Piggy Gf/Bf Scenarios (Open)


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☁️Confession Quotes☁️

997 13 42

Requested By: RainierStormX

Angel Piggy: Angel had left a small note on your doorstep, decorated with one of your favorite flowers. The note had detailed paragraphs explaining how much they appreciated you and asked you if you would like to go somewhere special with them. They took you to their house to play board games and watch movies while awaiting nighttime. It was about 11:00 at night when Angel brought you to the roof of the house, admiring the large moon in the sky illuminate the houses and trees with a white glow. Resting their head on your shoulder and enclosing you in a soft wing, they cherished the moment as long as they could, holding your hand tightly. After a long while, Angel lifted you off the roof onto the ground, leaving a small kiss on your forehead before returning back above the clouds.

Archie: Archie took a long period of time before actually confessing, but it wasn't the prettiest. He brought you somewhere secluded where no one could ruin the moment for him, but once he finally came face to face with you though, he felt like he was suffocating. He couldn't talk nor breathe, the lump in his throat getting larger as he tried to explain his feelings to you, red in the cheeks. After about 5 minutes of clearing his throat and tightly gripping the dead rose he brought, Archie decided to give everything up. He tore apart the rose out of anger and embarrassment, a single tear running down his cheek, he headed to leave. That was until a firm hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, stroking his fur slowly in an effort to comfort him. Archie slowly relaxed in your warm embrace, forgetting everything and only focusing on your steady breathing. Soon after, apologizing profusely, he handed you what was left of the rose in disappointment of what he had done. It was enough to satisfy you though, and even if the confession was pathetic, it still earned him a lifetime with his one and only.

Alfis: Completely calm, he is always the type to remain relaxed in most situations. Grabbing your hand, he came up with a sweet confession to express his love for you. It had gotten quite tense afterwards as he waited for your response, but he would have accepted any response you gave him. He is not the type that gets sensitive or overly obsessive if it's a reject. Of course, you accepted as Alfis caressed your cheek softly and softly kissed your forehead. Spending quality time with his new significant other, Alfis spent all day running his fingers through your hair and hugging you tightly, kissing the top of your head. He can't imagine a day without you.

Beary: Beary didn't confess himself, he patiently waited for you instead. He refused every opportunity, feeling embarrassed and couldn't bear to think of the possibilities and negative outcomes. Months passed, but Beary still waited. It was a bright, sunny afternoon when you offered him a cup of coffee and chatted for a while before reaching into your back pocket, slipping it onto his desk secretly. Not long after you left to go home, he noticed the small slip of paper. It had a phone number on it. Beary texted you immediately when he got home, feeling a series of emotions when you told him how you felt. He never left your side afterwards and gave you everything you could've wanted.

Badgy: Rejection is his top fear, and he never said anything because of it. Badgy was honestly scared of falling in love, and when he finally realized that he had fallen for you, he immediately reassured himself that it wasn't true. Badgy simply refused to approach you under any circumstance. You had visited the plant yourself, bringing in a bouquet of flowers and asking him out. He was beyond happy, squeezing your hand tightly and grabbing the bouquet of flowers. Of course, since it was in the middle of his shift at work, you had to go home. But afterwards, Badgy visited your house and found a fancy restaurant he wanted to bring you to. You both had a great dinner eating various amounts of delicious treats and plates full of your favorite foods. He began to bring you somewhere new every Wednesday, making sure to try something new and overall have a good time.

Bunny: Bunny has a hard time expressing her feelings, so it was difficult for her to express her love for you. One morning, she had left an anonymous note with flowers on your doorstep. The letter read, "Hello, this is your secret admirer. I am leaving these flowers for you because I have feelings for you (I think). Sincerely, your secret admirer" and had a scribbled-out picture on the left-hand corner. Afterwards, roughly a week later, a note lay face down on one of the steps. It was blank except for one word that read, "Bunny." Bunny had visited your house a day later, claiming to be the secret admirer and handing you a box of chocolates with a [Insert Favorite Flower] on the top. She quickly ran away, not bothering to look back, and headed home. Bunny called you soon after, talking for hours on end. The next day, however, she visited once again, spending the night. In the morning, once you both woke up, Bunny grabbed both of your hands and rubbed them soothingly, a pink tint dusting her cheeks. "Are we a thing now, [Y/N]?"

Billy: Billy's confession was not all that interesting and was simply put. He invited you over to his workplace while he was on his break, offering you a [Insert Favorite Drink]. Billy sparked up a conversation, talking about modern topics such as how your day was going, what you planned to do that day, etc. 10 minutes passed, and it was almost time for him to go back to work. Billy slowly put down his drink and took a deep breath, shuffling closer towards you. Looking into your eyes, he softly whispered, "I forgot to tell you before, but I love you, [Y/N]. Do you love me back?" Silently waiting for an answer, Billy quietly interlaced his fingers with yours and after you had accepted, he squeezed your hand tightly and locked you in a strong hug, stroking your back soothingly. he couldn't stop thinking about you after he went back to work.

Budgey: Budgey is the romantic type and had set up a dinner just for you at her house. She had a speech ready for you, holding your hand through it all. Of course, before she got cheesy, you both enjoyed the meal she had made, and it was basically the best meal you'd ever had; Budgey has great cooking skills. Afterwards, she cleaned up the dinner and took you to her couch, sitting you down and placing your hand in hers. It was a long speech, explaining how much gratitude she has for you and how she would be over the moon if you stayed with her for the rest of time. Taking a breath, it finally ended with a "I love you so much, [Y/N]. I hope you feel the same way..." As you accepted, she caressed your cheek and softly kissed your forehead, wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug. She made sure to visit your house with [Insert Favorite Food] every day. 

Bela: As you may have guessed, Bela thought that it would be a fun idea to pull a few magic tricks on you. She had invited you to the place where she used to work, cooking up a wonderful dinner full of [Insert 1st Favorite Food], [Insert 2nd Favorite Food], and [Insert 3rd Favorite Food] with a [Insert Favorite Drink] for you to enjoy while she performs. Before you arrived, she had also decorated the rusted down, abandoned building into what it used to look like full of bright string lights and torches lining the walls, illuminating the building. While you enjoyed your dinner, she performed a multitude of different tricks such as ball tricks, the dove act, the death saw, the knife swallowing trick, the money changing trick, and at the end, she did the most classic magic trick of all, but with a small twist. After about an hour of performing tricks and amazing you continuously, she stepped off of the stage and took a hat from behind her back, swirling a magic wand and offering the hat to you for you to grab something inside. what you pulled out what a delicately wrapped letter with a small heart sticker holding the envelope closed, a small [Insert Favorite Flower], and a small box of chocolates. The letter was a very long note that explained how much she loved you from the bottom of her heart and how she wanted you to become her one and only (pretty basic huh). She had driven you home and gave you one final passionate kiss before heading home. She texted you all night after that.

Bakari: Bakari was confident and quite excited to tell you the news the moment he knew he fell in love with you. He took no time in hesitating and immediately called you, practically screaming into the speaker telling you that he loved you. Quickly after, not giving you the chance to respond, Bakari hung up the phone and gathered a ton of gifts and sweets from a store and kicked down your door, piling the gifts on top of you asking if you liked them. Bakari had insisted to feed you the candies he had gotten you and cleaned up the mess he created, although he pretty much just stuffed everything in one of your cabinets. He was too invested in the thought of spending all of his time and love on you to pay attention to anything else he was doing. After his adrenaline rush had died down, he had climbed into bed with you and cuddled you, falling asleep within minutes. Bakari, when in an exciting or high-energy situation, he generally does not take others opinions into consideration, but if he is calm, he is the total opposite. Once he woke up the next day, he apologized plenty of times and had correctly organized the gifts he had gave to you, handing you plushies to put on your bed to, as he claims, "remind you of him". Bakari then asked if he could stay at your place for one more day before going home the next day. He then made it a tradition to always text you at approximately 9:00 at night before he went to bed to make sure you knew that he loved you dearly. 

