Third Wheel (Part 2)

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(Dawn x Riley) (games)

Riley and I had started dating a couple months ago, and decided to finally get our 'revenge' on Maxiene and Barry.

"Hey Max, do you want to go to the Winter Festival with Riley and I this weekend in Jubilife?" I asked her as she trudged down the hall at 11:43 am, which was suprisingly early for her to wake up on break. "Hnn? Sure, I guess." She yawned, rubbing her right eye. She was in her signature gray sweatshirt along with with a pair of dark blue short shorts--what she usually wore to lounge around in. Her hair was toussled and her glasses discarded.

I, on the other hand, was fully dressed in a long sleeved red shirt and jeans, with my brushed hair out of it's usual style and hanging down my shoulders.

Talk about opposites.

Then again, I was the only one that actually got up in the morning.

Maxiene walked into the kitchen of our apartment and threw open a couple of cabinets. "Do we have any more Chocolate Cheerios?" She yawned. "No. You ate the last of it at one in the morning. I heard you." I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my phone, which I was texting Riley with.

Dawn: Maxie's coming. Though she might forget, but I'll drag her anyways.

Riley: Great! Barry's already agreed.

Dawn: We are so evil! ψ(`∇')ψ
Love you! :3

Riley: Love you too my evil demon ☆〜(ゝ。

I smiled at the last text before turning my phone off.

"Ugghhhhh... We don't have any good cereal..." I heard Maxiene complain from the kitchen. I sighed. Hopefully she'll lighten up soon...

~Maxie's first timeskip sponsored by K cereals~

The day of the festival had arrived, and Arceus was Maxie stoked for it.

Well, Winter was her favorite season.

"OhmiArceus! I'm so excited!! What about you, Lare-Bear?" She looked down at the Purrloin in her arms. "Purrloin~" He replied, smiling at his trainer.

I had told Maxiene to dress nicely, so she had (reluctantly) decided to wear a black long sleeved shirt with a prisim drawing on it showing light going through one end and rainbow coming out the other under her red Team Magma coat. She had tight black kahki pants on with fake zippers instead of pockets decorating down her thighs and some black converse sneakers that fanned out at the top.

I wore a long sleeved white shirt with black swirl embroidery on it underneath my long pink trench coat. For my lower half I chose white jeans and my pink boots.

Maxiene had cringed the moment she saw me.

"Dude, how can you wear jeans?"

Yep, Maxiene was not a jeans person.

I once caught her mumbling about how she wanted to burn every single pair she saw when I had dragged her to get new clothes for school.

"Ready to go?" I piped up, rocking on the balls of my feet. Maxiene grinned. "You bet! It's snowing, too!!" She fist-pumped. I laughed. "Okay, let's go. But I get to drive."

The ride there was silent on my part, while Maxie was chatting away with Larry about how she couldn't wait to get out in the snow, have some hot chocolate, and draw by a fire when night fell.

This really was her favorite season.

When we arrived, I sent a message to Riley.

Dawn: We've arrived! Did you bring the nuisance?

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