Mystic Radio

By Destiny_Writestuff

1.4K 97 19

We've all played the route, but what happens after the eleven days? What took place in the six months before... More

Move-in Ep.1
Starlit Song Ep.2
"For the first time." Ep.3
Sick Day Ep.4
Cupcakes and Dresses Ep.5
What's This Feeling? Ep.6
It's a date then? Ep.7
Grand Opening Ep.8
Grand Opening Pt.2 Ep.9
Jealousy is a Disease Ep.10
A Sudden Wave Ep.11
"Am I Allowed These Feelings?" Ep.12
A Chance Ep.13
The Party Ep.14
Not Again Ep.15
Not Again Pt.2 Ep.16
Before it's too late Ep.17
The Morning After Ep.18
Ice cream and Kisses Ep.19
Pool Party pt.2 Ep.21

Pool Party pt.1 Ep.20

29 2 2
By Destiny_Writestuff

A/N: Hey guys don't worry I'm still trying to get back into writing. Writing in general has just kind of hit a wall not to mention mental health and getting through my first year of college. I'm still fully planning on finishing the story and giving you guys the full experience the way I planned to when I started this, maybe even adding a little more for your amazing patience! Without further ado~


Jaehee POV


"MC," I call up the stairs, "I got the car packed, are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm coming!" she replies.

The past couple weeks have been troublesome, but she insisted on staying independent. Because of this, I insisted she get a new crutch. She comes down the stairs, slowly but surely with her new knee crutch* attached to her leg, a thud sounding with each step. With it, she doesn't have to use normal crutches and can walk somewhat normally.

"I did it!" she says with a smile and giggle, one that I don't fully understand given the circumstances. "I'm getting better about moving around with this thing," she says, swinging it in a circle, demonstrating the movement.

"I bet the guys will be happy to see you," I say.

Zen dropped by a few times, which, I hate to admit but I'm glad he did. For her sake. Yoosung, well he's been busy working for Jumin but he's managed to crawl through our doors for some pastries. He mostly spends time with her through their online gaming. Jumin has been busy with the company, but he's sent a muffin basket. As if we don't have enough sweets around here... And well, Luciel still blames himself. I don't think he can really look MC in the eye anymore.

"Well let's go then, she says pointing towards the door, "Onward!"

With a shake of my head, I open the door so MC can hobble out. The driver is waiting for us in the limo Jumin sent. This has been our main form of transportation with what happened to MC's car...

'I should learn how to drive...' I think to myself, watching as MC grips the seat lightly. She's recovered rather quickly, in fact, it would almost be hard to believe she could have died a few weeks ago if it wasn't for the cast. But driving still terrifies her, and after seeing what happened to her, it scares me a little too. 'That's why I should learn how to drive. Then I can protect her.'

We arrive at Jumin's personal summer home shortly, a modern house on a slight hill with a large hedge around the yard. Compliments of his father, who forced Jumin to take it. Jumin usually prefers his penthouse, but this place serves as a good private area for get together. The driver pushes a button and the gate opens up. I open the door and step out onto the brick driveway, MC following behind me with a clank.

I gather the stuff up from the trunk as MC walks up to the door and rings the bell. With a bag in one hand and a cake in the other, I go to the entrance to MC and Jumin chatting.

"Good afternoon Miss... Jaehee," Jumin catches himself.

"Hello Jumin," I greet, taking in the rare sight of him in swim trunks. Of course he is the type to wear a shirt as well.

"Shall we go?" he asks. "Zen and Yoosung are already waiting in the back at the pool."

"Lead the way," I offer, "also, where do you want this cake?"




After making sure I was comfortably settled down in one of the pool-side chairs, Jaehee went back in to change into her suit. I've never seen her in one, and I'm a little nervous but also intrigued. My mind wanders to images of her in a one-piece black suit, and I force myself out of the idea. Luckily, if I end up as a blushing mess, I can blame it on sunburn. The heat makes me increasingly glad I wore my striped summer romper and floppy hat, even if there is an umbrella. Sadly, Jaehee and I have been dating for weeks by now and it still feels the same as before, just with the occasional kiss here or there. She still gives me butterflies, but it feels like she's holding back.

