A Frozen Flame (Shinobu x Mal...

De GreninJoker

156K 2.8K 3.4K

DISCLAIMER!!!- This will follow the events of the anime. I don't have the Manga nor have I ever read the Mang... Mais

A New Mission
Tsuzumi Mansion
Something More Important Than Life
The Wisteria House
Mount Natagumo
Let Someone Else Go First
Ashen Thunder
Forged Bonds
False Families
Against Corps Rules
Demon Slayer New Years
The Master
The Meeting
Back in Action
Demon Slayer Short
Flame Hashira
Deep Sleep
What Should Have Been...
Demon Slayer Short Two
Keep Moving Forward!
Hollow Demon
Sound Hashira
Bio (White)
What Are You?
Things Are Gonna Get Real Flashy!
Bio (Red)
Defeating an Upper Rank Demon
Never Giving In
No Matter How Many Lives
A/N: Moving Forward...
Someone's Dream
Yoriichi Type Zero
A/N: An Update
Swords From Three Hundred Years Ago
Thank you, Tokito
Bright Red Swords

Set Your Heart Ablaze

2.5K 66 57
De GreninJoker

3rd Person POV

Deep in mortal combat with Akaza, Kyojuro attempts to keep up the pressure by unleashing one of his most powerful Flame Breathing techniques.

Kyojuro: Third Form: Blazing Universe!

Kyojuro brings his sword down on Akaza, but the demon just keeps attacking, any attacks that came his way didn't make a difference to Akaza, as he simply just started attacking back, forcing Kyojuro to change his form to block.

Kyojuro: Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation!

Akaza jumps back and seemingly prepares to unleash another technique, one much more powerful than anything he had used before.

Akaza: Destructive Death...

Seeing that something was coming his way, Kyojuro was preparing to use his own powerful attack to counter Akaza's attack.

Kyojuro: Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!

Kyojuro swings his sword through the air, sending a massive flaming tiger straight towards Akaza, however, the Upper Moon had his own attack to perfectly counter the attack.

Akaza: Disorder! (Laughs)

Kyojuro's massive tiger collides with Akaza's Disorder attack sending shockwaves all throughout the area.

Kyojuro and Akaza both close the gap between each other, moving in to take each other down for good, Kyojuro prepared to do whatever it took to win, while Akaza simply laughs with delight as he finally has a good fight on his hands.

Akaza: Come at me!!!

The two warriors meet each other eye to eye, Kyojuro realizing he was in trouble, slashes Akaza's arms clean off, forcing the demon to create some distance between him and Kyojuro.


Everything seemed quiet, Kyojuro's haori only floating in the wind, for a brief moment in the heated battle, there was silence...

Inosuke: Wait... Is that it...? Did he win...!?

As Inosuke hoped that Kyojuro was successful in killing Akaza, however... It was the complete opposite...

(Drip... Drip... Drip...)

Tanjiro and Inosuke can only look on in horror as they watch as Kyojuro's stomach starts bleeding realizing that he had been struck with serious injuries.

Two warriors... One, a human, the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. The mighty big brother of the entire Demon Slayer Corps, completely injured and in critical condition. On the other side, a demon, the Upper Moon Three demon, Akaza. Completely healed of all wounds, and practically unscathed.

Akaza stares at Kyojuro, a blank expression left on his face, seemingly disappointed that Kyojuro was still injured and likely going to lose, both the battle... And his life...

Tanjiro: No way... It can't be...

Kyojuro, despite being in critical condition, is still holding onto his sword, refusing to drop it and give in to his injuries.

From the other side of the battlefield, (Y/n) looks over at Kyojuro, eyes widened in shock, in complete disbelief that Kyojuro was losing his battle.

(Y/n): No... It can't be... Not him... Not Kyojuro...!

Sosuke: Eyes on me, Captain (L/n).

(Y/n): (Turns around) (Enraged) Bastard!!! I'm going to make you pay!!!!

(Y/n), in a fit of rage, faces Sosuke again, and starts wildly attacking him with all of his anger fueling his sword and powers.

Sosuke continues to just block (Y/n)'s attacks, using his sword, Sosuke starts a counter attack, sending the young demon slayer back. (Y/n) attempts to keep his pace against Sosuke, however, (Y/n) unfortunately slips up and Sosuke manages to land a large slash across (Y/n)'s right eye, slicing it completely. With just the palm of his hand, Souske sends (Y/n) flying back to Kyojuro's side, effectively taking him out of the fight for a while.

Sosuke joins Akaza at his side, also looking disappointed at (Y/n), seeing that he's lost his battling spirit for the moment.

Akaza: Don't tell me it's over.

(Y/n) starts to get back up, slowly but steadily, Kyojuro, finally gaining some of his consciousness back, leans down and helps pick (Y/n) up.

Kyojuro: Come on... We're not done yet...

(Y/n): (Coughs) R-Right...

Sosuke just stares down at (Y/n) seemingly waiting for something to happen to him.

But, (Y/n) just starts getting back up, grabbing his sword again, ready to continue fighting them off for good.

Sosuke: Oh you fools... (Looks at Akaza) Would you say that this is the most fun you've had in a while?

Akaza: I suppose I'd say so.

Sosuke: Hmph... Well, I would say this mission will be even more successful than that one from eight years ago... You remember... That one in the mountains.

(Y/n) immediately perks up once Sosuke reminds Akaza about a mission that the two of them took together when they were in the mountains, eight years ago...

(Y/n): Wh-What...? Aizen... What are you talking about...?

Sosuke: Oh, Captain... You're such a fool. You haven't put it all together yet, have you? I've known about you for a while now, (Y/n) (L/n). I always have...

(Y/n): How...? How long have you known about me...? We met like two years ago...! Did you hear about me from the demon slayers...?

Sosuke: Oh no... Not at all... I've known about you... From the moment you were born.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened from shock once Sosuke revealed that he's known about (Y/n)'s existence ever since he was born, Kyojuro, Tanjiro, Inosuke, and even Akaza, were all shocked by this revelation as well, it was completely insane. I mean, how could a man know about someone, from the moment they were born, to the present time?

Sosuke: You honestly didn't think it was a coincidence that the demon was there, did you? Allow me to explain everything to you... You were created... Because I wanted you to be born.

(Y/n): (Shocked) What...!?

Sosuke: Didn't you find it odd that two parents with blue hair would have their offspring come out with white hair? You see, you're the reincarnation of a guardian who was said to wield a legendary sword every few centuries. The sword you currently possess is rather unique. You see, it's not actually a Nichirin blade. No... That weapon is much like my own, Kyōka Suigetsu. That weapon... Is called a Zanpakutō.

(Y/n): Wha-What...? A... A "Zanpakutō"...?

Sosuke: Correct. Like all others like it, your sword has a name, don't you remember it...? I believe you called that weapon... Hyōrinmaru?

(Y/n)'s heart sank... His entire world was starting to crumble all around him, he was just the reincarnation of someone... His life was always attached to someone else's, if he died, then he would just be reborn another few centuries and start all over again. All of his friends would be gone, and Sosuke was always there... Pulling the strings on (Y/n), like his little puppet...

Kyojuro: Enough talk, Sosuke! What do you want from the demons!? Why work with them now? What is your goal!?

Sosuke: (Head tilt) Who said I was only recently working with them? Did I not say I knew about that boy since he was born? How do you think I still look the same, even after twenty years have passed?

Kyojuro and (Y/n) were both shocked by Sosuke's reveal, he knew about (Y/n) from his birth, and was always working with the demons, even back then.

(Y/n): Stop...

Sosuke: You see, I've worked with all of the demons of the Twelve Kizuki. There was this mission with this beautiful young woman, but she was rather annoying to deal with... There was this other demon who had multiple personalities, rather interesting he was... Then there was this strange fishy character, strange, but had an eye for the finer things. Of course, there's Akaza here, he and I have been on missions before, I do enjoy working with him, it's quite interesting when he finds someone interesting to join us. There was also another swordsman I worked with, he was a truly dangerous foe, I actually respect him. Which is quite an accomplishment. (Sigh) Then there was him... That one demon was completely insufferable to be around... We were going to work a mission together, but I couldn't stand his presence any longer. However, he at least finished the mission we gave him... Even if he came back disappointed that he couldn't eat that woman...

Kyojuro: (Growls) Aizen...!

Sosuke: What was she like...? Ah, I remember. If I recall... She was a Hashira... Yes... I remember now, it was the former Flower Hashira... Kanae Kocho...

(Y/n) and Kyojuro's eyes widened from the shock that Sosuke played a hand in Kanae's death, something which angered (Y/n) greatly.

Kyojuro: You... You were responsible for Lady Kanae's death...!?

Sosuke: In some way, I suppose... I mean, it won't be my first time a demon took someone from someone else... If I remember... That demon... Oh right. (Looks at Akaza) That demon is just above you, right?

Akaza: Don't speak of him...!

(Y/n): Upper Two... Is that right...?

Sosuke: You would be correct. Is something wrong? You seem rather agitated Captain (L/n)...

(Y/n) starts gritting his teeth in anger from hearing Sosuke explain how he's always worked with the demons and never once truly worked for the Demon Slayer Corps. However, what truly made him angry, is hearing how Sosuke helped the demon kill Kanae, the event which hurt Shinobu so much.

(Y/n): Bastard...! Bastard..! Bastard! (Starts shaking) AIZEN!!!!!!!!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!

(Y/n) started shaking very violently due to his anger, something which Kyojuro tried to get him to calm down, so he doesn't do something rash.

Kyojuro: Calm down, (Y/n). We can take them...

Back with Tanjiro and Inosuke, the two watched as (Y/n)'s body suddenly went limp. Tanjiro soon starts smelling something strange in the air... And the source was coming from (Y/n) of all people...

