The Faerie Knight and their A...

By TheCatofMirrors

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Ash Shadowstar has watched over Arcadia for a long time, but never had they felt the need to d Aja and Krel... More

Chapter 1: New Students
Chapter 2: Acridion-5
Chapter 3:What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 4: Lovestruck, Tavern and Inn
Chapter 5: Car Chase
Chapter 6: An Explanation
Chapter 7: The Science Fair
Chapter 8: Impatience
Chapter 9: I Won't Say I'm in Love
Chapter 10: Trinia Shadowstar
Chapter 11: A Midnight Picnic
Chapter 12: A Secret Shared
Chapter 13: Camp Bloodmoon
Chapter 14: Area 49-B
Chapter 15:
Chapter 17: Faire Queen
Chapter 18:Nemesis
Chapter 19: The Castle Under the Hill

Chapter 16: Stereo Heart

79 4 1
By TheCatofMirrors

I winced as Steve sang. Part of me wants to ring his neck to make the sound. But Aja seemed to be enjoying it. She had been through enough stress after getting home from the last day of school. A stranger had come to the Tarrons' house claiming that Varvotos was a traitor. She looks over me with suspicion as Aja is quick to introduce us. Her name is Zadra. She turned out to be right.
“Ask him”, Zadra suggested. Neither Tarron seems eager to oblige her request. My eyes bore in his.
“Zadra tells the truth, does she not?”, I ask gently. Vavartos bows his head, closing his eyes.
“No”, Aja says, not willing to believe it.
 “Varvotos lowered the shields, allowing General Morando to attack Akiridion-5.”, He rose his head slightly, “But Morando swore no one would be hurt”
“I got hurt”, Krel tensed all his hands balled in tight fists, he motion to his parent cores, “Our parents got hurt,”
Krel is know yelling, “Everyone has gotten hurt by this”, Tears are streaming down his face, there is so much venom in his voice it makes me wince, “By you”
“Varvatos Vex wanted to tell you, but you had both endured so muc-”
“Silence”,Krel said brandishing his serator, “Zadra, what is the punishment for high treason?”
“Death”, was her simple reply. Krel for a moment looked like he was actually going to do it. But he was shaking. I place a hand gently on his shoulder. 
“Krel, wait”,I said firmly, my hand gently pushing the serator down.  
His anger now turned my way, he shoved me away. If I was not in shock he probably could not have managed it but the push sent me tumbling to the ground.
“Why? He destroyed our home, our life, Ash, you can not possibly understand that'', he said.
“I understand that good people make bad decisions when they are in pain”, I said tears threatened my eyes, struggling to keep my voice steady under his gaze. This situation feeling all too familiar I leave disappearing into the shadows. In an attempt to find comfort, I go to find my sister. She was always easy to find. Even after our falling out she had always kept my feather close. She had integrated it into the hilt of my old sword, which she always keeps at her belt
“You making sure I am still coming tonight”, she asked as I appeared.
“No”,I said, my voice quivering.
“Something happened”, her eyes filled with concern. I knew Krel was upset but that did not make his lashing out sting anyless. I did not take much convincing for my sister to get me to open up. She pulled me to her chest and both word and tears came pouring out
(Time Skip)Trina’s POV
There was a tension between Ash and Krel. They both looked like they wanted to talk to each other. Ash was very forgiving and was just waiting on an apology. I could only assume Krel was worried they were still upset and did not want to risk a lashing from their fiery tongue. So, with Ash lost in thought I decided to give Krel a little push in the right direction.
“Hello, Krel”, I said, appearing behind him. He jumped.
“Ash?”, he questioned.
“Nope”, I said, popping the p, he looked at me for a moment before recognition flashed in his eyes.
“Trina, why are you here?”he asked, tensing up.
“Ash asked me here?”, I reply, studying my claws boredly.
“I thought you two did not get along?”
“I am here to talk about her relationship with you not with me”
“I messed things up with her”
“Look, I am pretty much responsible for her parents deaths,” I say rubbing the bridge of my nose, “So if I can fix thing with them, I think you have a pretty good shot”
           With that I disappear. 
Ash’s POV
I am drawn from my thoughts as Steve finally finished his song. Krel is next but I sense him behind me. He placed a hand on my shoulder.