The back patio door clicks open and my head turns to the sound on instinct. Sadly, it isn't Jaehee, but instead, Seven dressed in cheetah-print swim trousers. Yoosung runs up and gives him a bro-five before gasping in disbelief and pointing at Seven's shoes.

"What are those?!" Yoosung asks. Looking closer, I realize Seven is wearing a green pair of crocs.

Seven looks down then back up with a smile, "Those, my blond friend, are the shoes of the gods." He chuckles before quickly spotting me in the lounge chair only a few feet away. The smile fades from his face and he ducks his head, rubbing the back of his neck. He murmurs something to Yoosung, whose face starts to show concern.

The two go over towards the diving board, on the other side of the pool. Seven makes a leap of faith and theirs a loud clap as he belly-flops into the pool. When he comes up, his chest is about the color of his hair. Yoosung laughs before following Seven's lead as Jumin scoffs from his pool floatie. However, Zen has spent so much time with them that he's become acclimated to their antics.

I stifle a giggle myself when I hear it. A door click. I turn my head, trying not to be so obvious this time, seeing Jaehee in a red bikini with white polka-dots like something you'd see twenty years ago. My breath catches in my throat as my eyes roam over her curves and slim figure. Never would I have imagined her in such a showy suit, her usually being the more modest of the two of us.

"Breathtaking," I mutter, adoring her long flowing hair that surrounds her to her shoulders.

She notices me staring and her face soon becomes the same shade as her bathing suit. Taking a deep breath, she walks over to me. "Are you sure you're okay sitting out by yourself?" she asks. "I can grab a towel and sit with you or-"

"No!" I hastily interject, shocked by my own readiness. "I just mean... You should have fun with the guys," I excuse, not wanting to admit I don't want her wrapping herself back up in a towel. "Trust me," I say, "I'll be plenty happy watching from the sidelines."

"Oh, alright then," she says, "If you're sure."

She looks around, making sure none of the guys are looking, then gives me a quick peck on the cheek. With a red face, she goes off, heading towards the diving board as I try not to stare at the... Movement.


Jaehee's POV


I try and take deep breaths to calm my nerves as I head toward the diving board.

"Jaehee!" I hear Zen call. I turn to see him swimming over to the side of the pool, his white skin mixed with the water shining against the sun. He pulls himself up partially out of the water, his arms holding him up on the edge of the pool. He shakes his head to get the water off of his face, causing his ponytail to shake as well. "I wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?" I ask, leaning down slightly to hear better.

"You're a good swimmer, right?."

Before I can ask why he's asking, he grabs my arms and pulls me in. I'm immediately hit with a shiver that goes down my spine as I'm plunged into the cold water. I quickly right myself, gasping as I breach the surface and ask, "What was that for?!" while wiping the water from my face.

He chuckles as I splash water towards him, trying to shy away and hold his hands up in defense. "It's more fun to dive right in!" he states.

I roll my eyes before diving under, enjoying the feeling of being weightless as I swim through the water, pushing myself forward with steady strokes. I take my time enjoying the water, doing laps around the pool.

The guys and I have a race, with Jumin and MC watching on the sidelines, and Yoosung claims it's unfair because the rest of us work out a decent bit. As all the guys spread out to do their own thing, I decide to do an old favorite activity of mine.

I dive down to the bottom of the pool where I keep myself pushed down in an awkward attempt to sit, nine feet underwater. I watch the sunbeams come through the water in patterns as it waves above, watching the splashes from the other member's game above the water. It's so quiet and calm at the bottom, I enjoy the serenity of it all. I close my eyes and it feels as if I'm surrounded by nothing, as if I'm in my own little world floating through the galaxy.

