Grian Oneshots

By Orange_Oliver

9.7K 122 245

Art isn't mine ⬆️ this is done! For more info check out the chapter named "Done :)" More

Requests and Information!
Voices-somewhat angsty
Different- very angsty
Grumbo book?-Question for you guys
I wanna try something
Dinosaur World???-normal(requests)
Dinosaur World???(part2)-normal
Done :)


940 10 105
By Orange_Oliver

^corn dog^
I dont ship the real people this is just for fun! I respect their irl relationships.
Season 7
TW:SH, Suicidal thoughts, Food, Grumbo, ED, Throwing up, Cutting.
4360 Words
Xisuma POV

<XXX starved to death>

I see this message a lot.

Early game.

Rarely do I see this message 2 weeks in, without a name.

<Xisuma: Does anyone have an idea on who that was?>
<ZombieCleo: No! Are they okay?>
<GoodTimesWithScar: We should check up on them. Can you find out who it is X?>
<Xisuma: I'll try.>

I got to work on trying to find who it was. While I searched the codes of every single hermit I came across something. It was lines in the code. It wasn't on anyone specifically it was just on the loading screen whenever I clicked on something related to situation of the mystery hermit.

Still i had no hints after going through everyone so i researched the lines.

What I found out was one of the last things I would want coming up.

A hermit is intentionally hurting themself.

"Hey Xisuma?"

I quickly got off of the search and turned around to see who it was.

Scar. I saw Scar standing there in the doorway.

"Hey Scar! What's up?"

"I thought you might be stressed out from the mystery hermit thing so i brought you some crystals!"

"Thank you Scar. Your so kind what can I do to repay you?"

"Nothing! Just make sure you spend time taking care of yourself."

"Okay Scar, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure X!"

"Can you tell the hermits we are having a meeting tomorrow? 10:00 in the morning, Shopping district. Tell them it's important and we need everyone there."

"Uhhh, okay sounds good I'll put it in chat and i'll be there tomorrow."

"Thanks Scar."

He left heading back to his base. I checked my communicator to see if he had put it in chat yet, also so i could confirm. I asked him to put it in chat because my hands hurt from looking through the codes and researching the lines.

<GoodTimesWithScar: Hey guys! X wants to have a meeting in the shopping district tomorrow at 10 in the morning. He said it's super important, everyone should be there.>

<Xisuma: Yep I said that, thanks Scar.>

<GoodTimeWithScar: Yep!>

I decided to listen to Scar and take some time for myself. I laid down on my bed and started to think of how I should do the meeting tomorrow.

I think I'll just break the news then discuss each one of the hermits with everyone one at a time. Of course I'll have the hermit we are discussing leave. If they want to discuss me they can but it would just save us time if we skip me.

Grian POV

I woke up around 2am, I must've taken a nap after I starved to death. Gosh dying takes a lot out of you.

First thing I did was open chat. I wanted to see if my coding worked. I coded it so if did something in my communicator within 5 second of dying my name wouldn't pop up in my death message.

Spoiler alert, it worked.

I also saw that X called a meeting for... In 8 hours. I decided to go back to sleep for a few more hours so I didn't look sleepy during the meeting.

I set an alarm for 7am so i'd have time to take all the precautions so no one suspected anything. I dont know what the meeting is for but i'm assuming it's about my death message.

Time Skippp

I woke up at 7 just as planned. I decided to eat something small, a few apple slices. It made me nauseous, I could feel the fat growing on my stomach. I wanted to puke it up but if I appeared a bit over weight I wouldn't be suspected.

I didn't want to be fat shamed either though so i threw on my baggiest sweater and trousers.

I looked at the time, how is it already 8:30? I sat down on my bed and started to read, I quickly got distracted by what was going on in the book which was exactly what I wanted to happen.

The last thing I want to do before a meeting is overthink and.. yeah.

As I was reading someone entered my house. I looked up and noticed it was Mumbo.

"Hey Grian! Your late for the meeting!"

