One for All or All for One? (...

By destiny_x17

50.7K 1.8K 387

When Kagaya introduced you to the Hashira the first thought you had was to fight. For Kagaya's sake, you'll s... More

Chapter 1 *Edited*
Chapter 2 *Edited*
Chapter 3 *Edited*
Chapter 4 *Edited*
Chapter 5 *Edited*
Chapter 7 *Edited*
Chapter 8 *Edited*
Chapter 9 *Edited*
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6 *Edited*

3.4K 136 9
By destiny_x17

A/N: Implied/Referenced Rape and child trafficking toward the last part of the chapter. You need a tragic background to match the demon slayer vibe.

A/N: Edited 05/12/2023 or 12/05/2023


The atmosphere was tense as the old man your old trainer glared at you trying to figure out who the hell you were. 

"I don't know who the hell you are but, I don't care. Get off my property." He stumbled a bit and, in a flash you were in front of him snatching the sake bottle from him with a grim look. 

"You really don't remember me Rengoku-San? The little girl you saved? The one you trained in secret? The one who you taught about sun and flame breathing? The one who you helped with her new breathing?" You tilted your head at him as he squinted up at you. His eyes widen slightly before narrowing again. You were about to say something when the breath was knocked out of you from a punch to the gut. Right in your ribs. 

"FATHER!" You heard Kyojuro's indignant scream but, you held up a hand signaling for him not to come any farther. He needed to comfort Senjuro. You stood straight up snorting a bit at the way the man was glaring at you. He was so deep in his rage and grief that he couldn't see straight.

"Of course, I remember you but, that still doesn't change my mind. Get the fuck off of my property." He took another swig of his sake but, this time he dropped it and, was winded as you punched him back in the gut. 

"GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER SHINJURO!" The punch was hard enough to knock him out momentarily. Your ribs hurt but, you turned to Kyojuro with a stern look "Kyojuro darling, please clean up his bottles. He will not need them anymore. I will put him inside and, Senjuro you can do whatever you want to feel better." You looked at the two of them as they slowly made their way inside eyes never leaving your frame. Huffing you picked up Shinjuro slinging him onto your shoulders to bring him to the living room. You placed him gently on the floor noticing how greasy his hair was and, his grey yukata was stained. He was going to shower once he woke back up. 

"...Did she really just punch Dad?" You listened in on Senjuro and Kyojuro talking lowly for once. 

"Yes, she did. They both clearly know each other but, the punch caught me off guard. It was a little funny though." They both snorted before coming back into the living room. Senjuro gave one look at you, bowed, and disappeared to his room. You kind of figured whatever was going down had nothing to do with you. 

"I'm sorry for punching your dad...He just upset me because this is not the same man who I looked up to. Who taught me so much." You were perplexed as to how this happened. You looked around the house and, the pictures of Ruka were no longer. The house lacked the touch of a woman. You put two and two together. You looked at Kyojuro with a sad smile bowing to him a bit "I am truly sorry for the loss of your mother." His eyes widen, jaw going slack a bit. You guessed he didn't expect you to figure that out as fast as you did. You're not a Hashira for no reason and, well, your past definitely helped you to read people and the room.

"How did you...Wow." He looked down with a sad smile, eyes going to his father's still frame. "I never wanted anyone to find out what happened to my dad...I was ashamed. I wanted to keep up his image. He got like this after my mother died." You thought about how he always complimented his dad, how he always claimed his dad was the best. How sometimes he would come back with little scratches on his hands and face that were not from a mission. You always figured something was wrong with Shinjuro but, you didn't think it was this. 

"I'm going to talk to him. I need to see for myself. Hear from his own mouth. You can stay or if it would be too much for you, you can snoop like Senjuro is doing." You smirked at him turning around to see Senjuro peeking around a corner making a noise at being caught. You giggled finding him quite adorable. Kyojuro also saw him finding it quite amusing. 

"What's with all the noise." You turned to the man on the floor who sat up blinking at you before sighing "So, it wasn't a dream. That actually happened." You would snort but, you were sourly disappointed in him. With the way he became and, the way he treated his sons. You turned to see Kyojuro had disappeared to more than likely listen in with Senjuro from afar. 

