Stuck | 18+

By whyyoucarebitch

1.2M 45.7K 3.9K

Warning: DARK ROMANCE Story contains detailed mature scenes possessing dubious consent not recommended for ag... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
not an update
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
The beginning of the end

Chapter 38

15.7K 659 69
By whyyoucarebitch

She scrubbed her hands thoroughly, washing the dirt off and as she did, she couldn't help but remember the list of bacteria that lived in soil. As a fervent student back in school she had mugged up as many microbes in soil as she could.

It was the kind of fun no one related to, the nerdy activities she poured herself into to forgo the fact how empty her life truly was. For a moment she forgot that he might still stood behind her probably watching her like a pervert.

She discarded the flooding information about tiny microbes at the back of her mind, focusing on task at hand. Satisfied with her cleanliness she grabbed the hanging towels beside her, wrapping one around her body and simultaneously tapping herself dry with other one. Finally turning her body she met with the scene she hadnt expected to see. Unlike her presumption that her husband in his ever so smooth posture still stood near the basin, he was gone, leaving the stick of his apple devoid of its flesh.

When did he go?

She apprehensively walked outwards, finding their suite not as she remembered exiting. The lightening thunder jolted outside their window, jumpscaring her, but what did scare her more was his silhouette that ablazed for minisecond in the Grey illumination of thunder. His sullen calmness faced their giant window sipping on something which she could only assume was alcohol. The window didn't have a magnificent view now, eiffel tower was long blurred, the glass of their window became the playground of trickling raindrops that raced with each other, penetrating the foggy texture. With heavy wind rain pounded violently on their windows, setting their own rhythm.

Without realizing that her jaw had dropped from its hinge she saw the lit candles around the room, belieing its frightening interior with a romantic gesture. In the utter darkness they looked oddly gothic. The mirrory hallucination didnt help, adding to the thrilling effect of dwelling serenity inside their suite as the thunderstorms knocked just outside. She knew it was anything but romantic and her suspicions were rendered true when her gaze followed the discrete items on bed. Her palm flew to her mouth to suppress the gasp. If she wasn't wrong in her sight lying haphazardly on bed were metallic hand cuffs and a well coiled rope. Whatever he had planned for her tonight, she realized, wasn't going to be forgettable.

Her gaze shifted back to him when he swiftly turned to her, his face only visible partially by the grace of lit candles. Without beating around the bush he spoke, his deep voice penetrating deeper in her senses. She clutched her towel a little too tightly.
"We have a communication gap don't you think?" His steps drew closer, quickening her pulse altogether.

She didn't know what to say. Communication gap was always supposed to exist between husband and wife in mafias. It wasn't a news for men to have their separate secret lives outside as their women laid in utter unconscious. Men never shared their daily happenings with their wives, expecting communication from them was as stupid as asking for attention from rocks.

And then it sunk on her.

He wasn't concerned about him not sharing anything with her but her not sharing anything with him. She couldn't breathe. A wife could never own a private life. That was simply absurd in their lifestyle.

He wants to know more about me.

She had imagined the day coming but it was a little too early for him to grow this suspicious. She took a deep breathe when he closed their distance further, intimidating her with his physique.

"Why don't we play a game?" He casually asked, setting his empty glass on the nearby table. Unbuttoning his dirty shirt now.
She gulped. She hadn't felt this scared of him until now, until the very moment that begged for her to run, run as fast as she could.
Flinging his shirt somewhere on the floor he put his right hand in his pocket, swiftly taking a black fabric out. Her vision struggled to comprehend what it was. Before she could recognize it, he was already closing on her, making their eyes connect. He liked the glimpse of fear in her eyes, he cherished that look on his people.
"What game" she whispered surprised that her throat at all managed to find a voice.
"It's simple really" he mumbled. Taking the fabric in his hand raising it to her eyes. Blinding her with it he tightened it behind her head.

The blindfold did the trick of scaring her more than she needed to. Never had she felt so helpless in her life. Not that there already wasn't too much to see in the room and the blindfold gave her a convenient excuse to not suffer his gaze, and yet she felt uncomfortable. With her vision gone, all of her senses enlivened altogether paying attention to the features of her circumstances sharper than before. The thundering rain felt closer, near her ears whispering its promises of ruining intentions, she heard her hearbeats on the backdrop of the bolts, feeling the light touch of his knuckles as they traced her cheek.

"What game" she asked again, shivering at his gentle touch, not finding it in herself to snatch the blindfold off to watch his frightening features.

"I ask you a question" he whispered in her ear, "you answer, either in yes or silence"

"Your silence will mean that you dont want to answer or your answer is simply no"

He held her shoulders and silently led her to the bed without waiting for her to react.