"Oh! Sorry Mumbo I was distracted by my book I didn't check the time!"

"It's okay! Just follow me."

I grab some food and put my book down on a chest. Me and Mumbo made small talk as we went over to the shopping district.

"So what book were you reading?"


"That book with the vampires? You read that like a bagillion times!"

"Mumbo I will continue reading that book, for it is the only book I have."

"Then I guess I'll just have to get you a new book!"

He nudged me playfully so naturally I nudged him slightly harder.

"Grian may I remind you we are in a boat."

I nudged him slightly harder in response. He nudged me back at the same force. Apparently I have bad balance or I am just unlucky.

"Grian! Get out of the water! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

"Yep I'm Grian."

"Just get out of the water."

Mumbo pulled me out and started questioning me on why I fell in so easily.

"Why did you fall in so easily I pushed you with the same force you pushed me!"

"I've gone on a diet recently. Plus I'm not as strong as you Mumbo! Doing all your redstone things makes you strong haha!"

He just stared at me, there was a bit of blush at the top of his cheeks but I ignored it.

"We are here go to the meeting I'll take care of the boat."

I headed over to the meeting while Mumbo stayed behind to do something with the boat.

I spoke up once I got there, "Hey guys I'm here!"

"Finally! Where is Mumbo?" Xisuma Spoke up.

"He's doing something over by the boat."

"Okay when he get's here we will start the meeting."

Eventually Mumbo got there. He sat down next to Iskall, I didn't hear what Iskall said but Mumbo hid his face while Iskall laughed.

Xisuma spoke up again, "Hey guys! I'm sorry to call you all into a meeting this suddenly but I have something really important to tell you." All the hermit's around the table started whispering to each other. "We have a hermit that need's our help. As you can guess this started with the mystery hermit that starved yesterday. Usually I would message the hermit see that they are okay but from the fact that I found nothing they most likely covered it up." Everyone started looking to each other worriedly and I started talking to Scar who was next to me.

"Hey Scar who do you think the starving hermit is?"

"I dont know Grian, we should listen."

"Okay, good idea."

Once everyone quieted down again Xisuma spoke up. "I saw something as I was going through to try to figure out who it was, we have a hermit who is hurting themselves."


Short Time skippp

I zoned out for the next half hour? Maybe it was an hour I don't know.

They were going in alphabetical order. The person we were talking about left the room and we spent around 10 minutes talking about them. I pitched in every once in awhile. Scar is out right now which means I'm next. They seem suspicious about Scar. They are talking about all of Scar's scars.

Mumbo:"Didn't he get those scars before he joined the server though? Plus he hasn't gotten any new ones since joining."

Xisuma:"I think so but we have to consider the fact that people can cut on their thighs, arms, and stomachs."

Mumbo:"I guess your right.."

Xisuma:"Okay I think we are done with Scar, Grian can you go outside and get Scar to come in, one of us will get you when we are done."

I responded with a simple "Okay." I went outside the building to go get Scar.

"Hey Scar, you can go inside now they are talking about me now."

"What did they think of me?" Scar slowly turned around to face me.

"..." I hesitated before responding, "They think your the starving hermit."

He looked insanely worried and sad so I told him to tell me what was on his mind.

He starting venting to me about how he was worried this would happen because of his Scars. How he had hurt himself in his previous server but stopped the second he got here. He let it all out. I hugged him and then Iskall came out to check on us.

Iskall:"Oh Scar! Are you okay?"

Scar:"Yea just had to get some things off my chest, thanks Grian."

I responded by giving him a hug and slightly pushing him over to the door.

They went inside while I sat and waited.

I sat there while they talked about me inside. I was REALLY curious about what they were saying. Then the overthinking started.

"What if they find out it you?"
"Will they kick you out of hermitcraft?"
"They don't want to deal with your problems."
"They hate you."

I don't believe any of them will happen. After all  I am the Jungle Bandit.

Happy go lucky Grian with his happy past, bright smile, and parrots.

They say that's what I am, so that is who I am. They don't need the truth.

