Karlnapity Parent AU

By NinoDontForgetIt

40.9K 1.1K 1.6K

What happens if Karl, Sapnap and Quackity receive a little bundle of joy at their doorstep. A one year-old ki... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 7

2.8K 84 165
By NinoDontForgetIt

Today was Tommy's first day of pre-school, how the years go by. Just yesterday Tommy met Ranboo but that was actually 2 years ago. The boy was a thriving 5 year old but Tommy is different than the other kids. Academically different, he knows how to read, write and solve math problems. Hell this boy could speak English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and all the languages of the nether, he even learned enchantments from Ranboo. He's way more advance than a little baby pre-schooler, as he likes to say.

"Do I have to go to pre-school? Can't I go straight to elementary?" The boy complained. Quackity shook his head, "No and our decision is final, if you're bored entertain yourself," the older spoke causing Tommy to sigh. Quackity helped tie the ribbon to Tommy's yukata before standing up. "All finished," the older said with a slight grunt. Tommy looked up at his mother and Quackity found him adorable. "Aww look at you~" he cooed picking the boy up in his arms. Tommy was still a bit sour from their earlier encounter.

The younger boy is still small, he looks like a baby. He isn't a normal size or height as a regular toddler. Sapnap's answer? "Tommy is growing at a pace that female netherians do. He will be fine, he will just grow slower." End quote. Quackity doesn't believe it for a second, maybe there is something wrong with Tommy. He's asked the younger multiple times but Tommy keeps repeating the same things, "I'm fine, so stop asking! Your words are making me shorter!" Karl laughed at the last part, he wasn't expecting that in a serious moment. He apologized and walked out the room before laughing himself silly.

Quackity looked at Tommy's long black hair, the tips of it was brown from the decoloring of the sun. His hair was long, to his lower back long. "Are you sure you don't want a trim?" Quackity asked taking the boy out of his room. "Positive," he replied back without hesitation. Quackity sighed, "Sorry if it seems homophobic but you're a bit girly," Quackity spoke to Tommy. "That is the point," the younger clarified. "Really? Do you not like being a boy?" Quackity asked walking down the stairs. "I do, I just prefer feminine clothes and I'd much prefer feminine features," he spoke. This is not the vocabulary of a five year old, is all Quackity could think.

"Well whatever makes you happy Toms, just don't burn shit down," Quackity spoke with a slight laugh. Tommy softly smiled, "Would Papa and Daddy let me wear what I want?" Tommy asked tilting his head to the side slight. Tommy always craved the approval of his father's especially Sapnap. "Of course they would Tommy, why wouldn't they?" Quackity asked walking towards the living room. "I don't want them to think any less of me..." Tommy spoke with a hint of sadness. That's what his late father did, he didn't like Tommy's choice of clothing but his mother did.

"Dress the boy, how a boy should dress! If I see even a bow on his head, I'll punish all of you!" The older man yelled at the maids. They all bowed, "Yes my lord," they spoke with fear in their voices. The man left the room, leaving Tommy and the maids. Tommy didn't quite understand what was going on but he remembers it like the back of his hand. One of his maids sighed before walking over to Tommy's closet. The other two quickly made their way to Tommy. The maid that was at the closet came back with a shorts and a white button up.

Tommy looked at the pair of clothes with disdain. He wanted to wear a dress, "I'm sorry my prince but your father says we have to dress you in this attire," the maid explained, which didn't make Tommy any easier. Tommy burst out crying, he was having a hissy fit. "Prince..." One of the maids spoke with a hint of sadness. They sighed before dressing the fussy boy. Tommy has had a slight distain for his father ever since. At least his mother allowed him to have flowers in his hair or skirts or dresses. It's just the damn old man who had problems.

"Thomas, tierra a Thomas, (Tommy, earth to Tommy) " Quackity spoke resting the boy down on a seat in the kitchen. Tommy blinked before looking up at his mother, "¿Sí mamá?" The younger asked looking up at the man. "You seem out of it, are you alright?" Quackity asked starting up on breakfast. Tommy stayed quiet and shrugged, even though he knew Quackity couldn't see him. Quackity let out a hum before fluttering his wings. "You can always talk to me mijo, but I'm not going to pressure you," Quackity spoke heating up some French toast.