Tanjiro: What's going on...? What's that smell...?

Kyojuro: We've got one shot at this, (Y/n). Come on, we've got thi-!


Suddenly, a large slash wound appeared across Kyojuro's chest, forcing a large amount of blood to fall from his body.

This sudden action forced Kyojuro to drop (Y/n) and to back away from his friend, a large cloud of smoke started growing around him, (Y/n) also soon started... Growling...?

(Y/n) was actually growling, almost like a feral wild animal. Everyone in the area was completely shocked by the sudden change from (Y/n).

Kyojuro: (Y/n)...! What happened!? (Glares at Sosuke) Aizen! What did you do to him!?

Sosuke: Oh please... I didn't do anything. I just made him something more than he once was. I made him pure, I made him powerful... Though, now he's nothing more than a shell of his former self. I made him empty, I made him into a void, I made him...

The smoke finally clears, allowing for everyone to see what has become of (Y/n), what Sosuke had done to the young Hashira.

(Y/n) had changed, he was now a lot more boney, he had grown three decaying flowers made of ice, and lastly, two large wings made of ice, and finally, a strange mask that covered half of his face...

Sosuke had changed (Y/n), he made him a monster, Sosuke had made (Y/n)...

Sosuke: Hollow...

(Y/n) had been turned into a strange creature. The young boy had become a strange monster, turned into a demon in his own right.

(Y/n)...?: (Cackles) Ahhahahaha!!! Finally! Now it's my turn to have some fun!

Kyojuro was completely shocked by (Y/n)'s transformation, his best friend, his rival, the one who's been with him through it all, had now become this monster that Sosuke calls a Hollow.

Sosuke: Finally... My successful experiment. Unlike those other failures from before... Now then, (Y/n)... Do what must be done. (Points at Kyojuro) Kill him.

(Y/n)...?: Yes, Lord Aizen. (Faces Kyojuro) Let's see what I can really do. That kid was just in my way, it's time I finally cut loose!

The Hollow controlling (Y/n) rushes towards Kyojuro, knocking the Hashira down and forcing the demon slayer to block his friend with his sword.

(Y/n) starts biting down on Kyojuro's sword, trying to get through to his former friend and kill him. Kyojuro, on the flip side, was working hard to keep himself alive, while at the same time, calling out to his friend who seemed lost in his own mind.

Kyojuro: (Y/n)! Come on! Wake up! It's me, Kyojuro! Your friend!

(Y/n) keeps growling and attempting to break through Kyojuro's sword so he can kill his old friend. Tanjiro and Inosuke can only look on in shock as they watch (Y/n) try to kill Kyojuro, Tanjiro in particular noticing something about their position...

Tanjiro: No... Mr. (L/n)...! Wait... This sight... It's like... Like back then...

Tanjiro begins to have flashbacks to that fateful day... The day that changed his life forever...

On that day, in the snowy mountains of his home, Tanjiro was left on the ground, blocking the newly turned Nezuko from devouring him, her own brother.

Right now, (Y/n) and Kyojuro were in the exact same situation as he was once in. It was a perfect mirror of that day, that event, everything as Tanjiro once witnessed...

Back with Kyojuro and (Y/n), as Kyojuro tried to get through to (Y/n) it seemed as though something had happened...


(Y/n)...?: Kyo... Juro...

Kyojuro looked up and saw a sight he never thought he could ever see...

(Y/n)'s uncovered eye was back to normal, however... (Y/n) was crying... Tears streamed down the Frost Hashiras face, falling down onto Kyojuro's face.

The sight of (Y/n) crying... It was practically unheard of, (Y/n) was always the stone cold Captain of Squad Ten with the warm but frozen heart; but now... He was crying...

Kyojuro: (Y/n)...!

(Y/n) looks down at Kyojuro, still crying, and is only able to mutter one request for Kyojuro to follow... But... The request shook Kyojuro deep to his very core...

(Y/n): Kill... Me...

Silence was all throughout the area; (Y/n) gave Kyojuro one simple request, simply saying one thing to him... "Kill me"...

Kyojuro now holds everything in his hands, he has to find some way to save everyone, defeat Sosuke and Akaza, and most of all, answer the question... Could he go all the way... And kill (Y/n)...?

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

A Frozen Flame

Mugen Train Arc

Chapter Twenty-three

"Set Your Heart Ablaze"

Kyojuro simply looked up at (Y/n), tears still streaming from the young Frost Hashiras eyes, desperately repeating his request to his friend. with each repeat, hurting the Flame Hashira even more...

(Y/n): (Crying) Kyojuro... Please... Kill me...

Kyojuro: (Shocked) (Y-Y/n)...! How-

(Y/n): (Crying) Please... Just kill me... (Cries out) Kill me and free me from this never-ending nightmare!!!

Unfortunately, Kyojuro finally managed to figure out what his friend was referring to. In (Y/n)'s eyes, his entire life, from the second he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep at night, every single second he spends alive is a never-ending nightmare to him.

In truth, (Y/n) wanted Kyojuro to kill him so he could finally be reunited with his parents in the afterlife. The only way he could end his suffering was the release of death. It was the only way that he could be freed from his suffering.

However, this was something Kyojuro couldn't accept. His best friend and his rival wanted him to kill him. The duty of the Hashira was to exterminate the demons and any threats to humanity. Be it demon or these new "Hollows" that Sosuke has created,

So, with no other option, Kyojuro prepares himself, ready to fulfill his duty in protecting the innocents. Grabbing his sword and slowly closing his eyes so he doesn't have to see his friend being beheaded, Kyojuro prepares to attack and kill his friend...

Kyojuro: (Prepares his sword) (Slightly hesitant) Very well... Flame... Flame...

???: What are you so upset about?

Kyojuro's eyes suddenly shoot wide open, taking him back to one fateful night in the forest... The night which changed the relationship between (Y/n) and Kyojuro forever... Going from mere close friends... To true brothers-in-arms.


Deep in the forest of a mountain region, two men stood alone, looking over a pile of corpses... The aftermath of a demon attack.

One of the men was the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. The second being his rival and best friend, the Frost Hashira, (Y/n) (L/n).

As it appears, the two of them were assigned to exterminate the demons that were lurking in this forest. Word spread quickly that the demons were attacking the villagers, as such, some of the villagers had decided to take it upon themselves to try and kill the demon themself.

However, with their ordinary weapons not using Nichirin blades, or Wisteria flowers to ward off the demons, it didn't take long for the demon to single handedly kill all the villagers that tried to kill it. While in the process of trying to kill it, Kyojuro and (Y/n) had arrived... And they were both met with the demon killing a young man, likely hardly even in his late teens.

Following the battle, Kyojuro looked over the corpse of the young man, silently mourning the loss of an innocent bystander. The death seemed to have really hit a chord with Kyojuro, always during his mission, he protected every single human on his missions. No matter the situation, by the time Kyojuro arrived, the innocents were all safe and sound... But not this one... Kyojuro couldn't save him.

Now, (Y/n) had taken notice of this and had decided to question Kyojuro as to why he seemed to be so upset about losing someone.

(Y/n): So? What's wrong?

Kyojuro: (Upset) This boy... We couldn't save him. He died because we were too slow to get here. We failed as Hashiras. We've lost the right to this prestigious title...

(Y/n) looked as his friend, seemingly sympathetic to his pain of losing an innocent person. However, (Y/n) knew that they all had to move on, but convincing Kyojuro would be a different story...

(Y/n): Okay... Look. I get it. We lost one, that can't be denied, nor can it be ignored. But... We can't allow this to slow us down and get us down in the dumps. We lost an innocent human. But we can't allow for his death to be in vain. If we really want to make sure this never happens again, then we have to keep going. We need to keep moving forward, keeping our heads held up high. People always say we have all the time in the world, but that's not true. The flow of time won't wait for us, so we have to push past these tragedies, we are Hashiras. We are the pillars of the Demon Slayer Corps. So pick your head up, hold it up high, and... Oh... What was that phrase you always say...? Oh right! Pick your head up high, and set your heart ablaze! (Rubs his head) But I guess that kinda doesn't work with me since I would have to melt my frozen heart though. (Laughs)

Kyojuro looks over at (Y/n), his eyes shaking from (Y/n)'s oddly inspirational words. It was uncommon for (Y/n) of all people to be the voice of reason between the two of them. But here he was, speaking some of the most inspirational words that Kyojuro had ever heard. Even saying his own catchphrase as a means to motivate him. It was a strangely surreal moment for Kyojuro. He never knew that (Y/n) could be one for inspirations but now... He knew, (Y/n) had what it took to be someone to inspire the masses and lead a charge on his own.

Kyojuro: (Softly smiles) (Chuckles) Heh... Since when were you one for inspirational speeches? I may have to steal those words sometime.

(Y/n): By all means, my friend. Now then, come on, let's go get some ramen. I'm starving.

(Y/n) prepares to head back down the mountain to find a nearby ramen shop to enjoy a victory meal, however, Kyojuro calls out to him, wanting to properly thank his friend for lifting his spirits back to what they should be.

Kyojuro: (Y/n)... Thank you. Truly. I don't think I could have gotten through this experience without those words. So truly, my friend... Thank you.

(Y/n): Huh...? What're you thanking me for? There's no need to thank me. If anything... I should be the one thanking you...

Kyojuro tilts his head in confusion. Not understanding what (Y/n) was talking about when he said he should be the one thanking Kyojuro over him thanking (Y/n).

