Marvel Women One Shots

By artistic_bagel

240K 3.5K 447

Welcome to my Marvel Women One Shots! This is my first time writing one shots so stand by while I figure out... More

Author's Note
Bike Ride - Mama Nat
Feelings Part 1 - Kate Bishop
Feelings Part 2 - Kate Bishop
Secrets - Wanda Maximoff
Fighting - Mama Nat
Our Future - Wanda Maximoff
Sick - Yelena Belova
Guilt - Natasha Romanoff
Helping - Kate Bishop
Is it ever enough? - Mama Nat
Learning - Wanda Maximoff
Scars - Yelena Belova
Taking Care - Natasha Romanoff
Nighttime Dances - Yelena Belova
Not What I Had Planned - Mama Nat
Why Do You Care - Wanda Maximoff
It's Always Been You - Kate Bishop
You Did What Now? - Natasha Romanoff
We Need to Get Out - Yelena Belova
Doodles and Fire - Wanda Maximoff
At Least There's a Dog - Kate Bishop
You're just different now Pt 1 - Natasha Romanoff
I will always love you - Wanda Maximoff
Just a little update/question
Meeting the family - Yelena Belova
Tired - Wanda Maximoff
Visiting - Kate Bishop
You're just different now Pt 2 - Natasha Romanoff
I love you - Yelena Belova
Happy Pride Month
You're no monster - Wanda Maximoff
A breath of fresh air - Kate Bishop
You're still my love - Yelena Belova
I need to get home - Natasha Romanoff
I'll protect you - Wanda Maximoff
The next chapter - Kate Bishop
Headaches - Yelena Belova
I have Covid
Felt to real - S.J, F.P, H.S, E.O
Bad day - Mama Nat
Little Sister Part 1 - Kate Bishop
Little Sister Part 2 - Kate Bishop
Little Sister Part 3 - Kate Bishop
Nightmares aren't real - Wanda Maximoff
Rain - Yelena Belova
Dealing with it - Natasha Romanoff
Important Update
New Story!!
Just Being Yourself - Natasha Romanoff
A deep breath...of water - Yelena Belova
Painful - Wanda Maximoff
A deep breath...of water part 2 - Yelena Belova
Love me, love me not - Wanda Maximoff
Old habits will haunt - Kate Bishop
First Family Christmas - Natasha Romanoff
Stomach Bug - Yelena Belova

Lock your door next time - Mama Nat

4.3K 71 3
By artistic_bagel

Warnings: slight smut and mention of smut but it's nothing to bad 

So uh...I wanted to get this done on the first or the second of June since it's Pride Month, but I ended up having to cover several extra shifts at work, which ate up all my free time. But here it is anyways.

I hope you enjoy whatever the hell this is

Age: 17

"Y/n, dinner!" my mom said through my bedroom door.

"Coming, mom." I replied, finishing off the math problem I was working on.

I had been so absorbed by my homework that I had missed the sun setting and the onset of evening.

Jumping up from my desk, I wandered out the door and down the stairs, into the living room and kitchen area. My mom was placing a plate of food down in front of my empty seat, which was right next to Wanda.

Yes, my mom was the Natasha Romanoff. How that happened was a long story that I don't feel like getting into all the details. Short version is that she had found me when I was working on an assignment for the Red Room. I was only fourteen at the time and she for some reason took pity on me. About a year later, she adopted me as her own, and I called her mom ever since.

We rarely ate dinner together at the table. Everyone was always busy with their own things, working on missions and paperwork. That's where everyone was tonight. Steve, Vision, Tony, Bucky, Rhodey, and Bruce were on different assignments, given out by Fury. Peter was home with his Aunt May. Clint was off with his wife and kids. Thor was currently off world, visiting home.

I plopped down next to Wanda, letting out a tired sigh. It had been a long day of homework and I just wanted to be finished with it.

While my mom's back was turned, I felt a warm hand slip inside my own, giving it a tight, but gentle, squeeze. I looked up and met Wanda's eyes, which were full of concern at my odd state.

"Are you ok?" Wanda's voice echoed through my head as she established a mind link with me.

"Yeah, just tired of homework." I replied, letting go of her hand when my mom turned around and approached the table, holding a bowl of salad and placing it down.

"We can just relax after dinner, if you'd like." Wanda suggested in my head as we both silently watched my mom sit down.

"That sounds nice."

"You two alright?" my mom's voice snapped Wanda and I out of our heads. I hadn't realized that I had zoned out while telepathically communicating with Wanda.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm just tired." I nodded, beginning to dig into the food presented before me.

