Fragment of Team Prime (adopt...

By Hourling4

10.7K 149 87

After Church erased himself at the end of season 13 he vanished, but what if he didn't vanish but was rather... More

1: Church's Bio
2: The Arrival
3: Auto-Whats?
4: Mission gone wrong
6: Fowler Lecture
7: The (cliff) Jumping Dead
8: Babysitting
9: Babysitting gone wrong
10: con raid
Christmas apology

5: you got to be kidding me.

961 14 6
By Hourling4


Sorry for the late chapter, tight schedule. As an apology I give you... (drum roll) fan art of the story. (anyone can use the picture if they want too.)


If I don't post a chapter within a month... assume I am dead (unless stated otherwise then it is a year), and pretend the story is free for anyone to steal away as long as they give credit to the original author.

the original author is not me, I adopted this beautiful child from @Prime987 .


The Autobots gathered together on the top of the base. They circled around a makeshift grave.

Church was in shock. He stared at the ground. The speech Optimus gave fell short to Church. His mind was running with questions. 'Who could of ever predicted such a loss?' This morning Cliffjumper acted as he usually did. Laughing in the main hanger, pulling a prank, getting his helm dented in by Ratchet. 'No one has detected Decepticon activity for a while. We only cross paths every single few days. Why today of all days? Why Cliff? Could I have done better?'

Optimus calling out Arcee's designation phased Church out of his depressed thoughts.

Arcee walks off. "If Cliff's gone, standing around here sulking won't bring him back. So unless anyone minds, I think I'll get back to protecting human kind." Anger hinted around her words. She transforms and drives off.

Rachet looks off at the direction she went. "Optimus, helping human will only result in more tragedy."

Optimus gazes in the same direction. "Your opinion is noted."

Church looks at the two bots before moving his optics to the distance. 'What are they looking at?' (SHOOT! THE FORTH WALL! Yah know what this means? ADD BREAK!)

(IDK why, this helps to stop arguments between my remaining brain cells. So whenever the forth wall breaks, I might do a weird little funny of sorts. Yes, the time is 2:54am.)

(*cheery music in the background* The forge of Solus Prime comes in handy during times like these. The internet is in stock and they are easy to afford. Only a few brain cells of any condition. (Or a vote/comment? No? Am I pushing it? Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything.) Just look at the efficiency!)

(*walks to Chromebook.* *swings the hammer down.* *SHATTERING NOISES.* *pulls up the cracked screen showing an alternate version of the story with no forth wall breakage.* Good as new. Now, ON TO THE JUICY STUFF!)

*two hours later*

Bumblebee and Bulkhead went out on patrol to bring back Arcee. They just returned to base a few moments ago. Now Arcee is telling Optimus what happened during her run in with the Decepticons.

"- And the Cons would of been scrap metal if I hadn't been distracted by the human."

"Human?" Optimus questioned.

":Two young Mechs.:"

"Two boys." Optimus's optics glare at the computer.

Arcee sighs. "I guess the second one caught us in action? I don't know. I was a little busy at the time."

"If the Decepticons are targeting us, anyone perceived as our ally will be at grave risk." Optimus says.

"YOU GOT CIVILIANS INCLUDED?!?" Church yelled out.

(why does Optimus use big complicated words.(T-T). My mind is burning hotter then the ten year old PC with a broken fan, that belongs to a streamer using twenty different mods on minecraft with 3 fps while being live. Sounds like a fragging leaf blower.)

*The next day*

Arcee and Bumblebee drove slowly into the main hanger with the bewildered humans. Bulkhead and Rachet approached while the humans leave the two alt-modes. Church stayed in a further corner of the room.

"I thought there were only two of them." Rachet said.

Arcee transforms. "Haven't you heard? Humans multiply."

"What is with the teams i'm in and smexual jokes!" Church exclaimed as he walked off to a hall.

The conversation in the main hanger dulled down to a low mumble. It was quiet and peaceful. Church slowly closed his optics to think.

"HEY! Whats your name?" A voice comes out of nowhere.


Church rolled his eyes and ignored Miko as she fired questions faster then G1 Blurr. "WhyAreYouTall? CanYouFly? WhatAreThoseThingiesComingFromYourBack? DoYouLikeMusic? DidYouEverSeeAliens? HowManyPeopleDidYouKill? CanYouGuysFU-" (Idk why but I can picture her saying that. There is something wrong with me.)

"Miko. Why don't we leave the big robot alone? It clearly does not want to socialize." Jack interrupts the way too hyperactive girl.

Church sighed and walked off to the platform lift. He goes up to the top of the base. he quietly deletes the interaction, he had with the bothersome human, from his mind. "She is even worse then Grif's sister." He shutters, remembering the headaches he got from her loud music and fast talking. "Makes me miss them even more."


As I re-watched the tfp episodes, I realized, I FRICKED UP THE TIMELINE! To think I stressed about submitting the chapter because I did not make backup chapters, now i have to worry about correcting the timeline or making this tfp universe a little bit more different then usual. It should be fine, right? This is a crossover fan fiction.

I wish I can put videos straight from my phone into wattpad. then you guys will beable to see my cute bird enjoying a shower. ^ᴗ^ Comment some funny ideas or quotes please. I am working on another story at the same time as this one. (don't worry though. this one has first priority.)

Welp. anyways. sorry for the big mess ups I did. Thank you for your patience. My first story recently got adopted, but it is still open for adoption if anyone else wants to write off of it. Fun fact, if you only have 4 hours or less of sleep a night for two weeks, your driving will be the equivalent of a drunk driver. Please tale care of yourselves.

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