(Y/n): You see... Before I met you, I was torn... I was on my own for three years after my parents died... And then I met you. For once... I wasn't alone. I actually had someone in my life to care about... So... Truly, my friend, I don't know where I would be if I hadn't met you. So, trust me when I say this... (Smiles) (Gives a thumbs up) I'll be with you, Kyojuro. Til' the bitter end!

Kyojuro: (Smiles) Right! Now then, come on! (Runs down the mountain) Last one to the ramen stand pays!

(Y/n): Hey! That's not fair, you've got a head start! (Chases after Kyojuro) Get your ass back here, dammit!

The two Hashiras run down the mountain. Both of them shouting at each other to keep up or slow down, trying to catch each other. The two of them were just laughing and smiling as they chased each other down the mountain.

This was how the two of them should be. How they should always be. Two friends, laughing and smiling together, as they should be...

End Flashback

But unfortunately, reality always has to tear everyone apart. Regardless of how close their bond may be, Kyojuro was now face-to-face with his best friend, now possessed and turning into a monster.

Kyojuro knew what his duty was. He had to kill (Y/n), regardless of how much he was pained to do so, Kyojuro had to do it. He needed to so he could save the passengers, Tanjiro, Inouske, Zenitsu, Nezuko, and everyone else.

Left with no other choice, Kyojuro grips his sword tightly, preparing to unleash his Flame Breathing and free (Y/n) from his pain.

Kyojuro: Flame Breathing...!

Unfortunately, those words and that flashback continuously replay through Kyojuro's mind. All Kyojuro could hear was just, "I'll be with you, Kyojuro. 'Til The bitter end!" Those words continued to plague Kyojuro's mind. Preventing him from performing his attack completely.

The repeated words all culminated into one single moment, the moment which could either save the world... Or doom it entirely.

Kyojuro raises his sword high into the air, preparing to strike (Y/n) down and save him, however, those words came back to him, just as he was about to attack... Which made him hesitate, and led him to do one thing,,, Something Kyojuro would never do... Falter... Back down... Kyojuro hesitated and didn't attack...

Kyojuro: (Drops his sword) I CAN'T DO IT!!!

Kyojuro's cry shocked everyone. Tanjiro... Inosuke... Akaza... Sosuke... But none, more so than (Y/n)... All he could do was have more tears form in his eyes as he realized that his nightmare would continue... Not even his best friend could save him now...

Kyojuro could barely even contain himself as a few small tears started leaking from his eyes as well...

Kyojuro: (Lightly weeping) How... How could you ask me something like this...!? (Y/n)... (Looks (Y/n) in the eyes) How could you ask me to kill you!? After all we've been through! How could you expect me to kill you after everything we've done together!?

(Y/n)'s eyes were filled with tears and fear... Now he was facing reality tha Kyojuro physically couldn't bring himself to kill (Y/n)... Which only brought pain to the young Frost Hashira...

(Y/n): (Looks down) Dammit, Kyojuro... Why...? (Struggles to hold back his tears) Why...? (Cries out in anguish) WHY COULDN'T YOU ABANDON ME LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!?!?!?!?!? WHY DID YOU LET ME GET ATTACHED TO YOU!?!?!?!?!?

As (Y/n) cries out in pure anguish, continuing to have to live through the nightmare he was eternally trapped in, the Hollow within him starts to take over again, consuming over what little humanity (Y/n) had left.

(Y/n): (Rubs his neck) Geez.. That kid's so loud. Talk about a total pain in the ass. You know... I really don't get you humans. You talk big about all this importance of friendship and family and all that other shit... I just can't wrap my head around why you all would throw away your lives for something as trivial as "friends"...

Kyojuro: Grr...! You don't get it... That body belongs to my friend! My rival! Give him his body back! (Picks his sword back up) Or I'll make you leave him.

(Y/n): (Laughs) Hah! I'd like to see you try! This kid is mine! I'm not lettin' this opportunity pass me up!

Kyojuro and the Hollowfied (Y/n) both stare each other down. Neither one of them is willing to back down, both of them are willing to fight each other... Though only one of them was willing to kill the other in order to achieve their goals.

The two warriors charge at each other, trading deadly blows after blow, unfortunately, Kyojuro was severely injured during his fight with Akaza meanwhile, thanks to being Hollowfied, any wounds (Y/n) had sustained during his fight with Sosuke were almost completely healed.

As the warriors clashed with each other, Akaza, who had been watching everything with Sosuke, was slowly growing impatient with the events transpiring. Akaza was growing impatient and frustrated with Sosuke turning (Y/n) into a Hollow. He had wanted a fair one-on-one duel to the death with Kyojuro, not have another Hashira turn into a monster and then kill him in his stead.

Akaza: Aizen... This isn't going to work! This completely goes against my code to have an honest fight.

Sosuke: Oh please... Honor means nothing. This power is so much more than you demons... With this... I could ascend to newer heights. The Twelve Kizuki will soon no longer serve a purpose once they are ready...

Akaza: Hold it! The Twelve Kizuki isn't anywhere! (Points at (Y/n)) Tell him to stand down so me and Kyojuro can continue our battle!

Sosuke: Now tell me... Why on Earth would I do that? Wouldn't you prefer to just let the demon slayers destroy themselves rather than getting involved directly? It seems like the most logical procedure to me.

Fed up with Sosuke refusing to release (Yn) from his hold, Akaza does something unexpected... Akaza clenches his fist and punches Sosuke in the face! Shocking everyone in the process.

As Sosuke recoils from the pain, Kyojuro and (Y/n) briefly stop their battle to look at the scene, everyone was completely shocked by Akaza's actions. It was something that literally no one could have expected, nobody would have thought that Akaza would have attacked Sosuke, however, this gave (Y/n) the perfect opening to strike Kyojuro and attack him.

Thankfully, Kyojuro managed to see through the attack and blocked accordingly. Enraged that he would take advantage of a distracted opponent, Kyojuro worked to pull off a Flame Breathing technique, however, he needed to save his strength for if Akaza chooses to jump back into the fight.

Speaking of Akaza, the Upper Rank demon stared down at Kyojuro, wanting to take him down on his own and finish his duel. Calling out to Kyojuro that it's time that the two of them settled things and finished their battle.

Akaza: Kyojuro! Enough playing around! Let's finish what we started!

Kyojuro: I don't have time for you, Akaza! (Pushes (Y/n) back) Come on, (Y/n)... Wake up!

Akaza was growing increasingly frustrated that Kyojuro was ignoring him and instead focusing all his attention on the Hollowfied (Y/n). Akaza wanted Kyojuro to focus on him, he wanted to be the one to kill him, not his friend who turned into a monster.

Akaza: Kyojuro!!! (Charges at (Y/n)) Eyes on me!!!!!!

Akaza suddenly lunges at (Y/n), punching the Hollowfied Hashira in the face, sending him flying back into a tree. Kyojuro and Sosuke were both shocked by Akaza's sudden attack; they hadn't expected for him to suddenly punch (Y/n) and send him flying into a tree to keep him from fighting Kyojuro.

Akaza: (Chuckles) Finally... (Glares at Kyojuro) Now then... Where were we...!?

Everything was silent... Kyojuro was badly injured thanks to both his fights with Akaza and (Y/n). Everyone was completely silent, Tanjiro's eyes were shaking from shock and fear of losing Kyojuro.

The sight of Kyojuro bleeding out from his body, and (Y/n) being turned into a Hollow and attacking his best friend was completely soul crushing for the young demon slayer. Tanjiro could only watch in horror as his heroes were torn apart from each other and each of them narrowly brushing with death.

Akaza: Don't go dying on me, Kyojuro.

Kyojuro was still left panting and bleeding, completely worn out and exhausted from his battles with (Y/n) and Akaza. Meanwhile, Tanjiro was left shaking, watching Kyojuro bleed out, and (Y/n) knocked out on the ground, his mask slowly starting to crack.

Tanjiro was completely helpless to Kyojuro's situation, he couldn't step in to help him fight Akaza, he was far too weak to perform Water Breathing or Hinokami Kagura again. As for the situation with (Y/n), he knew nothing about Hollows, nor how to help him out of his pain.

Tanjiro: Mr. Rengoku... Mr. (L/n)... Rengoku...! (L/n),,,! Rengoku! (L/n)!

Akaza continues to glare at Kyojuro, hoping to get through to him at least once, that way he could still try and determine if he could convince him to become a demon like him.

Akaza: Don't you see that fighting to death in that frail human body will never measure up to mine? Those impressive attacks that you inflicted upon me have already healed completely. But you on the other hand... A smashed left eye, shattered ribs, and damage to the internal organs... All irreparable. If you were a demon, you'd heal in the blink of an eye. And those wounds would be but mere scratches. You see, in the end, a human can never surpass a demon.

Back with the boys, Tanjiro only claws at the dirt, desperately trying to get back into the fight. Unfortunately... Tanjiro was in absolutely no condition to fight again. His wounds were too deep for him to make a move, he was completely helpless to assist Kyojuro or (Y/n).

All Tanjiro could do was watch. Watch as his idol and his friend were both being taken closer and closer to the doors of death. It was the most painful experience for him to go through.

Tanjiro: I want to go help him... (Groans) But I don't have the strength to move... This injury... And using Hinokami Kagura have taken their toll...

Back with Kyojuro, the Hashira continues to pant. Breathing heavily as he tried to recover and protect the people around the train. The only thing Kyojuro could do was breathe... In,,, Out... Breathing. Recovering from whatever injuries he had...

Unfortunately, the injuries and wounds were far too severe for Kyojuro to recover from them with simple medical breathing. Kyojuro simply starts breathing deeper, using the medical recovery breathing he was taught... Until...