Clowny: Clowny is always dedicated to see you smile, no matter what the situation may be, he loves to see joy in your eyes. His confession was no different. He did, however, perform outstanding tricks for you to marvel over, knowing how much you loved to see his talents, and made it special just for you. Him and Foxy both planned for a perfect confession that was like no other. Clowny had performed tricks such as aerodynamics, balloon animals, and yo-yoing. He made sure everything was perfect and was certain that everything was going to be an extraordinary performance. At the end of it all, handing you a balloon animal, he held your hand and told you how great of a person you are, adding cheesy jokes in the midst of it. He remembered to have you smiling through everything, gifting you a [Insert Favorite Flower]. You, Clowny, and Foxy, who was brought begrudgingly, ate the carnival food and played the games scattered around the park. Foxy only came for the food.

Crove: Ever since Crove found out that he was in love with you, he kept his feelings bottled up and away from everyone, especially you. Although, it was easy to tell that he had feelings for you. Crove acted differently, such as avoiding you at all costs, glancing at you often, and had an extreme stutter if he was ever talking to you. He didn't keep his secret to himself for long, also. It had only been at least a week before he spilled the beans to you, refusing to make eye contact. He had also plucked a small flower to give to you, but accidently discarded it once he actually approached you, too distracted in telling you the truth. It was an intense silence afterwards, and quite the terrifying experience, but joy and surprise filled the air once you had accepted his love. Tears were shed that day, and at the end of it all, Crove invited you to his house to watch a movie, now having a pleasurable memory of what he thought was impossible. 

Dinopiggy: Dinopiggy isn't the brightest bulb in the box, so he can be clueless at times, such as this one. It wasn't him who confessed, it was you instead. Dinopiggy never knew about love, and the closest thing to it was a friendship, but between you two, it was a lot more. Most of your time was spent with him doing activities such as drawing, watching movies, taking walks, etc. And through all of it, he didn't recognize you as a partner. It was only one day when you finally gathered up the courage to guide Dinopiggy through the experience of relationships and taught him what it was like to be with a lover. It didn't take him long to understand everything and become a great partner. He gave all of the attention you required, helped clean the house with you, made sure you were well physically and mentally, and did everything you asked of him. Once he understood the meaning of "love," he made sure that you knew how much he loved you.

Daisy: She didn't acknowledge her love for you at first, but overtime it became overbearing, so she eventually noticed. she rejected the feelings however, being too invested in being a mechanical worker and fixing old TVs, but after a while was not able to ignore them anymore. She had a short and sweet confession, pretty much shuddering at the fact that you could have rejected her. Her overthinking commonly gets in the way of doing things she loves. Of course, though, you didn't reject her, as she excitedly wrapped her arms around you and smothered you in kisses. She spent less time working on the TVs and spending more time with you.

Devil: Devil is an extremely flirty person, and somehow got you to be their partner by flirting their way to your heart. They didn't exactly have a quote, they used cheesy pickup lines for you and bothered you for a while, trying very hard to be able to hold you close. They visited your house often, brought you places without asking, gave you an ass-load of gifts almost every day, and wasted most of their time just spending time with you. Eventually, they asked you out properly which was just a series of weird pick-up lines and being flirtatious towards you. Besides being very touchy and romantic, they make sure that you are comfortable and happy. 

Doggy: Doggy is an extremely kind and sweet person, so his confession was laced with love. He got you your most favorite flowers and confessed his love for you in the most comforting way possible. He is a shy person as well and hesitated to tell you in fear that you would reject him. Of course, though, you accepted. He passionately kissed your hand and ran his fingers through your hair, handing you a small present he had in advance after you had become his one and only. Inside was a small necklace with part of a heart charm dangling off of it with "[Y/N" engraved in the metal. Doggy slowly showed you his part of the necklace with his name carved into it, demonstrating how the heart parts combined into one that said, "Doggy & [Y/N]." He helped slide the necklace around your neck and kissed you lovingly, the heart charms clicking together.

Dessa: Dessa is an outgoing person, so she did not hesitate to confess her love for you. She is confident and does not feel embarrassed to tell you anything. She had saw you come in the store while she was working and asked you to come back before the store closed. She had bought a few items such as sweets, jewelry, and a drink for you two to share. Before you came, she made sure to flip the sign to say "closed" so no one bothered her special moment and set up the store to look pristine. When you came in, Dessa offered to sit you down at a table and brought in two plates full of food, a special, beautifully prepared drink, and a large, hand wrapped present. Your plate was full of [Insert Favorite Food 1], [Insert Favorite Food 2], and [Insert Favorite Food 3]. After you two had finished eating, she pushed the drink in the middle of the table and pulled out a piece of paper. Dessa handed the slip of paper to you, watching you carefully as you opened it and read the words printed on it. The paper had read, "Dear [Y/N], I have fallen in love with you over the past few months, and I would like for you to become the only one for me to hold through the darkest of nights, will you date me?" It was a very tense, silent moment as she waited for your response, but no matter, it didn't stop her from letting you know her true feelings. Afterwards, you two shared the drink she had prepared, and she sent you off on your way with the large present for you to open on your own time. 

Dakoda: Dakoda had never had the confidence to confess to you directly but did leave subtle hints such as flowers on your doorstep, letters in your mailbox, and he always pushed things aside to be able to hang out with you. He did though hide his emotions under his helmet and barely ever let you see the rest of his face. Overtime, confidence was built and one day he had the courage to at least send you a small letter in the mail with a small heart sticker holding the envelope closed. The paper read, "I love you" with a sloppy signature on the bottom. It didn't take long before you reached his house and confirmed the feelings he had for you, and he finally expressed all of his emotions at once, slipping off his helmet and letting you see what he was hiding underneath. Dakoda is still shy and nervous when it comes to touchy subjects such as kissing, hugging, etc. but he still sees you as his special someone and he can't imagine being with someone else.

Delta: Completely ignored the thought of love, and nothing exactly changed about him for a period of time. That was, until he finally gave in and confessed to you roughly months after. Before then, though, his behavior did briefly change. He got shyer around you and often avoided you. Although, if he did decide to talk to you, it would not last long, part of the reason why it was so obvious that he liked you. It was a stormy afternoon when he arrived at your house and asked to come in, claiming that he had something important to tell you. He sat you down on your couch and took a deep breath before spilling everything he had kept from you. He avoided eye contact throughout the speech and kept to himself. Delta told you about how much he appreciated you and, begrudgingly, how much he wanted you to be his significant other. He was silent afterwards and extremely nervous, but after experiencing what it's like to have someone by his side, he became more comfortable overtime. 

Distorted Penny: Penny had lost pretty much half of her brain from the insolence and tests, so she wasn't familiar with the term "love". She was loose on words in general, only mumbling words that were unintelligible. When she first saw you, she aimed to kill you on the spot. The treatment she received was too weak, and the infection was too far into her brain that it did damn near nothing. However, when you managed to get her used to you, she decided to stop targeting you and hung around you quite often. She hadn't had interaction with another being for a long time, so it was new for her to be able to spend her time with someone else instead of moping around the laboratory, waiting for an unfortunate soul to stumble across her. After a while, you had caught feelings for her. Although, Penny couldn't remember what that meant nor felt like, so she hadn't expressed any feelings towards you. There was some hesitation in telling her that you had feelings for her, but no matter, you had spilled the news. As speculated, she mumbled out of confusion. You had then tried to regain her memory and showed her the definition of "love", but surprise surprise, she couldn't read anymore. So, the conclusion you came up with was to show her your affection as much as you possibly could. You brought her flowers (that she ate), chocolates, books, and most importantly, many kisses. You had tried to teach her how to read again and to speak properly, but to no avail. So finally, you maintained your love for her and assumed that she would understand once she actually got into a relationship, so you treated her as a partner for a long while. It took a few months, but she finally just started to understand the concept of "love". She had hesitantly started to return the affection by bringing you small pieces of the laboratory she found scattered around the building as gifts and giving you very distant hugs. She still has a long way to go, but it is amazing how far she has come.

