One Remarkable Mistake [USUK]

By ElaineChism

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It was a grand scheme, the date would be months before the King's coronation, said King would be under the wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10

Chapter 9

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By ElaineChism

One would imagine that news was slow to travel throughout the Kingdom, which was at the most true to an extent as it was waiting for rain during a drought, but at the first word of Arthur's disappearance the Kingdom went into the primary example of an insect confined to a small space without the ability to be freed after a certain point. Half were out on the search for the devious man, another portion hid inside their homes, uncertain of when or where he would appear, and a select few had come to terms that they were unlikely to be targeted, therefore their lives continued the same with the addition of no ruckus from the rather outlandish few. 

The palace had been more than disturbed by the news, Spades advisor ran into a frenzy and quickly created a flock with the singular member being himself: all meetings discharged, the palace placed under a secure in place, preventing anyone from entering or leaving without confirmation that they were in-fact who they claimed to be, and Alfred suffocated by the pure tension every few minutes. 

At no point was he to be unattended to, which was not the most agreeable as it strained any time to make a legible correspondence to the other half of him; however, it went without saying, Arthur wouldn't make an appearance in the capital of Spades for quite some time. Which had never been a topic of interest or speculation between the two as it was simply the obvious. Who would ever want to step into a Kingdom where their face was known by every living creature, and at the mere sight would be hunted down like wild game? Certainly not someone that had such a rather lengthy background as a pirate, not to mention what else was yet to even be spoken of when it came to such an individual.

To everyone's shock Alfred's response hadn't seemed startled, and rather than letting such a monotonous response settle the people into an eased state, such a response seemed to make the situation worse. Arms were raised in a flurry of panic that the King was poisoned and soon to be found dead on the floor with the Queen nowhere in sight leaving the Kingdom to the hands of whomever took a jab to it, which was absolutely perfect when juxtaposed next to the commotion of the escaped prisoner who managed to bend and break iron. 

Evidently, the response his advisor was not looking for had not in-fact been one of sheer mellowed exhaustion accumulated from months of prolonged additional stress, and perhaps someone should have notified him that there was not in-fact a good response to this at all. An appropriate response may have been, 'Send a group out at once, we must make haste to apprehend someone of such vicious nature'. To say or even attempt to claim that was those were the words that spewed from his melatonin driven thoughts would be far from the from, Yao had stood there, addressing the bandaged hand and creased lines that had only been dug deeper under his eyes from lack of sleep, jaw-dropped and eyes wide at Alfred's feeble, 'Oh shit'.

Needless as it may have been, there were precautions in order, until the moment that it had been decided that nothing would come of Kirkland's escape. Which, was both rather foolish and all the same rather generous as it had been almost two years of the King being secured into a protective bubble. Over what? One may ask. Of something that not many knew anything about. 

Thus, everything was once more up in the air, held by thin wires made of glass that were resistant to the weight they bore by nothing more than the faith that each held for their respective partner. There was no way to say if trust would wander astray for either, but one thing reassured each, more than simple promises or wealth melded into a circle that enclosed their finger, and that was the letters that fell into both of their hands the very moment the restrictions in Spades lifted and it was safe to communicate. 

Except Alfred didn't know how to react when an envelope fell into his lap one day, no address or any indication of who may sent it other than the red wax sealing the envelope closed with a cursive 'K' pressed into the middle. Neither truly knew how to react, hell, Alfred's response had been rather sloppy and unpolished, apparent that there had been bits and pieces each had wanted to say for two years now, only for the rest to be thought up completely.

'My Dearest, 

For better lack of terms, and deciding it best to keep my tongue held on subject matter that may or may not reveal exactly who we are, you shall be referred to as dearest. If there are any objections to this, well that's too bad as I'm sure you have realized, this is paper, and we are rather distanced from one another. 

I apologize that my absence caused such a ruckus for you indefinitely, never had that been the objective; although, there had never been one for starters, as you know. I hope you are doing well and that there aren't any issues that have arose.

With the formalities and obligations out of the way, here is the reason why this was made in such a hasty manner, I, for better lack of words, have missed your presence significantly. Never would it have been possible to remain together, as saddening as this is we know the reasons more than others. Nevertheless, that does not mean that your physical lack had weakened how I feel for you, I truly do blame that pesky mark on my neck for it sometimes.-'

As always, Arthur's humour was tasteless.  

'You would be rather surprised, shocked, to know that I have not in-fact stowed myself away into a cave, rather out and as lively as ever. Perhaps you don't. What you thought my plan's would be, I don't know. My crew, after pondering thought, has been disregarded for the occurrence they caused, for I am rather bored of their stunts, and age is beginning to waver my tolerance for their nonsense. Afterall, only the shell remains, the bullet and primer are lost once the trigger is pulled back. 

But enough of myself, for this is becoming rather tiring, after all the enthusiastic conversations we had only two year's prior, I truly did enjoy hearing about your paperwork, thank you for that entertainment.'

Smile slipping across he didn't stop as they pressed together, turning into a smirk as he shook his head, eyes rolling before he could stop them. He truly had married the personification of sarcasm, what a miracle that was to even find someone that existed in only the way that Arthur could. Unblinking to the actions he did, and how he made it through another month. It was far more than impressive, and Alfred could confirm that this certainly was no place for the other who made it clear that he enjoyed having free reign to walk where he pleased, and not run by rules and regulations. 

And, as though this was more than mere paper and pen, Alfred had begun to settle into this newfound sense of comfort, an agreement settled between them that the letters had no reason to be lengthy as these were no research papers and rather a conversation between two people who had married after only mere months of knowing each other - admittedly foolish - who hadn't had a proper meet-up in four years. There was no reason to try and lengthen anything, which made slipping in jokes rather easy and quick, along with forming pseudo names for their correspondent. Arthur quick to deem him as the 'stowaway', which only prompted for the other to lean away from the rather favourable nicknames, often starting his letters with referring to Arthur as 'consort'. Of-course, if they had truly wished to, they could have founded completely different names for once another, that would not have taken any time from either of them, but it was better left ambiguous outside of the wax seals that were swapped out for folded paper after a few days of their correspondence going back and forth.

That was how life had gone, and a light was found in the shattering darkness that had, at one point, consumed his days through never being able to find anything other than one hand offering more papers that needed to be reviewed, signed, and what-else-not. The other held no other promise outside of meetings and visitations, and with that there felt like nothing more than that singular hour he got to himself every morning and night. Watching as the sun rose, but never getting to see it set. However, with Arthur's frequent letters, it didn't seem to matter that he only saw one beauty of the world, it didn't matter that he was holed up in his office and isolated from every other person for twelve hours a day, it didn't matter that he was constantly being berated for something he had little to no control over and was reminded that at each moment of the day, Spades could fall without a Queen present.

Life wasn't grand, no. Not in the slightest. But that didn't matter, he could deal with the mundane, distraught thoughts of 'is this all there is' not even an hour into the day, because he had bits and pieces of Arthur to console him, the knowledge that he was loved and that he could offer his love and comfort to another was far more than these days could do, that somewhere out in the not-so-moonlit nights Arthur stayed up late at night, responding past a time he shouldn't have even been up, or when he could spare time. That very thought, that these letters weren't made in a few minutes, that every word or adoration and frustration was true, was what helped him sleep at night. 

Peace had been restored in his mind, there was a candle perched onto a windowsill that flickered full of restored ambition.

Until, those papers had been given to him.

Until, she came.


If ever his birthday was a day to detest then wasn't he thankful that it was never brought up, although if someone would have reminded Spades advisor in order for them to keep silent, then that would have been a blessing in disguise. Once more saddled with non-stop work, caught up in affairs of trade that the new presence that had sat themselves in the chair across was unnoticed for quite some time until his shoulder was touched. Broken from the trance he stared ahead, somehow obtaining the ability to keep his mouth shut for once as he simply gave a wide-eye stare to his advisor who stood on his side, silently questioning who was sitting across from him, in a seat that often older men sat in as they wrung their hands together in hopes that their stocks would triple and the palace wouldn't detect that they were secretly money laundering.

Alfred looked between them, still wide-eyed until he managed to snap himself from the trance of whatever had come over him, shaking his head as he turned to their guest, "I apologize, would you be inclined to give us a moment alone?" 