All I could think about was the promised relaxation with Wanda. We had been dating for almost three months and had yet to announce it to the team. In fact, I was yet to come out of my mom. I had no idea what she would think of me if I came out to her as gay. I knew she loved me, but I was afraid she would just see me as a disappointment and hate me if she actually knew. I had no proof she actually would, I just wanted her to accept me.

Dinner passed silently with little conversation made between the three of us. Soon enough, I was helping my mom with the dishes while Wanda was upstairs, getting her pajamas on.

After the last dish was dried and put away, I wandered back upstairs and found myself standing before my desk, staring at my math homework. It was Saturday and I had spent all day working on school work. I had made enough progress to be done for the day and finish everything tomorrow.

I tiredly collected my papers, shoving them in a random folder and tossing it on the desktop, not really caring that it wasn't the most organized way of storing my work.

Sighing, I shuffled over to my closet and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I sluggishly pulled off my jeans and replaced them with the comfier pants, doing the same with my shirt and pajama's shirt.

I looked up when there was a quiet knock on my door.

"Come in." I told the knock, already knowing who it was going to be.

Wanda poked her head in, smiling at me. She was dressed in similar clothes, her long red hair was down and had shifted to a kind of brunette in the light of my room.

Closing the door behind her, she came forward and pulled me into a hug, probably sensing how tired I was. I wrapped my arms around her waist, burying my face in the crock of her neck. She held me tight against her body, letting me sigh out in deep contentment.

"Why don't we just lay down and watch a movie? You need the rest." Wanda suggested after a long moment of silence. She brought a hand to the back of my head and began to lightly scratch my scalp, helping my body relax further into her.

I just nodded and briefly unwrapped myself from against Wanda's body. We both flopped down in my bed, Wanda brought the blanket to drape across us while I resumed my positing of snuggling up against her. After positioning the blanket comfortably, she grabbed the remote from my nightstand and began looking for something to watch, all the while tracing lazy patterns on my back with her free hand.

Eventually she settled on Hunger Games, turning it to a low volume to just act as some background noise while she tried to get me to sleep. I knew this was her plan because it often was on nights where I was so tired, like tonight.

I felt her hand slowly slip under my shirt, lightly scratching my back, giving me some rare skin on skin contact. Like I said, we had only been dating for about three months, so we haven't given each other a whole lot of intimate affection. This was about as far as we would get, her hands under my shirt, resting on my back, stomach, or sides. I loved it, to be honest, and I knew Wanda did too. We just wanted to take things slow.

I glanced up at Wanda and took in her features. I loved her eyes, her nose, her smile. I think that was the first thing I ever really noticed about her, how bright her smile truly was. It was the definition of 'your smile lights up the room,' because it really did in my world. Plus, I loved the way her nose would scrunch up when she laughed, adding another layer of cuteness to her already adorable nature.

I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck, wanting to shower her with all my love and affection. Slowly, I worked my way up to her cheek, peppering her with small kisses.

She smiled and turned to look at me, meeting my sleepy gaze with all the love in her own eyes. Slowly, she pulled me into a soft kiss, her lips gentle as she physically assured me that she loved me.

I hummed at the contact, bringing up a hand to cup her cheek as we continued the affection.

"I love you, y/n." Wanda whispered in between kisses, her hot breath fanning across my face as her smile grew uncontrollably wider.

"I love you too." I replied, pulling her back into the kiss, this time a little bit rougher than before. There was a new hunger growing inside me, wanting to show her just how deeply I truly did love her.

Wanda must have sensed this because she didn't pull away. In fact, she deepened the kiss, letting it grow more passionate as her hands traveled to my waist.

However, as the universe would have it, this particular good thing had to come to the world's most awkward end. In hindsight, I think it's my fault because I should have locked my bedroom door. In reality, I didn't, so no one would blame my mom for being blindsided when she walked in on Wanda and mine's little spur of the moment make out session.

"Hey, y/n. I just wanted to-" There was the familiar squeak of the door as it swung open, my mom standing there, her mouth hanging slightly open as she gripped onto the door knob tightly.

Wanda and I just slightly separated, now fully aware of how close we were and how my shirt was now riding halfway up my torso, exposing my stomach.

"Uhh...hi mom." I said awkwardly, trying to give her a convincing smile that this wasn't what it looked like, when it really was what it looked like.

