Pokémon Shipping Oneshots

Por I_Left_Lol

79.3K 1.4K 561

BECAUSE I HAVE A PROBLEM These are little blurbs so I don't go and add anything ridiculous to already-exsisti... Mais

Requests: CLOSED OML
Ikarishipping: Incident
Ferriswheelshipping: Love? {fixing...}
Sequelshipping: Presents
Leafgreenshipping: Help
Dualrivalshipping: Meeting again
Hoennshipping: Battles
Shauntal x Grimsley: Books
Specialshipping: Visit
Hoennchampionshipping: Reunion
Oldrivalshipping + Specialshipping (Part 2): Movie night
Movie night Continued
Dreamyhairshipping: Bodyguard
Franticshipping: Off
Livecastershipping: Kiss Spot
Franticshipping: Strawberries
Ferriswheelshipping: Parenting
Specialshipping: Voices
Geekchicshipping: Pranks
Contest Info
Contestshipping: Mariokart
Contest Info
Corruptedshipping (Contest) MJ: Parties
Corruptedshipping (Contest) Kasai
Hoennchampionshipping: Mega Brownies
Ironwillshipping: Third Wheel
Pearlshipping: Fairytales
Third Wheel (Part 2)
Mangaquestshipping: Threats
Dreamyhairshipping: A Name
Contest Results!!
Kickstarter Warning
Stoopa (kickstarter)
Contestshipping: My Singing Dove
Quarcien (kickstarter)
The Prank and Pillow War (kickstarter)
Specialshipping: Home
Perfectworldshipping: Late night Texts
SEE NEXT CHAPTER Request please!!
Christmas Corruptedshipping
Sorting stuff out
Art for Umbreon
Preciousmetalshipping: Songs
Preciousmetal: Compliments (Part II)
Leaving Wattpad

Ferriswheelshipping (Part 2): Sick

1.5K 43 8
Por I_Left_Lol

(N x White) (games)