“I am sorry I snapped at you earlier”, he said.
“It forgive you, just try to keep that to a minimum in future”, I said with a smile, “Now get on that stage, so I can show you up with my performance”
“Sure you will”, He says as he walks on the stage with Aja.
            “D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DJ Kleb, everybody! Put your hands together to make a clap.”, Senior Uhl announces. The performance starts out as “alternative”, but when he realizes it is not getting the audience's attention he transitions into something more traditional for a DJ and it is actually quite enjoyable. I can not help the smile that crosses my face as he walks off the stage. 
“That was pretty good”, I say as my name is announced, “My turn”
A walk up and my sister is quick to follow with her guitar. She has not even told me what song we are doing. Her excuse is that, “do you want it to be a challenge or not”. I believe she has other motives. She quietly strums the melody. I recognize the song and glare at her, but it is too late to go back on it as the audience is waiting. I take a breath as she starts the song. I try my hardest not to even look at Krel.
     "My heart's a stereo"
     "It beats for you, so listen close"
      "Hear my thoughts in every note"
      "Make me your radio"
      "And turn me up when you feel low" 
     "This melody was meant for you"
     "Just sing along to my stereo"
      "If I was just another dusty record on the shelf"
      "Would you blow me off and play me like everybody else?"
      "If I asked you to scratch my back, could you manage that?"
      "Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracks"
      "It's just the last few that played me left a couple cracks"
      I remember Rina, and some of the other suitors I have had 
      "I used to, used to, used to, used to, now I'm over that"
      "'Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts"
      "If I could only find a note to make you understand"
I finally looked at Krel, he was staring at me like I was the only one in the room. I hope I am able to hide my blush. 
      "I'd sing it softly in your ear and grab you by the hand"
      "Just keep it stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune"
      "And know my hearts a stereo that only plays for you"
      "My heart's a stereo"
      "It beats for you, so listen close"
      "Hear my thoughts in every note"
      "Make me your radio"
      "And turn me up when you feel low"
      "This melody was meant for you"
      "Just sing along to my stereo"
      "If I was an old-school, fifty-pound boombox"
I let myself smirk. 
      "Would you hold me on your shoulder, wherever you walk?"
      "Would you turn my volume up in front of the cops?"
      "And crank it higher every time they told you to stop"
      "And all I ask is that you don't get mad at me"
Even in my human form, I can basically feel my feline ear flatten against my head.
      "When you have to purchase mad D batteries"
      "I appreciate every mixtape your friends make"
      "You never know, we come and go like on the interstate"
I can sense my sister smile. I am now staring at Krel and everything but the melody and him fade away. The look in his eyes is hopeful. 
      "I think I finally found a note to make you understand"
      "If you can hit it, sing along and take me by the hand"
       "Just keep me stuck inside your head, like your favorite tune"
      "You know my heart's a stereo that only plays for you"
      "My heart's a stereo"
      "It beats for you, so listen close" 
      "Hear my thoughts in every note"
      "Make me your radio
And turn me up when you feel low"
      "This melody was meant for you"
      "Just sing along to my stereo"
      "Just sing along to my stereo"
      I wince as I know what the next line is.
      "I only pray you'll never leave me behind"
      "Because good music can be so hard to find"
      "I take your hand and pull it closer to mine"
      "Thought love was dead, but now you're changing my mind"
      I take a bow as the song finishes. The applause is almost defining. I am quick to leave the stage and walk over to Krel. He tries to speak, but I simply press a finger to his lips, then give him a quick peck on the cheek.
      “We will talk later, I have other things to attend to”, I say as I disappear.

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