink into Elijah's chest. Then he looked over his shoulder, pointing at me all of a sudden. My heart started racing as everyone's attention moved to me as well. "If I go, she goes with me," he said.

I crossed my arms, "as if."

Klaus smirked, "I love it when you're angry. Come on, love. Let's go home. We don't belong here."

"You don't belong here," I retorted, walking across the room to him. I was livid. He had the audacity to embarrass me. I didn't care what he thought of these people. I wasn't okay with a million strangers who knew him, were watching him belittle me, as if I was a possession he could take for the road. "I was actually invited," I stated as he and I stood face to face.

Klaus scoffed, "Oh, really?"

"Really," I answered.

He licked his lips, "by who?"

"Me," Tristan spoke up, slipping around Klaus to stand beside me. I smirked, raising a brow at my ex. Every part of him looked rigid with anger.

"You're embarrassing yourself," I whispered, stepping closer to Tristan who wrapped his arm around my waist as I expected. A glint of rage flashed in Klaus' eyes and they began to glow.

"You know, I used to find it insulting that I was barred from your special little club," Klaus spat, glaring at Tristan. I gulped, looking at Elijah. Whatever was happening tonight, no one planned for me to be here. And I wasn't sure what Klaus was up to, but I knew soon it would be ripping Tristan's arm from his body. "But now, I realize that I lack the flexibility to become a member—I could never get my head far enough up my own ass."

"I beg to differ," I blurted out. "That can't be the reason. It's been up your ass for months now. Right?"

Klaus glared at me, stepping close enough that I could smell his cologne. My knees shook. I wanted him. So, so badly. "You'll do well to remember you're mine," he growled lowly. Then he leaned down, pressing his mouth to my ear, "I have half the mind to prove it in front of all these people. Let them watch and see what's only mine to touch."

My breath hitched as his hand went to my hip and lowered to my ass, squeezing before moving up my back and finding Tristan's hand. I heard a loud crunch and grimaced. Tristan pulled his arm away immediately, clutching his hand. But he didn't express to be in any pain at all. "And, love?" Klaus said, stepping away from me now. "You're the one embarrassing yourself. You should learn to conceal your desire for me when you're on the arm of a lesser man."

"Niklaus," Elijah roared.

Klaus smirked, pressing his glass to his lips for a sip. He made a disgusted face. "Cheap," he commented, shoving the drink in Tristan's chest, Tristan accepting the champagne flute. "Come on. Let's go. This party's dead anyway," Klaus told his 'friends.'

I snatched the drink from Tristan, moving quickly to grab Klaus by his arm. "The only thing cheap here is you and your whores," I spat, tugging him around. He cooperated, facing me again. Before he could retort I threw the champagne in his face. "And the only thing I'm embarrassed about tonight is ever dating you."

Klaus stared at me dumbfounded. Elijah hurried between us two, shoving his brother away. I pushed my shoulders back as I stood tall and proud. My confidence again diminished but... fake it till you make it. He just embarrassed the hell out of me. So badly I couldn't even run out of here ashamed without looking like a bigger idiot. I had to do something. He didn't get to have the last word. Not after he's the one who broke my heart and ruined our relationship for some fake ass therapy.

~Picture: Danielle at The Strix's party 🎉

Anyone speechless??? I need to hear everybody's opinion on what's going on with Dani and Klaus. Was anyone expecting them to just talk this out and get over it together? Anyone proud she left him and isn't easily succumbing?

And what about Tristan? Think he has an interest in our protagonist? Klaus was certainly jealous. And words were exchanged. It's starting to look messy and nasty between our favorite couple.

But at least some things are going well. Dani's holding up. Marcel was kind enough to let her live with him. Elijah seems to be her friend again. Hayley's back in the Mikaelson mess. All is almost right in the world. But what's to come next? Besides more of Klaus' so called groveling and some arguing. The only thin Klaus and Dani are better at than fighting is having sex. And not having it takes it's toll, on both of them...

If you liked this chapter leave some gold emojis for Dani's dress ⚜️⚱️🎷

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