"Se (I know)" Tommy spoke with a sigh. Tommy remembers everything, from the day he opened his eyes to the day he was adopted. Usually babies tend to loose those memories but Tommy always remembers. Tommy sighs, "What's going on with you TomTom?" Karl asked walking into the kitchen. He ruffled up the boys hair before sitting next to him. Tommy runs his hands through his hair, fixing it back with an irritated face. "I'm fine," Tommy replied, his vein popped out of his head.

He prefers to stay neat and clean, his hair was perfectly combed before Karl messed it up. "You sure?" The older asked picking up the newspaper from off the table. "Positive," Tommy responded with a fake smile that twitched every now and then. Tommy breathed in, before he breathed out, "Trickling water, like a peaceful rain," Tommy whispered to himself. When Tommy gets too upset he tends to ignite into flames. He nearly burnt down a playground because of it. A kid kept mocking his accent and it slowly irritated him. He didn't say anything, he kept reminding himself, the moment he responded, is the moment that kid won. Soon enough he saw red and ignited, guess they won.

Sapnap had to rush in to get him before he damaged anything or anyone. Let's just say Tommy doesn't like the playground. Even though his parents didn't ban him, he banned himself unless Ranboo goes, then he goes. Quackity interrupted Tommy's thoughts by resting a plate of French toast with maple syrup, apple slices and hot chocolate. "Gracias mamá," Tommy spoke before he picked up a fork and started eating. "De nada amor, (You're welcome love)" he replied with a smile. Quackity rest down a plate for himself, Karl and Sapnap.

On cue, Sapnap stepped in the kitchen, he was wearing a black leotard inside his black, baggy, army pants and white socks. He had a black harness under his pecs and pressed on his upper back, it was coming around his arms like a backpack. You could clearly see Sapnap's orange dragon tattoo on his left arm. It started from his upper arm and came down to above his wrist. Tommy would love to have a tattoo like that but preferably on his chest to his back. But he couldn't get a tattoo, oh willy nilly, it had to have meaning. Sapnap's tattoo represents his fire, force and impact that he has on his allies and foes. A protector, a person with knowledge and a guide but when crossed is a raging fire that destroys even the highest of authority.

What represents Tommy? A question that a 5 year old should never ask himself. Every netherian he's seen has a tattoo that connects with them. His father had a pile of corpses with a sword at the top, piercing a man to his death. The sword had a flag with a cross on it, that was located on his back. His mother had a crystal ball tattoo on her chest. If you couldn't guess, she could predict future events. What could Tommy do? Get angry at trivial things, sounds like it. Tommy mindlessly ate his food before drinking his hot cocoa, it didn't even burn his tongue anymore. He's gotten used to such a warm pain, plus it never hurt anybody.

Quackity was curious on what goes on inside that little head of Tommy's. Honestly any real parents would get concerned over their children, so it isn't unjustified for Quackity to feel the same. Right? No matter how many, "I'm fine's" Tommy says, it just doesn't sound right. He's talked about it with Sapnap and Karl but they just say that he's over exaggerating. Quackity would show them over exaggerating when he shoves his foot up their asses. The older rolled his eyes at the thought of it.

Soon enough the three adults finished eating and Sapnap had to clean the wares. Tommy grabbed his backpack while Quackity adjusted his red tie. The man wore a white button up with black overalls that had a grey stripes design. He slipped on his black dress shoes before fixing his golden cuffs. Karl was wearing regular Kinko Kingdom apparel. He wore a scarlet crimson kimono that turned into a golden yellow at the bottom. The golden yellow pattern was the markings of swirls and wind. He put on the corresponding haori to go with it. The cardigan was long and black with large sleeves, the bottom of the sleeves and the trims of the coat had the golden swirls on it.

Lastly Karl adjusted his large cotton ball necklace. Held on by red string with three large cotton balls hovering over his chest. The man then slipped on his black and yellow sandals. Karl is more of a purple kinda guy but since it's the first day of pre-school plus he is the king of Kinoko, he has to dress this way. If he didn't, he would gladly roll around the streets in a fuckin' hoodie. Sapnap placed his katana in his sheath before grabbing his large, brown, hat with white talisments with red ink writing on it. 殺す which translates to 'kill'. Sapnap lastly strapped on his storage of arrows across his chest before slipping into his black boots, with orange flames on the heels and base. Sapnap stored his bow in the midst of his arrows, call it a delusion if you must.