That was granted, immediately he took a swig from his cup, no way was he going to make it through the day without some sort of kick after that little surprise. Later, he would regret this. he rubbed his brows, pinching them together before sitting back. "Alright, who are they and why did you bring them to my office?" 

"You've been so caught up lately," Ah, there it was, Alfred lost it there, cup lifted once more as he took a long sip from the contents. "She's your fiancé."

His eye's widened once more, cup set down as he turned away, liquid caught in his throat like water sliding down steel pipes in a winter storm, coughing and choking for almost a minute before he managed to get the majority of it out through one rather loud cough into his elbow, turning to his advisor in pure horror. "My what?" Still speaking as he sputtered and coughed more.

That's how they were introduced. And from the very moment he shook her hand, and she came in for far more than that, he did not like her presence in the slightest. Papers pressed into his chest only minutes after the supposed Queen's departure. 

Alfred couldn't process what was happening, in all his twenty plus years of age, of the few months he spent abroad the most fearsome pirates ship, and all that had been held from then and now, this was something he could not wrap his mind around, something that spun and twisted at every nerve that wound through the human nervous system. Weakly placing his signature down. A marriage contract. Why? Why was she here? What was happening? Furthermore, who was she, and what power did she have to take the position of Queen? That was Arthur's position, that was for the fated Queen, not just anybody could wield that power, and the powers weren't brought by a simple crowning ceremony, they needed the crest.

They could never convince the entirety of Spades, no, much less the other four monarchies. That was it. Without Alfred, they would sense a fake, he could weasel this person out.

As grand as that may have been, that hadn't come to him at the time though. Stuck in the moment. His appearance frail for the night as he had managed to stumble through the halls into his bedroom that was meant to be for two, only for it to be accompanied by one. A room he had once hoped to share with the other, to lead him by the hand through the halls to settle down after a long day, fingers tangled in cloth as they attempted to hold onto the other through their shirts as sleep took over their worked minds and loosening the normal iron grip.

Now, he lit a few candles with a wave of his hand. Barely bothering with his clothes outside of the coat that he threw on the bed, immediately following as he fell onto the bed, a pen and paper fetched at once as he started writing to the other. 

By the end he was struggling to keep himself together. There had never been any mention of it, and this all felt so much worse than an affair, it was as though they were attempting to replace someone they had never met through the adversion of stray hope.

Letter folded, he quickly undid his work, rather neat it was considering his rather disoriented mind. His penmanship changing as he wrote down five critical words: I need to see you.

Luck never favoured them, it hadn't when they met, but it seemed that all cards had turned in their favour for once. Just this once. Arthur had docked off in a small countryside only days ago and had been preparing to turn in for the night when Alfred's letter had dropped onto his desk. Haste was made, no time wasted as he gave the other a potential location they could meet up.

The odd thing about being an adult is how you feel that you should never have to be comforted, or ever shed a tear from that day forward of eighteen, it was even more odd when being in a high position of power. What would once have caused him shame, was nothing more than another part of that night, brought out to the farside of the country where fields surrounded them, and each word cluttered and mumbled together until he finally snapped. Arthur's doting over him only caused a spur of apologies, they hadn't seen one another in some time, and when they finally did, Alfred was using the other's shoulder as a handkerchief. 

Somehow, he had gotten back to Spades.

With that somehow came an early morning surprise. Almost sure he had gone crazy as he looked to who laid across from him, bangs being moved and tucked back so he could see. "My apologies for invading your privacy without your consent, but your clothes were an utter mess." 

His heart fluttered, sure that tears would have flown once more if a hand hadn't of touched his cheek, the pad of his thumb running across. Too scared to reach out and touch him, to accidentally break the illusion. Arthur was here, in the royal chambers, and it was both terrible and more than he could have ever wished for. Faint light scathed past the curtains, exposing more scars than were once there when they last encountered eachother, whatever he had been doing it obviously wasn't as down-low as he may have convinced himself to think, obvious that even with an entire Kingdom out for his hide a life of silence was simply not up to his husbands taste.

Eventually Alfred couldn't stay silent, preferring to be mad than waste this opportunity. "I'm sorry for ruining your shirt last night." Wow, good work. Couldn't even offer him a proper greeting, no, what a way to start off a morning.

Arthur chuckled softly, moving closer as Alfred finally gathered the courage, wrapping an arm around his waist. "That's quite alright love, I stole one of your shirts. Call it even." A smile slipped, along with a soft laugh before it turned into more, holding onto him, and jeez, he didn't lie, he had taken one of his shirts, but never once would he request for it to be handed over to him.

After a moment Arthur wrangled his way free of his husband's grip he sat up, obviously surprised as they had never held onto one another like that, well, outside of that one time. Startled but not unwelcomed, fixing his shirt as he laid back into it, trying to hold onto him with such a dexterous grip. The two settling after as few minutes, the shorter of them currently snuggled into his partners chest, hands wrung in the others shirt as they laid in complete silence and bliss. 

A dream that possibly both had yearned for at one point in their life. 

Silence was nice, but they had limited time, and questions needed to be answered. "You're not mad?" It had been burning at his throat now, but he had kept silent. After year's of being apart, of want and need, how could he not eat this up, and allow his mind to take in every graze and slight groan whenever the blanket would lift and expose him to the cold. 

He rose his head after a moment or so, "We spoke of this last night.." Although, he had to suppose that Alfred was too busy apologizing to fully hear him. "No, I'm certainly not thrilled by this sudden decision, but I know you can't do anything about it. If I were to try to take my place, it would not end well, and being here now is not something I should be doing, but, I had to. For you. It pains me to see you cry like that, to think I would ever hate you when you had no say, I love you. You'll do just fine, and if ever you need me, I'll always be here for you because I know you'll offer the same. For now though, lets enjoy this moment."

Softly sighing he nodded. Arthur was right, and sometimes he despised how right he was, because this moment could never be more than a few hours, it would never be daily or weekly. This couldn't be how he always woke up, nor would he ever ask that of his husband, the seas were his calling, his entire life and that's where he had found comfort, never would he ask him to leave that for an over glorified desk job that landed you nothing more than a few useless bottles of medication.

Somehow, he had persuaded the other to take a shower as an apology for the night he had laden him with, Arthur begrudgingly agreeing on the condition that they do it together, and that it would be saving him some money rather than renting out another room. 

There were no objections, which was ever more clear when there had been no further objections when Alfred had started working on the other's hair, or helping him later on when they were dressing for the day, which had been disregarded when Arthur made an attempt to go to the balcony doors, hand caught by his husband who pulled him back and away from his departure.

"Alfred, if I'm not onboard soon my crew will-"

"I know," A gentle squeeze given to his hand, "I'm sorry I just-" 

Arthur silenced him with a kiss, "I understand." Hand freed as he moved them, careful to not cause his husband to panic as he gently cupped his cheeks, unmoved as the kiss was once more initiated, hands wrapped around his waist as he was held onto. 

Yes, they both understood, they didn't want to let go of this moment, of forever. Parchment and ink could not compare. Moreover, those minutes Arthur had spent making sure Alfred looked more than presentable after his rather troubling night were disregarded the longer they held onto one another. 

Only breaking when Arthur finally pulled back, gasping as he leaned into his husband, looking for support in order to not fall over where he stood. "We should really see eachother more often, I don't believe it's healthy to-"

Gently patting his shoulder he gave a laugh, "Cling onto one another like this?" 

"I was going to say trying to kill eachother," A sigh let through clamped teeth, the dress shirt tucked and fixed, agitated by his own work on the other. "But, I suppose that's a far more appealing way to phrase it."

Stopped as Alfred took both of the blonde's hands, brought closer with a mere roll of his eye's as a grin slipped past, on the tops of his own feet to give him one last gesture of his affection. Simple and soft as their hands slowly intertwined, Arthur stepping back as he gave the other a soft sigh that he held back as his back straightened, a gentle smile present as he gave his partner a rather lovesick expression, pieces of hair tucked back, shirt straightened, tie adjusted and vest buttoned. "There, handsome as ever." Smile only going deep as he leaned against him, more than welcoming the hands that slid down his back to hold onto him. "I must be going now. Thank you, for a wonderful morning.

