sparks ; heehoon (discontinue...

By milkcqrrot

12.3K 565 776

"It's so funny seeing you acting tough and all." Sunghoon said as he caressed his left cheek where he was sla... More



1.5K 80 127
By milkcqrrot

Is it too late for Sunghoon to quit his job?

It's only the first day of his job as Lee Heeseung's bodyguard and he's getting a migraine.

Right now they're outside the pharmacy store and sitting on a bench that was already there. Jungwon had already left so now it's just Sunghoon treating Heeseung's wound.

"Ouch, don't press on it!" Heeseung yelped.

"Oops, my bad. I thought you're a tough guy that can handle pain including this one. I guess I was wrong." Sunghoon said nonchalantly.

By reflex Heeseung pouted at him. "It wasn't even my fault in the first place!" He whined.

Sunghoon raised an eyebrow at him. "Well it seems like it was yours since you've been chased by some gangsters. They look pissed."

"Let me explain!" Heeseung stomped his foot to shut Sunghoon up. "I just got bored and decided to go to a nearby store to eat ramyeon. Those jerks bumped into me and started harassing me so I fought back."

"Fought back? You were running away from them."

"How did you think I got this wound?"

"You're really stupid."

Heeseung's eyes widened when he heard those words coming from Sunghoon's mouth.


"Done." Sunghoon put a plaster on Heeseung's left cheek.

"Yah, I dare you to say that to my face one more time!" Heeseung pointed his finger at him.

"What? You mean you're a really stupid person?" Sunghoon asked with a hint of innocence in his voice.

"I swear I will get you fired and ruin your life!" Heeseung threatened him while Sunghoon just chuckled.

"What's so funny? Don't laugh, I'm being dead serious!" Heeseung whined again.

"Ah how can I take you seriously when you're behaving like this."

Heeseung kept glaring at Sunghoon while the other won't stop laughing.

Once both of them cool down, Sunghoon gazed softly at Heeseung. "You could've just told Jungwon and I that you wanted to go eat ramyeon somewhere else. We would've come along with you."

Heeseung rolled his eyes upon hearing that. "I don't know, you seemed so busy talking to Heejin back there." He muttered, swaying his feet a little.

Sunghoon stared at him confusedly. So Heeseung saw him talking to Jeon Heejin? And if he did, why did he sound like he's bothered by it?

"Well Heejin dropped by just to chat a little and asked me how my day at school was, that's all." Sunghoon explained. He was confused when he sees the uninterested look in Heeseung's face when he mentioned Heejin.

Heeseung didn't say anything after that. He was observing the sky that grew darker. Both of them were waiting for their driver to pick them up.

"For a bodyguard, you're a really weird person."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Aren't you supposed to be scary? You don't seem intimidating enough to be a bodyguard."

Sunghoon snorted. "Well I can be scary and intimidating when I want to."

Heeseung recalled the moment when Sunghoon fought with the guys. He does look scary but he's definitely not gonna admit that to his face.

He looked back at the sky that was about to rain as Sunghoon observed him quietly. Heeseung could be so irritating but he's not that bad either. Maybe he has his own reasons on why he's acting like that.

Sunghoon smiled to himself thinking about the tiny, small progress on his relationship with Heeseung. It's only been a day. He could handle 10 bad guys so it's possible he could handle one boy. How could he ever think of giving up?

Five minutes later, their driver arrived before the sky started to pour. No one said anything once they got in the car. Just silence engulfing them for the whole ride.

When they got home Heeseung quickly walked inside his house with Sunghoon following from behind him. He startled a bit when the other turned around to face him, arms crossed against his chest.

"Don't ever think about us being friends after our little chat back there, do you hear me?" Heeseung said and threw daggers at him with his doe eyes.

Sunghoon gave him a smile instead and said, "Whatever you say."

Heeseung rolled his eyes at him and entered his room so he can lay in the comfort of his own bed, Sunghoon doing the same.

꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱

Heeseung was video calling with Jungwon on his laptop since the younger was worried sick about him.

"How many times do I have to tell you Jungwonie, I'm fine and no cops were involved this time so relax."

"Relax? How do you expect me to relax when you could've been beaten to a pulp or worse? You're lucky Sunghoon was there to save your ass. Oh if only I had the chance to use my taekwando skills on them or maybe on you to teach you a lesson." Jungwon scolded him.

"My ears hurt from listening to all that." Heeseung winced while covering his ears. "But I swear I could've handled them by myself! I just didn't have any energy."

Heeseung chuckled while Jungwon sighed in annoyance. "You're so annoying. I can't believe you have time to joke about this."

"C'mon Jungwonie, it's not that much of a big deal. Look, Sunghoon treated my wound earlier." Heeseung moved closer to the camera to show Jungwon his treated wound.

"Well that's good. But please try not to get into any more trouble in the future, I'm begging you hyung." Jungwon pleaded.

"I'll try."

"What do you mean by you'll try?"

"I'm only minding my own business it's just that everyone piss me off." Heeseung pouted innocently.

Jungwon rolled his eyes. "Yeah, sure." He said, unconvinced.

