draco malfoy imagines

By perriesdisora

249K 3.7K 969

just a bunch of fluffy draco malfoy situations😘 uploaded: 29/10/2020 💚 More

love potion
the fight
ready or not
cherished moments
it's you
on the run
want you back
say yes
let me love you
lazy sunday
pretty little secret
he's back
bells & confetti
bells & confetti pt 2
a mess
from strangers to lovers
i hate you
i hate you pt.2
christmas time
Lily's and Rose's
that time again
|| a message ||
a day out
i'll be there for you
he's back pt 2
promising jewellery
better man
'want you back' edit!!
who are you?
jealous eyes


2.2K 35 0
By perriesdisora

okay i know it's been months but we hereeeee 😂

house: slytherin we love to see it

blood: like why do i even put this here it's not important

year: 6 [half blood prince] yes i love to use this year no idgaf <3

• • •

there was a noticeable difference in Slytherin's popular couple. the difference being they weren't speaking to each other. word got around pretty quickly that you and Draco had very obviously split and by day two of the new year, rumours were circulating throughout Hogwarts.

you hated it. you had always been somewhat of a private person. it was bad enough that when you were together everyone wanted to know every last detail of your relationship and now they were wanting to know what happened.

the only person you confided in was your best friend, who was equally as shocked when you explained your version of events.

you wasn't sure what had happened. where it went wrong. everyone knew you and Draco were inseparable. you were obsessed with each other. you knew a whole other side to him that he never showed anyone, he never treated you wrong.

so when he ended the relationship over the summer, giving you no explanation at all, just telling you it was over, you were heartbroken and confused.

"have you seen him?" y/b/f asked as you walked to the great hall for breakfast

it had been months now, Christmas break had ended a few days ago. the first Christmas break you spent without Draco since your third year.

"no not really, if i do he acts like i'm not even there"

"i don't get it, i did him whispering to Blaise the other day, do you think he knows what's happened?" y/b/f wondered

you sighed dropping your fork on your plate "this is Blaise we're talking about, even if he did i doubt he would tell us, especially if Draco's asked him not to"

"yeah but it's worth the shot, you deserve to know what's happened" y/b/f urged

"no i just want to move on, i'm so much better than getting all depressed over a man.. even if i am totally in love with his dumb ass"

y/b/f sent you a sympathetic look before sighing "it's up to you, i think you should get closure at least before you can move on, i know you"

"alright maybe later just not yet, i'm not overly ready to speak about it yet" you tell her


later on that evening, y/b/f walked into the common room to find Blaise and Draco whispering as usual, she shook her head at the pair and cleared her throat making the two boys jump.

"oh, alright y/b/f? how are you?" Blaise asked recovering quickly

she narrowed her eyes at the pair of them knowing they were up to something "what are you two gremlins whispering about?"

"uh homework.. nothing too important" Blaise said shifting a little under y/b/f's hard stare. Draco remained totally unfazed and just stared into the fire.

y/b/f nodded, not believing a single word that came out of his mouth
"look i don't know what's going on with you both at the minute but quite frankly it's pissing me off"

Draco rolled his eyes "just leave it"

y/b/f's eyes snapped to Draco's "and don't even get me started on you!"

Draco turned his attention to y/b/f, glaring at her a little "not now y/b/f"

"no you don't get to dictate when we talk about how much of an ass you've been to y/n" y/b/f snapped

Blaise laughed "this is nothing to do with y/n, why would he be an asshole to his girlfriend"

Draco looked down at the floor as y/b/f raised her eyebrows

"you haven't even told your best friend that you dumped her?" y/b/f asked in disbelief

"you what? why have you done that?" Blaise asked Draco who was still looking at the floor

"you know why" he replied

"you couldn't even give her a reason, just acted like she was nothing, even now you ignored her i mean did you even love her at all or was it all just a lie?" y/b/f said

"i'm protecting her" Draco said as calmly as he could even though his blood was boiling by the second

he knew y/b/f had your best interests at heart but it pained him to think that y/b/f really thought he would act like this with absolutely no reason. questioning his love for you.

y/b/f laughed sarcastically "protecting? protecting her from what exactly? we're in school not some war camp!"

"just back off y/b/f, alright? trust me" Draco said raising his voice a little

"no! i want to know what's so scary here that you need to 'protect' her" y/b/f snaps joining his volume

"guys please just calm down" Blaise sighed

"no i want to hear what he has to say"

"how is this going to help anyone?"

"y/n deserves to know why he did it"

"so just leave it between them to sort out"

"how ? he won't even acknowledge her existence!"

Draco suddenly stood up whipping his sleeve up at the same time "this is why i broke up with her! this is what i'm protecting her from!" he exploded

y/b/f just sat there in shock not knowing what to say, Draco's eyes were now glued to the door making y/b/f turn around "y/n"

you stood there, shocked at what had just unfolded in front of you, you glanced at all three of them before quickly leaving the room again.