Elly: Elly is an extremely needy person, and when she found out she had feelings for you, she would not leave you be. She made time for you every day, checked to see when you were available, and overall spent as much time as she could with you to make sure that her feelings were genuine. Once she realized that her mind was not playing tricks on her, she immediately planned her confession and how she was going to spill the beans to you, not considering the outcomes. She called you, asking when the next time you were available was. She had decorated her house excessively complete with strings, balloons, and a banner with large, bold writing on it saying, "I LOVE YOU [Y/N]" with two large presents underneath. She was beyond excited once she saw you outside her window approaching her front door as she practically pulled you in. Elly showed off the banner and turned to you, asking what you thought of it. It was surprising, to say the least, but it was also amazing to think that she put all of that work just to express her love for you. It was something you couldn't resist, and of course, you accepted. Squealing out in joy, she pulled you in for a passionate kiss and a moment worth remembering, before she handed you one of the presents, encouraging you to open it. Inside was a mountain of plushies that Elly had seen you fantasize over when you two went on shopping sprees. The second present had a heaping load of jewelry that were custom made to have the phrase "Elly X [Y/N]" on every single one. She was very serious about the relationship, buying everything you could ask for, doing everything asked of her, and gave you all of her attention when you needed it. Nonetheless, she was madly in love with you.

Foxy: Completely blunt. No emotion was presented during his confession, but it was obvious that he was apprehensive during it, an obvious sign being the excessive sweating and jittery speech. The thought of you rejecting him had been ripping at him, but once you accepted, he had an extreme break out of emotions. It's not too easy to bottle up your emotions once your dream comes true. He trapped you in a strong hug, crying into your shoulder while repeatedly sputtering "thank you so much" while tightly gripping at your shirt. It was roughly about 5 minutes of soft sobbing and soothing back rubs before he wiped the tears and gave you a small kiss on the forehead, whispering a final "thank you," intertwining his fingers with yours and resting his head on yours. 

Felix: Felix obsesses over literally anything, and in this situation, he was over obsessing over you. He planned out everything and made sure everything was going to go accordingly. Of course, he couldn't have controlled your reaction and what you were going to say, but he hoped for the best. Felix had set up a dinner at the fanciest restaurant that he could find, making a private request so it would only be him and you. Felix had known you for a long enough time, and over those few years, he gathered all of the information he could such as your birthday, what your favorite foods were, what animal you liked best, etc. So, he had set up a large dinner with your plate being full of [Insert Favorite Food 1], [Insert Favorite Food 2], [Insert favorite food 3], and [Insert favorite candy]. He made sure it would be the best dinner you would ever have, and quite frankly, it was. He invited you over to the restaurant, sat you down at the table and placed the food on the table. During the dinner, you two talked about different subjects and what you enjoyed. At the end, once you two finished, he held your hand and, in the most passionate way possible, explained how much he loved you and how he wanted you to be with him forever. It was a long speech, and after he was done, he simply asked, "[Y/N], will you become my one and only for the rest of my life?" Afterwards, he offered to give you a ride home and kissed you goodbye, fantasizing over you for the rest of the night. 

Frostpiggy: Frostpiggy was head over heels for you and did everything in their power to get you to be with them forever, rather that be risking someone's life or something saner, they did anything you pleased. After a long period of time of following you and doing everything you wanted, they finally confessed to you. Not very surprising, as it was obvious they had something for you. They had found a book and a pen in one of the cabins, flipping to one of the empty pages and sloppily writing the words, "I lOV yU" and a scribbled drawing of a heart on the side. Ripping the page out, they visited your house to show you the note. It was an exciting moment for them to finally have a chance at becoming your significant other, as they had been obsessing over this moment for months. Once you accepted, the immediately hugged you tight and pleaded for a kiss to prove their love for you. They spent almost all of their time with you afterwards. 

Fergus: Fergus was still at the moment being attacked by the infection, so he didn't have a lot of time to prepare. Afterwards though, he slowly gained consciousness again and became wiser and more intelligent, so his confession was something straight out of a historic poem. Short and sweet and full of mysterious meanings, he read aloud to you, his hand on yours, softly cupping your cheek. It was a dream come true finally being able to hold you close and spend every moment together, watching the sun rise above the mountains. Fergus had made sure to spend most of his quality time with you and made sure that you never felt ignored or left out, and even introduced you to some friends. 

Giraffy: Polite as can be, his confession was basically "I think I'm in love with you, [Y/N]". Before his confession, he did try and plan everything out beforehand, making everything according to plan and practicing with his wall, just to make sure he doesn't mess anything up. Although, once faced with the situation at hand, his confidence decreased. His speech slurred and became shakier as he tried to confess to you. Eventually, he crumpled the piece of paper in his hand and decided to keep it short and simple. It had worked better than his original plan, but even so, he still couldn't let go of the fact that all of the preparation could go to shit if you rejected him. But once you accepted, he absolutely lost it and tears ran down his cheeks. Picking you up, he hugged you tightly and softly kissed you, apologizing for the sudden outburst. Giraffy enjoyed the rest of the day with you, sitting on the couch and snacking on junk food while watching TV. He couldn't imagine doing anything else at that point.

Ghosty: Ghosty didn't have the courage in her to tell you, so a simple and small note was slipped into your mailbox. The note consisted of big handwriting saying "I love you" with a small heart after it. She didn't exactly know how to express her feelings, so through writing was the only solution she had so she did not have to have contact with you. Now, she didn't mean it in a mean way, she was just too anxious to tell you in person. However, for a while, the note hadn't gotten her anywhere closer to you in terms of relationship, because there was no signature. Ghosty had forgotten to sign the note, so you did not know who wrote it or where it came from. After about 2 weeks of no information on where the note had gone, Ghosty decided to visit your house instead. She had asked about you recieving a note in the past week and once you showed it to her, she claimed to have wrote it and spilled all of her feelings at that moment. Afterwards, she quickly left and returned back to her house, wallowing in her own embarrasment. Just a day later, you contacted her and explained how you had the same feelings for her and that you would be more than happy to be in a relationship with her, which gave Ghosty a rush of adrenaline and encouraged her to visit your house again and finally be in a relationship with the one person she had fantasized over for months.

Glenn: Glenn wasn't close to you in the beginning, and it was a love-on-sight situation. He didn't have any sort of connections with anyone when he was secluded in a mineshaft for months on end, so once he finally saw any sort of life, you were the only one standing before him. Glenn had made it super obvious that he had feelings for you. He had major behavioral changes such as slurred speech, interacting more frequently once you're around, fidgeting with anything around him, and being very touchy. He never told you though, since he didn't believe that you would ever love someone that had been isolated for years and didn't know how to correctly hold a conversation with someone. Regarding that, you still found it in your heart to become his significant other for the rest of his life. So, Glenn did not have a confession quote, he basically relied on you to introduce the idea to him first and inspire him to at least try to have some sort of love life.

Jakayla: Jakayla kept her feelings bottled up and away from you, making sure to stay in line and to never accidentally let it slip out during a casual conversation. Fearing the possibility of having you know that she had loved you more than a friend could break the friendship, Jakayla pretended for a long time. She pretended as though she did not care too much for you, and most of the time never even talked to you. It was only about a month before she handed you a small letter closed with a heart shaped sticker with a flower taped inside. The letter wasn't long, but it was something to treasure. Simply asking about a date, Jakayla took you wherever you thought sounded good whilst holding your hand through all of it. She obsessed over you, taking pictures whenever she could, never took her hands off of you, and was extremely stressed out and dissapointed when she wasn't with you. She had major seperation anxiety and made sure to be with you whenever she could.

Kitty: She works at a kitchen, of course she had to go over the top with her confession. Kitty had made a large cake for you, complete with your favorite toppings, and sloppily spelt out "Date Me" on the top in frosting. Her confession was quite unique, and the cake was enjoyed afterwards. It took a while for both of you to eat. But after a while, and two full stomachs, she quickly threw the dishes into the sink and cleaned up the area, wiping down the table and pushing in the chairs. Kitty offered to drive you home, and once in the car, she became lovey-dovey, putting her hands all over you and just wanting to be closer. She ran her fingers through your hair, cupped your cheek, and completely smothered you in kisses. She finally had someone to express her love to and had the opportunity to show how good of a partner she can be.

