Blackhill one shots

By saucystitch16

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Some fluffy one shots about our favourite widow and commander. Because there is not enough about these two. J... More

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Everything natasha loves about maria
Things Maria love about Natasha
Happy head canons

sad head canons

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By saucystitch16

Most of these take place after endgame just a heads up sorry for the pain I cause and no I can not and will not pay for your therapy.

Tw: trauma (nat and the red room, Maria and her child hood trauma)*
When Yelena gets back from the blip the first person she calls is Natasha but she doesn't answer eventually after calling multiple times Maria picks up and is the one who tells her that Natasha died while they were in the blip. This is also when Yelena finds out that Maria and Nat were together and had gotten Married in secret just a few weeks before the blip.

Fury introduced Maria to Natasha because he didn't want either of them to be alone. He saw how quickly the two got along so he always made sure to send them on missions together because of it.

Maria was the only other person besides Clint who knew about Yelena and knew about Natasha's family in Ohio. That is why Natasha's grave said Daughter •Sister• Avenger.

Before she went to vormir Natasha wrote Maria a letter incase if they found a way to bring the blipped back. The note was her wedding vows that she was working on before the blip but had never finished. She finished the wedding vows during the blip before she knew she was going to die. With the note Natasha left her arrow necklace and her ring. Maria now wears her necklace all the time and keeps hers and Natasha's engagement rings on the arrow.

Maria was visiting Natasha just moments before Yelena did that why the flowers were so fresh on her grave.  Maria didn't recognize her because she had her hair down and had given herself bangs. Maria later after arriving home realized it was Yelena and regrets not introducing her self to her sister in law.

Maria was one of the final people Natasha thought of when she fell and Natasha was Maria's first and last thought during the blip.

It took Nat three years before she would let any one sleep with her in the same bed because she still had to handcuff her self to her bed like they did in the red room. Her secret was safe until one day Maria woke her up earlier for a emergency meeting. (They had been dating for 3 months at this point) from then on Maria worked har with nat to break that habit.

After almost losing Natasha after Bucky shot her.  Maria tends to get nervous when nat goes on long missions. To the point where if nat has to call her every night or it will send maria into a nervous break down. And when nat returns there is usually a lot of tears from the usually stone cold commander.

Natasha hates thunderstorms because they sound like the explosions from the bombs they would use during red room missions and the ones she used in Budapest. Maria found this out one night on a mission. Natasha is super ashamed by this. Maria usually has to talk Natasha out of a panic. During the blip Natasha wouldn't sleep during thunderstorms because she would usually have Maria there to comfort her. So instead of trying to sleep she would just stay awake

During the blip Natasha would call Maria's phone or listen to old mission logs just to hear her voice so she wouldn't forget what she sounded like for when they found a way to bring the blipped back.

Maria, Nick Fury , The Barton's we're the only ones to attend Natasha's funeral. 

After Natasha passed Maria never dated anyone else Because Natasha was the only one she had ever truly fallen for and because she always wanted to believe that someone how Natasha wasn't actually gone (even though she knows she's really gone).

When Maria eventually met Yelena (after Hawkeye) she spent hours telling Yelena about Natasha and they both ended up in tears because they both were the select few to see Natasha soft side. From that moment on Yelena and Maria will meet up regularly for drinks and both take turns refreshing the flowers at Natasha's grave.

Natasha nearly broke up with Maria because she lied to her about fury's death.

While in space Maria took pictures of the stars and constellations from the space ship. She also takes pictures of the sunset and keeps them i the folder on her phone labeled my love (in Russian) along with pictures of Natasha.

Her first year with SHEILD Maria threw Natasha a birthday party because Natasha had never had one when she was in the red room. She would also make sure holidays were extra expensive so Natasha could experience all the things she missed when she was little.

Natasha helped Maria go and confront her abusive father. She took her to his house (when she was ready of Course) and confronted him about all he did and scared him into his place. She also helped her get all of her childhood/early teenage belongings.

Maria will occasionally ask Wanda if other universe Natasha are happy. In most of them she is. She also asks her f they are together in any and in a lot of them they are happy together. That gave Maria a lot of closure to know that in other universe she is happy with her girlfriend.

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