Suddenly, Kyojuro is engulfed in a massive fiery aura. The power of Kyojuro's resolve to protect the people and not give in to Akaza's demands to become a demon. Kyojuro's hair and haori flail in the wind as his fiery spirit continues to burn bright in spite of being faced with certain death, refusing to back down regardless of likely being faced with his death at the end of his fight.

Akaza: So this is how it is, then...

Slowly, Kyojuro lifts his sword into the air and near his head, preparing to unleash his ultimate technique, the most powerful Flame Breathing attack ever known.

Kyojuro: I... (Readies his sword and widens his stance) I will see my duty fulfilled! No matter what it takes, no one shall die here!

Kyojuro readies himself, preparing to unleash his ultimate attack, using his extremely analytical mind, Kyojuro realizes that there's likely only one way for him to get out of this battle alive.

Kyojuro: I'll inflict as much damage as quickly as possible.

As Kyojuro prepared for his attack, back at the tree, (Y/n) slowly started to regain his consciousness. After having Akaza punch him in the face, his Hollow mask ended up cracking, allowing for the young Frost Hashira to see what's going on again.

However, it would appear that his Hollow wasn't quite ready to let go of his control yet as soon (Y/n) started to have a large splitting headache.

(Y/n): Gah! Dammit! Not again...!

Hollow (Y/n): Hey, kid! Let me out! I still have some things to do with your body!

(Y/n): I refuse! I'm not letting you use my body to hurt my friends!

Hollow (Y/n): Oh, just shut up! (Looks at Kyojuro) Hey, what's that idiot doin'?

(Y/n) looks up at Kyojuro, seeing him in his stance, realizing what he was doing and the severity of what he's attempting.

(Y/n): What...!? He's resorting to that...!?

Hollow (Y/n): Hey, dumbass. I may be you, but what the HELL is he doin'!?

(Y/n) couldn't say anything, all he could do was watch as Kyojuro prepared to unleash his ultimate move. It was a move that was passed down from generation to generation, from one Flame Hashira to the next.

Kyojuro widens his stance, preparing to unleash his ultimate attack, the attack that would either save his life, or doom it completely.

Kyojuro: Flame Breathing... Esoteric Art!

Suddenly, the aura that surrounded Kyojuro dissipated, surrounding him on the ground. This sudden power dissipation and newfound resolve was a complete shock for Akaza as well, as the Upper Rank demon literally started quivering from the anticipation.

Akaza: What an impressive fighting spirit. To press on, despite your bodily injuries...! (Smiles) (Ecstatic) That brilliant strength of mind! And that ironclad stance! (Laughs) Ahahahahahahahahaha! Now you have to become a demon! Just imagine it! We'd be able to fight each other for the rest of eternity! (Looks at (Y/n)) And just throw him into the mix, then we've got the perfect three-way battle to see who's the strongest!

As Akaza prepares himself to take Kyojuro's attack head-on, Kyojuro himself keeps increasing his resolve to protect the innocents and save everyone.

To make sure he keeps himself steady for whatever may come his way during the assault and whatever may come afterwards, Kyojuro has to say one thing... And do one simple thing...

Kyojuro: Set your heart ablaze. Overcome your limits...!

Kyojuro follows through on his motto, pushing past his limits, surpassing any odds that may come his way! Kyojuro was going to go beyond his barriers, never giving up, never backing down... After all...

Kyojuro: I am the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku!!!!!! Ninth Form: Rengoku!!!

As Kyojuro prepares to use his ultimate technique, Flame Breathing, Esoteric Art, Ninth Form: Rengoku, the most powerful Flame Breathing technique ever created. The attack was always Kyojuro's last resort in a battle.

Akaza on the flipside, works to use his own powerful attack to counter Kyojuro's; the two warriors are about to clash once again... And only one of them would be leaving this battlefield alive.

Akaza: Destructive Death: Annihilation Type!

As Akaza prepares to use his new Destructive Death technique, Kyojuro digs his foot into the ground and rockets towards Akaza in a massive fiery dragon,

Kyojuro rockets across the surface, charging straight towards Akaza at blazing speeds, engulfed in the dragon, Kyojuro absolutely tears apart the ground as he rushes Akaza head-on.

At the same time, Akaza prepares to take Kyojuro's attack head-on. Laughing gleefully as he uses his Annihilation Type to tank the attack coming his way. The dragon roars as both Akaza and Kyojuro's attacks collide.

The two combatants meet in a head-on collision, creating a massive explosion that engulfed the entire area that they were surrounded in.

As the explosion destroys the entire surrounding area, Tanjiro and everyone around all felt the explosion, Tanjiro and Inosuke in particular were engulfed in the smoke that kicked up from the explosion, Tanjiro calling out to his hero as he watches helplessly.

Tanjiro: Rengoku!!!


Deep within the inferno, Kyojuro and Akaza scream out as they both unleash their attacks on each other.

In the process, Kyojuro manages to slice straight through Akaza's arm, the Upper Rank demon laughing gleefully as his arm is sliced in half.

Kyojuro raises his sword high into the air, following through by bringing it down on Akaza's neck. Unfortunately, the demon had anticipated this, and hit the sword, forcing Kyojuro to miss his attack and instead slash his torso.

Not letting up on his attack, Kyojuro forces his sword deeper into Akaza's torso. Soon following the attack, a massive burst of fire comes from the sword, igniting the demon.

Kyojuro refuses to give in to his injuries and flips his sword around and screams out as he brings his sword back up near Akaza's head.

Kyojuro roars as he brings his sword back up near Akaza's neck. Upon reaching Akaza's head, a massive tornado of fire engulfs the area, resulting in a massive explosion.

From the outside, Tanjiro and Inosuke both feel the ripple effects from Kyojuro's attack, worried about what could possibly be happening on the inside of the blazing inferno. All Tanjiro or anyone could see from the explosion was just the smoke that had been kicked up from the aftermath.

Tanjiro: Mr. Rengoku... Where is he...!?

Thankfully, the smoke starts to clear a little. Allowing for a small glimpse into the blaze to see what had happened after Kyojuro sliced Akaza with his sword.

Tanjiro: There...! Did he... Did he win...?

Unfortunately... Tanjiro was completely wrong as the smoke started to part, Tanjiro was met with a horrible sight...

Kyojuro gags as he starts to cough up blood, Tanjiro wails as he looks at what he thinks is Akaza impaling Kyojuro with his arm. However... It was almost the complete opposite.

Once the smoke clears, Tanjiro manages to make out Akaza's fist... Completely encased in blue ice. Akaza and Kyojuro were completely shocked to see the demon's fist encased in ice.

Akaza looks past Kyojuro and finds a shocking sight... (Y/n) crouched down, with his sword in the ground, sending ice towards the two of them, narrowly freezing Akaza's fist, saving Kyojuro from having his solar plexus completely penetrated.

Akaza: What...!? No...! Kyojuro, surely you must know, once I break through this ice, the wound I will inflict on you will kill you! Come on, save yourself! Say that you'll become a demon! Can't you see!? Your strength makes you truly special!

(Y/n): Kyojuro!!! Don't give in, please! I don't... I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU TOO!!!!!! PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE AGAIN!!!!!!!!

Kyojuro looks down, watching as Akaza slowly brings his fist closer to his solar plexus, realizing that he's likely not walking out of this battle alive. However, strangely, Akaza's words start to bring back memories for the Flame Hashira...


(Ring... Ring...)

Windchimes sound off... The calming rigning of the chimes were only accompanied by the peaceful chirping of the birds in the distance.

Inside a room where the chimes were, there sat a small tray with a cup of water and a bag of medicine. These two items belonged to a woman. A beautiful young woman, however, the state she was in was obvious... It was very clear that she didn't have much time left in this world.

This woman, despite likely nearing the end of her life, called out to her son to give him some final parting words... Kyojuro... This woman was Kyojuro's mother... Ruka Rengoku.

Ruka: Kyojuro.

Young Kyojuro: Yes, what is it, Mother?

Ruka: I want to ask you something. And I want you to answer honestly. Do you know why it is... You were born with greater strength than so many others?

The young boy thinks on his mother's words... Why was he born so much stronger than others...? Everyone near him, from his mother, to his baby brother Senjuro... He was much stronger than all of them.

And eventually... One day down the line... He would even surpass his father, the current Flame Hashira.

Young Kyojuro: Uhh... No, ma'am, I don't.

Ruka: It is so that you can protect the weak. Those who are born with more bountiful gifts than others are obligated to use those gifts for the sake of the world, for all of our fellow brothers and sisters. You must never use that God-given strength to bring harm to mankind or for your own selfish desires. It is the duty of those born strong. To help those who may be less fortunate. A responsibility you must carry onward with due purpose. Be sure... You never forget that.

Young Kyojuro: I won't!

Kyojuro heeds his mother's words. With this strength he was blessed with, he would always use it for the good of the people. Never compromising for his own personal gain or for other selfish desires.

Ruka reaches out her hand, wanting to embrace her son, the child who would carry on her legacy, who will carry the prestigious honor of the Rengoku Family. Kyojuro shuffles his way over to his mother, allowing her to embrace him as she gives him what may be her final message.

Ruka: Kyojuro... I don't have much time left. Having such a strong, gentle child... (Begins to tear up) Was a true blessing...

As Ruka holds Kyojuro close, the young boy starts to tear up as well... Sensing the amount of faith and love that his mother was placing into him... It warmed the young boy's heart immensely...

End Ost

End Flashback

The flashback ends, which soon leads to Kyojuro finding a newfound resolve to win and decapitate Akaza for good.

With a tight clench of his sword and a mighty roar, Kyojuro raises his sword high into the air and proceeds to slam it down on Akaza's neck!

Kyojuro: Mother... It was I who was blessed... To have been born to such a woman as you!