Katie: Katie was extremely nervous and apprehensive during her confession, and she stuttered plenty of times, the fear of rejection had her hanging by a thread, but she had to confess. For her, it was now or never, no matter if she wasn't ready. She felt like she had to. Good news, you accepted her and all of the negativity faded. She's glad she didn't have to go through that. It was an emotional rollercoaster afterwards though, with mascara running down her face, Katie buried her face in your neck, hiding herself away from any other eyes that may be looking at her and hugged you tightly, appreciating how you didn't let her down and made her feel embarrased. Nonetheless, she was still shameful for being emotional for such a "simple situation," as she claims. In her mind, the whole experience was not something to cry about, even though it was the best day of her life, finally being able to spend her quality time with someone she thinks deserves all of it.

Kona: Kona was way too busy with mechanical work, and never exactly had contact with you. Eventually he took a break from working and actually spent some time with you which is how he fell so hard for you. He never stopped thinking about you, even if he was working. After a while, he didn't directly confess to you, but he gave you a small letter. Inside was a short paragraphed confession. Kona had not had the courage to tell you straight, but a letter was still enough for you to be with him. He can't imagine a day without you. Now, he isn't too focused on his work anymore, and spends most of his time giving you the attention you want and focusing on the more important things in his life other than bolts and wrenches. He also made sure to focus more on his physical and mental health. Before, wires and screws were more important than how much sleep he was getting every night and how rough he looked everyday from poor hygiene, but now, with you demanding that he does everything that is required before he starts any kind of work, he noticed how much he didn't pay attention to how unhealthy he was and now, Kona makes sure to take care of himself every day. You basically changed his life for the better, and now, he treasures everything that happens between you and him, and he feels better than he ever did before.

Kolie: Pretty calm during his confession, and consisted of an "I love you, will you go out with me?" Kolie has a sweet personality, and he is extremely polite. He is also confident, so his confession did not seem to bother him at all. The only thing that was holding him back was your reaction and response. He wasn't exactly sure if you had the same feelings for him, but he would have never known if he didn't try. It was a relaxing moment for him to hear you accept even if, at that moment, he was calm and collected. Kolie had planned the date beforehand that he hosted at his house, complete with [Insert Favorite Color] string lights and a small present. After he had confessed to you, he drove you to his house and sat you down on the couch, asking how you liked the decorations he put up for you. After a while of talking and sharing interests, he pulled out the small box and handed it to you, wrapping his arm around you. Inside contained a heart shaped bracelet with the name, "Kolie" carved into it. Kolie slowly lifted up his arm to show a gold bracelet dangling on his wrist that had the name, "[Y/N]" engraved into it. He reached into the box and helped you put it on, kissing your forehead as a "thank you" for becoming his one and only to spend the rest of his life with.

Kamosi: Unfortunately, Kamosi cannot talk, but they found other ways to communicate with you. Most of the time they used a whiteboard to talk to you, but occasionally would use sign language that you taught them if it was short. For their confession, they had used their whiteboard to write "Love You" on it. They don't have good grammar, considering they had never learned English properly, but they still are able to be understood. Kamosi had brought the whiteboard up to you, pretty much shoving it into your face for you to read and give them an answer. They hadn't thought about what you would say, and just expected you to accept them, as they had saw before with other couples. Kamosi doesn't exactly understand relationships and believes whatever they see or is told, so they hadn't had a clue of how else you would react. No matter, you accepted them either way and they had gotten to experience the feeling of love. Afterwards, you had taught Kamosi more about the topic of love and what to expect, how to be a good partner, etc. Overall, they had tried their hardest to become the best lover they could ever be, and made sure to give you as much love as they could and they couldn't have been better without you.

Kraxicorde: Regardless of the fact that he is a literal sea creature, he still found a way to confess his everlasting love for you. Collecting seashells from the bottom of the ocean floor, he simply spread them out on the sand of a beach where he took you and spelled out "I love you". Realistically it was spelled completely wrong and the shells didn't line up, but it was still able to be read. Afterwards, he spent the rest of the day with you relaxing with the hot sun beating down on you two, remembering the importance of the moment. After a long while of staring at the sun and spelling out words with seashells to communicate with you, Kraxicorde gathered his shells and dumped most of them in the water, taking the remaining ones and spelling out the word "goodbye", afterwards taking your hand and giving you one of the shells for you to keep. As a final farewell, he gave you a slobbery kiss with his tongue and quickly dived into the ocean, leaving you with a face full of slobber and a large seashell in your hand. It took a while to get that out of your hair.

Memory: Memory waited until you were dreaming to confess to you, as she can only reach you in your dreams. For her confession, it was a lot of stuttering and nervousness, but patience is important to her, so she had taken a deep breath and started over again, holding your hand and telling you how much she appreciated having you in her life before you woke up. She had also handed you a black, dripping rose and sent you back to the real world. The rose stayed in your hand once you woke up, and a note with a small, black stain on the left-hand corner. The note had read, "Dear [Y/N], I know you may not remember me, but I was in your dream last night. My name is Memory, and I would like you to help me out of the dream world. I want to be with you forever. Please, come back to me soon. Love, Memory." The next night, she visited you again and laid you down, wrapping her arms around you tightly. It had been hours of laying down quietly, listening to the sound of your heart, softly stroking your arm with her thumb. Once it became morning and the bright sun shining through your window woke you up, Memory laid next to you, holding you close and melting into your warm embrace. She had persuaded you to stay in her arms for the rest of the day, softly kissing your cheek and running her fingers through your hair. She was relieved to finally be able to spend her time with you and being able to express her love for you.

Mimi: Calm and collected, had everything planned out beforehand. Her confession was delicate and smooth, no casualties occurred. She had also brought you a small present that she handed to you while telling you that she loves you. The present contained a small, red rose and a necklace with [Insert Favorite Color] beads dangling off of it, one of them having a heart engraved into the plastic. She had taken you to her house afterwards, treating you like royalty by making whatever food you wanted and bringing you anything you pleased. As the relationship progressed more and more, Mimi had treated you more as just a person, but still made sure that you got what you needed and showing you how much she loved you by doing what you asked, gave you all of the attention you deserved, and making sure you are comfortable and happy.

Mousy: Completely out of the blue, Mousy did not have anything planned nor any practice. Her confession was a straightforward "I love you", and offering to take you somewhere nice afterwards, bringing you to the clothing store at the mall. Mousy is extremely confident and doesn't think of the different kinds of ways a situation can go, she believes that everything will go her way. Fueling that belief, you accepted and hung out with her for the rest of the day, admiring different clothes and trying on outfits that she handed to you. The sky had grown dark once you two decided that the shopping spree was over with arms full of clothing and a new relationship. Mousy spent the rest of the day watching TV with you and eating snacks she had collected off of the shelves in the mall, taking you inside her vent and cuddling next to you, falling soundly asleep in your arms. The sound of heavy metal stomping around the mall had kept you awake though.

Markus: Markus has a very confident and loud personality, not sugarcoating anything for anyone. So for his confession, he directly told you straight to your face that he had feelings for you, confident that you would say that you liked him back. The thought of you rejecting him hadn't crossed his mind, nor does anything negative, so he wasn't anxious or tense at all. The moment you had accepted him, his loud personality slipped out as he exclaimed, "I knew it!" while picking you and squeezing you tightly. He brought you to an enclosed space and smothered you in kisses, giving you as much love as he could. Markus hadn't had any experience with having a relationship, so he just did what he thought it was, which was kisses and cuddles. Throughout the relationship though, he realized that there is more to it than just physical contact, and he improved as a person overtime by thinking more about your feelings and how his actions may affect others. His personality changed, but some of it still stayed. He really liked to show you off to people, bragging about how he pulled such a beautiful person and how jealous everyone else must be. No one batted an eye. But no matter what, Markus cared more about you than other people's opinions.