I was crying. I felt terrible. My father never loved me, and I had been useless. To make matters worse, I had fled. Reshiraim was exhausted by the time we landed in wherever. It was freezing cold. I couldn't get White off my mind. She was my friend, after all. She taught me what 'love' is in all of the ways, such as friend, family, or more... She didn't become mean to me after I told her I was the head of her enemy. I know the Cheren-boy hated me for it. But not White. I missed her. I truly did. After the weeks I've spent alone here, I just wanted to see her again. I also felt ill, my head pounding as if Gurdurr was punching it. I twirled the handkerchief White gave me in my hand nervously. Reshraim nudged my side. N, you are troubled. What should I do? "I-I need to see White again... I feel like I can't live without her... I'll die... I need to see her..." Reshiraim stood and crouched. I climbed onto his back before he blasted away from the land. The cool air felt nice on my face. "Reshiraim, what's going on with me? I can't... control myself... my stomach churns when I think of her... What's happening to me?" He slowed so he could arch his neck and look striaght into my eyes. You are in love, N. He then shot forward with great speed, making me almost lose my balance. "Love? Of course I love White. She's my friend." But you, N, love her more than a friend love. You love her above the family love, too. You love her as your mate. I sat quietly, wondering why. We started as friends, so why was I like this now? Does it grow? How does it work? I remained silent for the rest of the flight, feeling my cheeks turn hot. "Reshiraim, why is my face burning?" I asked as we landed outside of Nuevma Town. You are embarassed. You are in an uncomfortable position emotionally. Your brain and body does not like it. "How does it stop?" It wears away with time. I nodded and ran down the route and into the small village. I knew White lived in the center house, she always talked about her mother and how peaceful her hometown was. I knocked on the door, and a woman answered it. It wasn't White, though. "Hello, how may I help you?" The woman asked. "Is White here?" I asked, frantic. "No, I'm afraid not. She left for Dragonspiral tower about an hour ago. May I ask who you are?" I bowed in respect. "N." I said before running to jump onto Reshiraim's back. "Dragonspiral." I rubbed his neck and he took off. When the tower was below us, I made out the figure of Zekrom and hopefully White. Wherever Zekrom was, White was there for sure. Reshiraim dived, then landed gracefully. "-N?!" I heard White's voice exclaim. I vaulted off Reshiraim's back and embraced her. Her soft brown hair brushed my face, and I started to cry. "N-N? Is that really you?" I let go of her and continued to cry. "N? Are you alright?" She brushed her thumb against my cheek. I opened my eyes a bit to look at her. She was wearing a fuzzy black jacket and long jeans. Her hat was discarded and so was her ponyatatail, but she still looked the same to me. The same, pretty White. "I missed you..." I croaked, hiccuping. "I missed you too N." She hugged me. I cried from atop her head, holding my face in her hair. She stepped back, then pressed the back of her hand to my forehead. "You're burning up! What did you do?!" "I-I..." My voice cracked. "My head..." I held the side of my face in one hand. N, are you well? Zekrom approached me, concerned. "Ah-I-" I stumbled, even though I was just standing. "What's... Why..." White put a finger to her lips. "Shh. Talking will worsen a headache. Zekrom?" The black dragon bent down, and White helped me onto his back. She climbed behind me, holding onto my waist. I felt the heat in my cheeks rise up again, but the pounding in my head distracted me. "Nnngh..." I moaned. "You're gonna be okay, N. Don't worry." I nodded in acknowledgement, then braced myself as Zekrom took flight. Reshiraim followed behind, worried. We landed outside the middle house in Nuevma, and White helped me down. She leaned me against her, then guided me inside. "White! There you-oh my goodness!" The woman from earlier gasped when she saw me. "The poor boy! Come, come!" She led us to a couch, then White had me sit. Sweat beaded on my forehead, and my eyes strained to focus. I gave up and shut them, then felt someone take off my hat. I opened my eyes again painfully. White was feeling my forehead once more, then told the woman to get some ice. "N, can you get your turtwigneck off by yourself?" I shook my head. I could barely lift an eyelid. "Okay." Without hesitation, White helped me remove my white shirt and put it to the side. "Lift your arms." I did so, and she began to pull my black turtwigneck off. The heat on my face returned, and that brought a sudden reminder to me. "Reshiraim..." I dropped my hands to rest on White's arms, scared. "He's outside, don't worry. Now lift your arms again." I obeyed, and after we got the thick shirt off, White helped me back into my white one. "White... can I... lie down... please?" I pleaded. "Of course you can. Here." She gently assisted me in laying nearly horizontal on the couch. My head and knees were on the armrests, since I was taller than White and the woman. "White... the woman that helps you... who is she?" I asked. "That's my mom. Now shh, don't be hard on yourself." White's mom came back with an ice bag, which White put under my head. I winced at the cold contact, but it felt soothing. White got a wet cloth and placed it on my forehead. It was cold too, but also relaxing. "White... what's happening to me?" I asked. "You're sick, N." I panicked. "Sick? Will I die? Will it get bad?" White pet my hair. "No, N. You'll be okay." I found her free hand and squeezed it in my own. "Please don't leave me." I whispered, scared. White smiled. "Don't worry. I'll be right next to you until you get better. Okay?" I nodded slightly. "Okay..." I turned my head to look at the ceiling, then closed my eyes. When I woke up, White was half-on, half-off the couch. She had her head on top of her arms resting on my stomach and her folded legs were still on the