Kyojuro roars as he continues to apply pressure onto Akaza's neck, using all of his body, soul, and heart into his swing as he makes his final stand to kill Akaza and save everyone.

Realizing that he was in trouble, Akaza reels his arm back and prepares to punch Kyojuro, attempting to blind him and catch him off-guard. However, to his shock, he found he couldn't move his arm.

Turning to see what had happened, once again, he found his arm encased within ice. Once again, (Y/n) had managed to step in and rescue Kyojuro by freezing the demon with his ice.

Akaza: Him again!? He stopped me twice!? What unbelievable strength! Even after I thought I crushed his head with my attack, and with all his previous injuries!

However, unfortunately for Akaza, it appears that he may have bigger problems on his hands than just Kyojuro cutting his neck and (Y/n) freezing his arm.

As he looked over to the side, Akaza saw a horrifying sight... For him. But for the demon slayers, it was the perfect timing... The sun was beginning to rise once again.

Akaza: Damn it! The sun will rise soon! I have to kill them and make my escape!

Akaza attempts to break free of the ice so that he could escape into the forest near him, however, unfortunately for him, he realized something horrible...

Akaza: Why can't I break my arms out!?

Kyojuro keeps his grip tight on his sword, refusing to let Akaza slip away without taking his neck along with him. At the same time, (Y/n) kept feeding more and more ice into Akaza's arms, preventing him from breaking free.

Kyojuro/(Y/n): I won't let you escape!!!

The two Hashiras put all of their strength into keeping Akaza in place, despite how much he tries, Akaza is unable to break free from Kyojuro and (Y/n) without taking his own head off and breaking his arms free from the ice.

As (Y/n) and Kyojuro worked to keep Akaza in place, Tanjiro had gotten back up and started making a run for his sword which was still on the ground after the Mugen Train crashed.

Tanjiro: I know Mr. Rengoku and Mr. (L/n) ordered me to stay back... (Grabs his sword) But I just can't any longer!

Tanjiro manages to grab his sword and starts running back towards Akaza, keen on helping take Akaza's head from his shoulders to save Kyojuro and (Yn).

Tanjiro: This is my only chance...! I have to slice that demon's head off, and fast!

As Tanjiro starts running towards Akaza and Kyojuro to help him kill the Upper Rank demon, the demon himself started to realize he was running out of time before the sun would rise and he would be burned alive and die.

Akaza: The sun is rising...! I have to get away! (Tries to break out) Let go of me! Let go of me!

Kyojuro and (Y/n) refuse to let Akaza get away from them, Akaza in turn, roars out in anger, echoing all throughout the area, surely deafening anyone who wasn't trained in the Demon Slayer Corps.

However, despite his loud roar, it wasn't enough to stop Kyojuro and (Y/n) from keeping Akaza in place so he burns in the sunlight.

Kyojuro/(Y/n): I won't let go!!! Not 'til I remove your head from your shoulders!

The Hashiras and the Upper Moon all yell at the top of their lungs as they all desperately pour all their strength into their attacks.

Akaza: Let go!!!!

Kyojuro and (Y/n) scream at the top of their lungs as they try to hold Akaza still until the sun rises and he burns in the sun. As the two Hashiras keep Akaza in place, Kyojuro keeps up his pressure and manages to drive his sword further into Akaza's neck, nearing the halfway point.

Meanwhile, Inosuke gasps in shock as he sees the two of them narrowly decapitating Akaza, it allowed the young boar kid to hope that they would be able to win and hold out until the sun rises. However, Tanjiro called out to Inosuke, hoping to gain his help to help decapitate Akaza to hold him in place for long enough.

Tanjiro: Inosuke, move!

Inosuke: (Turns to Tanjiro) Huh?

Tanjiro: If we don't help them now, it'll be too late!

Inosuke acknowledges Tanjiro's orders, and the two young boys start running towards Akaza and Kyojuro. Inosuke jumps into the air, gripping his swords tightly as he prepares to unleash one of his Beast Breathing forms.

Inosuke: Beast Breathing, Fang One: Pierce!

Akaza manages to see that Inosuke and Tanjiro were both running for his head, and realizes that he was in a lot of trouble. It was now life or death, either he manages to escape, he gets decapitated by Kyojuro, Inosuke, and Tanjiro, or he gets burned alive by the sun.

Realizing he was in trouble, Akaza had to turn to the ally he had just betrayed a few short minutes ago.

Akaza: Aizen! I need you to get me out of here!

Hoping that Sosuke would recognize his calls for help, Akaza continued to fear as the sun started rising and the demon slayers slowly getting closer to cutting his head off. However, Sosuke just slowly got back up and dusted himself off as he walked towards Akaza.

Sosuke: Now tell me... Why would I do something like that?

Akaza: What!?

Seizing an opportunity to catch Sosuke and take him in for judgment by the Demon Slayer Corps, (Y/n) diverts some of his ice to trap Sosuke in solid ice, encasing him completely.

However, Sosuke just smirks as the ice slowly starts to crack from the strange pressure from Sosuke's presence. Kyojuro slightly growls as he tries desperately to hold Akaza in place. However, he diverted his eyes to Sosuke for a brief moment, and due to this slight glance, Kyojuro realized something about Sosuke...

In truth, it wasn't the ice that started to crack from Sosuke's pressure... It turns out... It was Sosuke himself who was cracking apart.

Sosuke: Well... It would appear that your attack was more devastating than I thought. You managed to shatter Kyōka Suigetsu's illusions... Oh well. This was a useful investigation. Now I know my experiment is a success. Captain (L/n)... I thank you. You are the most successful experiment so far...

(Y/n)'s eyes widened from the shock, Sosuke had just tortured the young Frost Hashira mentally, destroying the hope that he once held in his heart, and yet... All he was to Sosuke was just an experiment.

Following his finishing line, Sosuke completely shatters, crumbling into the ice, showing the truth... Sosuke was never at the fight to begin with. All this time, all the reveals, the hardships and battles... They were all just against an illusion by Sosuke's Zanpakutō. Everything they could have done to him would just be for nothing since Sosuke was never there to begin with.

Akaza was now in even deeper trouble than he once thought. He couldn't rely on Sosuke to break him free, since he wasn't there now, and the ice slowly started to creep up his arms, preventing him from breaking free.

Realizing that he was trapped, Akaza realized he had to get rid of the problem... (Y/n) and his sword.

Akaza: Damn it! I can't believe that I have to use one of these on him of all people! But if I don't then I'll be burned by the sun!

Akaza glares at (Y/n), realizing that there was only one way for him to get out of the ice. If he breaks (Y/n)'s sword, then the connection to the ice would be severed and he could break free. But if he couldn't use his hands and fists to use Air Type to attack (Y/n), he only had one other option to use...

Akaza: (Glares at (Y/n)) Damn you! (Lifts his leg) Destructive Death, Leg Type: Explosive Flurry!

Akaza manages to lift his leg and starts unleashing a flurry of kicks, all of them creating a shockwave similar to his Air Type technique, seeing that he was going to die if he didn't block, (Y/n) attempts to create a wall of ice to guard himself from the attacks.

However, the Frost Hashira was too slow to guard, and one of the attacks slipped through the ice and shattered (Y/n)'s sword. Due to the connection being severed, the ice coming from the Zanpakutō ended up melting, loosening up enough for Akaza to jump out of the way, tearing his arms off in the process... As well as Kyojuro's sword.

The force from Akaza's escape forced Tanjiro and Inosuke to halt their attack due to being pushed back from the force.

Upon landing on the ground, Akaza turns to the derailed Mugen Train, realizing that he had very little time to escape before the sun started to rise and he would be burned alive.


Akaza: I've got to find sanctuary from the sunlight!

Realizing that he had to get away from the sun, Akaza immediately started running into the forest, desperate to find some sort of safe haven from the sun.

As Akaza fled into the forest, Tanjiro chased after him, breathing deeply as he powered up Hinokami Kagura again. Upon finishing his charge, Tanjiro angirly grabs his sword and throws it straight at Akaza, cutting through the forest in the process.

As Akaza runs through the forest, the Upper Moon regenerates his arms and rips out Kyojuro's sword, which was still stuck in his neck. Running swiftly, Akaza knew that he was running out of time before the sun would rise and would kill him if he didn't find shelter quickly.

Akaza: That took too long! I've got to get away from the sun!

As Akaza ran through the forest, the demon looked back at the battlefield he just ran from, however, as he looked back, suddenly, Tanjiro's sword flew straight into his chest, impaling him completely.

Akaza winces from the pain, however, due to the sun rising soon, he didn't pay mind to it and simply kept running away, however, he found himself coming to a sudden stop when Tanjiro suddenly called out to him.

Tanjiro: Don't run away! I'm not done with you, coward! Turn and face me!!!

Akaza suddenly comes to a halt once Tanjiro screams at him, yelling at him that he's a coward and to turn back and finish what he started. Akaza was seemingly insulted by Tanjiro's words as well, having veins pop up on his face and a shocked but irritated gasp escaping his lips.

Akaza: What the hell are you babbling about, kid? Don't you have a brain inside that head of yours!? I'm not running away from you! I'm running from the sun! And besides, this battle's already been decided! With those kinds of wounds, they'll both die before long or be crippled for the rest of their lives!

Akaza attempts to run away from the battle once again, however, he's stopped once again, this time, not by Tanjiro's voice, but rather... (Y/n)'s...

(Y/n): Bastard!!! Get back here!!! If you're gonna run away, then finish the damn job! You... YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL YOURSELF A WARRIOR!!!!!!

Akaza comes to an immediate stop once again. Slowly turning his head back towards (Y/n)'s direction, multiple veins popping from his head, clearly very offended by what (Y/n) had said to him.