Mr. Stitchy: Mr. Stitchy is not able to speak either, so his confession was not verbal. He is extremely smart though, and found a way to confess one way or another. In his case, he had used a spare piece of wood he found in the forest and used the slime off of his body, sloppily writing "I Love You" on it and leaving it in a cave for you to find. To get you looking, he asked you to look for something that he lost and couldn't find, sending you to the forest. It hadn't taken long for you to discover the large wood piece with black liquid pooling around it. Once you had found it, Mr. Stitchy appeared next to you and grabbed it, wiping off the access goo and writing something new. He flipped it over, showing you the message "Yes or No?" and once you accepted him, he slowly lowered the wood piece and softly hugged you. Mr. Stitchy hadn't realized that his slime stuck to things, and so you were covered in black goop. He made sure to help you wash it off though.

Marley Russel: Being a victim to various tests and experiments, Russell never had seen the outside world for years on end. All he knew was white cushioned rooms with sealed doors and tile floors. He was always aggravated and extremely aggressive to anyone who approached him, biting at the scientists who kept him isolated and away from any other life. After the infection broke out though, he managed to escape the facility and live on his own. Russell searched long and far for any living soul around, mainly to eat, but the only person he found was someone he would spend the rest of his life with. He hid and stalked for days, examining your every move and action. He learned what you liked to do, what your favorite food was, even what time you went to bed. It was only a matter of time before he finally approached you with a letter in his hand, letting you read it and give your honest opinion. Hope was found, and he is glad that he has somebody who actually loves him and will take care of him.

Mr. P: Mr. P wouldn't have been able to get over the loss of his wife without you, and he accidently fell for you. You were always caring, uplifting, and overall a good person to him. After years of helping him through his trauma and mistakes, he finally accepted the fact that things were irreversible and that he shouldn't hate himself anymore. Afterwards, he started developing feelings for you, and wanted you to be with him for forever. He did everything you wanted and took great care of you as a thank you, but also to prove that he loved you. He slipped a note under your door, delicately written with a beautiful rose attached to the letter. It was a lengthy paragraph explaining how much he appreciated you and loved you with all of his heart, asking if you could go on a special date with him. It was relieving to see that he had recovered, knowing that he was forgiven and he still had another chance at being in a relationship.

Owell: Owell's confession was simple, leaving a delicate envelope with a heart sticker closing it inside your mailbox. Inside of the envelope was a letter with paragraphs telling you how much she loved and cared about you, and at the end was "I love you, will you go out with me?". A day later, Owell visited your house and asked you about the date, adding that she would pay for everything and asking where you wanted to go. She had taken you to [Insert Favorite Restaurant] and ordered [Insert Favorite Food] for you and her favorite food for herself. After you two had eaten, she payed for everything and offered to drive you home, kissing you goodbye and driving off. The next day, she spent her time at your house playing video games, watching TV, and overall building the relationship and making it stronger.

Ombra: Ombra does not have the intelligence of everyone else, so their confession was not what you would expect. They didn't have much to work with in the small building they live in, but they did manage to make something work. Using their large spider-like legs, they carved the word "Love" on the walls and waited for you to come visit and eventually discover it. Once you visited and found the message, Ombra dropped a small marble they found somewhere in the building that they cherished in your hand as a sign of trust. After the confession, Ombra was a lot more touchy and cuddly, wanting all of your time and attention. They refused to let you leave until they were satisfied with how much attention they were given and finally set you free, expecting you to return again the next day and give them just as much love.

Penny: Penny is extremely apprehensive when it comes to expressing feelings, so her confession mostly consisted of stuttering and aggression. She had brought you a flower, shoved it towards you and yelled out, "I LOVE YOU!", red in the face. Her main fear was absolutely fucking it up and making herself look like a fool, but before you could say one word, she ran away. She isolated herself from you for about 2 days and avoided all contact with you out of embarrassment, but eventually started talking to you again. Only about a day later, she invited you to her house for a private chat, locking her bedroom door and spilling everything she bottled up. Penny apologized for the sudden outburst and not giving you a chance to speak, explaining how she was just embarrassed and didn't want you to think she was weird. She finally gave you a chance to talk, wanting you to explain your feelings and what you thought of the whole situation. Once you told her that you had feelings for her as well, she burst into tears and hugged you tightly, telling you how much it meant to her. After a few minutes, she wiped the tears and apologized, offering you to join her for dinner. It was the best day of her life, being able to hold your hand under the table and spend quality time with you.

Pandy: Completely calm during her confession, Pandy had nothing else in mind during it. She had also brought you a present containing a pile of metal jewelry that she had hand-crafted herself. Her confession was a sweet and smooth "I have feelings for you, will you go out with me?". After she had confessed, however, things started to get tense because Pandy started to think negatively, finally realizing how things could go south. Of course, though, her effort was appreciated and a small kiss was given afterwards. Pandy was completely stumped, and had practically froze once you put your lips on hers, a bright red blush dusting her cheeks. It had only been a minute before she snapped out of her deep thoughts and taken your hand, looking deep into your eyes and passionately kissing you again, showing the whole world how much she loved you. She walked you home that night, admiring the bright stars that illuminated the sky, holding your hand through all of it. It was sad to say goodbye, but a warm and comforting hug was enough to make her heart feel cozy again, pushing her through the rest of the night, reminding her that she will see you again the next day.

Pony: Pony was extremely nervous and impatient, almost putting down the confession but Zizzy was there for him throughout. He had troubles even being able to get words out to you, so his confession consisted of lots of stuttering and nervousness, something along the lines of "I like you, will you go out with me?" Thoughts were taking over his mind of what you would say, mainly negative thoughts, but fortunately, you took his hand and pecked his lips, earning a very flustered and embarrassed cry. Let's say he was over the moon about it, hiding his face inside the crook of your neck and squeezing you tightly, Zizzy standing in the doorway, satisfied that she helped her best friend find the love of his life. Pony always stayed by your side, never leaving you by yourself and making sure that you were always comfortable and happy. He spent all of his time with you, talking about his interests and what you liked, being the nerd he is, showing you books that he thought you would like. He thanked Zizzy greatly after that.

Parasee: Parasee can't speak and isn't the sharpest tool in the shed but somehow, in some way, they eventually found a way to confess to you by smearing blood from recent victims over a large platform. It was quite disgusting, but at least they were able to non-verbally confess their love for you. They didn't think anything of the confession choice, they thought you would appreciate it. Parasee had pretty much broken into your house and pulled you out of your bed, dragging you outside to where the platform was and pointed at it, wanting you to read it. As you read, they nervously stood next to you, waiting for you to say something in response. To confirm your feelings, you stuck your finger in the blood that dripped off of the platform and drew a heart on an empty space on the wood. Parasee was eccentric and purred loudly, grabbing you with all four tentacles and squeezing you tightly while carrying you back into the house, dropping you onto your bed and licking your forehead. They had slept next to your bed on the floor, makings sure you weren't disrupted. 

Pumpiggy: Pumpiggy is quite violent and didn't exactly think about how dangerous their confession choice could be. Just for you, they knocked you out but made up for it with a nicely decorated room. They didn't understand that they could have potentially injured or even killed you. But alas, you woke up and had a pleasant surprise. hanging from the ceiling was a large banner that had the words "I LOVE YOU" sloppily written on it and lots of pumpkins had been placed around the room. Pumpiggy sat next to you on the bed, stroking your hair and asking you what you thought. After you accepted, they quickly pulled a present from under the bed and handed it to you, eager for you to open it. After you had opened it, they reached in and pulled out a large plushie of themselves that they had Grandmother Piggy knit for them, shoving it into your arms and asking how you liked it. They had also explained how they waited so long to give it to you and complained about how slow the process was, wishing that it could've been faster and that they could have given you the present earlier. Afterwards, they loudly and excitedly asked you if you liked them back, forgetting the fact that they had already asked, tapping their thighs with their fingers in anticipation. After you had accepted, again, they exclaimed "I knew it!" and hugged you tightly, continuously kissing your forehead and embracing you in their arms. They begged you to stay at their house for the night, wanting to spend their whole night lying next to you. 