I heard the sound of the door opening. I quickly became aware of my tears and wiped them off.

"Hey Grian! Go inside your discussion is over."

I must've done a good job hiding the fact that I was crying because the hermits didn't question me on anything.

I zoned out for the rest of the meeting. Once the meeting was done I went in the boat with Mumbo as we started rowing over to the jungle.

They must've thought it was Scar as their final decision because they asked him to stay behind.

Mumbo spoke up breaking the silence.

"H-hey Grian?"

"Yea Mumbo?"

"I was wonder if I could maybe.."

His voice got quieter so i couldn't hear him.

"What? Sorry I didn't hear that last part."

"I was wondering if I could stay in your base for a bit. You see my base kinda got exploded by a creeper before I left for the meeting."

"Okay sure! Do you have a bed? I could make you one but if you have one it would save materials."

"Yea I have a bed."

We continued small talk for the rest of the boat ride. It was quite nice.

Once we got to my my hobbit hole I brought him inside and told him he could put his bed on the other side of my room. Next to some of my shulker boxes.

It was late, we had spent a lot of time at that meeting discussing a lot of things. The sun was now setting.

I gave Mumbo some extra golden carrots I had from my villagers. He ate some golden carrots while I ate an apple saying I ate a lot before the meeting.

We laid down in our separate beds, and I forgot he was there. He wasn't snoring, he wasn't making noise of any kind. He was just sleeping there.

But I didn't remember that.

All I knew were the thought's in my head.

"You ate? Your such a pig! Go throw up right now!"
"Yeah and throw some cut's in while your at it!"
"No one is here, no one will know."
"Everyone hates you. No one cares."

These thoughts repeated in my head for a few hours.

It was a loop. I finally gave in.

I sat up looking around the room I saw my bed, A pile of shulker's, the carpet, and 2 doors.

I wandered over to the bathroom door. Opened it and closed it. Not carefully, just not loudly or quickly.

I sat down by the toilet, opened the lid and started ejecting. My throat was burning but I continued. I don't want to be fat.

When I was finally done I stood up. I quickly fell to the floor. My balance was off. I crawled over to the toilet, closed the lid and flushed.

I attempted to stand again I was able to but I was still off balance and didn't want to fall so I sat on the toilet.

I opened up the secret drawer I made. I made the secret drawer after Scar asked to use my bathroom and almost found out. Thankfully I was able to make an excuse. Plus there wasn't any blood on that knife I had washed it.

I grabbed the knife and pushed the knife to my wrist thinking of all the reasons I should be doing this. The thoughts were praising me.

"Good! Good!"
"Yes! Continue you deserve this!"
"Cut deeper! Maybe you'll bleed to death and do the hermits a favor!"

I continued cutting. I didn't cut deeper because it already insanely hurt. I had tears running down my cheeks.


I put the knife down on the counter and stared at the new cuts next to the old ones.

The door opened. I had no time to react so I just sat there and looked over at the door.


I remembered why he was here, me giving him golden carrots and telling him to sleep by the shulker's.

Why did I tell him to sleep by the shulker's??

He spoke up, it had been a few minutes and both of us were staring at eachother in shock but his eyes shifted to my now bleeding wrists while he talked.

"G-Grian why? Are y-you okay?"

"I'm so sorry Mumbo- You were supposed to see this! Just go back to bed everything will be back to normal in the morning."

Instead of listening to me and going back to bed he started looking in the drawers. After a minute he grabbed some bandages and started covering the cuts with them.

Once he was done he hugged me and spoke.

"Can you walk back to bed or do you need help?"

I responded saying my balance was off so I needed help. I didn't think he would carry me to bed but for some reason while he was carrying me my face got slightly warmer.

I watched him as he went over to his bed, picked it up and moved it next to mine. He spoke again.

"I'm here if you ever need to talk to someone."

We were now laying next to each other looking in each others eye's mine were filled with gratitude. His eye's were filled with a mixture of things.

Suddenly my face was really warm and that made the rest of my body feel cold, even under the blankets.