But then I remember my nightmares. How I had been tormented by them while MC was in her coma and how every night it would turn to darkness and feel as if the void was drawing the air from my lungs. Remembering the ones where I'd find myself in the depths of the ocean with no way out.

I'm gripped by a sudden overwhelming sense of panic, of suffocation. Why did I come down here? I start thrashing trying to reach the surface, it feels like I'm drowning and my lungs are starting to burn despite the fact I know I can hold my breath longer. My flailing only makes my ascent slower. I can hear voices above me, distorted and muffled by the water, but I'm too alarmed to pay any mind to them.

Not a moment too soon, I pop my head out from the surface and gasp for air. When I open my eyes, I find myself face to face with a very concerned Luciel and Zen, MC on the edge of her chair by the poolside.

"Jaehee, are you alright?!" Luciel asks, "You were down there for a while and then we saw the water splashing and you flailing. You're usually a good swimmer, what happened?"

It's true. Before I started judo, I would instead swim as a way to relax and calm myself.

'I don't know what happened.'

"I'm fine," I lie. "I guess I got tired from swimming and panicked a little since I was at the bottom." I can still feel myself on edge and am surprised at the fact my voice didn't quiver. "I think I just need a moment to catch my breath," I say.

Zen gives me a nod, patting me on the shoulder before he and Luciel go back to playing pool basketball with Yoosung like before. Jumin looks over from his float, making sure I'm okay, before putting his shades back on and relaxing alongside what I realize to be Elizabeth the Third on a smaller, shaded, pet float tied next to his.

I swim over to the edge and pull myself out. MC moves to get up, but I motion for her to sit back down. I take a seat next to hers, pulling out a towel from our bag and wrapping it around myself.

"Are you okay, Jaehee?" she asks with a certain tenderness in her voice. "You had me- had us worried there for a second."

I give a half-smile, "I'm sure."

MC bites her lip, lost in thought that makes me wonder what's going through that pretty little head of hers. In a lowered tone, she says, "I won't push, but Jaehee, I can tell when you're lying. At least with this sort of stuff. I'd really appreciate it now that we're in..." she stammers a little, her face reddening a little,"... a relationship, if you would be a bit more open about these things with me. Even just as your business partner, I want to know."

"You're right," I admit, "I think I need to have a little more time first. I'm still so unsure about how this whole... Dating another woman thing works, and I'm not used to having someone that I can, no, should open up to." She gives a slow nod, indicating she understands, but her face tells me she's upset.

"I just," she turns away, taking a deep breath before returning her attention to me. "I worry about you. My luck hasn't been the best and I want to know you're okay and I want to be let in." I then realize that's what she's really upset about. The idea of losing me when she's already been abandoned by her father. Most of her friends turned their back on her before she joined the RFA. It's no wonder she'd be worried when people she cares about keep disappearing.

I glance around before cupping her face in my hand and tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Nothing is going to happen to me," I say. Rubbing her cheek with my thumb, "I almost lost you, I won't make you almost lose me."

She leans into my touch, "I know some promises are bound to be broken, but," she holds up her pinkie, "promise I won't lose you?"

"Promise," I tell her, linking her finger with mine from my free hand. "If it makes you feel better, I'll explain more tonight when we get back home. I just want some time to sort it all out myself first."

"That would be great, actually," she says with a grin.


Chapter 20. End.


*Basically, a metal crutch you strap on your knee so you can keep your actual leg bent behind you a little while you put weight on the crutch like normal walking.


The spaceship's sensors have caught the RFA members meaningless thoughts...

Jumin: "I'm glad Elizabeth the third seems to be happy with her kitty lounge."

Zen: "I've never seen Jaehee have problems swimming... I wonder if something's on her mind."


Thank you for reading this chapter of Mystic Radio! If you liked it, make sure to leave a like and subscribe (Especially because recently I've been a lazy a**) so you know when the next update is! Now, go enjoy some Honey Buddha chips, and I'll see you next chapter! ~Des

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