Poley: Poley is the romantic type and had set up a large dinner for just you and him. However, it was hosted at the Police Station, so no fancy expensive dinner place. No matter though, it was still a decent and sweet surprise. Poley put his everything in the dinner. Although it didn't look like it, he was pretty nervous about what you would say, normally. The fact that he put his blood, sweat and tears into the dinner had put him on edge and that there was a possibility that you could reject him. He was glad that you didn't, though. He had asked you to stay after your shift because he had a little surprise for you, leading you to the cafeteria which had candles and roses in the middle of all of the tables, a red cloth underneath them. Once you entered, Poley switched off the lights, the candles illuminating the room, and asked you to sit down with him, handing you a handkerchief and placing a plate in front of you. As he sat down, he pulled a box of beautifully decorated donuts, boasting about how he made them from scratch and pushed the box towards you, letting you have the first pick. You had picked the [Insert Favorite Donut Flavor] donut. He had picked the vanilla flavored donut, like the basic bitch he is, and explained to you how he had deep feelings for you and how long he kept it hidden, asking for you to be his significant other for the rest of his life. As soon as you accepted, he picked up the rose and slid it behind your ear, giving you a soft smile and placing his hand on yours. Poley leaned over and softly kissed your forehead whispering, "I love you" and placing another kiss on your lips. Afterwards, you two enjoyed your donuts and you helped Poley clean up the room, leaving a final kiss goodbye on his cheek and driving home. Doggy was proud of Poley for finally confessing his love, as he had constantly obsessed over you and bothered the hell out of Doggy for quite some time.

Phenna: Phenna was calm and relaxed during her confession and picked the quietest place for it. She had taken you to the neighborhood library, and since no one seemed to go there anymore, it was desolate. Regarding the knocked over shelves and broken chairs, it was the perfect place. She skimmed through books to find one she thought you would like, letting you take a look yourself. The book was in the [Insert Favorite Genre] section. Phenna sat down with you and read over your shoulder, learning more about you and what you enjoy. It had been about an hour until you finished, placing the book on a nearby table and getting ready to go back home before Phenna grabbed your hand to stop you. Holding both of your hands in hers, she quietly whispered, "I am in love with you, [Y/N], and I want to have you for the rest of my life. Do you love me too...?" It was a tense moment, not a word was said, but it wasn't long after before the loud silence was filled with cries of joy, holding each other close and imagining what lies ahead and what journey's will be experienced next, all with the love of their lives. Before Phenna drove you home, she picked up a few books for you and herself to read together. 

Robby: Robby doesn't exactly understand the concept of love, much like other characters, but he tried his best to let you know. He didn't try anything special for you. His confession was basically just "I have feelings for you, whatever that means" while firmly gripping your shoulders. Sometimes he just can't keep his hands to himself. You rejecting him wouldn't make him love you any less, but of course he would love you as a friend at that point. It was entertaining to watch him eagerly await your response, rocking back and forth and looking at you desperately. After you had accepted, he asked, "does that mean that you have feelings for me back? Is that good?" With a snicker, you pecked Robby's cheek, simply responding, "yes, I love you, Robby" and interlaced your fingers with his while he wrapped his arms around your waist [Robby is a lot taller than you]. Robby still doesn't fully understand what "love" means, but because he is in an actual relationship, he is finally beginning to understand what "love" really means. Robby always spent time with you, keeping you in the mall and cuddling with you in the arcade room, always making sure to flip on his "heat mode".

Raze: Raze has about half of his brain left, ever since the infection and what had been done to him. The trauma that he experienced made him lose some of his sanity and the ability to understand basic knowledge. So, he did not understand what "love" had meant. Ever since he met you, though, he developed feelings for you. His confession was basically asking you why he felt so tingly and weird when he was around you. Although, it was a bit hard to understand him, considering his speech was slurred. It was a heart-warming moment for you, knowing that he had actually had feelings for someone, and it was an honor for it to be you. It was also entertaining to listen to him as he explained how much he loved you without even realizing it, telling you how his face got hot, his heart was beating faster, and his stomach felt fluttery. Letting out a small chuckle, you cupped Raze's cheeks, telling him that what he was feeling was called "love" and explaining to him what it meant. He was beyond interested and asked for you to elaborate more on the topic, asking why he felt the way he did and what he is supposed to do about it. After about 20 minutes of explaining, he looked you deeply in the eyes and whsipered, "so...does that mean I..love you?" with a red blush dusting his cheeks. You nodded slightly and softly kissed his forehead, pushing back the fur. Embarrassed, Raze quickly covered his face and avoided eye contact, replaying the event in his head. Soon after, he hugged you tightly, burying his face in your neck and carefully stroking your hair, making sure not to get his barbed wire caught in the strands. Raze now always stays by your side, making sure that you are never lonely without him.

Rash: Rash refused to believe in the concept of love and rejected his feelings for you for a long period of time. Although, it was quite obvious that he had a strong crush on you. His behavior changed drastically, as he was described as more nervous and clingier, and according to Willow wouldn't shut up about you, thinking about you constantly. Of course, he would refuse that he had a crush on you. After a while though, he just couldn't get over you. He was pretty much annoying the shit out of Willow and so she set you two up. The confession was short and was basically Willow exposing Rash. Willow had simply said, "Ayo, Rash likes you" and she was on her way. That was basically the only reason why Rash had ended up in the relationship in the first place. It was quite embarrassing for him to approach you again, knowing that you knew his not-very-well-kept secret. It had been a while, about a week, before Willow dragged Rash to you house and asked for you to "keep him company," as she had tasks to complete. Rash basically hid from you, hiding in your bedroom. Eventually though, he mustered up the courage to come out and finally say something. He shamefully told you that he hoped that his secret didn't break the friendship and asked for you to not hate him afterwards. However, it turned out that you had feelings for him too, grabbing his hand and telling him all about how you felt. Rash was flabbergasted, quickly feeling his cheeks burn in embarrassment. He had thought about the situation for a while, imagining how his life would change for the better if you were in his life forever. Rash refused to leave your house after Willow came back.

Reindessa: Reindessa treated her confession as some sort of holiday, decorating her house with lots of string lights and setting up a fancy dinner, having a present ready once you had arrived. Sitting you down on the rug, she handed you the delicately wrapped box. It was wrapped in bright red paper with small dots scattered across it, ranging from different colors. Inside, the box contained two small pieces of jewelry and two long necklaces, words engraved into a small circle piece hanging off of the bracelets. One of them had the name [Y/N], the other "Reindessa". The necklaces had small hearts dangling off of them. Reindessa excitedly collected the four chains, slipping one onto her wrist and another on yours. She had also taken the necklaces and wrapped them around your neck after hers. Scooting closer, she grabbed both of the small hearts, connecting them together and spelling out the word "Forever". Intertwining your fingers with hers, she looked into your eyes and softly smiled. "I really, really like you [Y/N]..Do you want to spend the rest of our lives together?" 

Sheepy: Sheepy had taken time out of her day to buy you a special gift and a small flower. She did not have a confession planned out, nor did she even say anything to you. She had assumed that you would know what she was referring to when she handed you the gifts. Because of it not going the way she had hoped, her confession was simply "I love you." She's still a little salty that she had to say something. But, she put your feelings first and asked you if you liked the gifts, one of them containing one of her prized possessions that she trusted you with as a sign of her love, the other containing a small plushie of a [Insert Favorite Animal]. Sheepy wasn't too nervous about you rejecting her, as she doesn't mind a lot of things, but she still hoped that you would accept her. Of course, you did and she calmy said, "cool" and gave you a deep kiss. She had taken you to the top of the tree house in the woods, making sure you were not in view and smothered you in kisses. Sheepy made sure that you visited the forest at least three times a week, giving you the silent treatment if you ever missed a day. She always forgave you soon after, though.

Soldier: Soldier doesn't have much of his brain left from the infection, so the things he does can range from sane to absolute insanity. In his case, his confession was in the middle. He had tried his best to come off as romantic, but a dead bug wasn't the way to go. He had thought that you would think it was a nice gift. His confession was filled with nervousness and was a simple "I think I like you.." He didn't exactly know how to talk to people, considering he hadn't had any interaction with living people for a while after the whole breakout. The only thing that mattered was that he tried, as you accepted the gift and passionately kissed him on the forehead. He was flustered, to say the least. He didn't keep his hands off of you after that, always having to be touching you every second of the day. Soldier always asked for kisses and cuddles whenever you were available and showed you off to all of the other soldiers, boasting about how beautiful you were and how lucky he was to have you. The other soldiers didn't seem too fazed, though. No matter, he still made sure that everyone knew he was in a relationship, proud of what he had accomplished. After a while, though, Soldier seemed to calm down on the whole showing-off part and spent more time worrying about you such as your physical and mental health, making sure you were happy and healthy. 