There was a moment both expected it, and Arthur bit down on his tongue to hold back the urge to admit that he wanted to steal him from here, but he had told Alfred to remain in Spade's, that was what he needed of him to ensure this Kingdom wasn't turned into nothing more than dead dreams of those who had far too many stars in their eyes. Only having returned as leaving him in such a state alone would have done more harm than good, "My letter's will be more than plenty, I promise you, as you have never failed to send more than four during the week. Perhaps, we will see each other again."

Flustered he almost found no words, as Arthur truly didn't need to reveal his fruitless and rather lengthy letters that he would send. It was only normal, wasn't it? Arthur got himself into all sorts of trouble and situations, of-course he would make sure he was okay more than physically. 

Snickering he kissed the other's cheek, quick to turn on his heel.

"How many people get to brag that they've kissed a King?"

"Hey, watch it, I'm a married man." Hand's on hips, head cocked, words more than a gentle nudge.

"Yes, indeed you are." He glanced over his shoulder with a rather monotonous lifeless voice as though he were doing nothing more than speaking about the weather, balcony doors thrown open as the morning rays clouded his figure. "To me, my love." His left hand held as the band glinted in the light, a coy matter-of-fact tone now etched around and forming with his mannerisms.

Arms crossed he leaned onto his side, shaking his head as a giant smile crossed, struggling to keep his teeth from showing only to avoid eye contact in order to not laugh or end up smiling harder. "You're ridiculous." Smile hidden as he covered it with the back of his hand, once more at his husband's side, pressing a sweater to his chest. "Make sure you stay warm out there."

Sweater accepted he slipped it on, hands clasped around one of Alfred's as a single kiss was pressed to the back of his hand, "I will." 

Their attention was caught, both staring at the french doors, and while one of them knew nothing, Arthur had no in-fact locked those doors as he had no inclination that people were so eager to bother the King so early. 

Panicked, he went to clench the others hand's, to usher him forth in order to leave before anyone saw him, only to turn back. Nobody standing there, as he glanced around, his name sounding through his ears. Right, the door. "I'll meet you there in a moment." 

That appeared to appease whoever may have been at the door. Turned back to the scene before him, curtains billowing in the slight breeze as the doors remained open from when Arthur had intended to make a grand entrance. There went his husband, right along with one of his favourite lounge shirts.


Days were becoming longer, not because the sun was around more often, but rather for how there seemed to no end to the loud brash nature thrown to him that would be continually thrown until he caught it and stepped in their game for once. 

Yao had made sure to move her in as soon as possible, although she had taken up residence in the abandoned Queen's chambers, which was across the hall from the Kings, however, as interesting as they may have been, it didn't matter considering Alfred had taken his place in the conjoined room meant for both of the main royals. The one he was supposed to share with his Queen, the rightful owner of the title and crown, his darling secret. 

Repositioning his frames he continued his path down the hall, a cup of tea held in his hands, a drink he often wouldn't have made if it wasn't for who he was expecting tonight, almost two months since he had last seen him. Docked off somewhere in Diamonds with a promise in his latest letter to come and see him, words full of a need for the other's doting tender nature, half of which Alfred had given a small smile at, that to be far from the truth where he stood. Between the two of them, Arthur knew how to treat someone right, how to care for others and keep them safe even when there was no connection, he was dangerous and frightfully fearless, blood dripped from his fingers and onto his feet but that had never once mattered, soft and slightly-cold hands would always to brush his cheeks, whisper those words that leveled the water, brought up to the surface for another breath. 

Focus on something nice. That's what Arthur had instructed him to do, that's the only advice he had taken from the lengthy list of various options, the same that had kept him afloat in the past and after that night when he had awoken to no body next to his own, yet forced to step out to the sea's cries. Warmth radiated from the cup, into his hands and the warmth that came reminded him of those long nights or being out hand in hand, red now covering his cheeks as such thoughts graced a smile to fluently pass.

Lost in the sin's that were all he wished for he had forgotten to remain hidden, now out in an open corridor. A voice called out to him, "Alfred."

Tripped in his step hot liquid swished, running over his hands as a rather audible, 'shit'. Air sucked through his teeth in order to not continue on a swear tangent, using the fabric of his pants to try and catch whatever drops fell down to avoid any mess. "Please, it's late, I don't want to talk about this." 

Scoffing he crossed his arms, stepping closer as he glared up to the other. "You don't even know what I was going to say." 

"No, but I don't need to." Once more to step, now in the light provided by one of the towering windows of the hall, a tug on the sleeve of his shirt making him stop.

He wasn't getting away that easily, no matter the time of night, they had more than a few things to discuss, and the severity of their situation only becoming worse by the minute. "Have you considered anyone other than yourself? Spades will fall without a Queen."

Focus on the warmth, the way it moves through the cup and into the palms of his hands. "Yes, this is true, but have you thought that a fake will only upset fate?" 

"Do we have any other choice? You've been on the throne for almost five years, they have not shown." 

He closed his eyes, trying to repress the tears. "Even if they did, you wouldn't accept them. You tolerate me, you realize I've noticed that, yes?"

"My job isn't to be your parent or friend, I'm your advisor, I ensure our Kingdom isn't in peril or on the edge of ruin. This is our only solution." 

Alfred opened his eyes, shocked and horrified as a tear escaped, still looking to his advisor. "You're right." 

Haste was made, needing to leave the situation before any more came of it, vigorously wiping the tears. Five years, right, but it had only been two or so since Arthur fled, and this was all happening too fast in ways he couldn't process nor understand. Not with the sight he had, everyone's perceptions were different and perhaps that was the downfall, but it wasn't safe for Arthur, no matter what title he held nor who he had connections with. 

After a few hours he had gone down to make another cup, returning without any commotion or interference. Door shut with his foot he didn't move until the latch made a small sound, now in the clear and space of his own room, secluded as he let out a pressed breath. It seemed Arthur wasn't coming, and that may have been for the better. 

"When did you start drinking tea without me around?" 

Eyes open he looked over, to the sight before him as his partner sat on the edge of the bed, leg crossed over the other as he smiled, captivated as he took in the sight before him. Up on his feet, he would have moved if a sudden wave of relief and utter delight hadn't taken over him, glued to the spot as the other gave a soft laugh, removing the cup from his hands as he leaned up. "Here I thought you to be a no-show." 

"Ha, me?" Cup levitating as he picked the other up, taking him in a gentle spin as arms wrapped around his neck, and a laugh broke the quiet atmosphere that typically resided in his head, brought closer as he held onto him. 

Huffing Arthur clung onto the other, "Oh, Alfred," groaning slightly as he rested his head onto the other's shoulder. "We're getting too old for this." 

Settled back to his feet the cup was handed to him, "Drink first, I have a reason for asking you to wear your finest attire." 

A smirk showed, gaze casted up to his husband, "You're not going to poison me, are you?" 

Shocked he made a quick turn on his heel from where he had been going, "Stars no!" Instantly at his partners side, "No, never. If you need me to take a drink for you to believe me then so be it, but I would never do that to you." 

Pressure placed to his chest, he looked down, collar snatched as he was pulled down into a kiss, "I know darling, go change now, my interest is piqued, you best hurry or it might wither." 

Absurd, that's what he was, and now it seemed it would have been best to explain his reasoning but there had been a reason why he hadn't, he had wanted it to be a surprise, but Arthur's curiosity was bottomless, though if that was well-known could be debated amongst those who thought they knew better than the one who possessed such a mind.

Ten minutes, that's how long it took. In that time the tea had been finished, cup sat aside onto a nearby table and he had begun going through drawers. There wasn't much he was looking for, conceivably a small token the other wouldn't notice the absence of such as a handkerchief never used or pair of gloves. Oh, who was he kidding. That was a quite the joke, as Alfred had never worn gloves before, so why would he now?

Set aback when Alfred appeared, known in dirty loose clothes, designated clothes for royals, and pyjamas, but this was a spectacle as he kept himself mannered. "Arthur?"

Ah, he had lost himself, hadn't he. "What is it my dear." 

"Don't flatter me just yet, that's my job tonight." Elbow outstretched, one that was quickly accepted in a fashionable manner.

