Iron Beta 3: What to do When...

By taycof

19K 965 195

Taylor Stark is back again. This time, she's running from a lot of things: a robot she created, her ghosts, a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (Epilogue)

Chapter 13

940 46 12
By taycof

Chapter 13

Taylor's POV

The explosion makes me stab myself in the thumb with a screw.

After Tasha's little tirade, my dad and I had retreated to one of the labs to bury our troubles in blueprints. We didn't have either of our suits, so I handed my dad a pistol and refused to quit until he could hit at least a few inches off target. He still doesn't have — and will probably never have — the aim of Clint, I, or Natasha, but he is a fairly decent shot.

After we were done with that, we each huddled at a workstation and just tinkered. I didn't exactly know what I was building, but I thought it was a wind-up Pinocchio toy.

So when the explosion shook the lab, the screwdriver slipped, I swore, and poor Pinocchio lost an eye. I him aside as I shakily stand, trying to ignore how the ship was vibrating beneath my feet, and go over to help my dad up from where he was sprawled a few feet away from his own work station.

"You okay?" I have to shout to be heard above the alarms wailing and flashing all throughout the ship.

My dad just nods as he brushes himself off. I expand my bow and notch an arrow, quickly checking for all my knives and guns before leading my dad out into the hall. We slowly make our way down to the bridge, the main control room being the designated meeting point. My stance is not unlike that of a sniper or soldier on patrol, taking quick, short, quiet steps and slowly rotating around my dad.

Eventually we reach the control room, and I shove my dad in before backing in and slamming the door behind me, the locks and re-enforcements immediately encasing it. I take a moment to catch my breath as I slowly turn on my heel, never relaxing my grip on my notched bow.

My muscles loosen a hair's breath as I am greeted with Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Coulson, and Fury; all in full battle gear, fully armed and on guard. Bruce even has a gun at his hip; I assume that, like my dad, he was subject to an impromptu shooting lesson.

We all just stare for a second as we let the adrenaline fade slightly as to avoid any rash decisions.

Steve taps his fingers against the rim of his shield as he breaks the silence. "I assume everybody heard that."

"That?" I drawl. "Could have been Clint snoring in the vents — do not think I do not hear you, hawk — or it could have been the freaking explosion."

"I'll take option B for two hundred." my dad retorts with equally dry humor.

Everybody falls silent as eight pairs of eyes and a ninth single eye all glare at us.

I rub the back of my neck and keep my eyes on my shuffling feet. "Right. Sorry, not the time. Carry on."

Fury sighs irritably and runs a hand over his face. "What I want to know is why in the world a team that forcibly split from my command-"

"-we were fired-"

"-comes crawling back years later, when they are supposed to be fugitives, and are welcomed back with open arms!"

I sigh. "I assume you were informed of recent events, yes?"

"Of course, Ms. Stark, this is my agency."

"And there's your problem. Director Fury, about half your agency wants your head on a silver platter right about now. We did not want to come back, we needed to. HYDRA has teamed up with the Council, and we both know that they hate us with a burning passion. The power and influence of the Council plus the technology and numbers of HYDRA..."

"...equals bad news for all of us." he sighs.

I nod. "Right. So I suggest you stop hunting us," I wave a hand to indicate the team, "and start helping us. I don't know about you, but I will be using the adage 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.' At least for now."

Director Fury looks at me for a second with something unreadable in his eye — was that awe? — before nodding and sticking out a hand. I allow a small smile as I step forward and shake it.

"I vote Taylor as our negotiator." my dad speaks up from behind me.

I look over my shoulder to see my team nodding and watching me with shock. I roll my eyes as I head back to my spot next to my dad.

"Well, now that we have that settled." Coulson speaks up, "What are we going to do about the attack that is probably in progress as we speak?"

Oh. Right, attack.

Steve looks at Coulson. "Can you pull up blueprints of the ship?"

Coulson nods as presses a few buttons on one of the consoles, causing a holographic layout of the Hellicarrier to pop up above the table.  

"Right. Starks, find your way to the tech department, which is right here. Taylor, you have arrows that can shut down computers, correct?"

I nod.

"Use those. Find the main server and shut it all down. Director Fury, will the turbines run on reserve power if the servers go down?"

"Yes. Completely different systems there."

"Good. Barton, use the vents. You're going to be partnered with Taylor. Banner, you and Tony. Keep an eye on them, will you?"

Clint and I nod resolutely.

"Romanoff, you and I are on the ground and a protection bubble around Fury."

Fury glares at Steve.

"Not saying you need protection," Steve backpedals quickly, "but like Taylor said, half your own agency wants to kill you. Would a little backup hurt?"

Director Fury leans back against the wall, seeming to consent. Steve continues shakily.

"Thor, you are our only air support." Dad and I wince. "We need you to try and stay away from the equipment so you do not accidentally smash something that causes the ship to explode. You would be best outside the ship, seeing as HYDRA and the Council both have planes. Are we all clear?"

We all agree.

"Keep an eye out for Pierce and Steel, all of you. Avengers..."

"Assemble!" we all shout.

We all load our weapons and face the barred — and shaking — door.

Coulson presses another button, and the locks recede, the doors opening.

We charge.

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