Draco sighed "shit"

"i'll go" y/b/f says starting to get up only to be stopped by Draco

"no i'll go" he simply said

he knew exactly where you would go and low and behold there you were, the window seal at the end of the corridor, it was easy to get to and had an amazing view of the school grounds where you could people watch.

"can we talk?" Draco asked once he reached you

"why didn't you just tell me?" you asked looking at him

Draco glanced around the corridor, it had a handful of people in it and due to the news of their break up, most of them were looking at you both.

"let's go somewhere more quiet" Draco suggested

"no we'll talk here" you reply sharply

Draco sighed, he hated how stubborn you were, it happened every time they had an argument. anyone else he would have blown up at for talking to him like that, he wouldn't take it from anyone else, but he knew that if he wanted to make this work he would have to keep a cool head.

"because i didn't want to drag you into this mess, you don't deserve any of this, i knew this would be my outcome one day, i'd be selfish to take you down with me" he explained quietly

"telling me about it isn't dragging me into it" you tell him not satisfied enough with his response

"yes it is because if they ever found out about us they will have something over me, if you ever got hurt because of them i would never forgive myself"

"so your best option was to just break up?" you ask raising an eyebrow

"i was panicking y/n! once i realised it was the wrong choice it was too late! i knew i'd hurt you too much" he said sitting next to you, his eyes searching your face trying to work out what you were thinking

you sighed looking out the window, your mind was filled with thoughts all zooming round in constant loops. you felt lost, you had started to accept that maybe your relationship was all one big lie, that he just didn't care as much as you did.

now he had actually explained everything it made you feel somewhat worse. you would have preferred the idea that you had cooked in your head because at least that way, he wasn't in any danger, he didn't have the dark lord looming over him or his family.

Draco had been getting more nervous the longer you stayed silent, he put his hand on your knee which got your attention and your eyes met with his.
"talk to me" he gently

"you breaking up with me wasn't even what stung the most. it was the way you did it, it was like you never even cared, like you secretly hated me the entire time" you said quietly telling yourself not to cry again

"no y/n, i love you. i love you too much and that's the problem" he said quickly

you looked up at the ceiling trying to clear your watering eyes "so what now?" you ask "where do we go from here?"

"i don't know, i don't want to put you in danger but i also can't stand you hating me anymore" he sighed

you looked at him "we both know i don't hate you"

"you should though, i shouldn't have treated you like that and i regret it so much" he replied glancing out the window

"i don't know what's going to happen, but he doesn't get to rule our lives, i don't any more time apart" you say

"y/n i won't let you get hurt or worse killed because of me" he said, you could tell from his voice that he was stressed, not knowing what would be best

"we both know the outcome of this is going to be a war, everyone is at risk right now, i'd rather be at risk by your side" you say taking his hand into yours.

you had a feeling how this was all going to end, ever since Voldemort came back, you knew the outcome was war. you wanted to stay mad at him but you knew that if you did and lost him anyway, you would hate yourself.

he smiled a little as he rubbed your hand with his thumb "okay, but i promise you i will do everything to make sure you don't get harmed, whatever the cost"

you nod, you didn't like the thought of him putting himself on the line to protect you but you knew there was nothing you could say that would make him change his mind.

"this doesn't mean you're off the hook though, you have some serious ass kissing to do" you say making him smile

"i thought that would be the case" he replied pulling you into a hug


you woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, it was the first good night of sleep that you had actually had in a while, you then realised you were in an empty bed. you sat up and looked around Draco's private dorm in confusion.

"i thought this man was supposed to be making it up to me" you mutter to yourself getting out of bed

you were halfway through getting ready when Draco strolled back into the dorm making you look up from what you were doing
"where the hell were you?" you ask

he smirked and pulled out a bunch of flowers from behind him making you raise your eyebrows
"what's this?" you ask as he held them out to you

"i said i'd make it up to you so here's your first 'make up' present" he explained

you take them from him and properly look at them as he kissed your forehead before picking up a vase to fill up

"they are beautiful" you say and he flashed a smile your way "but you know a bottle of something will go down a lot better than flowers, just saying"

"noted my darling" he chuckled putting the flowers in the vase for you and then wrapped his arms around you

"i love you" you say smiling up at him

he pecked your lips and smiled "i love you more"


to those who celebrate, i hope you all had a lovely Christmas 🎄

i honestly can't believe 2023 is literally around the corner it's crazy😂

i'm hoping to start doing more chapters next year and im starting to think up new ideas now, hence this chapter!

i do want to thank you all for reading and sharing your love on this book, i see all the comments and i appreciate them all!!

Happy New Year to you all!! i hope 2023 treats you kindly🎆 ♥️

until next time!

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