"It is? Well, you best start working for it." Laughter cut short as he was picked up, a gasp strung through clenched teeth, arms tightened around his neck to ensure he didn't meet the floor. Shaken breath, he glanced up to his husband, "That's unfair Jones." 

Yes, it certainly may have been, though that didn't account for how Arthur could possibly strangle him with how much force was applied to the back and side's of his neck. "Since when did you do fair, Kirkland?"

Smirk gone as the other let go of his neck, deciding that it was more than unlikely to be dropped. "Oh," filler word dragged as he laid his head back, "About the time you started loosening up." 

That wasn't an answer, a short-lived attempt to hold his husband closer in an attempt to hold him closer, only earning a face full of the other's ascot, which brought on a laugh. Soon they were both laughing, unconcerned as the rest of the palace had long since gone to rest, their hands held as there was far more than sparks at each touch.

Guided through, Arthur had no idea where he was going, but it never once mattered with how Alfred would pull him closer, lift him up, and smiled. Only to stop, telling him to stay there as he approached a set of French doors. A thousand candle's couldn't top the smile he wore, "We never got the chance to do this, tonight, let's do this, the proper way." 

Extending a hand out to the other he almost hesitated, stunned by the change but slowly let his fingers touch the palm of his husbands hand, glancing up with a gentle smile, at ease, calm as he held onto the others hand, the action reciprocated with a little smile. 

Door opened the other undid some latches at the top and bottom, giving him a smile before Arthur was led forward. All emotions lost as he looked around the room, the ceiling nothing more than glass to allow the moonlight in and walls covered in intricate details and glass doors surrounding them.

Surprised further as he looked back to his husband, a gentle smile as a hand was held out to him, a silent question if he wanted to lose his mind for the night.

And Arthur laughed, covering his mouth as he tried to set himself back together. Taking a breath as he waved the red on his cheeks, "My deepest apologies love, this is all so shocking, and I- well this is never what I would have expected." That rather pulled together demeanor was now in fragments, submerged under a multitude of laughs and smiles, words cut off as he fought to grapple with where he was. 

Alfred offered a sympathetic smile, understanding to some extent how overwhelmed he must have been, the two having done nothing more than remain in the combined chamber, this was something entirely different and the ballroom was typically locked up to avoid any damage being done to it considering it was one of the more lavish rooms - followed by the throne room. "Better?" 

He gave a single nod, smoothing out his dress shirt and pulling on the lapels to fix his collar. 

"Okay, we can try this over more than once you know. We have all night, and if you would rather watch the stars or return to the room that's completely fine."

His fussing stopped, his irritation with the way he acted now gone, in it's place of furrowed brows and non-stop muttering was a smile. "You're sweet, but I want to do this with you." 

That seemed to settle it, candles lighting the room by complete accident through the two as they both gave a startled jump before laughing, slowly moving away from where they had clung onto one another, "There's really no better way to say this." Arm tucked behind his back, with his left hand held out for the other to take. "May I have this dance?" 

Gesture accepted Arthur came closer, slowly tracing the details on his husbands coat, until finally stopping to rest upon his shoulder. One coming around to hold onto the shorter of the two's waist. 

Swept across the dance floor, slipping between the moonlight that poured through the windows and darkness illuminated only by the faint rays of the main source, stars pouring over their heads. Lifted, spun, and brought through many different feelings of jubilation  and relief, shared with one another between stolen kisses and laughs when one of them would trip over their own foot. 

Elegant. That was a word that perfectly described Arthur. Poised, and light on his feet, all the words deemed themselves useless, melding together, still that did not take away from what he witnessed: an excellent dancer. 

After some time he managed to process some coherent words, other than low hums and bashful laughs full of disbelief. "Typically, people offer their right hand to their partner." Lightly teasing him, engaged in a gentle sway. 

Pretending to not be embarrassed he let a soft laugh out, distance quickly forgotten as they drew closer, "Yes well, what would the fun be in doing it the classy way?" 

Arthur let a laugh out, gently parting the other's fingers as his own brushed along, until holding on with a smile. "No, you're correct. This is by far more fun than your typical waltz." Spoken softly, after what must have been two hours he leaned up against the other, a rather easy thing to do as his spouse acted similar to a support beam for the other. 

For once, they were in complete bliss, and there was an almost saddening realization that this could at one point been their lives. Through trials and complications of-course, neither were rather fawn nor believed such a fickle belief of 'love at first sight'. Love-struck though? That was very possible, each had their own experience with it, and maybe Arthur was worse at expressing it, but who was really to blame for how he had taken a stranger staring at him. The same stranger who now held him so close and fondly, who he was pulling to a different room by the hand and recklessly letting their wedding bands hit and chafe one another. 

If the ballroom was anything to drop a jaw over, then certainly he needed to hold onto the other, who remained slightly shaken as memories overcame him of the first time he had entered the room, only to come into a tranquil state when Alfred informed him the latches he kept moving on the inside of the doors prevented any door from being opened from the other side.

They were alone. Completely left to their own devices. A thief of the night lay in the palace walls, nobody knowing outside of the one who had asked him there, anything more than incandescently happy, and far less than fearsome in these moments. Settled upon the steps of the throne's base, their coats shaken off as they rested back, and Arthur unapologetically made himself comfortable against Alfred, almost resting ontop of him entirely. 

Eyelids heavy they slowly closed, "One of these day's, we're going to be too old for this." 

Tight grip released, only to tighten once again. A rather noticeable shift coming from his partner, "But of-course." A shaken laugh came to fill the room. 

Shuffling, he brought the other closer, leading him to rest back on his lap, gently brushing his cheek with his thumb, gloves moved up as he kissed his hand. "Something's on your mind, what is it hun?" 

Denial wasn't worth it, they were both tired. It was late, extremely late. It only made sense that more than good will would rise to the surface and stir his mind. Not caring for the glove that was now laid aside, for all he cared the other could be ripped from his other hand, bringing the blonde's hand to his chest with a light grip. "I'm not scared to start off, don't get such a ridiculous idea. I'm worried is all." 

Coat folded he used it in order to provide some support to his partners back. "What of?" Bangs brushed aside, there were more scars, a cut he had attempted to cover was now in full view. 

Aware that the cut was seen he only continued, hopeful that Alfred would understand. That he wouldn't judge him for getting into another fight once more, for everything and anything he did, with luck, Alfred never did. For some reason he wasn't too judgmental with him, maybe that's why he softened around him in the manner of months he had managed to. "I know this entire situation isn't your choice, but what if, in time, maybe even soon, you decide she's a more suitable partner, that you love her."

He listened, holding his hand, tenderly running his fingers through the other's hair, careful not to pull any knots out yank. "Arthur," Hand freed as he cupped the other's cheeks, "Listen to me, I understand why you're worrying, but please know, I waited two years until I could speak to you again, and I'll wait decades for you, centuries. You're the only person I love, not because of some stupid mark either. You're real, you breathe life, I've never been so captivated by someone before because you were never afraid to express your thoughts or who you are. My heart is yours, it was then, it is now four years later, and it will continue to be even past life." 

Arthur could only muster a weak pat to the other's chest, "Stop being gushy, there's no sea around for miles." An exhausted smile creeping past his original tone, "But thank you, for letting me express this without being annoyed, and the reassurance." 

He leaned down, a kiss placed to his husbands forehead. "Of-course, please talk to me about anything that concerns you, at any point in time, even if you think you're repeating yourself. It's better if we can come up with a solution and resolve it now before it becomes a bigger problem, or worse eats you alive or becomes true. My love for you is undying, and eternal flame, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner though." 

Discarded items gathered up, he worked to get on his feet, Arthur bundled in his arms with a gentle smile despite the few tears that grazed his cheeks, "Did I ruin the mood?" 

Using his foot he opened the door, quickly undoing the latches before slowly letting it close as to not cause a loud disturbance throughout the halls, "What? Oh Arthur, absolutely not, I'm glad you were able to talk to me about that. It's just late it all." 

Weakly, he made a move, an attempt to move closer only for it to be futile as his back rested against one arm, knee's slung over the other. "You don't view me differently?" 