Skelly: Skelly had given you a beautiful rose that they had plucked from a graveyard. Because they do not have a voice box, they couldn't exactly confess their feelings verbally. They did however give subtle hints that they had feelings for you. They were very touchy and would only keep their hands to themselves if you didn't want to be touched. Otherwise, they would be holding your hand, cuddling with you, playing with your hair, etc. If you still didn't realize that they had feelings for you, they would hand you a piece of paper that had sloppy writing on it that read, "I have feelings for you" with a small heart on the side. Waiting for your response was the real kicker, though. They weren't sure how you would feel, since Skelly isn't exactly "living," but nevertheless, you accepted them and gave them a small kiss on the forehead. They were surprised, but no less thrilled that you had actually gave them a chance at having a relationship, and they were more than glad that it was with you. They had tried to be the best significant other that they could, giving you everything you asked for and made sure you were always comfortable and pleased. 

Spidella: Spidella had a rather peculiar confession. She had taken the sand from the floor of the  temple, covered herself with it and waited for you to come across her. Her confession was basically just her scaring you half to death and then telling you that she loved you. Spidella now loves to bury herself in the sand scattered across her temple and scare the ever-loving shit out of you, she finds it entertaining. You don't enjoy it as much. But she makes sure that you are alright afterwards, apologizing if she ever needs to and gives you all of the attention you deserve. Spidella has an energetic and loud personality, so she also likes to tell all of her friends about you and practically never stops talking about you. If Kona every decided to visit her, the only thing she ever talks about is how beautiful and gorgeous you are and how lucky she is to have you. Nonetheless, Kona is happy for her and encourages her to express her love for you every single day. Kona had even taken a picture of you two, which is framed and lays on Spidella's nightstand. She can't imagine what life would be life if she never met you.

Silzous: He didn't confess to you at first, as he didn't think that he actually had feelings for you, considering that he had never had feelings for anyone. He had refused to believe that you were good enough for him, and because of this he had rarely ever interacted with you. After a period of time though, he decided that it was enough and he finally confessed to you. He was firm about it, and was a simple "I have feelings for you." He refused eye contact throughout it, but he was grateful that you didn't reject him and "made a fool out of him." He now gets bitchy whenever you aren't with him. Once he was actually in the relationship, he was quite embarrassed to be seen with you. Not that he didn't love you, it's just that he always had a high profile and always was seen alone, thinking he could make it on his own. But, after a while of being within your presence, he felt a lot better than he did, finally being able to express emotions to someone who would understand and actually cared for him. He started getting more comfortable having you out in public, focusing more on his relationship than what other people thought of him and ignored any dirty looks he got. Silzous became more passionate and caring, still a little hesitant on physical attention, but soon got more used to it and came out of his comfort bubble, trying different things that ultimately got him in a better place and mindset. 

Sentinels: The Sentinels weren't familiar with love at all, and quite frankly didn't even know what it meant, so it was your job to teach them. It took some time before they all finally understood and actually developed feelings for you, which resulted in all of them basically fighting for your attention, but they learned to share soon after. They all discussed and created a confession together by individually signing a card that had a cheesy pick-up line they found on the internet on the front to give you. They all learned how to love someone and what it feels like to have someone hold them close and show affection towards them that day. Occasionally, they all have small arguments on who you love the most, but usually they come to an agreement that they are all loved equally. So basically, they are artificial figures acting like small toddlers. Regardless, it is entertaining to watch them disagree over small and unimportant things and once they are done, they come to you craving love and attention form the one they care about the most. The Sentinels also like to fight over who is going to be closest to you when it's time for bed, trying to squish themselves closer to you and end up being too tired to argue anymore. They are ridiculous, but you love them nonetheless.

Shardantus: Shardantus had massive mood swings once he found out he fell in love with you, and aside from his high and mighty attitude, he had a soft spot for you. He acted aggressive and loud in front of others, but soft and kind only for the one he cared about. His confession wasn't fancy or extraordinary, he simply told you how he felt and gifted you a necklace he hand-crafted from shells and diamonds. His attitude did change afterwards too. He was kinder and aware of the people around him who might not appreciate his loud ass, he also became more clingy and softer. He also introduced you to his friends, boasting about how adorable you were and that he was the only one with a significant other, practically making fun of them. None of them cared, though. Shardantus also loved physical contact, putting his hands all over you, stroking your hair, holding your hand, etc. He also loved showing you off to the public, making it obvious that he felt special with someone like you and made sure that everyone knew. 

Tigry: Tigry took a long period of time before he confessed to you. He is an extremely apprehensive person when it comes to love and romantic situations, and he was too nervous to go into it head on. He did prepare first to make sure he didn't fuck it up by writing his confession on a piece of paper and practicing to his wall. When he finally gathered the courage to confess to you, he had collected a bundle of your favorite flowers and gave them to you whilst confessing. The confession did not go the way he planned though. He didn't use the paper he had written on, and his confession was a simple "I love you [Y/N], will you go out with me?" It was embarrassing for him when he was waiting in silence, quietly holding out the flowers in front of you, eager for your response. It didn't take you long to grab the flowers and accept his love, interlacing his fingers with yours and passionately kissing him, a dark red blush dusting his cheeks as he slowly melted into the kiss. You two had stayed there for a while, embracing each other and enjoying the moment while it lasted. After roughly a few minutes, you two separated and made your way home, thanking Tigry for the amazing flowers and promising to see him tomorrow. He shyly waved back at you, going his separate way. He couldn't stop thinking about you after that.

Tobi: Tobi's confession was sophisticated. He sat you down somewhere in the Metro and had confessed his feelings to you. His confession was him explaining how he had deep feelings for you, and that he would be thrilled if you had accepted. Nervousness and apprehension laced his voice during the confession, but he managed through and was quite literally "over the moon" about it when you had accepted. He's happy that he found you in the first place and became your significant other. Ever since that day, he took you on plenty of adventures and encouraged you to move every day since Tobi is quite athletic and enjoys movement. Of course though, if you really didn't want to move that day, he wouldn't make you. Some days, often on his days off, he spent all of his time with you doing what you wanted to do, whether that be lying in bed all day or exploring the woods, he was ready for anything. Tobi also enjoyed bringing back things he found while on his adventures such as old objects, pretty looking leaves and natural things he wanted to keep as souvenirs. Tobi is obsessed with nature and loves to drag you into the woods with him to collect interesting things to bring back to the house.

Torcher: Torcher didn't have any particular confession in mind. His confession just consisted of a simple "I have feelings for you." He did have enough trust in you to take off his mask and show you his face, so that's something to be proud of. It did take him a little bit of time for him to confess to you, as he thought that he wasn't good enough for you. Overthinking is his downfall, and he just couldn't understand that there was a chance that you would accept him. To this day, he is still surprised that he ended up being with you in the first place. However, Torcher only occasionally spends his time with you, as he is usually busy breaking up fights throughout the Outposts and soldiers constantly injuring themselves, he has hardly any free time. Whenever he does though, he makes sure that it is wisely spent with you and that you get all of the love and attention you deserve. Torcher is also busy with cleaning the Outpost, cleaning up any messes made in the cafeteria and making sure the buildings are in pristine condition. Over a period of time though, he stopped worrying so much about the conditions of the buildings and his soldiers and focused more on you, making sure you were happy and comfortable, bringing you anything you needed.