ground. The pounding in my head returned. "...W-White?" Her eyes fluttered open at her name. "Mm?" "My... head... can you fix it... please?" She pet my hair. "No. Sorry N. I can help it a little, though." I nodded. She helped me sit up, then sat next to me. She rubbed my head, right next to my eyes. "If you have a headache, it's good to rub your temples. Not too much, though." White's mom came downstairs, followed by Audino. "White, do you think Audino's Refresh would help?" White hesitated. "Well, it's up to N..." I looked at Audino, who waved. Hello, sir. Are you well? I smiled. "She's nice." White's mom looked surprised. "Hmm?" "Mom, remember when I came home and told you about a boy who could hear pokémon?" "Ah, yes. You had quite an obsession with him for a while. Stealing your first kiss-" "Yeah yeah. This is him." White's face was red. Her mom turned red too, then apologized. "What is that called, White?" I asked. "What is what called?" I pointed to her cheek. "When your face turns red because of embarassment. Reshiraim didn't explain much." White's face turned darker. "Blushing." It didn't make a lot of sense. What was embarassing? I turned back to face Audino. "Hello, Audino. You are very kind, but I won't allow you to help." I smiled at her. She looked surprised. You sure? "Yes." Alright, sir... She walked back up the stairs, looking back at me solemly. "N! Why did you say no?!" White asked. "I didn't want her to be forced to help me. She can do as she pleases." White groaned and rubbed her temples. "Do you have a headache? Did I pass my sickness to you?" I asked, worried. "No N. I'm fine. You need to sleep more." She stood up and I lied down again. White's mom pulled her into the other room, dispite her quiet protests. I felt lonely, so I released Zorua from his pokéball. "Hello friend." I scratched his ears. Hi N! I heard you were sick. Are you feeling better? "I am, thanks." I pet him in a short period of silence until White's mother yelled from the other room so both of us could hear. "Will we be able to afford keeping him here for that long?! Taking care of your Zekrom is one thing, but a sick boy and his Reshiraim on top of that?! You know money has been tight latley, White!" "Mom! I know! But listen..." I looked at Zorua, who looked away from me. I sighed and stood up. I wasn't going to cause White trouble. Zorua followed at my heels as I walked outside. The cold air blasted my chest, I left my turtwigneck inside. I shivered and walked to Reshiraim. The pounding in ny head intensifyed, but I ignored it. N! What are you doing out here! You're sick! Reshiraim exclaimed. You should be inside! You'll only get worse! Zekrom added. "I don't want White or her mom having to spend money on you or me when they can't afford it, Reshiraim. Let's go." I reached to his neck, but I heard the door open and someone tackled me in a hug. I fell back onto Reshiraim, who nudged me back to my feet. "W-White? Wh-why-" "I'm not letting you leave again!! You broke my heart last time! And this time you're sick!" She gripped my shirt. "You can't leave, N..." "I'm sorry you have to pay for me, White. I'm sorry I'm sick. I really should go..." White shook her head, then looped her arms around my neck. She rested her chin on my shoulder, and I felt cool trails trickling down my back. "I made you cry..." I murmured, ashamed. I grasped her in the tightest hug I could give, my arms weak from being sick. "I'm sorry, White. I don't want you to cry." I cringed, feeling myself start to cry. My head pain worsened. I thought Reshiraim had accidentally clobbered me, but it only hurt from the inside. I groaned and my legs buckled. "N!" White exclaimed. She helped me up and brought me back inside. Zorua jumped onto my stomach once I lied down, licking my face. I managed a small smile before groaning. White bustled to get more ice, then swabbed my forehead again. "That was foolish, N. Going outside when you're like this..." She let the scentence die off. I watched her eyes as she worked, admiring how determined they were. Another blow of pain blasted through my head. I winced and whimpered. That's it!! I've had it!! I turned my head to see Audino, who was angry. She ran down the staircase and stood in front of me. I'm healing you whether you like it or not! She placed a gentle paw on my forehead and used Refresh, instantly making the pain go away. My stomach calmed down, and I wasn't as hot anymore. Audino huffed. You might be angry that I helped, but you sounded like a Lillipup being tortured! I wasn't just going to stay around and watch! I smiled and pet her head, startling her. "I am grateful. I only declined the offer before because I didn't want you to be forced into anything. Whatever you do by your own choice, however, is up to you." She huffed again and crossed her arms. Next time, don't decline an offer of aid. You may not be as lucky next time. I nodded in agreement. Audino walked away, and White's mom came in. "I am heading to the store for some pokéfood. Anyone need anything?" "No thanks, Mom." White replied, nodding. White's mom walked out the door, leaving Zorua, White, and I. I sat up and hugged White. "I'm sorry, White." She hugged me back. "You have nothing to be sorry about, N." We stayed that way for a while, hugging each other. "Um, N?" "Yes White?" "I've been meaning to tell you something..." I let go of her and smiled. "What?" "Well... remember when Serperior evolved from a Servine?" "Mm-hm." "And our conversation?" "Yes." "You remember the levels of 'love' right?" "Yes." "Did you know that friend love can grow into family love?" My face lit up. "Does that mean it can grow into the other love too?" White nodded. "That makes more sense! Reshiraim told me that I love you like that, but I was really confused at first. Now I understand!" White smiled. "Good." She brushed noses with me. "Now let's see if you can figure out why I did this." She pressed her lips to mine, and I realized that it was a kiss. She loves me that way too? I smiled and kissed her back. So this is what love is.

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