Heeseung caught the unconvincing tone in his voice so he crossed his arms and scowled at him. "It's fine if you don't believe me but I really am being honest."

"Alright, I believe you."


"I'm being honest! Now it's your turn to believe me."

Heeseung huffed while Jungwon laughed.

"About Sunghoon-"

"No, I'm not in the mood to talk about him."

"Why not? He's really good at taking care of you."

Heeseung glared at the younger. "Ever since he came here my life has been more difficult than before. He's such a pain in my ass."

"Now you know how I always feel." Jungwon mumbled and snickered.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. I just don't understand why you hate him."

"Well for starters, he's annoying and he likes to follow me everywhere and won't leave me alone."

"...In case you forgot he's your bodyguard."

"I don't care! He's really annoying. But I'm more annoying than him so I'm gonna make his stay here like hell and he'll eventually quit and leave me alone for the rest of my life!" Heeseung let out an evil laugh.

Jungwon was staring at him through the screen with a worried and tired look on his face.

'He's lost it.'

"I've had enough of this for today. I'm going to sleep. See you tomorrow at school."

"Good night, my dearest friend Jungwonie. May you sleep a peaceful slumber."

"Don't do anything stupid." Jungwon said before ending the call. Heeseung shrugged it off and proceeded to think of his plan.

꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱

This is weird.

Very weird.

Because why is Heeseung suddenly acting less meaner than usual? Especially to Sunghoon.

After he put on his uniform and got ready for school, he went to the kitchen to grab a snack for breakfast but however Heeseung was already there, in his uniform, cooking.

"Good morning, Sunghoon." He said while smiling sweetly at him.

"Good morning...?"

"Take a seat, I made breakfast for you!" Heeseung said cheerfully and proudly showed him his cooking.

"That's okay, I can just-"

Heeseung's expression suddenly changed to a terrifying one.


He said, sending the other his death glare. Sunghoon obeyed and sat down, not knowing what just took over him to do that.

Who should be the scary one here?

The sweet smile on Heeseung's face returned and Sunghoon gotta admit, he really has a beautiful smile. Too bad he doesn't get to see it often since he always received a glare or a scowl from the other.

"Eat up." Heeseung put his breakfast on the table and stood beside him, waiting for him to taste what he made.

Sunghoon tried to hold himself from looking shocked and disgusted. He's definitely not eating this disaster on this plate.

"What exactly is this?" Sunghoon asked while keeping a fake smile on his face, to show appreciation.

"I made you pancakes. It's my first time cooking for someone and you're the first one! You should feel honoured." Heeseung beamed at him.

'Did he hit his head from falling off his bed? Since when did he become so nice?'

"Oh thank you but can't the maids just cook for you?"

Heeseung put on a sad expression on his face and pouted at him. "But I woke up really early just to make breakfast for you. I sacrificed my extra 7 minutes of sleep for this."

'So he didn't really wake up early...'

Sunghoon thought and looked weirdly at him. But Heeseung looked like he was close to crying so with guilt Sunghoon decided to taste his cooking.

'Don't worry, Sunghoon. Maybe this pancakes just look ugly from the outside but taste delicious.'

He assured himself as he take a bite of this food from hell.

He was wrong.

After tasting it he immediately coughed and nearly choked himself. Heeseung gave him a glass of water which he quickly accepted it and gulped it down.

"How does it taste? Do you like it?"

'You've got to be kidding me.'


'It taste horrible. No living things would eat this, not even those animals that eat garbage. You should be banned from entering the kitchen forever.'

That was what Sunghoon wanted to say. But he saw Heeseung looking at him hopefully like he's expecting a positive answer from him.

"It taste better than what it looks like." Sunghoon lied and gave him a thumbs up while plastering a fake smile on his face.

Heeseung clapped happily and did a little jump. "Good to hear. From now on I will be making you breakfast every morning. Oh I should start making lunch and-"

"No, no! It's fine, we should just let the maids cook. And I can cook for myself so you don't have to worry." Sunghoon cut him off, no way he's gonna eat this thing every single day!

"Hm, alright. I gotta go get ready, enjoy your food!" Heeseung walked away and once he left the kitchen a smirk formed on his face.

"This has just begun, Park Sunghoon. You have no idea what I'm capable of." He mumbled to himself. He looked back at the kitchen and saw Sunghoon throwing out his food.

"Is my cooking that terrible?" Heeseung mumbled and pouted. He proceeded to get ready for school, oh this is going to be so fun for him.

꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱

"Carry my bag for me, please."

"E-Excuse me?"

"You heard me, please carry my bag." Heeseung requested while they're standing outside the gates of their school. He held out his bag for Sunghoon to carry.

"What's with the sudden-"

Heeseung threw his bag at Sunghoon, which he successfully caught, earning a glare from the other. Heeseung just smirked at him and entered the gates with Sunghoon following behind him.

"I'm your bodyguard not your servant, remember?" Sunghoon hissed at him, trying to keep up his pace with him.

"Oh really? I must've forgot. Now stop complaining." Heeseung said with a straight face.

Sunghoon muttered curse words under his breath but still carried Heeseung's bag along with his. It isn't even a problem anyway since Heeseung's bag is light and he's strong.