Slumped against the wall to peer around the corner, he responded with a simple shake of the head. "No, we all worry at times. It's only natural." A smile expressed to the one who held onto him as he reassured him, a similar smile returned. Who was he to judge, when he had feared the same himself.

Sunrise was approaching, meaning people would be out and lingering, while the other's face might not have been well-known, there would be questions and chatter stirring about if the King was seen with an unknown presence. Thus, he had to be cautious and hurry, a rather horrible outcome as he wanted to be gentle with the other, but fate had it's own mind, which left them shut up in the room. It didn't seem to bother Arthur, who now fought to keep his eyes open, their coats and his gloves set aside onto a chair as Alfred started to slip his shoes off.

"Alfred." He turned around, coming over to the other who was slowly sitting up as he attempted to fight the exhaustion that was slowly overcoming him, patting to the side as Alfred took a seat next to him. Buttons of his own waist coat unfastened and starting to work on his dress shirt, the ascot slipped off from where it lay, until he stopped, sitting straight as he looked to his husband who had waited for his word, never yet starting to undo his own get-up. "Let me stay, let me keep you warm." Soft hands brushing along another's flushed cheek, a slight tilt to angle his eye's to meet the other's.

Tears burned in their want and need only to be settled with a breath. Both knew Arthur didn't mean the night or the next night after, to stay around until their departure from this soil and life. Longing burned fresh, no longer at bay with the need for his to remain, to be crowned and share a kiss with a proper wedding, to fulfill those foolish fantasies that consumed and lured in during late hours. Staying wasn't an option for him, though he wished it was, reaching up as he cupped his cheek. "For the night."

Defeat didn't cross over, response long since estimated. "For the night."

Hands guided to where Arthur wanted them to be, he gave him a gentle look, one far more innocent than should have been possible before he smiled, yanking the other into a kiss by the lapels of the waist coat he wore, breath taken away, and even after hours, the other still retained the scent of freshly brewed tea and roses on the verge of blooming. Brought to a place they desperately wanted to be, and a life they wanted to live, together. Just for another few hours.

In a few hours, Arthur would wake up, he would wake the other who would give him a groggy greeting as he slowly tried to slip back into a restful sleep, only for it to be stopped through the older who was determined to cling around and on him until the hour he had to depart arrived. To be held and loved once more, just until their next meet-up, just until he could feel the warmth of the sun while in the middle of winter and no fire crackled near him.


Swamped. That's what he was. What they were. 

Magical detection, of-course, how could he have forgotten? More had been detected than usual, and with Alfred not being too dependent on it, it was beginning to raise questions. Sending off one final letter in the method they had been for the past months, a warning to stop doing it this way, that they would have to find a new way and would have to quickly develop a different method. For if Arthur's name, surname or not, was to appear in Alfred's stack of mail, then there would be more than a few concerns raised.

It was rather odd the moment a letter was handed to him, and a name he did not recognize was in the top corner, but opened it nonetheless only to discover his husbands penmanship. 

Postage took far longer that he cared for, especially when Arthur was always moving around the Kingdoms. Eventually he started caving, a little lie here and there allowed for him to escape the perimeter of the castle, of their ability to detect his spells. So whenever Arthur would be out on his voyages in the summer, that's exactly what he would do, now under a pseudo name, and Arthur stayed true to his nature by keeping a regal tongue to his name. 

"Erika Dacre?" Alfred glanced up, colour draining as his heart pattered more as his advisor held the letter out to him.

He took a soft breath, accepting it as he set it aside with a shrug, telling himself to remain calm and nothing would be suspected. "Someone I knew back in my younger years, came as quite the surprise when she heard my name again as more than a ranch hand." 

Unsettled he moved, sat onto a chair across from the King who was now back in his paperwork. "You do realize, people will try and take advantage of their connections to you in order for a piece of royalty?"

Oh jeez, he should have kept his mouth shut, or better yet had given "Erika" a better reason for being in touch with him. "It's not going to come to that, Yao, I swear." 

Clucking his tongue, his eyes narrowed. "Her last name sounds noble." 

Another shrug, "Possibly. Doesn't matter though, she doesn't have the mark of the Queen."

"By possible chance, if this Erika were to ask for your hand." 

Alfred stopped him then and there, "She's already engaged to another. Please don't question such a thing, for I'll only love the one who bares the mark." 

Nerves eased to some degree he leaned back, "Who's she engaged to?" 

He feigned his confusion, stumbling for a bit before sitting back to take a drink, "Anna something, from what I understand she's just a regular citizen. You know how it is, nobles have big enough families."

His advisor leaned back, hands running through his hair as he brushed it from his face, clear that he was rather exhausted. How had he not realized it before? Never had Yao cared about a letter coming in to the King's office, he was looking for an excuse. "She really driving you that nuts? Damn, giving me a run for my money." No she wouldn't.

"Language, Jones." Stern tone falling as his expression fell, realizing that the one who received such a scolding only offered a gentle smile. That was it, any attempt to be serious now gone. "Well, she clearly wants two things, really one thing but in order to get her prize, she needs the first."

"I'm well aware of what she wants." Clicking his pen, laid upon the polished wood as he sat back. "If she mentions anything of it, inform her that ." And he already was with them, he was happy with his husband, the forbidden Queen that nobody knew of besides them. Well, nobody besides the Joker Gilbert, but he knew when to keep his mouth shut, atleast Alfred hoped so.

"Will you at the very least give her a chance? Make an exception." 

Make an exception? He didn't do that when Alfred had ran him down and pleaded with him. 

Irritated, there was moment of silence that clung when an inhale brought the silence to end. "I've already signed the marriage contract. Do I need to do anything else?" Answered by a raise of the other's brow, obviously he wanted him to do more. "I'm not going to sleep with her, I don't want anything to do with her in general." 


"Tolerate her." Letter slipped into the inside pocket of his coat, a nod given to his advisor as he sent the folders and completed documents to their places. "I'm aware of your way of life. Maybe one of these days, you'll consider my opinion before jumping to a decision. Especially one that impacts this Kingdom and it's people." He said, cold as he went to slip out the door.

Despite being a little ignorant of the other's emotions, he already knew what this was about. Slightly stunned that even after all these years he was still hung up on that pirate, only for his brows to furrow. What did he know anyways? Well, maybe a little more as he was more settled into the current wave and knowledge of the now rather than the olden years.


By the weeks that transpired after their discussion, which Alfred was still rather none the most delighted over, it became quite unmistakable that by no means would there be an ounce of tolerance, or more mere lack of civility, given to the other in a delightful regard. Only able to express mere disinterest, odium, or complete impertinence at the mention of her name, the throne, crown, or much further if the woman were to walk near him in order to speak a word, much less slip a meager look to him.

Alfred was beginning to question himself, never before had he been so crude to someone, which was saying something when you attended public school with the student body consisting of a hundred pupils aware of every mistake and slip-up you made. It surely did not assist his mind when there were two opposing sides to all of this, Arthur had begun to resent their situation, clear in his futile attempts to ask to come only to relent less than a sentence later, all too aware of the consequences that would befall the two of them. While, on the contrary, the council had begun picking up his tone, which led to the so called entitlement, privileged, and stuck-up nature being front and center whenever he was not in their line of sight. The more he ignored her, dared to indicate that he did not care for her presence, the worst the feeling sunk, no matter what his husband said to try and quell his inner ramblings. 

Perhaps, there was a shred of light that could request her for tea, try to find anything under her pursuits and goal to achieve the crown. Afterall, nobody was completely terrible, everyone had their redeeming qualities. There was a chance he was short sighted through his own grievances and displeasure. 

Streams of sunlight glared through, slowly waking him, eyelids heavy as he groaned, blanket pulled further up as he flipped to the other side, far too gone in the trenches of his dreams to bother closing the curtains. Once more peering through his dingy genetic vision in search of water, only for the sight to not be met with the light blue sheets, and rather a far different colour. Silenced as he turned his head, and for all his years, all his pride, the sound that came from his throat was not of his own. No, never. 

Disregarding the exhaustion that pulled and gnawed at every inch of his body, he flung back against the headboard. "What the fuck!" Unnerved as he shouted, internally crying, for all of his life, could he not get a break? He just wanted to enjoy a peaceful Thursday.