"Wanda dear," my mom began, frighteningly calmly, "could you give my daughter and I a moment?" I couldn't exactly tell if she was surprised or angry with me. God knows I'm about to find out.

Wanda just nodded and quickly scrambled out of bed. She gave me a reassuring look before leaving the room, probably retreating to her own bedroom until my mom said otherwise.

Once my girlfriend had left, my mom shut the door behind her, however she didn't lock it. I guess she didn't want me to feel trapped by the inevitable conversation that was now brewing.

Then she walked over to the night stand and picked up the TV remote, pausing the movie.

"So, anything you wanna tell me?" she questioned, cocking an eyebrow and crossing her arms at me.

"Nothing that I can think of." I replied, shaking my head and sitting up in bed, pulling down my shirt.

She just hummed at me, studying my face. Then she moved closer and sat at the edge of my bed, letting out a sigh.

"Listen, I was hoping we could skip having the talk, but I guess it's kind of important now." my mom said, repositioning herself to get a better look at me.

"Wait...are we just going to skip over the fact that you just walked in on me kissing a girl?" I asked, slightly dumbfounded.

"I was thinking so." She must have realized my confusion at her actions because she continued. "Y/n, I don't care who you love, as long as you're happy and safe. Besides, I don't believe in coming out. You wouldn't have to have told me if you were straight. Honestly, the whole process is just a bunch of unneeded stress."

I just stared at her. She was taking this news a lot better than I thought she would have.

"But y/n, there are some things you need to know." my mom continued, returning to the topic of the talk.

"Oh mom, please not the talk." I pleaded, wanting to get out of the conversation.

"I know it's awkward, but it's important. Listen, I just want you to be safe." This started her through her long speech, giving the full extent of the talk. She wasn't wrong, it was awkward, not just for me, but also for her. I could tell that she was not expecting to have this conversation, but yet, here we are.

"Does that make sense?" she asked, finishing off her version of the talk, getting into the details about intimacy, consent, and how important aftercare was.

I just nodded uncomfortably, wanting to leave the room so I could properly gag and cleanse my eardrums with bleach.

She just chuckled at my uncomfortableness, scooting over and bringing me into a tight hug.

"I love you, y/n. I'm happy you found someone like Wanda. She's good for you, and I wouldn't want you with anyone else." she whispered to me, stroking the back of my head as I tightened my grip on her.

She really was my favorite person, right next to Wanda.

"Thanks mama. I love you too." I replied, happy that she approved of my choice of partner.

After a few moments of silence, we separated. My mom cracked her signature Romanoff smirk and got up.

"I'll tell your girlfriend that it's safe to come back." she announced, getting off my bed. "And next time, lock your door." She then proceeded to walk out of the room like nothing had happened.

In fact, a lot had just happened. My mom walked in on Wanda and I making out. I was so sure that she would hate me for being gay, when in reality she didn't care. Deep down, I had a feeling I had always known she would accept me. I just got a really awkward talk about intimacy and love from my mother, which wasn't really a highlight but at least it was over. And she approved of my girlfriend. All of this was more than I could have hoped for, and I was grateful for my mom's love and understanding in all of this.

Wanda sheepishly shuffled through my bedroom door a few minutes later, rejoining me in bed, however this time leaving a few inches of room between us.

"I just had the world's most awkward talk about intimacy with my mom." I blurted out before my girlfriend could say anything.

She just giggled at me, shaking her head.

"What did she say about us?" she questioned, almost sounding afraid of the answer I might have.

"She was fine with it. She just wants the both of us to be safe." I replied quietly, wrapping my arms around Wanda and pulling her closer to me.

"She told me that she'd break me in half if I broke your heart." Wanda pouted slightly, a small hint of fear playing in her eyes. "Good thing I have no immediate plans to."

I just laughed at her, pulling her down into bed so we were both lying with each other.

Wanda sighed and watched me, a happy smile tugging at her lips.

"We should get some sleep." she said, stifling a yawn that threatened to escape her lips.

I nodded, cuddling deeper into Wanda as I held her tighter, already feeling sleep nipping at my consciousness. Wanda readjusted herself into a more comfortable position, then raised one of her hands slightly, a red halo encasing her fingertips.

Using her magic, she switched off the lights and the TV and repositioned the blanket around the both of us. After setting the room for the night, she replaced her arm in its previous position, lazily tracing shapes and rubbing patterns on my back, helping lull me to sleep.

That's when I felt something that I hadn't felt in a long time. Happiness.

I felt happy, because I knew how much my mom and Wanda both loved me.

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