"Very much real Shinjuro." You watched as the man looked around before grumbling and going to stand up but, you yanked him back down on his ass. You weren't smiling. "You're a disgrace." He gritted his teeth at you. 

"You have no idea-" You tilted your head at him stopping him from continuing.

"Ruka dies and instead of continuing to be a pillar and a role model for the two beautiful gifts she left behind for you, you became the opposite. You allowed alcohol to consume your entire being and, instead of being a normal father and, admitting that you're scared of Kyojuro dying you belittle him, call him useless and worthless. Instead of encouraging Senjuro to pick up a Nichiren blade again because not even you were able to make it change color the first time around you discouraged Senjuro from ever doing it again. Doing anything really. I get it. You're scared of them dying and, instead of being normal, loving them, being there for them, being close you do the opposite. This only makes Kyojuro want to prove even more that he is not useless, he is not worthless, and he is more than just your Omegan son. He is a person who wants his father's approval. You mean the world to him but, you're only making him want to love you from a distance instead of up close." It was quiet for a few as he just stared at you shaking. The whole house was quiet enough for you to hear the crickets outside. 

"I lost my best friend." You nodded your head in understanding. 

"They lost their mother too. Depression is a bitch. Anxiety is a bitch. Not wanting to lose the only family you have left must be never-ending torture. You must remember though that they were young when they lost their mother. Kyojuro was unable to learn how to properly emote, how to nest, and how it's okay to embrace his secondary nature. Instead, he hates it. He hates that he is not an Alpha like you and Senjuro. You did this to him. You didn't allow him to nest, you didn't allow him to seek comfort, and you just negatively impacted everything about him while drinking your life away. It's a miracle that you're even still here. Do you even care if you die? How do you think that would make Senjuro feel? Kyojuro? They still love you and, they wish every day to have their old dad back. Not the one that berates them, not the one that throws empty sake bottles and, they have to dodge the shards that explode out when it hits the wall." You got closer to the man who refused to meet your eyes. "Where's the strong, brave Shinjuro that saved that hurt, petrified young girl who was covered in mud and her own blood? The one who nursed her back to health and, made her strong? Don't you think Senjuro and Kyojuro deserved that man? The man I call my hero to this day?" You were done talking knowing Kyojuro and Senjuro heard everything. You really hoped Shinjuro took what you said to heart. 

"...May you please give me some time." You nodded giving the man a kind smile when he looked up at you before getting up. 

"Let me say bye to your children first and, then I will leave your property." When you got the affirmative you went to where you heard the two run off. You made it to a room and, knocked softly before entering seeing the two of them looking at pictures while huddled together. They looked up when you entered the room. "Your father asked me kindly to leave so, I will see you hopefully on a mission Kyojuro and, it was a pleasure to meet the boy who is Kyojuro's light." You smiled gently at the two of them bowing and turning to leave before throwing over your shoulder "The two of you are very good boys. Anyone would be blessed to know you." You turned to look Kyojuro in the eye "I am forever grateful for the way I care about you Kyo." With one final smile, you left the two boys, passing by Shinjuro who still hasn't moved and exiting the Rengoku household followed by leaving the property. 


It was a while since you were able to be with Kyojuro but, when you did he seemed to be smiling more and, gravitated to you a whole lot more. You didn't mind you found him rather cute and, you'll be a liar if you said you didn't think about dating him. 

"Y/N-Chan!" You turned to Uzui-San who was smiling at you pretty widely. He was another one who got attached to you. If you didn't know any better you would say he was competing for your attention but, that would be rather presumptuous of you. "Would you like to go out for drinks?" He always asked you that knowing full well you don't like to drink. You'll indulge this one time. 

"Sure, want to bring the others?" Tengen looked surprised that you agreed and that's when Kyojuro joined the conversation. 

"I would love to come! I'll see if anyone else wants to join." You smiled turning around to go get Shinobu missing the way that Kyo and Tengen were glaring at each other before following you. You came across Shinobu in her studies who quickly agreed. It didn't take long to get the others while Muichiro chose to hang out with Genya. Even Gyomei joined which was surprising to you but, you loved it. 