But what might be the reason for such heavy precautions? The kingdom's crime rates have risen a lot in the past 2 years. Safe to some degree if you ask Tommy. Tommy slipped on his geta sandals which added only an inch of height to him. "Ready?" Karl asked looking down at the younger boy. Tommy shook his head, "Yes," he spoke softly. His mood was way better than it was earlier this morning. I guess the clear skies method truly does work. The four of them walked out of their house, Quackity locked the door behind them as they went. Tommy held onto Sapnap and Karl's hands as he walked.

He isn't embarrassed or ashamed of expressing love to his parents. Hell even if he turns 16 he would still want kisses from his mother. He wouldn't mind cuddling up to his fathers at 23. What was he to be ashamed about? The walk from daycare to home wasn't so far, only 20 minutes. It would be faster by horse back but exercise never hurt anyone. "Alrighty Tommy, I have some rules to set for you," Sapnap was the first one to speak, which attracted the younger's attention.

"They are?" Tommy asked looking at the path before him so he doesn't slip. "No burning things down, first and foremost," Sapnap spoke, it was an obvious rule. "What happens if I can't help it?" Tommy asked looking up at the older. "Well try to," Sapnap spoke. "Am I going to turn into Elsa?" Tommy asked looking up at the older. Karl immediately got the reference and had to stop himself from laughing his ass off. Quackity was the second one to get it before he started snickering which caused Karl to giggle. "What? What makes you like Elsa?" Sapnap asked with a raised eyebrow and a slight scrunched up face.

"Conceal don't feel, don't let them know. They're going to know daddy," Tommy spoke looking up at the older, he slightly sang the first sentence before speaking normally. Karl couldn't hold it in anymore, he burst out laughing with Quackity following after. Sapnap was now irritated, "You got jokes huh?" The older grit his teeth. Tommy smiled, "I do," he spoke. "Don't get smart with me Tommy," Sapnap warned with a slight fire in his eyes. It's not what it sounds like, Sapnap isn't abusive whatsoever. Of course there would be times where Sapnap had to hit Tommy in the back of his head, to knock some sense into him, but which parent hasn't? Tommy winces at the thought, Sapnap hits hard too.

A little too hard for Tommy's liking if he must add. "Sorry," the boy lowered his tail a bit in submission. Sapnap let out a hum, Karl and Quackity finished laughing and started listening to the conversation. "Make sure to get your work done, don't deem it off as boring if it's too easy," Sapnap sighed. "Why must I sit through torture? Is this a new form of corporal punishment that I wasn't aware of? Tell me what I did wrong and I'll fix it," Tommy spoke with pleading in his eyes. "Ranboo will be there," Karl added. "I have suddenly changed my mind," Tommy spoke looking forward to his destination. Sapnap laughed slightly, "Okay Tommy," he spoke. Quackity and Karl were just giggling, Tommy was a comedian and at such a young age too.

He knew what to say, to make anyone laugh or to lighten a heavy atmosphere. "What's the biggest rule I have for you Tommy?" Sapnap asked reminding the boy. "Not to mention that my parents are the leaders of Kinoko Kingdom," Tommy repeated it like it was the words of the Bible. Tommy had never spoken a word about whom his parents are or were. It's none of people's business who he affiliates with. He's expressed this multiple times but Sapnap rather be safe than sorry. At this age Tommy is still unable to defend himself, and he could possibly be kidnapped or even worse killed out of spite of government. Sapnap would never forgive himself if he allowed such a thing to happen, so he resides in the shadows, they all do.

That's one of the reasons why they are taking one of the alleyway paths instead of the main ones. Of course they showed Tommy the main path already for when he travels by himself but since they're here, he doesn't need to. "Good," Sapnap spoke before looking up, he saw the school in his eye sight. They walked a bit closer before they came to a full stop, "Alright, this is as far as we could take you," Sapnap spoke letting go of the boy's hand and kneeling down. "Sorry we can't be there but we wish you a happy first day," Sapnap smiled before kissing Tommy's forehead. Quackity and Karl knelt down and kissed Tommy's cheeks, "We wish you a happy first day as well," they spoke with a smile. Tommy hugged all three of them which caused all of them to grin even more.

Tommy departed from the hug, "Bye mamá, papa and daddy," Tommy spoke before leaving down the path. "Bye Tommy, we love you," Karl spoke with a slight wave. The three adults stood up and watch their child enter the school compound. They then left without a trace, Tommy felt their presence disappear. He looked around the golden gated entrance, the school was pretty large. Probably because the people here have multiple children, at this point they don't know what to do with themselves more than to just have 'fun'. Tommy then heard the sound of an endermen grunt, Tommy looked at the source to find a scared Ranboo hiding behind a wall of one of the surrounding buildings.