Today was his day off. Couldn't he have just a few hours of peace? Days off were rare, especially now with a "new royal" being appointed. By far, this had been his first day off since almost seven months ago, running off of nothing more than coffee and pure adrenaline. A lack of his husband had certainly dragged his spirits down, the letters being nothing near to the real person who would have whispered such words in his ear, fingers ran through his hair, only to pass out mid-conversation clinging onto one another as though their lives depended on it. 

Quilt and covers yanked up to cover his chest. Her gaze nothing more than expressionless, silent as she moved, closer, closer and he was about to start inching over to the side Arthur slept, only to stop in an attempt to preserve what was no longer there of the other. 

This was too much, slapping a pillow between them. "Delilah, stop."

Offended she sat back, watching as Alfred let the covers drop, and slowly moved the pillow back. "You're a man in his late twenties, by no chance do you not see an admirable woman of high class, and a thought does not pass that you want to kiss and ravish her." 

Why did his age matter? Hell, why did any of this matter. Couldn't she just leave him be. "No, I truly have never thought that." He sighed, scratching the back of his neck, followed by a lousy attempt to fix his hair. "Look, I don't think you're all that bad, well, I don't really know you." 

She tipped her head, "That can change." Only for her attempts to be ceased as the pillow was slammed back between them.

"It absolutely will not." Done being soft, voice scratchy from waking up, but he had enough grasp to lower his tone. "I'm not interested. I did not agree to this. Please, I will ask you once, leave my room." There was much more he wanted to say, but this was not his home, he did not pay the bills here and was by no means in a position to act like he was of high position. 

"What are you, committed to someone who will never come?" 

At that his eye's started to water, "Okay, great. Glad we settled that then." Giving a fake laugh as he pretended to itch his eye, really wiping the tears away. 

"Then it's true, exactly what Yao said." She stood, smoothing her dress out, "That's pathetic, especially from someone in your position." 

"In my position." Repeated after a second, a singular brow raised as he looked to her, "What do you mean by that exactly?"

She placed a hand onto her hip, tutting. "You're a King, one of the most powerful. You have wealth, servants at your call, jewels, a crown, a throne. You could do anything you wanted, yet you insist on drowning in self-pity. Over someone who doesn't matter." 

 Flabbergasted he sat there for a minute, upset that she would say that Arthur didn't matter, because he did matter. "I'm just an ordinary person with some forced fate, I wasn't give an option in what my future was." Slow, barely audible as he only pulled his knee's into his chest to rest an arm across.

"Nobody said you had to take this position, you could have ran-"

"Running away wasn't an option." A yawn mixing with his sigh as he rubbed his eyes.

That wasn't the answer, "Then suck it up, we're going to get married, I'll be Queen.. your Queen, and that's it, no more of this moping then." 

He took every word back, he did not like her. What kind of screwed up psychological test was this? Did he forget something, had he accidentally agreed to be a test subject for this crap. Surely not, he at the very least had to hope. "Alright then, can you leave?" 

Unaware of what she was doing was better than nothing, slowly leaning back against the headboard and slumping down. "What did you say?"

"Can you leave then." Brow raised as he turned back, to which she huffed, storming out, door slammed as he quickly locked it, sinking down into the bed as he brought a pillow to his chest, covered in the blankets as though they could bring him back to a content state.

Sleep sounded nice, maybe a little too nice for where his mind was currently slipping, to a place far away where the wind brushed through his hair and caught his lungs with a tinge of salt. Where another stood, unphased by the wind and smell, red coat flushing his pale skin. 

That, was where he wanted to be.


"She's resentful." Glass filled with a rather dark liquid before it was handed off.

"What? No." He scoffed, accepting the glass with a small 'thank you'. After a minute he rose a brow, careful with what he was to say next. "Why would she be?" Muttering softly as he glanced to his companion. 

Rounding the corner the other propped himself up onto the corner, "Alfred, my dear," tilting his head up with a finger, "You were placed into a position she wants. To her, you have everything and more even if you see it as otherwise." 

Glass settled back onto the desk he rose from his worn-down cushioned seat, away from the finger that had lifted his face. Tired eye's going wide as another's hands came up, brushing along his cheeks before being brought into a kiss, with reciprocation being nothing more than a reaction, glass settled by his leg as he raised his own hand to run through Alfred's hair, pulled closer until they parted. 

"Arthur," Alfred smiled, genuine and bright, and the latter still rather awestruck from what had happened so quickly and by how the other's expression had changed so quickly, so similar to whenever they saw one another, Alfred would be the most energetic and carefree person he had ever seen. "You are my everything." 

Spoken so casually, it was as though he was talking about some clouds that were causing an overcast.


Letters had become sparse and few between as the months of winter snowfall, ice, and freezes passed, leaves now replacing branches that at held nothing more than icicles over the last few months rolled past and summer arrived. Inevitably though, as always, it came without fail that a letter would appear on his desk once a month from "Erika", and without fail Arthur wrote nothing short of pure innocent adoration, love, and longing for their lover under the pseudo Anneliese. Still, these words that he knew were written during the dead of night while waves brushed and rushed along the sides, candle flames presented shadows of his surroundings, and Arthur would repeatedly rub his eyes, trying to remain awake in order to finish his letter, only caused a weak smile short of fulfilling and an ache in his chest. 

More than content to do the same in return for the other, merely reciprocating how he was written to, the same heart and thought placed into each word and turn of his pen, similar candles burning late into the night with curtains drawn and doors locked in order to provide security and sanction from the rather industrious nature that would come if the door were to be unlocked. Full of his trust and endearment for a man who lived in the deep waters of the sea, and allowed the wind to run and mess up his hair.

Their visits were over for. Now nearly impossible for either to see eachother or meet, magic or not, and Alfred regretted their last time being together, how it felt that naught had occurred, brought on by a spark of anxiety and adrenaline that flooded through after Delilah's rather troubling appearance. In turn his own appearance had caused a gun to be drawn until the other registered who had so abruptly turned up in-front of him, hood dragged over to cover his face as he was dragged back to the ship. Now only yearning for more than to hold the other in his arms, to be aware of another's presence rather than ink and paper to provide whatever solace there was to give.

Thoughts of the undesirable were not little nor dwindled, which only resulted in being more irritated by the minute. How thoughts and wants full of empty regret to have attempted to convince the other to come with him, and each thought was met with disdain as he was to believe, though not confirmed despite a few words mentioned of it almost a decade ago, that Arthur would have despised both royal and palace life. He was far too spontaneous, and free to be chained in such a way, which would have turned heads and thoughts would begin to linger and ponder before changes started.

The nuance and instruction were nothing more than a white noise that filtered through and out his ears, never making their way into his brain as he stood before a crowd, trying to remain pleasant, faux smile all bright with eye's that barely crinkled near the end. At every second glancing in an anxious manner, for doors to slam open, for a glimpse of red, for someone to raise their voice.

Hours ago, that had all been hours ago. Hands and pleasantries were no longer exchanged, everyone remained seated as Alfred remained in the official uniform that was to be worn during these ceremonies, not far from the clothes he had worn on his own crowning. A top a balcony as hundreds upon thousands of eye's bore up at him, unwanted and tainted spotlight by the sun's early ray's of an all too cheery noon for what twisted and screamed to be released from inside of him. 

To scream. To let it out. For someone to have screamed, to have one singular objection or outcry. At some point during the welcoming of those who could make the date, to be yanked in by a misbelieving handshake, a glint of green, a smirk, the smell of fresh tea leaves and florals. All of it. It all scratched his throat, troubled as he spoke, barely managing to keep a face that did not give away the pain that coursed through him as the Queen's crown was held in his hands.

Gently slipped between lose fingers, someone far from who was meant to be there near his feet, the mandatory purple that would have wrapped around the Queen. Throat clenched. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't do this. No, absolutely not. This wasn't right, this was the Queen of Spades, this wasn't the fated one she had chosen for her land and people. 

Nervously glancing around, people seemed to wait in bated breathe, was it that obvious? And then he realized, he had stopped only an inch from her temple, finally meeting the gaze of his advisor who only furrowed his brows, slowly arms crossed. 