"I can't believe all of you agreed to this." You turned to all of them smiling turning back to Mitsuri who was clinging onto your arm talking a mile a minute. You guys decided to go to Tengen's guest Estate which was a surprise to you but, it made sense. Hell, Giyu was even here even though he was trailing behind. You didn't like that. "Giyu~" You sing songed his name beckoning him to the front with a finger. You watched as he maneuvered to where you were with ease watching in surprise as you swept him up in your arms quickly to rub your noses together before setting him back down. His red face was more than worth it. 

"I didn't know he can turn that red." Mitsuri opened the floodgates for the teasing and before you knew it all of you were at Uzui's guest Estate which was bigger than his own Estate. You were pretty sure that the personal one was more for his wives privacy and this was for him. Once inside he disappeared and, brought out some giant glasses and a bunch of sake. 

"Let's get drunk!" Most of them had a pretty high tolerance for alcohol. You believed only you, Kyojuro, and Giyu didn't. The others did. Were you really about to drink? 

"I'm a lightweight." It was the truth. Two drinks and that's it you're out of it. It seemed nobody was paying attention as you were given a giant glass right along with Kyojuro who grimaced but, took a polite sip. You drank yours at a bigger speed but, not the way the others were. Before you knew it, you down your glass and, grabbed Kyojuro's downing his. You were going to regret this immensely. You felt the shivers gagging at the taste causing Kyo to look at you with concern. 

"Why did you do that? I thought you were a lightweight?" You smiled at Kyojuro patting his head and trying to keep the liquor down.

"I most definitely am and, I most definitely will be drunk and probably say stupid shit. I hope. I drank yours because you don't like drinking." You smiled at him already kneeling forward almost laying on him. It was already starting and, you didn't like it. You were rocking quite a bit.

"You're okay over there Y/N?" You turned to the voice not sure who said it but, nodded with your eyes closed. What kind of liquor was this? 

"What, you gave me?" You wanted to know why and how it hit you so hard and fast. Your vision was already blurring. You weren't about to remember anything from this night. 

"Uh, you just had straight sake." You groaned leaning forward more until your forehead was touching the floor. You heard movement and, were pulled against someone's chest. You rested there for the rest of the night while someone was holding and caressing your hand and arms. It felt nice and had you smiling. 

"Let's play a truth game!" Mitsuri was excited and, loved playing games. She went first and the way the game was that everyone asked a question and, everyone in the room had to answer honestly. Also, whatever was said in this room would stay amongst them. You answered to the best of your ability not really caring or paying attention to what comes out of your mouth. 

"It's your turn Tengen!" Shinobu had just gone and chose Tengen who was grinning. 

"Everyone has to tell a secret they've been hiding! Starting with me. I really hate my damn dad and wish the old bastard would croak!" It seemed the only ones really inebriated, were you? Everyone else went and, when it was your turn you just let whatever your mind conjured up out.

"My mom abandoned me for my brother forcing himself on me to the Entertainment District and worked as a Courtesan from ages 8 to 14." You hummed going to grab the hand that stopped rubbing your leg. "Soft hands, Nice and soft." You didn't understand anything you were really saying you just wanted warmth. 

"...What?" You were unaware of the way everyone stopped drinking and, was just staring at you with various looks of horror. 

"Yes, I was not paid with money since I lived there. They paid me for three meals and a bed. It was more than I had before." You hummed at the feel of hands gripping you around the middle and arms squeezing you. You loved the warmth. "I hate drinking cause when it hurt too much or too many at once they made me drunk so I can be compliant." You heard retching and reached out wanting to comfort someone. "Someone sick? Come. Hugs."

"I'm never drinking again." It was Giyu who vomited and, did as you told coming to you for hugs but, he wrapped himself around you in hugs. 

"Who was it? I will kill them." You hummed a bit reaching a hand out not noticing everyone was huddled around you now trying to touch you in any way they can. Mitsuri was crying holding one of your hands to her face and placing soft kisses on your fingers.

"Ummm, hmm I can't remember most of them were villagers. Some of them are or were slayers and fathers. Some mothers as well. Don't remember." You hummed leaning back against the person whose lap you were in. "Sleepy. Cuddle." You were smothered but, you loved it. You were covered head to toe with bodies feeling kisses being placed all over your skin but, you didn't mind it. You loved it. You fell asleep amongst the ball of Hashira who just found out something they never would have imagined would have happened to you. They vowed to protect you from now on.


What are your guy's thoughts? Was the twist expected? What do you think Shinjuro is going to do?

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