Zompiggy: Zompiggy does not have their full conscience with them anymore, so their confession wasn't particularly normal. They had used the skills that they had been taught and wrote a short little sentence on a dirty piece of paper. The paper read "Love you" with a small smiley face on the side. The unnatural part of it was a blood splatter was on one side of the paper. Zompiggy had just fed on an animal and accidentally gotten blood on the paper. They didn't mind and had given you the paper anyway. They didn't think that you would notice. It was quite disgusting, but you still appreciated the work and time that went into the note. Once you accepted, they immediately leaned into your embrace and hugged you tightly, mumbling unintelligible words while giving you multiple kisses on your cheek. Afterwards, they only maintained their distance if you wanted it, otherwise they were all over you like a bee in honey, always holding your hand, having at least one hand one you at all times, making it very known that you were taken by kissing you often, especially around other people or in public, etc. They were very defensive in the beginning of the relationship, scowling at anyone who looked at you the wrong way or tried to strike up a conversation with you. They were more comfortable when you were with friends, but Zompiggy needed to know them better if they were going to completely trust them. Currently, they are a little more toned down when it comes to others trying to be douches, but they still have their defensive side to them if someone's getting a little too close. It just shows how much they truly love you.

Zizzy: Zizzy hadn't noticed that she had feelings for you in the first place. She was too busy with her fencing practice because of course she was, so whenever she came across you and felt weird, she had assumed that she was just tired. It wasn't until the day she had decided not to practice, and she still felt the same. When she confessed, it was quite straight forward. Zizzy is not the type to be cheesy or anxious about anything. In many situations she is confident and/or calm. For her confession, she calmly said "Hey, I like you" and had waited for your response. There was barely any tension, as Zizzy can take rejection like a champ, and she didn't really expect you to say yes anyway. But even when you did, her attitude never changed. She was calm and collected, afterwards giving you a warm smile and softly kissing you on the forehead. Zizzy often invited you to fence with her as an activity and making sure to teach you how to defend yourself in a dangerous situation since she knows much about it. Although, Zizzy is very defensive of you. Anyone who gets anywhere near you will go home with a black eye, so the fact that she teaches you how to defend yourself is quite ironic, considering that she practically does it for you. She still wants to make sure you are safe if she isn't around to defend you. 

Zack: Zack is quite the romantic individual and had prepared a long date night. He bought tickets to a skating rink, reserving it for just the two of you. He wanted you to have fun at the date, but also have it be romantic in a sort of way. So, it was just you and him, enjoying the food that was served, and skating on the rink. Afterwards, he held your hand in his, and confessed his deep love for you. He memorized a long poem, of course, and gave you a gentle kiss. He's still fantasizing over you constantly; he can't imagine where he'd be without you. Even when being in a long relationship, he is still as romantic as ever. He often comes home with a bouquet of [Insert Favorite Flowers] and [Insert Favorite Snacks]. He also offers you to date nights ever Thursday and always makes sure to go to different places to try new things and see what things you may or may not like. Zack is adventurous and loves to try new things and go on different adventures with you by his side to have a little excitement in his life, especially wanting to share that with you. 

T.S.P. Group:

Baren: Baren is even more anxious than Tigry is, so his confession was all over the place. He had prepared everything perfectly for his confession, making sure not to skim across any detail. He delicately wrote his confession on a piece of paper, and practiced it with one of the members, that being Katie. It took him a few tries for him to be able to nail it down, but Katie was there for him. Once he finally believed that he was able to confess his feelings to you, Baren gave you a small, beautiful white flower and confessed. Although, his anxiety and nervousness got in his way and messed him up. Thankfully though, that didn't matter and he still ended up with you.

Felix (Uniform): Because of him being at the Refinery for most of his day, he couldn't exactly make his confession as delicate as he wanted. Although, he did do his best to achieve that. He had invited you over to the Refinery, gave you a bundle of beautiful roses, and confessed his love to you. He had memorized a long, cheesy poem for you. His friends were there to support him through everything. During the confession practices, retrieving the flowers, and preparing him for a moment that could change his life. Willow wasn't exactly happy having someone new around, though.

Filip: Filip had taken a LONG time to confess to you, he never had the balls to. He always thought you had liked someone else and that he wasn't good enough for you. Needless to say, he was wrong. After months of contemplating and advice from friends, Filip had handed you his heart. He gave his all and did everything he could to make it a pleasant experience for you, complete with flowers, sweets, and a handmade gift for you to keep. His handmade gift was a small paper figure of him and you holding hands. His confession was just an unclear scramble of words. He had prepared for the moment for weeks, but it hadn't came in clutch during the actual moment. He had tried a long, heartwarming confession but it had only came out as a jumble of words. After he had flunked it, he just decided with a quick "I love you so much [Y/N]."

Kitty (Uniform): She had used food as a way to confess to you. Kitty's specialty is cooking things for the group of T.S.P, so she used her cooking skills to confess. Of course, the rest of the group didn't exactly think that it was a good approach, but she attempted it anyway. Kitty had made a beautiful ice-cream cake for you, complete with your favorite flavor and a sweet note on the top written with frosting. It had read "I love you:)" with small hearts scattered around the cake. Willow did try to back her out of the situation, because Willow is a bitch, but she still continued with her cake. Kitty did manage to get you though, no matter how stupid the idea was.🤷

Katie (Uniform): Katie is a strong and brave individual, so it didn't take long for her to confess her feelings to you. The moment that she had realized she was hooked, Katie had immediately confessed. For her, it was a piece of cake. Katie is always confident in herself, so rejection wasn't something she thought about. She had bothered the other T.S.P members by constantly over-obsessing over you, and would basically not shut up. Eventually though, she had stirred up a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a small heart shaped box with chocolates inside. Confidently, she confessed her feelings to you outside of the Refinery. Her confession was loud and clear, "I love you [Y/N], please go out with me!"

Pandy (Uniform): Pandy is similar to Katie, she is confident and brave and rarely anxious. Although, when it came to you, she seemed to change. Pandy was more distant, spoke less with the T.S.P members, and only ever left her room if she absolutely needed to. It was later found out that she couldn't get her mind off of you, but she never noticed that she had been losing contact with her teammates. She had never brought herself to confess her feelings to you, it seemed as if your presence was her downfall. The only reason that you two got together was because of one of the T.S.P members, more specifically Felix, ratting her out. He had told you that "Pandy has a crush on you", and that "you should go talk to her." She still despises Felix, but is glad you two were brought together. After that moment though, she's still her brave self that she always was.

Tigry (Uniform): When Tigry was in the TSP group, he was even more apprehensive than he is currently. Tigry never had good luck with people, nobody ever seemed to appreciate his work, no matter how hard he tried. Because of this, he almost didn't even attempt to be with you. He never told anyone in the group about his silly little crush, as he kept to himself most of the time. Eventually, it had got to him though and he seriously considered trying to engage with you. It had taken him a long period of time. His confession was planned on the day he was going to leave the T.S.P group, specifically so you two could run away together. After many negative thoughts, Tigry had eventually argued with Willow and left to find you. On his journey, he had picked up a small bouquet of beautiful roses. After many hours of searching, he stumbled across the safe house. It was the only other place he could look. After having an awkward chat with Zizzy requesting to see you, he had finally fulfilled his dream. Handing you the bouquet of flowers, he had confessed his feelings whilst red in the face. His confession was him stumbling over his words, but eventually saying "I love you [Y/N], like..a lot." He's still surprised he was able to get with you.

Willow (TSP): Willow had refused her feelings for the longest time. She tried to never even think about you, continuing to be the "badass" she is. Willow thought that love is weak, and whoever experiences it is a weak individual. She didn't think you're special enough for her. Basically she thought that you are out of her league. After a while of denying and rage, she knew that she would have to give in and do something about you. Of course, with Willow being Willow, she literally thought of just completely getting rid of you. Instead though, she had just decided to break and tell you the truth. She had invited you to the Refinery, making sure no one knew you were there, and confessed to you. Her confession was stern, but she still meant dearly. Basically, her confession was just "Look [Y/N]. I think I have feelings for you. Don't tell anyone though, it won't end well for you." Willow hasn't never had a relationship with someone before, so excuse her bitchy attitude. 🚶

Hey guys, apologies for this chapter being so goddamn late. I have plenty of school work I need to work on, but I have finally finished this chapter and am finally giving you guys an update! New chapters will probably be released in my other books, since I have a 4 day break from school, so I will hopefully be writing a lot more. I hope you enjoy my stupid humor 


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