Akaza: What the hell did you just say to me...!? You damn brat...!

(Y/n) refused to let Akaza walk away feeling like he won the battle, calling out to the demon to mock him for his poor battle. The way (Y/n) saw the battle... Akaza was an insult to battle and warriors as a whole.

(Y/n): In a battle to the death, regardless of the opponent's strength, his opponent should go all out in their battle! That is the respect the other opponent deserves! That leg technique you used on me... It showed me you were holding back against Kyojuro! Kyojuro gave his entire heart and soul into his battle! And you have the audacity to hold back against him!? You're pathetic! A coward! YOU'RE THE WEAK ONE!!!! Akaza... Mark my words... We'll meet again... And when we do... I'LL KILL YOU!!!

Akaza was fuming at (Y/n) feeling his blood boil as the young Frost Hashira called him the weak one in terms of their strength. To (Y/n), Akaza holding back felt like he was insulting the battle and would have tarnished Kyojuro's legacy had he not been around to save him.

The Upper Moon wanted to turn back and go kill (Y/n) for what he had said, however he knew that if he did, then he would surely be burned alive by the sun. So unfortunately for the Upper Moon, he had to run away or else he wouldn't make it out alive.

Akaza: Grr...! That brat...! He's lucky that the sun is rising... You got in my way twice now! I'll remember you... That's a promise...!

Unfortunately Akaza is forced to swallow his pride and needs to flee so that he doesn't become a victim of the sun, silently seething over (Y/n)'s words, insulting his pride as a warrior.

However at the same time, Tanjiro refused to stop berating Akaza, finally speaking his mind and releasing all the pent-up frustration about how unfair the demons have it, and how the Demon Slayer Corps is superior to the demons they hunt.

Tanjiro: Don't forget that the Demon Slayer Corps is always fighting you demons in the dead of night, where you have the advantage! We're not like you at all! We don't regenerate as fast, and when we lose a limb it's gone for good! (Clenches his hand) DON'T RUN AWAY, YOU BASTARDS!!!!!! You're both cowards! COWARDS!!!!! Mr. Rengoku is stronger than you'll ever hope to be!!! And Mr. (L/n) isn't an experiment to be tested on! He's a human!!! They're both so much stronger than the both of you!!! Much stronger!!! You two didn't win against them!!! They kept everyone safe! They both fought to the very end so no one would die!!! You two are the ones who lost!!!! Rengoku... And (L/n)... Are the true victors!!!!!!!

Tanjiro starts panting, finally releasing all the pent-up frustration that he had been holding in likely since he first became a demon slayer himself. Soon after, Tanjiro starts sobbing profusely, letting all the tears flow from his eyes, crying for everyone who has suffered by the hands of the demons.

Inosuke was surprisingly moved by Tanjiro's words, his hands started shaking, seemingly fighting back against his own tears as well.


Kyojuro saw the pure emotion that Tanjiro put into his words, letting out a soft and weak chuckle. (Y/n) had effectively lost all of his strength after yelling at Akaza, leaving him merely crawling towards Kyojuro and Tanjiro.

Kyojuro himself decided to give Tanjiro some words of encouragement... And consolation for his weary and hurt soul.

Kyojuro: Don't work yourself up like that.

Tanjiro turns his head back to Kyojuro, tears still falling from his eyes, however, Kyojuro kept a calm demeanor, wanting to offer some guidance to his young protégé.

Kyojuro: You would reopen your wound... And that would be very bad. You dying, my young Kamado... That would truly spell our defeat.

Tanjiro: Mr. Rengoku...

Kyojuro: Come here, lad. Let us speak... For what might be one last time.

Tanjiro slowly gets back up, walking over towards Kyojuro, wanting to listen to him for what may be the last time they get to speak to each other again...

From above, a crow flies down, landing atop the derailed Mugen Train. Watching over the scene, another crow follows behind the first, also observing the scene. These two crows belonged to Kyojuro and (Y/n), both of them responding to their master's calls to oversee the operation. Now... They could be witnessing their master's final moments.

At the same time, another crow flew down over where Retsu was still tending to a few of the passengers. However, she had gotten through all of the critically injured ones, now only tending to those with very minor injuries. Wounds that could mostly be healed on their own.

Back on the field, Tanjiro had gotten back over to Kyojuro, still slightly sobbing and prepared to listen to his mentor's words. Words that could hopefully lead to some answers and consultation for the dire situation at hand.

Kyojuro: When I was dreaming of the past... There was something I remembered. My old residence... You should go pay it a visit. There are notes left by the previous Flame Hashira there. I recall my father used to read them often. But I'm afraid I don't know their contents myself. Within those notes... You may find the dance you mentioned. The Hinokami Kagura...

The wound inflicted by (Y/n) when he first became a Hollow slowly started to take its toll and started to leak blood, soaking into his clothes and staining it red. Seeing his mentor slowly bleeding out scared the young Kamado, not wanting to lose his mentor so soon after getting him.

Tanjiro: Please! Mr. Rengoku... Enough of that! Just think about yourself now! Can't you heal that with a breathing technique?

Kyojuro: No. Very soon... I'll likely be dead.

Tanjiro gasps, realizing that the slash (Y/n) had given him when he first turned into a Hollow, might have actually been fatal. Compiled with his other injuries from Akaza... Meant that Kyojuro might not make it out alive.

However, Kyojuro maintained his high spirits, still wanting to give Tanjiro some encouraging words.

Kyojuro: Before that happens... I need you to hear me out. I have a younger brother named Senjuro. Please tell him to follow his heart... And to walk down the path he feels is right.

Despite how brash and rude he was to Kyojuro... Inosuke was also moved by Kyojuro's words and was seemingly fighting back tears as his hands started to shake from fighting back tears.

However, Kyojuro still had some parting words he wanted to give to Tanjiro before he passed...

Kyojuro: And tell my father... Tell my father that I want him to look after himself.

Blood slowly starts to seep out from his wound and starts dripping into Kyojuro's haori, soaking it in his own blood. Slowly, but steadily... A lone flame left over from the crash started to dim... Ever so slightly.

There were still a few final words that Kyojuro needed to say, something to keep his students moving... Even when he may not be around to train them anymore.

Kyojuro: And lastly... About your sister...

Tanjiro gasps, concerned as to what Kyojuro would say about Nezuko, would he accept her? Welcome her as a member of the Corps? Or think that she should be cast out and killed like another demon?

Tanjiro would soon get his answer, getting a response from Kyojuro... One he didn't expect in the slightest.

Kyojuro: I want you to know that I believe in her. Like I said at the meeting... I accept her as a part of our ranks. Your sister shed blood to protect the people inside that train from demons. And anyone who does that, regardless of what is said to the contrary, is a rightful member of the Demon Slayer Corps. So hold your head high.

Tanjiro weeps, happy to hear that Kyojuro accepts Nezuko as an official member of the Demon Slayer Corps. But at the same time, he could tell that Kyojuro was running out of time... The flame leftover from the train was getting dimmer and dimmer, signaling the flame in Kyojuro's heart slowly going out.

However, Kyojuro had to keep pushing Tanjiro further. Making sure that his death would not be in vain, that his legacy would live on within his student, giving him one last pep talk... A talk that would inspire generations to come..

Kyojuro: If you are ever feeling disheartened... That you are somehow not enough... Set your heart ablaze. Dry your eyes, and look ahead. You may feel like digging your heels in, but the flow of time waits for no one. It won't patiently stand by as you grieve. Please... Don't feel bad that I might die. As a Hashira, it's natural I'd protect you all. The young buds must be allowed to bloom... Any other Hashira... Or Captain would have done the same as I. Young Kamado... (Glances at Inosuke) Young Boar... (Thinks of Zenitsu) Boy of Yellow... You all must continue to grow. And eventually you will lend your aid by becoming the next Hashira! Know this... I believe... No... (Looks over at (Y/n)) We believe... In each and every one of you.

The two boys could no longer hold back their tears as Tanjiro started to cry, no longer able to hold back his tears. Even Inosuke was holding on by a thread, any more and he would likely burst into tears.

Kyojuro simply keeps his calm smile on his face. Accepting that this was likely his end. He was content. Allowing himself to be taken and brought into the welcoming hands of God.

As Kyojuro smiles, content with his death coming closer, just behind Tanjiro, Kyojuro sees someone... A woman, a young woman with long black hair and an elegant kimono... It was someone he hadn't seen in such a long time... Ruka.. His mother...

Ruka suddenly manifests in front of Kyojuro, seeing him one last time before he is forced to part ways with his friends and the rest of his family... Kyojuro on the other hand seemed confused about seeing his mother again. However, he had a sinking suspicion about her visit. Possibly knowing that she was here to welcome him to join her in the afterlife...

Kyojuro: Mother... Did I do well...? The responsibility I-I took upon myself to fulfill... Was I successful?

Kyojuro waits... Anticipating what his mother would say in regards to his mission. The mission he took upon himself, the mission given to him by his mother to protect the weak and fulfill the duty of the strong.

Ruka: I'm so proud of you, my son.

Ruka's words reach Kyojuro. She was so deeply proud of her son for fulfilling his duty. He protected the weak, all the way until the very end. Kyojuro was absolutely overjoyed by his mother's words.

From his mother's words, Kyojuro was completely over the moon from the response from his mother. All of it allowed him to do one thing...

Smile... One last time, Kyojuro smiles, happy that his mother was so proud of him. Happy that he managed to fulfill his duty until the bitter end. For the final time, Kyojuro smiled.

Kyojuro's eyes start to flutter shut, ready to give in and pass on to the afterlife, however, something forced him to suddenly stop...

Ruka: But...

