Homeworld's Favorite Quartz...

By Shepard435

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A rewrite of a rewrite of my second most popular book, Yellow's Favorite Quartz. Have fun, stay safe, and I h... More

I - Far Far Away
II - Reality A Memory
III - Hold On To Sanity
IV - Just Distractions
V - Only Human
VI - Can't Always Trust The Voice In My Head
VII - Arrival To Earth
VIII - Interests
IX - Never Be Broken
X - 'Long As We Have You
XI - Barracuda - Lemon Warning
XIII - Training Partner
XIV - Beach Summer Fun Buddy
XV - A New Friend - Lemon Warning
XVI - True Gold
XVII - Trust - Lemon Warning
XVIII - Starlight
XIX - Shine Bright - Lemon Warning
XX - Perfect - Lemon Warning
XXI - Fun - Lemon Warning
XXII - Corruption Conundrum - Interlude
XXIII - You've got The Touch!!

XII - Tinkering

136 4 0
By Shepard435

Narrator POV

Steven leans against the wall of his room, making sure he was alone before running his hand through his hair in frustration. His hands grasping tightly at his scalp.

He stands up and smashes his hand into the wall. All of the repressed emotions and anguish beginning to breakthrough.

It wouldn't be so bad if the year plus long torture session didn't still weigh so heavy on his mind, it had only been about a month since he got freed from the tyrannical presence of his captors.

Steven draws back his hand into a closed fist and cracks it into the wall, his knuckles bleeding as he repeats his actions. Each punch sends a thunderous cracking noise throughout the room, furthermore throughout the palace.

He slumps to his knees as his hand becomes nearly unusable, luckily he could probably heal it but it was merely the pain he was after.

He wanted to feel pain to block out his sheer internal suffering and anger. Each blow simply a way to externalize his emotions.

Steven let out a slight grunt as he stood up and simply went down the hall that had the rooms the Gems stayed in. He was heading to a room at the end of the hall, a small room that housed medical supplies.

He quickly patched himself up and wrapped his hand and quickly moved back to his room. He needed another distraction, which he found in modifying his mechanical lower left arm.

He tinkered a bit until he found a way to indulge in his more fond habits. He slowly and surely cleaned and replaced pieces of the hand before having an epiphany.

He could simply use the same style of light projection that gem technology did to create an even more advanced prosthetic.

He drafts his initial designs and sends them to his close friend and favorite engineer, Peridot, via the holo-pad systems. Peridot was an old friend of Steven's and also went by 'Dot if she was near coworkers or simply Peri if it was just the two of them.

Steven had met her when he was merely ten years of age, and the two had been close ever since. Peridot was the one who introduced Steven to tinkering and even helped him develop his first gravitational pulse tech.

Needless to say talking to her would brighten his day and he was sure she would take good care of his plans.

Steven smiled as he phased on his uniform, and washed his face. He adjusted his posture as he exited his room and headed for his private transporter.

He punches in the familiar location of the engineering facility. It was on the way there that he realized he needed to invite Peri to his court, and furthermore his personal wing of the palace. There were still a few available rooms and he could acquire her the most advanced tech possible.

As Steven reaches the facility he heard the trademark nasally voice of his friend followed by a slightly different pair of voices taunting her.

Steven opened the doors of the facility to find a pair of Peri's coworkers taunting her, laughing hysterically, and being a pair of bullies.

Steven would not let this continue. He phased on his mask as he raised his hands and used his gravitational pulse tech to lift the two bullies. Each one not noticing they were off the ground until they opened their eyes to spew another insult.

The pair didn't have time to react as they were turned around and flung into Steven's hands. His iron grip easily encompassing their necks.

The pair struggle as Steven's emotionless mask blankly exudes a powerful anger. He tightens his grip to nearly crushing heights before dropping the pair and walking over to Peri. He phases off his mask as he kneels to talk to her.

The others often taunted her because she was missing limb enhancers.

"You alright Peri" Steven speaks, his voice soft.

"I am now thanks to you St-Pink Diamond" Peri speaks before performing a diamond salute.

"C'mon Peri you don't have to call me Pink Diamond, call me Steven. Anyway I was hoping you got the plans I sent you, and I'd also like to extend an invitation to become my personal engineer. You'd have a room in the palace and all the latest tech at your fingertips" Steven offers.

Peri's eyes light up as she hugs his neck, letting out a squeal as she kicks her legs.

She manages to wrap herself around his neck, and get her legs on his shoulders during this. This proves to be exciting to the both of them, however Steven was much better at hiding it.

After a brief period of silence Steven picks up Peri and puts her on his shoulders, her legs wrapped around his neck from the back.

He hears her blow raspberries at her bullies as the pair begin their walk to the transporter and to the palace.


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