Students were murmuring and looking at them, very curious to know what the relationship is between those two. Only some knew that Sunghoon is Heeseung's "childhood friend".

"Yah, Lee Heeseung!"

Heeseung turned to look where the voice is coming from. He saw his friends, Beomgyu, Ryujin and Minjeong rushing towards him.

"We just remembered that our project is due next week and we haven't even started it yet! And y- why is Park Sunghoon carrying your bag?" Beomgyu said, pointing at Sunghoon.

"First of all, keep your voice down you're too loud. Second, he is my servant."


All four of them shouted in unison, including Sunghoon.

"Oh no, is Heeseung bullying you?" Ryujin asked Sunghoon as she walked towards him.


"Heeseung-ah, you're so mean. Why would you bully this poor and handsome soul." Minjeong scolded him.

"Yeah, and he's still new here." Beomgyu added, which earned him a glare from Heeseung.

Heeseung just rolled his eyes at them. "He's my friend and my servant. He offered to carry my bag, didn't you Sunghoonie?" He looked at Sunghoon with that sweet smile again.


Heeseung's smile turned into a scowl.

"Yea, he's right. I'm his servant unfortunately."

Ryujin clicked her tongue and looked at Heeseung. "I can't believe you're still on with this Regina George agenda. Start being nice for a while."

Heeseung scowled at them. "Ugh whatever. Let's go, Sunghoon."

"Hey, what about our project?" Beomgyu yelled at him as he walked away.

"Swing by my house after school tomorrow." Heeseung yelled back.

Murmurs and whispers began to grow as Heeseung walked towards his locker with Sunghoon behind him.

"Are you seriously gonna let everyone think I'm your servant?" Sunghoon asked in a low tone.

"Duh, am i really gonna let them know you're my bodyguard and let them think I'm weak? And no way I'm introducing you as my friend."

'There he is, the mean, arrogant Heeseung is back.'

"Yeah, that's not possible. I'm your bodyguard not your servant."

"I thought bodyguards and servants are the same thing." Heeseung asked innocently.

Sunghoon frowned at him. "Stop taking advantage of me. My job is to look after you, not do whatever you tell me to do."

"But you are looking after me now by carrying my bag."

"Yeah, okay, sure." Sunghoon scoffed as he rolled his eyes, feeling annoyed. Heeseung stopped when he reached his locker and was greeted by Jungwon.

"Hi, Heeseungie and Sunghoon hyung!" Jungwon smiled at them.

Sunghoon returned the smile at him while Heeseung was eyeing him suspiciously. "What do you want?"

Jungwon looked taken aback. "Nothing, I just want to talk to you." Heeseung hummed in response and asked Sunghoon for his bag.

"Why are you making Sunghoon carry your bag?"

"Because I can."

"Hyung, you are really..."

"Good morning, Sunghoon-ah."

The three of them were interrupted by a girl that's no other than Jeon Heejin.

"Good morning, Heejin." Sunghoon greeted her warmly.

Heejin smiled at him and turned to greet Heeseung and Jungwon. Jungwon smiled back at her while Heeseung just rolled his eyes.

"Uhm do you mind if I borrow Sunghoon for a while." Heejin asked Heeseung.

"Why do you need to ask me? It's not like I own him anyway." Heeseung replied rudely. Sunghoon looked at him with surprise.

Heejin nodded awkwardly and pulled Sunghoon by his arm away from them, which irritated Heeseung for some reason.

"Why are you so cold towards Heejin? She did nothing wrong to you." Jungwon said to him.

"I don't know, she just piss me off." Heeseung said, still glaring at Heejin's back which was far away. The thought of Sunghoon and Heejin being close made his blood boil.

"You're jealous aren't you?"

"N-No! What are y-you saying?" Heeseung stuttered, feeling completely flustered. Jungwon laughed at him as the other's cheeks began to heat up.

"Jungwon! I'm not jealous, I'm serious! And I get flustered easily." Heeseung tried to defend himself.

'Ugh, why am I suddenly feeling like this?'

"I didn't know you were flustered." Jungwon teased, which made Heeseung's cheeks redder and walked away angrily.

"Oh c'mon hyung, I was just kidding." Jungwon ran to catch up with him."

"Haha, very funny."

"But serious question here, what would you do if Sunghoon date Heejin or anyone in particular? Since he's your bodyguard and all."

Heeseung turned to give him his sharp gaze. "Let's see if he still is my bodyguard."

꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱

"Do you want to talk about something, Heejin?" Sunghoon asked once Heejin let go of his arm.

"Y-Yes but I don't know how to word this right god." Heejin brought her hands to cover her red cheeks. Sunghoon just stood patiently, waiting for Heejin to say something.

"It's alright, we can just-"

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

This isn't what Sunghoon expected nor wanted.

꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱

hello sorry for not updating for a long time i was busy with my life T___T but i will try to update when i have time :]

i have exams today until june 20 so dont expect any updates until then 😅

thanku all for leaving comments in the previous chapters pls let me know ur thoughts on this one ^^

have a great day/night !!

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