Kyojuro begins to panic a little, thinking that he didn't do a good enough job to please his mother. But what more could he do? His life was coming to an end... He couldn't do anything more. So... What was she talking about...?

Kyojuro: Mother... Did... Did I not do good enough...? D-Did I not fulfill my duty?

Ruka: No, Kyojuro... You did a splendid job. I couldn't be more proud of you.

Kyojuro: Then... What's wrong...?

Ruka: Kyojuro... It is not yet your time.

Kyojuro's eyes widen once Ruka tells him that it's not his time to die just yet, though Kyojuro didn't know what she meant at the moment, he soon found out what she was talking about when he turned his head and saw an injured (Y/n) slowly crawling his way towards Kyojuro.

The sight was a shock for Kyojuro, (Y/n) was very badly battered in bruises, blood, and cuts, his Hollow mask slowly starting to crack and crumble apart as he slowly crawled his way towards Kyojuro.

(Y/n): (Holding back tears) Kyojuro... I... I'm sorry...

Kyojuro: (Slightly shocked) What...?

(Y/n): (Weakly points at Kyojuro's chest) That slash across your chest... (Slowly starts to cry) That's... That's because of me... Isn't it...?

Kyojuro didn't respond immediately, the truth being that he didn't want (Y/n) to know that he was the one who may have inflicted a mortal wound onto Kyojuro. Unfortunately for the Flame Hashira, (Y/n) was too sharp and managed to figure out the truth on his own...

(Y/n): (Crying) I knew it... I did that..! Kyojuro... I'm so sorry... All this time... I didn't even realize it... All this time... All this time I've been nothing but a burden to you...!

Kyojuro's eyes widened from shock once (Y/n) bursted into tears and started to proclaim that he was and always was a burden to Kyojuro. Forcing the Flame Pillar to slow down his progression for his sake.

Kyojuro tried to call out to (Y/n) to tell him that he was wrong. Kyojuro never once saw (Y/n) as a burden and didn't want him to think he was one. But unfortunately, (Y/n) didn't give him the chance to respond as he continued his outcry.

(Y/n): (Crying) Don't try and say that it's not true! I know it's true! All this time we've worked together... You've always been so far ahead of me! I'm nothing but a failure! I always have been... And now... Now this...! I... I inflicted a mortal wound onto you...! You're going to die... You're going to die, Kyojuro! And it's all my fault! (Rolls on his back) (Slowly growing quieter) You're gonna die... It's my fault... Kyojuro... Don't leave me alone again... I don't wanna be alone... I don't wanna be alone... Don't.... Don't leave me....

(Y/n)'s Hollow mask finally fully crumbles away, turning him back into a human fully again. Once the mask covering his right eye crumbles apart, it reveals (Y/n)'s slashed eye with a lone bloody tear leaking from it...

Upon having the Hollow mask crumble apart, (Y/n) lets his own tears start falling, no longer able to hold his emotions back, soon slowly passing out from his injuries. Kyojuro looks down at his friend, seeing him in a broken state like this destroyed the Flame Hashira. Kyojuro always saw (Y/n) as a shining beacon of sorts. He was always a ray of hope for some people... And now... He was a broken shell of his former self.

Kyojuro: (Y/n)... No... You're not a burden... (Slowly starts getting woozy) You were always...

Kyojuro was unable to keep himself awake for long, slowly losing his strength to stay awake. Slowly collapsing onto the ground and passing out from the injuries that he was inflicted with.

Kyojuro collapses on the ground, looking over at (Y/n), seeing his bloody tear, realizing that his friend was likely gone for good, now just a hollow shell of his former self... It was something that destroyed the Flame Hashira, so much so that as Kyojuro passed out,,, A single tear fell from his eye, watching as he loses his smile for a single moment, passing out and losing the smile that carried so many people on...



After some time passes, Zenitsu had arrived with Retsu at the scene with Kyojuro and (Yn), Retsu looking over the two Hashiras wanting to inspect their injuries to see how bad the damage was.

In the meantime, Zenitsu starts to explain what happened from his perspective and his own response to what happened while he and Nezuko were unconscious and shielding her from the sun...

Zenitsu: When the train went off the rails, Mr. Rengoku used a bunch of his techniques... That must be how we somehow avoided suffering any casualties. It must be...

Zenitsu looks over Kyojuro and (Y/n) Tanjiro, not moving from his original point, watching as he stays still, keeping his head down as Retsu looks over the two boys.

Zenitsu: I can't believe they're really gone... Was it really an Upper Rank demon and the former Captain of Squad Five...?

Tanjiro: Yeah...

Zenitsu: Why would people like that come here...? People that strong...? I don't get it...

Tanjiro once again starts to cry, balling his hands into fists as the tears start falling again, releasing some final tears and frustration that he's been hiding deep in his heart.

Tanjiro: (Crying) I'm so frustrated.... As soon as I manage to break through one wall... It feels like I just hit an even higher, thicker wall... And all the while, I can hear the sounds of my heroes fighting just beyond it... But I can't make it over to join them...! If I'm still here fumbling around in the dark... How can I ever... Is becoming someone like Mr. Rengoku and Mr. (L/n) even possible for me...?

Tanjiro and Zenitsu both start crying, feeling completely helpless that they weren't enough to fight on as well as Kyojuro and (Y/n). The two of them felt like they were inadequate in comparison to the two Hashiras.

Inosuke was also shuddering, still fighting back the tears that could come at any moment however, the young boar-headed boy steeled himself and started shouting at the boys once again, but not out of anger... Out of frustration, wanting to motivate the boys to keep moving.

Inosuke: Stop blubbering like a little baby!

Tanjiro and Zenitsu suddenly stop crying, looking up at Inosuke, curious as to what he was yelling at them about. Inosuke continues to fight his tears, gritting his teeth as he tries to motivate his friends to keep moving forward.

Inosuke: This "can I or can't I" talk is really pissing me off! He already said they believe in you, so you just have to worry about how to get there! All living things just go back to the earth when they die! And even then, we have the Captain here! She can save them! But feeling sorry for yourself isn't gonna change that! (Finally starts crying) Remember what Bug Eyes said to you! No matter how pathetic or humiliated you feel, you just gotta keep on living!

Zenitsu: But you're crying, too... I can see all the tears coming out of that headpiece of yours-

Inosuke suddenly lunges at Zenitsu and headbutts him in the head, knocking him down and screaming about how he's feeling at the moment.

Inosuke: (Crying) I am not crying!

Blood starts leaking from Zenitsu's head as he falls over, being knocked out by the headbutt he just recieved. After headbutting Zenitsu, Inosuke starts sobbing even harder than before, swinging his swords as he weeps from losing the only people that could have gotten him to respect them.

Everyone started crying again, realizing the truth in Inosuke's words, they had to keep moving, however... They needed some time to mourn. Nearly losing two of the Hashiras and their idols just mere hours after properly meeting them.

Retsu looks over at the boys, surprisingly, also fighting back her own tears as she sees the horrid state that (Y/n) and Kyojuro were in.

Retsu: Come on, boys... Don't die... Captain (L/n)... Don't die... Please... She needs you...

As everyone starts crying, Inosuke runs back over to Tanjiro shaking him as he tries to motivate him to keep moving forward despite the pain they were in.

Inosuke: (Shakes Tanjiro) (Crying) Come on! Let's go train our asses off!

Everyone continues crying, Inosuke dragging Tanjiro on the ground and soon punching his head as they all cry their eyes out, their battle was lost, though the sun had risen once again, the night might as well continue as they all feel as though the sun had risen on their darkest day...

From above, the two crows fly overhead, heading out to inform the Corps as to what happened at the Mugen Train. However, upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the two crows were also crying themselves, watching their master's slowly losing their lives as they flew overhead...

Soon the Hashira's all started hearing the news of the Mugen Train incident. In a village, two women listened as a crow explained the incident... The two would be revealed as Kanao Tsuyuri... And Shinobu Kocho...

As the crow explained the incident, Shinobu gasped from shock and covered her mouth, trying to hold her composure despite hearing how the man she loved might not come back to her...

Shinobu: (Trying to contain herself) Is... Is that right...? Kyojuro... And... (Y/n) have...

Kanao looks over at Shinobu, concerned for her sister, realizing that she could once again be facing loss of people close to her, but she couldn't say anything... She remained silent... Unable to find the words to comfort her sister...

Shinobu: (Y/n)... Please... Please don't die... I... I haven't even gotten to tell you how I feel... Don't leave me... You said you would come back...

As Shinobu silently worries that she might never get the chance to tell (Y/n) how she really feels about him, he could be gone from her life forever... And never be able to see him again, never getting the chance to tell him what she's always wanted to tell him... She might never be able to tell him that... That she loves him...

Meanwhile, moving away from Shinobu, another crow lands and informs Mitsuri Kanroji, the Love Hashira, about the news. Mitsuri covers her mouth from shock, hearing that one of her friends and her former mentor were both brushing the edge of death...

At the same time, in the middle of a forest, the Mist Hashira, Muichiro Tokito was also informed about the incident. However, he had no reaction to it, instead continuing to walk through the forest, paying no mind to the horrible news of losing two comrades.

Meanwhile, on the rooftops of a bus city, the Sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui listens to his crow, commenting on how truly dire the situation really was.

Tengen: An Upper Rank demon... And Captain Aizen... Even Rengoku and Shorty couldn't kill 'em...

As we moved from Tengen, atop another rooftop, a lone Hashira stood listening to his crow, the Serpent Hashira, Obanai Iguro... However, he had a rather different response to the news than the others thus far...

Obanai: I won't believe it...

Moving on, in a forest, the Stone Hashira, Gyomei Himejima sat on a log with his apprentice, the young brutish boy that Tanjiro had met before he left to go to the Mugen Train.