This couldn't be happening. Arthur, where was he? He had to stop this, he was the only one who could stop this. They were the only one's who could stop this. 

Never once did his gaze stray from the others, anxious as a shake become clear, no longer able to hold the crown with ease. The weight far from the issue, rather who was meant to wear it.

Someone had to want something different, there had to be a grudge held, a plot out for revenge. 

He couldn't breath, his eye's stung and then someone looked familiar, someone was there. Not exactly who was needed, but enough, it was enough. Gilbert had secluded himself into a corner off near the back of the room, a slow nod. This wasn't a game. This wasn't a joke. Alfred could face a fate worse than death if this were to leak out, that who was to wear the crown was not marked. 

There's no choice. You have no choice. You're an accomplice to what you've seen.

Slowly, he completed what was needed, and Yao took his position, enforcing that she was to take and uphold her vows for as long as she were to live and remain Queen, until the crown was passed off. Only now to slip off, to release himself from where he stood, and what he had done.

Breeze low, the sun shown down onto them, sails still as birds flown above, it appeared that today would be far from encouraging. Only having slipped out a mere hour ago to assist where he was needed. 

Coming up the stairwell, Arthur stood at the wheel, compass in hand as eye's started to be caught as Alfred made his way up the steps, careful to not be too silent in order to not end with a dagger near his jugular. 

Thought that never seemed to matter, Arthur slipping to cast a glance back before slowly shaking his head. Of-course he knew who was coming up the steps, only one man on board was dumb enough to do such a thing, a low chuckle giving as he eventually let go of the device. A low whistle catching his attention, a small distraction to achieve what he wanted as he stole the other's hat, surprised by the feel of the fabric but more so focused on his husband. 

The action was immediate with it's effects, Arthur spun on his heel, "I beg your pardon." Serious as he spoke, almost offended before pulled in to an embrace, huffing he did his best in order to not return the affection. "Oh, Alfred." Sigh in his voice, relaxed before gently pushing back, "Don't do that again, I should have you scrape the sides for doing such a foolish act." Silence brought by the other's voice, eye's adverted as people shuffled and pretended to be consummated by their work.

Anyone else would have taken it seriously, would have been struck with horror or disgruntled by it.

Still, it was Alfred, and while Arthur hid the wedding ring among his various other rings, able to disguise it as another item he had picked up on a raid. Still, it was noticeable among the other's which had become worn and their plating had begun to scrape off due to years of wear and being scraped against various metals and finishes. It only struck more curiosity when the man taken in an act of revenge, suddenly begun to walk out with the Captain, gave him gentle smiles, and, most notable, a thin necklace chain that he refused to pull out, despite the obvious indent that exposed a ring.

With that in mind, it only became routine that he was to test out the new waters. Besides, Arthur in daylight was a rarity that he only saw when the ship was pulled into port. 

Thus, once again he appeared, this time from behind, once again gaining the attention of the few who were still up and around rather than down in the kitchen. Sun settling as he gently placed his hands on the other's arms, let go of after a second before he tilted down, about to be addressed only to shush him with kisses spared and given to his cheek and neck. Arthur would get him back for it later, he always had in the last few weeks whenever he would come up. 

Turned around, a breeze brushing his bangs aside as he took the other's hands to his neck, gently slipping his fingers though, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he fought to keep an appearance. "Watch it, Jones." A joke of a warning really, a similar one he would give late at night, the one's that informed Alfred that by no means should he let go or move as Arthur had become comfortable, had found the perfect place to lay in his chest, and his words would be muffled, half by pure exhaustion and the rest from how he had buried his face deep into his husbands chest, hands either laid on the other's hip, or, on the rare occasions Alfred would wear a shirt, wound up in the material. He had lost a lot of shirts from his husbands grip, but he didn't mind handing them off, aware that Arthur got far more use and value out of them than he ever would.

Dumb smiles must have been a signature of his at this point, heart beat a little too fast as he did his best not to lean down, "Kirkland-Jones." 

Crumbling to temptation, he let a small smirk slip, a quick press between Alfred's knuckles as he gave a small squeeze, "Hush love. Though, I wouldn't mind if you were to do that later."

Similar affection returned he tipped his head near to the others, "Maybe in an hour or so, for now you're still on duty."

Applause and cheers broke the daze he had slipped into, thankful as he wore gloves as he took her hand, bringing her to the thrones as she was guided into the seat. An obvious flicker in her eyes, how this was all she had ever wanted, that nothing was more valuable than this.

Soon, people moved to crowd the two, only to manage to escape, off and away to the corner he had seen the Joker not so long ago.

"Looking for me?" A light yelp came as he turned, Gilbert emerging from the shadows with half of a smile of someone who had just tasted decaf coffee from their regular morning brew.

Without needing to say much he leaned against it, not caring if his clothes were to dirtied or torn. Ready to listen, to find some source of light in the hell that was only the start of his day. "She only wants the power, one's that will never succumb to one without the mark."

Alfred couldn't agree more. "I've broken a vow." Glum as he spoke, clear that it was not the eternal fate of regret that he feared or grew sorrowful of.

A hand rested upon his shoulder, looking up to the other. "I know. I know it all. He cares for you, I'm sorry that he couldn't have made it."

"Today would have been horrible. I'm glad he doesn't have to witness it."

Gilbert's brows furrowed, a quick glance away from the other as he seemed to grow distance only to nod, "Suppose you're right." 

Alfred knew far from nothing about Jokers, except they knew everything, that they were hardly ever serious unless the moment called for it. What was happening? Had the person before him grown more than half a heart and start to experience mortal sympathy?

No, that was ridiculous. He simply didn't want to risk getting into a physical altercation with the other.


Yao was, by no means, pleased with his performance earlier, demanding that he stitch himself back up into one piece by the next hour that was to come, in that time he had laid on one of the floors, staring at the ceiling as he imagined the carpet was long, uncomfortable blades of grass that poked his skin, a hand held in his own as he took  breath.

Stitch himself up? Yeah, alright. Merely scoffing at such a euphemism, what, this time could he not fix every little issue by claiming he had lost his sense and mind to the court, that he simply had lost all response to what was reality and fiction.

Only, fiction would have been far from reality. But as he lay there, wasting away in memories that caused a smile despite the ache that strummed throughout his chest. This was his reality, he was meant to handle that, to deal with his problems in a sensible manner rather than lay on the floor living in past memories of the one who was still out there and would easily open arms to his appearance, for he knew his own appearance was met with more than a smile from the younger's response. Still unused to being lifted, but Arthur had slowly become eased at being picked up and spun around like they were in a pirouette where Alfred was his leg to stand upon.

Life was easier back then, but life was never easier as one grew up. That was the cruel reality to understanding who you are, who is around you, and what lies beyond the comfort you've grown used to in order to forget or calm down from the uncomfortable, unpleasant, hurtful ways that have come into now.

Sure, the suit was nice, different from the typical garments he was forced to wear as the ankle length coat was traded out for a tailcoat. Although, it certainly wouldn't of been his first pick. Afterall, he had been married in jeans, their wedding wasn't ceremonious and simply between them, random and unexpected as they laid together under the moonlight. 

Then again, they didn't need anything special, no, Arthur was far too interesting to keep anything settled. It was between them and Gilbert, and between the elaborate decorations and time, he realized just how much more he preferred that night together, that marriage did not need to be dressed up as something beautiful, and that maybe a far off hillside or mountain, was far more than enough because there were no financial troubles, it had just been them. 

Once more, he slid off into his own world. Of a night when Arthur had come back in from a journey out to port.

It was late, and despite typically waiting for his husband, he had slipped into bed deciding Arthur would understand that he had barely slept at all the past few days ago. Awoken by a cry as he shot up from his spot, "Arthur?!" Eye's already used to the dark as he stumbled out of bed.

"I'm alright, I'm fine Alfred." Futile as the other still walked out, typically his own little way of telling others that he did not need assistance. 

Upon the candlelight that blinded him he instantly saw it, red and angry as he sighed, shaking his head. "Come here dear." Extending a hand out to the other, offer taken as he settled onto a chair. "You really must start to remember sunscreen, you're pale hun, the sun will eat you alive." 