Tommy let out a hum before stepping towards the older. "Are you okay Ranboo?" Tommy asked them. They shook their head, "I-I'm a little scared. Especially since mama and papa aren't here," they spoke quietly, the more they did is the more he shrank down. "Well come inside with me then, we can walk together," Tommy spoke holding out his hand. Ranboo quickly took it and latched onto the younger. "It's okay Ranboo, I got you," Tommy spoke softly walking towards the entrance.

One of the teachers by the entrance saw them and walked over. "Where are you two boys' parents?" She asked looking at them before looking around. "They dropped us off," Tommy spoke looking up at the woman. She had golden brown hair with orange eyes and almond brown skin. Her cheeks were a rosy red along with her lips. She wore a white yukata with pink accents on the hem and a bow. She had a black land yard badge around her person. "Well, come inside, I'll take you two to your class," she spoke with a bright smile. Tommy nodded before following after the older woman.

"May I warn you next time not to follow strangers, who knows who might of got to you," she spoke walking through the doors. "I followed you because of your land yard, you're a teacher right?" he asked. "You are quite observant, nice to know I do not have to worry about you," she spoke softly. They went down the large hallways with cream coloured walls. The halls had animal drawings on it, monkies, pandas, tigers, giraffes. Tommy scrunched up his face at the display, the colours are too bright and obnoxious. He wish he could say it was flamboyant but flamboyant looks better than that. "We are here, this is Sir Kiyoshi's room. He would be your homeroom teacher and guide throughout your time here," she spoke with a smile.

Ranboo was hesitant to even step forward, he isn't good with new people. "No need to feel frightened, c'mon let's all step inside," she smiled before walking into the already open birch door. When they were inside they saw around 10 children. Majority were boys than girls but it was fine either way. Sir Kiyoshi was sitting on a futon in front of the children. He smiled and talked with them to ease their tension. The man was very young, looked to be in his early 20's. He had long, sunset, hair that reached down to his lower back. He had dark golden brown skin, that had traces of make-up on it.

Well he did have orange eye shadow on with purple blush staining his cheeks. He didn't wear any lipstick though but his black eye liner did wonders. Tommy had to know his make-up secrets... Sir Kiyoshi looked over at the entrance with a curious look before he smile. He glowed slightly, his sunset kimono matched him entirely. Ranboo's nerves immediately settled when looking at him. "Hello there, are you two my students as well?" He spoke. His voice was soft as well, he was the definition of a cotton ball. "Yes they're Sir Kiyoshi," the female teacher replied with a smile. The young man let out a hum, "Come join us," he gestured for Tommy and Ranboo to walk over. They both walked over and sat on two futons that were beside each other.

"Ohayō gazaimasu! (Good morning!) Sir Kiyoshi spoke. "Ohayō gazaimasu!" The children spoke back including Tommy and Ranboo. "May I know the names of our two new friends?" The man asked. All eyes landed upon Ranboo and Tommy, Ranboo doesn't like to be stared at so he shakes a little. Tommy notices and wraps his tail around Ranboo's. "My name is Thomas Simons and beside me is Ranboo Endermine," he spoke for the both of them. The man smiled, he noticed Ranboo's distress and decided not to pressure him. "Well it's nice to meet you two, my name is Kiyoshi Hinata but call me Sir Kiyoshi or Sensei," the older spoke. "Yes Sir Kiyoshi," Tommy spoke, his straight face did not falter. Sir Kiyoshi took note of Tommy's demeanour, "Feel free to chat amongst yourselves as we wait for the rest of your classmates," the older man smiled. "Will you be okay Ranboo?" Tommy asked glancing over at the enderman.

"As long as people don't stare," he spoke quietly. "People will stare because they're intrigued. I don't mean to alarm you but all the boys in the back are staring at us," Tommy spoke glancing back but his head didn't turn. He saw five boys staring at them, one was disgusted, one was angry and the rest were curious. Ranboo shook a bit, "Do not fear humans Ranboo," Tommy spoke softly. "I know but-" he spoke before Tommy cut him off. "There is no buts, it's law, they're forbidden to harm you. Such a thing was set in place for us, if they lay their fingers wrong, tell me," Tommy spoke. Ranboo hesitantly nodded his head, "I understand," Ranboo spoke. "Raise your head," Tommy spoke and Ranboo followed, "Square your shoulders," he spoke again and Ranboo followed, "Sit up straight," Tommy spoke and Ranboo followed.