Upon hearing the news of the incident, the young boy's eyes widened from the shock, always hearing that the Hashira were the most powerful members of the Demon Slayer Corps, and that Kyojuro and (Y/n) were practically unstoppable together... It was a complete shock to the young boy.

Gyomei however, had a simple response to the news, raising his hands and beginning to pray for their survival once again.

Gyomei: (Starts crying) Namu Amida Butsu...

Meanwhile, the Wind Hashira, Sanemi Shinazugawa had wrapped up his training session, hearing the news angered the hot-headed Hashira, making a vow to his comrades to avenge them...

Sanemi: Those repulsive demons... I'll exterminate them all...

Next up was at the Squad Ten barracks, where Rangiku, Izuru, and Shuhei had all planned to enjoy some more sake. As Rangiku pulled out a bottle to give to her friends, the crow flew into the room and informed them all of the news. 

Upon hearing that her Captain and the man she was very interested in were both in critical condition and had very slim chances of survival, Rangku dropped her sake from the shock, shattering it on the ground. 

Moving away from Squad Ten, at the Squad Two barracks, there, the Captain of Squad Two, Soi Fon was organizing a recon mission for the Corps… For personal reasons… 

However, she was stopped when a crow flew down to her and informed her about the tragedy. The information took Soi Fon completely off guard, forcing her to stumble over herself and fall onto the ground in shock. 

Next was the Captain of Squad Six, Byakuya Kuchiki. After dispelling a massive horde of demons, outwaiting them and holding out until daybreak; Byakuya found out about the news from his crow. Leaving him to give a traditional stoic response, despite being close friends with Kyojuro.

Byakuya: I understand…

The crow flies away to leave Byakuya to finish his mission, however, when looking down at his hands, Byakuya suddenly stiffened his hand, shaking slightly from the shock of hearing that his friend might not make it back, making it impossible for him to have another battle and finally win against Kyojuro…

The final person of the Thirteen Court Guard Squad to hear about the news would be the Squad Eleven Captain, Kenpachi Zaraki, where he and his young lieutenant, Yachiru Kusajishi were both wandering around the forest, hunting any demons that could have found shelter from the sun. 

As the crow explained the tragedy to Kenpachi, the captain didn’t pay any mind to what the crow was saying, choosing instead to continue searching for some more demons to kill. 

Lastly, the final member of the Demon Slayer Corps to hear about the news was the Water Hashira, Giyu Tomioka.

As a crow flew down to Giyu to tell him about the battle, Giyu’s eyes slightly widened, but not a noticeable amount, all of this led to Giyu to give one simple, dead response to the news…

Giyu: Is that so…?

Finally, the last person to hear about the news of the battle would be revealed, the Head Captain and Master of the Demon Slayer Corps, Kagaya Ubuyashiki, where in his garden with his wife and one of his kids all watched the waterfall. 

However, as most of the Demon Slayers responded with shock, denial, and sorrow, Kagaya however, responded with… Happiness. Content and happy to hear the news about the incident. The resounding success in Kyojuro’s mission to protect the passengers warmed the weary Head Captain’s soul. 

Kagaya: Not even a single one of those two hundred passengers lost their lives? They did a truly splendid job indeed. Truly remarkable children. I feel no sadness. My life will soon reach its end as well. (Looks to the sky) And then… I’ll likely be able to see Kyojuro, (Y/n), and the others again… In the world after…


Cue Homura by LISA

Tanjiro is left alone, sobbing as the Kakushi and Retsu take Kyojuro and (Y/n) in for intensive medical care. The sorrow Tanjiro felt was still very clear, all he wanted was to be like them, however, he didn’t believe that he could be like them…

Tanjiro: (Crying) Mr. Rengoku… Mr. (L/n)... Rengoku… (L/n)... (Clenches his heart) Rengoku! (L/n)!

Tanjiro clenches his heart, promising to listen to Kyojuro’s words. He’ll try to keep his head held up high, setting his heart ablaze, and going to keep moving forward, no matter how hard it is…

Tanjiro’s cries carry on as everything fades to black and the credits begin to roll, signaling an end to the decisive battle and the aftermath…

Sayōnara arigatō koe no kagiri

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

A Frozen Flame

Kanashimi yori motto daiji na koto
Sariyuku senaka ni tsutaetakute

A fanfiction created by GreninJoker

Nukumori to itami ni ma ni au yō ni

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba created by Koyoharu Gotōge

Kono mama tsudzuku to omotteita
Bokura no ashita o egaiteita

Bleach created by Tite Kubo

Yobiatteita (Yobiatteita)
Hikari ga mada (Hikari ga mada)
Mune no oku ni atsui no ni

Soon, on both sides of the scrolling credits, Kyojuro and (Y/n) both fade into the scene, the scene was that of them first meeting, Kyojuro reaching down to give (Y/n) a hand after he bumped into him

Bokutachi wa moesakaru tabi no tochū de deai
Te o torikoshite hanashita mirai no tame ni

(Y/n) and Kyojuro soon appear in their massive battle against the demon who was abducting a bunch of children… Their first ever mission together…

Yume ga hitotsu kanau tabi boku wa kimi o omō kara
Tsuyoku naritai to negai naita
Ketsui o hanamuke ni

Now, on both sides, we find (Y/n) and Kyojuro both training with their father’s in swordsmanship. Both of them learning the arts taught by their father’s to pass down their legacy.

Natsukashī omoi ni torawaretai
Zankoku na sekai ni nakisakende

The two of them soon find themselves at the ceremony, now fully grown and matured, receiving their prestigious titles as Hashiras.

Otona ni naru hodo fuete yuku
Mō nani hitotsu datte ushinaitakunai


Tanjiro Kamado

Natsuki Hanae/Zach Aguilar

Nezuko Kamado

Akari Kito/Abby Trott

Zenitsu Agatsuma

Hiro Shimon/Aleks Le

Inosuke Hashibira

Yoshitsugu Matsuoka/Bryce Papenbrook

Kyojuro Rengoku

Satoshi Hino/Mark Whitten

(Y/n) (L/n)

Romi Park/Steve Staley

Retsu Unohana

Aya Hisakawa/Kate Higgins

Enmu (Lower One)

Daisuke Hirakawa/Landon McDonald

Akaza (Upper Three)

Akira Ishida/Lucien Dodge

Sosuke Aizen

Shō Hayami/Kyle Herbert

Kanashimi ni nomare ochite shimaeba
Itami o kanjinaku naru keredo

As the credits continue to roll, we find Kyojuro being held by his mother, resting in her arms as the credits continue to fall.

Kimi no kotoba (Kimi no kotoba)
Kimi no negai (Kimi no koe)

Tanjuro Kamado

Shinichiro Miki/Kirk Thornton

Kie Kamado

Hōko Kuwashima/Dorothy Fahn

Shigeru Kamado

Kaede Hondo/Jessica DiCicco

Takeo Kamado

Yo Taichi/Michelle Ruff

Hanako Kamado

Konomi Kohara/Ryan Bartley

Rokuta Kamado

Aoi Koga/Philece Sampler

Boku wa mamorinuku to chikattan da

Kyojuro and his mother soon fade away and all that remains is fire left behind, still burning strong in spite of the darkness in the world

Ohhhh~~~~ Hooooo~~~~

Shinjuro Rengoku

Rikiya Koyama/Imari Williams

Ruka Rengoku

Megumi Toyoguchi/Suzie Yeung

Senjuro Rengoku

Junya Enoki/Cedric Williams

Kyojuro Rengoku (Young)

Mariya Ise/Ryan Bartley

(F/n) (L/n)

Yuichi Nakamura/Newton Pittman

(M/n) (L/n)

Mai Nakahara/Brina Palencina

Kagaya Ubuyashiki

Toshiyuki Morikawa/Matthew Mercer

Amane Ubuyashiki

Rina Sato/Suzie Yeung

Oto o tatete kuzureochite yuku
Hitotsu dake no (Hitotsu dake no)
Kakegae no nai sekai

Everything fades to black as the music swells again, revealing (Y/n) and Kyojuro with their swords, heading off into battle to protect the innocents

Te o nobashi dakitometa hageshī hikari no taba
Kagayaite kietetta mirai no tame ni

Giyu Tomioka

Takahiro Sakurai/Johnny Yong Bosch

Tengen Uzui

Katsuyuki Konishi/Ray Chase

Shinobu Kocho

Saori Hayami/Erika Harlacher

Obanai Iguro

Kenichi Suzumura/Erik Scott Kimerer

Muichiro Tokito

Kengo Kawanishi/Griffin Burns

Sanemi Shinazugawa

Tomokazu Seki/Kaiji Tang

Gyomei Himejima

Tomokazu Sugita/Crispin Freeman

Takusareta shiawase to yakusoku o koete yuku
Furikaerazu ni susumu kara

Soi Fon

Hōko Kuwashima/Karen Strassman

Byakuya Kuchiki

Ryōtarō Okiayu/Daniel Woren

Kenpachi Zaraki

Fumihiko Tachiki/David Lodge

Hollow (Y/n)

Romi Park/Steve Staley

Mae dake muite sakebu kara
Kokoro ni homura o tomoshite

As the credits slowly come to an end, the final shot of the credits is that of (Y/n) and Kyojuro sitting together laughing together with smiles on their faces… Before dissolving into the two of them in their current state, passed out, bloody, and tears streaming from their eyes… 

Tōi mirai made

The music slowly comes to an end, revealing one last shot, that being of both Kyojuro and (Y/n)’s broken swords, laying on the ground in pure darkness, signaling that their fates would remain unknown… For now…

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

A Frozen Flame

Mugen Train Arc

The End

Continue lendo

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