"And eat me it did." A shiver running through as he grumbled, "That's cold."

Alfred continued to lather the aloe onto the other's neck, far more than aware that it was cold, afterall he had applied it directly to his fingers. "It will relieve the sting for a few seconds though." 

Continuing to grumble he eventually settled, allowing Alfred to do as he pleased. Button-down shirt removed and slid off as he was handed one of the other's shirts. "Fair trade?"

Despite the tone of there being no negotiation terms after having been given no warning, he took the shirt, slowly pulling it to his chest. Arthur let out a low sigh, on his feet as he started to work off the rest his attire. "I suppose. Get back to bed, I'll be there in a minute."

Exhausted as he may of been, he waited. Going to lock the front door as he waited until Arthur had slipped the shirt on, coming over as he picked him up, hold gentle and careful to avoid the sunburn as he crawled his way into bed, covers pulled up to his partner's waist, a hand wound into his hair as he gently scratched at his scalp.

Arthur reached up, lovingly stroking his cheek, "I love you." Jumbled through small laughs and hums as he settled into the other's touch. 

Calm, and somewhat at a peaceful state he didn't need to look, preferring not to as he turned on his heel. Through the motions they went, rings placed upon fingers, fake smiles given, until it came time to finally seal the deal, Alfred slowly backing away with a shaken laugh. "There's kid's here, wouldn't want to gross them out, you know. Tonight."

Tonight was not a promise, nor was it going to happen, but that seemed to get him out of the thick of it all. It worked, that much he was thankful for, though he had to wonder if the other had even wanted to kiss him. Surely not he had to hope, but knowing his luck, there was always a possibility that his thoughts were far from the opposite. Especially after that visit. It may have been months ago but that was the deciding factour that he had wanted nothing to do with her, glancing over to her parents who all seemed a little too pleased about this all.

What had he done?

After what must have been hours on his feet, they had cut the cake. Which meant he got to cut to the chase, afterall the food was the only reason why royal parties and such were even so appealing. An escape in order to get away, and away he went, far away from the commotion, the bustle, the constant attempts to be dragged into a corner for someone to have a talk with him.

Eye's may have followed him, although to say any had was anyone's guess, glances passed over his shoulder or whenever he would round a corner in order to assure himself that nobody had been following over the past few minutes, able to muffle the clack of his dress shoes, layers moved off until all that he wore was his dress shirt and the rather uncomfortable slacks that clearly had not been properly fitted. Though that wasn't any of his worries, checking the surrounding area once more before he slipped into his office, throwing the other pieces of his attire into a chair. 

A letter had arrived earlier in the day, from Arthur, always it was from Arthur, but between the coronation, wedding, and spiral into his own wellness and beliefs, he hadn't been able to touch it until now.

Perhaps that was best, a piece of hope given to him after a rather unnerving day. All he needed was his husband's words, and possibly more, having kept his eye's peeled for hours on end for his appearance. Of-course he wouldn't show, he was out at sea, not to mention how much trouble it would raise if anyone were to recognize him, still, one can hold out for so long.

Flipped it over he tore the seal, undoing the folds as he looked up to the corner, two months ago? Well, that certainly was odd. Perhaps he had been off in Clubs at the time, it wasn't unlikely, afterall that's where he tended to source out most of his powders, it only made sense that he would stock up for not only himself but the crew he had onboard. 

Leisurely, he slumped back into the chair, the letter his husbands typical two to three pages long as he begun to lose himself as his lips formed a smile, melted by the words and rather than letting them be only a side-effect he melted with them like candlewax. Beautiful, touching, and written in the way Arthur always wrote him in such a formal sarcastic tongue, a slight ache as the smile slipped. 

Paper was thin, easy to get rid of and tear, gently rubbing it between his fingers as he looked to his left hand, setting the papers down onto his lap as he slipped the silver band off as he replaced it with Arthur's. He took a breath, relieved as he tossed the ring under various folders in his filing cabinet, never to be seen again as he let out a small laugh, running his fingers over the paper before he was interrupted.

The papers scattered as he jumped up, straightening, only to quickly bend down, picking them up as his brows furrowed as wrinkles were formed into the papers. Spade's advisor slipping in before shutting the door, "Thought I would find you here."

He sat up, paper's settled back to where they needed to be as he made sure to keep them out of reach, "Aren't you supposed to be guiding her? Honestly, this is more of your wedding than mine." 

"Watch your tone." Yao snapped back, clearly that had not been the most ideal view point as he hoped at some point the two could settle on similar terms to one extent or another, and how wrong he had been, realizing a little too late when she had already been introduced to the court as the proper Queen and dates had been arranged. "You'll spoil my good mood. Afterall, the threat has been neutralized." 

Brow raised he cocked his head, "Yao, whispers of Spades Queen has been making headlines for months now, there's been numerous spotting's, hell, we've been finding journalists or their trails in bushes, rose bushes mind you. The threat is no longer present, Spades has a Queen, she's back to her strong point now that there are two. War will not break out." Although that was a complete lie, they both knew it, they couldn't fool everybody forever, at-least he hoped not. 

Hearts was smart enough to see through their little game of Fake Queen, Clubs would start to dig at some point once an aura wasn't detected whenever he wasn't present or close enough, and Diamonds? He had to give them credit once in awhile, maybe not in this department however.

"No, not that. She's a sly thing tonight though, lock your door if you desire peace." 

"I prefer it." He preferred not being here anymore, so maybe he would go sleep under a tree or something. A stifled laugh at the thought, despite not being entirely opposed to it.

There was shake to his hand, a visible excitement as he tried to wave it off despite the grin that showered over. "Perhaps you remember a few years back, that blasphemous pirate that managed to escape?"

Why was this being brought up? Alfred no longer sat still, feeling his own hands tremble, could he not skip to the point. Had Arthur been spotted, was he here, it he was then Alfred would take care of the situation before anyone else could. No matter what other's thought, because if anyone had taken two minutes to look between them, then it was more than clear that Arthur wouldn't lay a hand on him.

He jumped back to the backrest of his chair as Yao slapped a newspaper down, pointing to an article that he could barely read the headline of before it was pulled away. "Arthur Kirkland was shot dead, only a mere week ago when he was found near Spade territory. This is fantastic. After years of being seen as fools, we had rebounded. Truly, between this and your step-up in performance, everything is going to plan. Absolutely perfect." Blabbering on as he whispered the last words, only to leave with a laugh, the door slamming behind him.

Alfred only stared, mouth slightly agape as he felt nothing and everything. As though all his organs and blood were being pulled down into his chest, that his nerves had all centered in the middle of his chest cavity near his sternum.

"I didn't know how to tell you. How to express my fears that if I were to return to be with you, a chance of possibilities would occur, only for that. How long it would take for you to tire of me, or rather my presence. Though, now I see how terrible this arrangement truly is based on a quick decision, and if you are to become bored of my presence that is the least of my concerns. Alfred, I want to be there for you, and be with you, that's all I desire in life as I see how troublesome this had become with such a burden placed upon your shoulders. 

No matter what you, or anyone, may say or attempt to do, another will not occupy the throne, or your side. Especially the latter, allow them to run off with the crown, but by no means will I leave your side unless that is something you ask of me to do. You know the truth, and while you've done well and faithful to remain silent, your silence is giving you nothing more than grief and pain as was apparent when you can at such an abrupt hour that noon, and she will not be giving you that no more."

Arthur had fully intended upon appearing, to show his face once more in Spades despite the risks, and no more less in the castle, to some extent for his own wants, partially to relieve his husband. Only to meet a blind fate. 

In his attempt to be present, he had left no more than a mere shadow in the world.

Letter held to his chest, Alfred only kept a blank, bare face before tears started to well in his eyes, and down with a shake of his breath, brows pressing together only to undo themselves. Kept there for hours until there came nothing more of his cries than desperate pleas for all of this to be a hoax, misleading information, someone else had met the blow of a bullet and slap of the oceans waters as their last breaths were spent under the water. Hands fighting to not crumble the last piece of his husband he had, the last words he had ever written to him in belief than they would see each in soon time. As though destroying it would restore life and hope, when it would only have the adverse affects.

It was of no use though.

He was gone, for good this time.

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