No where to hide (SEQUEL TO P...

By BrookeBates607

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I was currently held at gun point by a guy who claimed to love me. He smirked before speaking. "I told you th... More

No where to hide
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Betrayal Cover
Betrayal Cover pt.2
Chapter 58

Chapter 46

795 40 4
By BrookeBates607


  ~ Ryder's P.O.V ~

   "Would you like to make a deal?" Ashton raised an eyebrow

        "What is the deal?" I gave Ashton a questioning look

      "I promise to never threaten your family again if........" Ashton trailed of caused me to get annoyed

        "If what?" I asked

    "If you move away with me." My mouth dropped open in shock. This crazy little Shit wants me to move away with him? I have a life here, does he expect me to just give it? "Before you make your decision just think of the fact that your family will never have to deal with me again. You can divorce Calum, we can get married, and raise our children together. We can move anywhere you want to; New York, California, Georgia, you name it and we'll go. But if you say no I will just force you to come with me, I don't really care if you want to or not. Just think of the fact that if you come with me willingly I will give you all the love and affection you need and I will never hurt you again. You'll always be happy." Ashton grabbed onto the back of my neck and pulled me forward so I was pressed against his chest before kissing my forehead.

      I really don't want to go, I'll be losing everything I love. I'd be losing my kids, Calum, Michael, Zayn, the guys, Mali, and Eliana. I don't think I could ever be happy if I couldn't spend my life surrounded by them. Over the 5 almost 6 years we've been together we've become family, and they're the only family I want and need. I took a deep breath before speaking.

       "I'll go with you." A huge smile crossed Ashton's face before he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my lips.

          "I love you so much, princess. Hurry up and pack your things so we can head out." I nodded my head before walking up the stairs and into my room. Once I got there I locked the door before going over to my dresser and pulling out a notebook and a pen

      Dear Calum,

      I hope you understand that what I did was to protect you and our family. Please don't hate me or think I abandoned you because to be completely honest with you I love you more than I can ever explain. I know you probably think that me leaving with Ashton is me choosing Ashton over you but I'm not, I'm leaving to keep you safe. All of you guys safety means more to me than my own. I love you so much and I hope that one day we'll see each other again but I know with my luck we most likely won't. If the children ask where I am please tell them a lie, I don't want them to get scared. Please tell them I love them and that I could never stop loving them. I love you Calum....


     Once I finished with Calum's note I ripped it out of the notebook and neatly folded it up. I didn't realize I was crying until a tear dropped on the paper. Letting them go is so hard for me.

     Dear Michael,

     I love you, so I don't want you to worry. Please realize that I'm leaving because I have to and not because I choose to. Please tell the guys that I love them and will miss them all and that all the time I've spent with them made me feel like they aren't my friends anymore, they are much more, they are my family. Please don't come looking for me, I don't want to be found. Please tell Dylan I love her and that she means the world to me. I love you Michael....


      Each word I wrote felt like a stab to my heart. I can't believe I'm losing my family again. I wiped away my tears that were now blurring my vision before writing the most important note

      Dear Eli,

        I'm going to be completely honest with you and tell you that there is a big chance that I probably won't survive long if I'm with Ashton. He might try to kill me or I might just kill myself, I'm telling you this because you are the only person I feel can take this type of news and you're the only one that can do what I'm about to ask you. If I do end up dead please promise me that you will do anything you can to make sure that my children are safe. Please raise them as if they are your own but please don't let them forget me. I can't believe I'm leaving after all those years of you being like a sister to me. Please don't cry, please just live your life and be happy. I know you are probably going to worry about me but don't, I'll be happy knowing that I'm protecting you all. I love you Eli and please don't tell the guys about this note.


    ~ Eliana's P.O.V ~

     The guys and I were currently on our way back to the house. We've decided to go with Ed's plan seeing as it was the only one that made sense. Once I pulled into the driveway I let out a sigh of relief when I realized that Ashton's car wasn't in the drive way. We all quickly got out of our cars and made our way into the house.

      Something seemed off. I looked around and noticed that a few things were missing. I noticed pictures of us that we had laying around the house were gone and the house was completely silent. I guess Calum noticed it to because he gave me a confused look

      "Search the rooms." Calum quietly stated so that if someone was here they wouldn't hear him. We gave him a swift nod before walking in different directions.

     I quickly made my way to my room with my gun drawn. I started to search through my room to see if anyone was hiding in here but I found nothing. As I was about to walk out of my room I saw a note on my desk. I raise an eyebrow in confusing before reading it

        Tears were rushing down my face by the end of the note. I can't believe she just left. We could have saved her, we just needed time. I immediately ran down stairs to see that Calum, Michael, and the guys were already in the living room with tears in their eyes as they read their notes out loud. I quickly folded up my note and put it in my back pocket so that no one would know I had one.

      "Where could they have gone?" Michael cried tugging at his hair. Everyone including myself look like they were on the verge of a mental break down.

       "Why didn't she just tell us? We could have stopped all of this from happening." Calum said trying to keep his cries in.

      "I can't believe this. Where could he have taken her?"

         "I think I know."

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