Ranboo's new position made him look confident, like he could take on anything. "Do not let fear control you, you control fear," Tommy spoke taking a fan out of his bag. He opened up his red fan and covered the lower half of his face. Tommy had the posture of a noble or high ranking lady, everyone around him could tell by the way he acted. The two of them stayed in content silence, nothing swept their minds, only the presence of a companion. Tommy could hear the rustling of people in the back, he heard the boys coming behind them. "May I assist you five?" Tommy asked not even looking in their direction. "If you are going to speak at least look at the person you are conversating with," the blonde haired boy spoke first.

His facial expression of disgust never left him once. Tommy closed his fan and pressed it against his lips before glancing over to the side. "Is my attention what you seek?" He asked narrowing his eyes. His long raven black eyelashes complemented him as he spoke. The other four boys' face tinted a slight pink. Tommy caught on to the four boy's reactions quickly, he then smiled. "My apologies for my rudeness, you have my attention you now. You may speak," Tommy spoke with a slight amusement. "I must request your permission to speak?" The blonde spoke with slight irritation as his eyebrow raised. "Take it as you will," Tommy spoke.

The boy scoffed, "What are persons like you doing here?" He growled. "Whom are we like?" Tommy asked. "Beasts," the blonde spoke. "Very bold words, do you not value your education? Hasn't your parents taught you the laws of the land?" Tommy smirked before opening up his fan. The boy was at a slight lost for words before he snapped out of it. "What? Aren't I speaking factual information?" He spoke. "Isn't two of the three kings hybrids? The general Sir Sapnap, the treasurer Sir Quackity, the secretary Madam Tina, Sir Corpse, Sir George and the list goes on. Majority of the parliament are hybrids, so I ask this once more. Do you not value your education?" Tommy spoke with a smirk.

All five of the boys were impressed by Tommy's words. "Not only is she pretty, she has wits," one of the boys whispered to the others and they all agreed. Ranboo was impressed as well, he knew Tommy was intelligent with his words but this is something else. "Well- I-" the boy spoke with a stutter. "I think I've heard enough," Sir Kiyoshi spoke, he was listening to the entire conversation. "Discrimination of any kind is not allowed in school or in government. I will let you off with a warning but refrain from doing this again," the man spoke. His voice didn't waver nor was it sweet as before.

The blonde boy began to get nervous, "Yes Sensei," he spoke quietly. "Come let us start with our class," he spoke with a smile. Everyone sat on their futons, "Let us start with introductions since everyone was not here before. My name is Kiyoshi Hinata but call me Sir Kiyoshi or Sensei. Let us start with you," he spoke looking at the girl in the front row. She had black hair, blue eyes and white porcelain skin. She wore a simple pink yukata with wooden sandals. "My name is Ming Hu," she spoke with a slight bow. The girl next to her looked exactly the same, "My name is Ling Hu," the girl spoke with a slight bow. "Nice to meet you sensei," they both spoke at the same time.

Tommy shivered a bit, they're creepy... One by one, students introduced themselves. Tyler King, Lori Brown, Richard Nixon, Rose Hibiki and many, many, many more names. Sir Kiyoshi clasped his hands together, "Wonderful! I have such brave students!" He smiled, "Sorry to drop this on a first day but it's mandatory to take this assessment test," Sir Kiyoshi spoke snapping his fingers. A stack of tests papers appeared in his hands along with tables being placed in front of the children's futons. Sir Kiyoshi got up and handed out the test papers, "I hope you all could read and write. If not tell me now please," Sir Kiyoshi spoke placing a paper on Tommy's desk. Nobody raised their hands, "Alright then," Sir Kiyoshi smiled placing the last test paper down. He snapped his fingers again, an ink and quill appeared on their desks.

"You have until lunchtime to complete this assessment, it will tell us which class to put you in and what improvements that you need to take. With nothing more said, you may begin," Sir Kiyoshi spoke. Tommy and Ranboo were the first to pick up their quills. They dipped their quills before writing their name at the top of the paper before starting their test. The first section was math which was baby stuff, in Tommy's opinion. Like 5 + 5 and 3 + 6, Tommy nearly rolled his eyes until he was met with multiplication and division. His eyes sparkled as he saw the problems before him, "Finally a challenge!" Tommy spoke to himself with a smirk.