"Hey Mumbo can you hug me? I'm cold."


He hugged me from the front like a normal hug but that felt awkward so i turned over so he was hugging me from behind. I fell asleep easily.

Mumbo POV

Okay Mumbo focus.

I know your hugging your crush right now but ignore that focus on the important thing.

Grian is hurting himself, and I heard him puking.

Grian is most likely the starving hermit.

Meaning he probably has a ED and needs help.

I'll be spending a lot of time with Grian from now on. I need to make sure he gets better.

First thing tomorrow I'm telling X. I can't leave Grian here by himself though so I'll bring Scar too. He is close with Scar.

For now I need to sleep.

Time Skippp

I woke up and saw Grian there I was still hugging him but now we were facing each other and our faces were very close.

My face immediately lit up a bright red.

I let go of Grian and got up to go make some food. I'll just get some toast. Grian can have a bit off my plate but he is eating something.

"Grian it's time to get up I made toast."

"I don't wannaaaa"

I went over and yanked the sheets off him. He just continued laying there so i picked him up and set him in a chair.

I gave him a small piece of toast.

"Eat up. We are going to see X when we are done."

He silently ate his small piece of toast slowly. I ate 2 pieces quite quickly so while I waited I messed with some redstone I found in a chest so he didn't feel rushed.

Once he finished I spoke up.

"Hey Grian let's go over to Scar's quickly before we go to X."


We went over to Scar's house, just a quick trip.

I saw Cub inside laying in a bed that was obviously put there last night. Cub and Scar were both awake.

"Hey guys!"

Cub:"Hey Mumbo! What's up!"

I told Scar to go outside with Grian and talk.

"So why did you send them outside?"

"I'm assuming you guys think Scar is the starving hermit?"

"Of course, why else would I have spent the night at Scar's house?"

"It's not him, or I mean, if he is uhh doing that.. He isn't the only one."

"Mumbo what are you saying..?"

"I'm sure X will tell you, I wanted to bring Scar with me and Grian to X's so Grian had someone to talk to while I told X. Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure let's go."

We exited Scar's starter base and started on our way to X's base.

When we got to X's base I asked Grian to chat with Scar in the living room while I talked to X and Cub outside.

Xisuma:"So Mumbo and Cub, why are you here? You obviously need something considering you didn't message me ahead of time"

Mumbo:"So sorry X, I forgot to message you. Your right though. I do have something really important to tell you. It's about the starving hermit and the lines in the code."

I continued to tell X and Cub about what i heard in the bathroom and what he had done to his wrists. Obviously X wanted me to watch over Grian.

Then after X started to talk to Cub about him staying with Scar a few more day to make sure Scar isn't also hurting himself Grian barged in and shouted at us.


Xisuma: "Were you listening in on our conversation?"

Scar came in quieter after Grian. He explained that he used to hurt himself before he came here but didn't anymore. He didn't give much detail. Usually hermits only go in detail about their past to hermits they trust. Or if something like this comes up but Scar seemed uncomfortable giving us that bit of information so we didn't push it.

That night Scar went home alone. I went home with Grian.

Time skipp

We finally made it home. It was a long day I got Grian to eat a bit for dinner and we sat down on a couch in my hobbit hole.

We managed to repair it before sunset after coming back from X's base.

Grian took out his only book, Twilight. Then I remembered. On my way from the boat to the meeting yesterday I stopped by a bookstore and got Grian a new book I thought he would like.

'Wings' by Aprilynne Pike.

It seems like a really cool book, might steal it from Grian later and read it myself.

"Hey Grian put your book down and close your eyes I have a surprise for you!"


He set his book down and closed his eyes. He seems really excited that's good!

I grabbed the book from a nearby chest and walked over to Grian.

"Put your hands out"

Grian put his hands out and I set the book in his hands.

"Open your eyes!"

He opened his eyes and looked down at the book. His eyes immediately filled with happiness, gratitude, and a bit of excitement to read the book. He launched off the couch over to me.