"Rules are simple" His tone softened unusually,

"If you say yes, I let you cum, if you remain silent...I dont"

Undoing the tuck of her towel he let it slide down, watching her nakedness. She felt the coldness on her hot skin. As much as her hands instinctively went to cover her bosoms she dared to stay still, practicing her boldness.

"Remember No lies. If you lie, I'd know"

With that he made her sit on the bed. Her hearbeats shooted every second, wondering what sick game this was. She didn't find the game even trivially threatening, considering the fact what was at stake, an orgasm. She didn't mind not orgasming the rest of her life if he was the man she was to spend it with. An orgasm wasn't the kind of bet you put on woman of her kind. She felt relaxed knowing she wasn't going to loose much if he decided to stick to the rules of his own game.

He held her hands behind her back cuffing them together while interwining them in the headboard. She instantly became locked to bed, resting her back to the headboard she wondered what was happening until she realized his next move. The swift unrolling of rope was heard before it touched her skin. With experience he bound her to bed, legs wide open and hands tied behind her back.

She felt defenseless. Her inability to move a single muscle made her look feeble, simply helpless under her master's orders who now watched his work from off the bed, appreciating the scene before him. The sight of her delicious pussy made him clench his fists, forcing the patience he ran so inadequate on. Taking yet another thing out of his pocket a smirk plastered his face, imagining her turmoil as he witnessed it with own eyes.

Her heartbeat increased when she felt the roughness of his fingers as they delicately lingered on her folds. She heard a flip of a plastic top and it's closing with a click before his hand came back on her again, this time with the lubricating gel. His hand smoothly massaged her pussy, wetting her dryness, controlling his urge to slid his fingers inside, he hesitantly pulled his arm back forwarding the device instead.

The vibrator's power was contrary to its size. In its harmless fascade of smallness it could bring women to tears.

She felt the odd sensation of intrusion unlike she had ever felt before. He started to slid it inside her pussy. Alert at something strange entering her, her thighs with reflex started to close around only to get painfully pulled back by ropes.
"Dont move" he said, seeing the fainting  colour of her face.
Once he was sure it fit rightly where it needed to, he distanced himself from the bed.
She heard the screeching of the chair as he pulled it from table to in front of their bed, sitting on it, spreading his knees wide he couldn't wait for adventure to begin.

In anticipation she was worried she might have an heart attack, whatever was happening felt far from right. The device in her vagina felt unharming, staying in place like an innocuous refugee. Only when it started to conspicuously buzz did she suddenly felt a sensation far enlivening. It took her less than a second to realize what it was. Already lubed she took a deep inhale calming her shaking breathe.

"Let's start off easy" she heard him speaking from the distance.

She was sure that he probably sat like audience, enjoying his drink while watching her crumbling down to pieces. To her dismay, he truly did, holding his phone in other hand that controlled the buzzing device, he felt more than a simple watcher.

His first question was supposed to be easy but was anything but.

"Do you love me"

It didn't feel like a question and very obviously it wasn't. He knew the answer very well. Even if he pulled the world apart she wouldn't ever love him.

She had no choice but to remain silent. She knew if she even did say yes he'll catch the lie in first question. God knows what he would put her through if she was caught so early in his game.

He smirked when he noticed a huge gulp of saliva as it passed through her throat, it was probably dry at the amount of fear he had injected in her.

When she remained silent, even when he wasn't supposed to he felt his ego scratched. And just like he had promised, he swiftly increased the frequency of the vibrator, taking his anger out in his own obscure ways.

Her breathe stucked in her throat when the vibrator buzzed with an unimaginable speed, flicking her clit in a whatever wild beat he controlled from his place. As much as she tried to she couldn't hold a desperate moan for release. Her hands struggled to get free, her thighs shook in anticipation of the forecoming event, welcoming her orgasm as it approached faster than ever. She thanked her blindfold, she couldn't imagine looking at him when she was so low in her life, helplessly forced to seek nothing but an orgasm and just as it came seconds away from taking her stressful await away, he slowed the frequency to zero, disappointing her body in an angering vigour.  Her pussy clenched around itself throbbing in need. Her juices excitedly oozing, waiting for the promising intrusion to bring the horizons closer.

She sighed, accepting his cruel ways as he had decided to inflict her way.

She realized this is how he was going to play her. Not giving an orgasm didn't only mean not giving it, it meant he would take her closer to it, like a child almost about to lick its ice cream only to get pulled away in a jerking grip, getting slapped with the reality of punishment.

He moved on to the next question, not waiting for her to recover from her previous disappointment.

"You don't want to get pregnant do you?"

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