Sir Kiyoshi was looking around the classroom, he saw Tommy's expression and questioned it. Usually children hate learning, maybe Tommy was different? He then watched at Ranboo who was calm despite his earlier display. He wrote down the answers without hesitation, which means he knows what he's doing. Some of the other children had a bit of trouble by the expressions on their face. Tommy passed the first section and made it to the next, english. It mainly consisted of structure questions or poems or fill in the blanks.

Ranboo had a bit of a struggle in this section but he managed. There was a passage called the tortoise and the hare, it's easy enough to depict the story by just reading the first paragraph. Tommy filled in all the questions before flipping to the next page. He raised an eyebrow at the next section, do they teach traditional Chinese now? He brushed it off and solve the questions, mainly structure, greeting and phrases. This is the section that Ranboo was surprisingly good at, his mother made sure to teach him about the traditional languages of this country. Sir Kiyoshi watched as the children struggled with a certain part of the test.

The man stood up and walked around the classroom. "Seems like they've made it to section three," the man spoke to himself. He watched Ranboo and Tommy's paper to see that they're already at the last section. He smiled before turning his attention to the rest of the students. The last section consisted of modern business. It was a bit of an advanced topic especially for pre-schoolers... But Tommy had a mother who specializes in business, so it was a piece of cake. Tommy ended up finishing the last question. So much for difficult I guess... Ranboo followed after, they both flipped through their papers to see if they missed or got anything wrong.

Once deemed sufficient, they closed their test papers and placed down their quills. Tommy wagged his tail in satisfaction for his answers. Ranboo was more mellow about his excitement but you could hear him chirp every now and then. Sir Kiyoshi looked over at the two, he was a bit surprised. He approached them, "Are you two finished? Sir Kiyoshi questioned. "Yes Sensei," the two replied looking up at the older. The man smiled before picking up the papers, he snapped his fingers and in return the desk along with the ink and quill were gone.

"Sir Kiyoshi," Tommy called looking up at the man. He was about to walk off before he heard Tommy. He looked back and walked over, "Yes Thomas?" The man asked. "Are you a hybrid, a wizard, a witch, a sorcerer, a magician?" Tommy asked listing out the possible conclusions. Sir Kiyoshi laughed, "You are right, I am a sorcerer," he spoke with a smile. Tommy's eyes lit up, "Can I learn from you?" He asked. "When your test scores return, I will think about it," the older spoke with a smile. Tommy nodded before Sir Kiyoshi walked to the front of the class.

Tommy was beyond excited, so much his tail couldn't stop wagging. Ranboo had to wrap his tail around Tommy in order to calm him down. Tommy bowed an apology before settling down. Soon enough the other children finished and in result Sir Kiyoshi collected their papers. "Well done, I can tell that all of you have answered all the questions. I give an A for effort," Sir Kiyoshi smiled. "Uh- Sensei? Effort starts with E..." Ming Hu spoke tilting her head. "It is a saying Ms. Hu," Sir Kiyoshi awkwardly smiled. "Oh, soca (I see)" she replied. "Since you all have done so well, why don't we go play on the playground?" Sir Kiyoshi suggested with a smile.

All the kids shouted for glee except Ranboo and Tommy. They aren't much for playing especially with other children. "Alright everyone form a single file line," Sir Kiyoshi said as he stood up. All of the children followed including Ranboo and Tommy. Once lined up, they walked out of the classroom and into the hall. They followed Sir Kiyoshi as he hummed gently down the halls. It was a peaceful melody so not many can complain. Soon enough they reached the open doors at the end. On the other side was a full playground, swings, seesaw, monkey bars, slides and many more. "Go on, have fun!" Sir Kiyoshi hyped the children up and they all ran out, well except for Ranboo and Tommy who walked inside.

Sir Kiyoshi let out a hum as he watched the two of them. Tommy walked over to a tree where the sun was barely present and sat down. Ranboo followed after, the shorter leaned on the taller which just caused Ranboo to chirp out a smile. Tommy fanned the both of them as they rested. Tommy was the first one to close his eyes and succumb to sleep. Ranboo soon fell asleep as well...


I was thinking of making it all one chapter but I was like naw, I want more views so here we are!

Fun Fact: Throughout this entire story they have been speaking Japanese, Spanish and Ender (Ranboo's language)!

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