"Thank you so much Mumbo!"

I wrapped my arms around him accepting the hug as my face lit up red.

"No problem Grian, I'm glad I could get you another book. I might steal it for a bit to read it though."

He looked up at me his face filled with the biggest smile I've ever seen and a lot of blush I hadn't noticed.

He sat back down while he read the new book and I fiddled with some redstone bits waiting for him to go to bed.

Eventually he told me he was tired and we went to bed, our beds were next to each other because he probably will want me next to him. Not that I'm against that..

We laid down and talked for awhile then I started dozing off to sleep. I closed my eyes so it looked like I was sleeping. He was more likely to be quiet so I could sleep that way.

While I laid there waiting to fall asleep I heard him get up and go out of the room. Obviously because of last night I quietly got out of bed and followed the sounds of him moving and the creaks the floor makes.

Eventually I heard the slight creak of the couch telling me he sat down on it. I then started hearing slight crying coming from in there.

Grian POV

I sat down on the couch and started crying to myself. Today has been so overwhelming with emotions and Mumbo found out! I know he's my best friend but still..

The label 'best friend' doesn't feel right for Mumbo.. It feels off.

I curled myself in a ball while I cried to myself. Then Mumbo came out and wrapped his arms around me. Instantly I felt safe.

He picked me up bring me back to our bed. He laid me down, laid down next to me and hugged me. I felt cold so I pulled the blanket over us and we fell asleep.


"Grian wake up! I made breakfast!"

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up looking around me. I forgot that I was at Mumbo's for a second.

I slowly got up out of bed and wandered over to the couch. Mumbo doesn't really have any rooms besides his bathroom, his bedroom, his storage room, and his last room just has a bunch of useful things in it.

He had made scrambled eggs today, He let me eat off his plate but he told me he wanted to see me at least eat 1 and a half bites.

I managed to eat that much though it slightly made my stomach hurt. I ignored it as much as I could though because Mumbo said he has a surprise for me!

He started leading me somewhere and he told me to put a blindfold on after muttering something about it almost being in render distance.

As he led me through what I think is a flower field I was wondering what he could possible have for me that would require a blind fold. Plus I felt a little guilty that I couldn't pay him back for the book and whatever he's about to do.

He eventually stopped me after awhile of walking.

"Okay you can take the blindfold off now."

I took the blindfold off and looked around.

It was beautiful.

Mumbo was directly in front of me. We were in a flower field filled with various colors, all beautiful in their own ways.

Once I was done looking at the scenery I looked over to Mumbo. He looked nervous and his face was filled with a deep blush. He spoke up.

"Grian, in the time I've know you I got to know you, we are always there for each other and you are always kind. Even if you like to throw the occasional prank. Grian I want you to know that I like you. I really like you and you don't have to have the same feelings. If you don't we can remain friends hopefully but if you feel the same, Grian, will you be my boyfriend?"

I stood there looking at Mumbo, a dark blush almost immediately filling my face. That's why it didn't feel right calling him my best friend. I like him more than that.

I then realized he was looking really panicked waiting for an answer. I'd just zoned out after his speech.


I rushed over and gave him a big hug almost knocking him over. He looked incredibly happy which made me happy.

"C-can I kiss you?"


He lips gently glided onto mine. Then kiss was deep and passionate, it was obvious we both wanted this for a long time.

Once we pulled away we both had a deep blush on our cheeks. I looked at him with a wide smile and he looked back smiling too.

He led me back to his hobbit hole and warned me that he Iskall probably knew somehow and told a bunch of other hermits so there was probably a bunch of hermits waiting for us at his hobbit hole.

It's okay though.

Once we got back Mumbo was right.

The whole server was at his door step and once they saw we were holding hands some of them cheers all of them congratulated us.

Wow I really have a boyfriend. This isn't a dream.

I AM DONE! I AM SO SORRY FOR PROCRASTINATING! Anywayyy I hope I did well on this, I kinda rushed the end but I think I did decent. Thank you for reading have a good day/night/evening whatever!

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