He made me believe... (READ S...

By elhasalie

8.1K 171 40

UPDATE!!!!: This is a very old book I wrote and upon rereading it, I hate it. :). The plot's a bit crap, the... More

Author's note
This is Berk.
Never gonna happen.
If you insist...
To not be alone.
The pit.
I tripped.
Where have you been?
Oh. My. God.
What really happened.
Can I show you something...?
Lier, lier, Berk on fire.
Prepare for battle.
The unexpected.
And so, the truth comes out...
Safety's over rated.
It's all your fault.
Expect the unexpected.
I didn't mean it.
Don't leave me.
Gnarly scar.
Stay with me.
The all clear.
Teenage romance.
Best friends for life.
The epilogue.

The dragon.

208 4 0
By elhasalie

Hiccup POV:
After me and my dad had finished setting up Y/n's new room, I went to wake her. "Y/n..." I whispered, kneeling down in front of her and stroking her hair. "Mmmm" she moaned, screwing up her face. "Wake up! We have a surprise for youuuu!" I gently prodded her face. "Nsfghhh" she mumbled before falling back asleep.

I looked behind me and my dad looked at me as if to ask what was going on. "She's not waking up?" My dad asked as he walked towards us. "Y/n? Wake up." He said leaning towards her. "God what do you feed her?! She's out cold!" He laughed.

Suddenly I had an idea. "Y/n! Hiccups in danger!" I yelled, smiling.

Y/n POV:
I quickly jumped up and yelled "Where?! Who?! What?!"
"Sorry Y/n.." Hiccup. "What the hell?!" I said punching him. "Ouch!" He replied, rubbing his arm.
"We have something to show you." Stoick said, surprising me. I gave Hiccup a death stare and walked towards Stoick, rubbing my eyes. "What is it?" I asked, smiling at him. "Follow me." He replied and began walking away.

Hiccup followed behind us bud I just gave him another death stare, trying not to laugh. We walked downstairs and into the storage room at the back. "Wow!" I said aloud as I looked around the room. It had been turned into a full bedroom!

"Welcome to your new home..." Stoick said, placing his hand on my back. I turned around and hugged him. "I love it! Thank you so much!"
"That's okay lassie!" He said laughing slightly. "I spoke to Gobber about your clothes. He's going to get some new ones for you."
"I honestly don't know how to thank you..." I said as tears started to well up in my eyes. "You don't have to!" He said placing his hand on my head. "I'll leave you to get settled and come and check on you in a bit."

As he walked out of the room, I looked around. I don't know why but it made me feel emotional. I had finally found a place that I felt I belonged. Hiccup smiled at me from behind, "What do you think milady?" He asked, placing his hand on my hip. "It's amazing..." I said, hugging him tightly. "What can I do to say thank you?" I asked smiling up at him. "Get me a unicorn?" He said laughing. "Yeah, no..." I replied laughing too. "Okay, then tell Gobber to get off my case about helping him with that stupid saddle that he is SURE can be saved." He said, rolling his eyes. I looked around the room quickly before saying, "What colour unicorn would you like?"

After we both managed to stop laughing so hard he said "You don't need to do anything, Y/n. Just having you here if enough." I smiled at him before kissing him on his cheek.

All of a sudden, banging started to come from the roof. Toothless. I assumed he wanted to fly. "Actually, you can do something. Come out for a fly with me?"
"That, I can do!" I replied and we walked out of the house together.

Once again we found ourselves sitting against a rock in the forest whilst Toothless took a break. Toothless began spinning around in circles, trying to get the leaf off of his back. It was very amusing. Hiccup laughed before standing up and walking away to go and help him.

I rested my head against the rock and closed my eyes. Snap! The sound of a twig breaking from in front of me. I assumed it was Hiccup until I heard his voice from over near Toothless. "Y/n..." he said causing me to jump.

I looked up to see a huge face, staring down at me. My heart began to race and I started to get flashbacks to the pit. It was the same dragon. My breathing got quicker and I jumped to my feet.

"Stay calm!" Hiccup said, standing still. "Remember what I taught you."
I quickly remembered and put my hand out in front of me and waited. All of a sudden the dragon launched at me. "NO!" I heard Hiccup yell and he began running towards me but it was too late.

The dragon had already started...... licking me? I opened my eyes and the dragon nuzzled into my side. I heard Hiccup sigh in relief and then start laughing. "Uhhh" I said, looking at the dragon in my arms. "I think she likes you!" Hiccup said, walking over to us and petting it on the head. "She's a Changewing!" I said in shock. "Aren't they like rare or something...?"
"Yeah." Hiccup replied and smiled at me.

"What in Thor's name do I do now?!" I asked looking up at him. "Looks like you've got a new pet!" Hiccup giggled. "What?!" I asked, staring at him.

I quickly stood up and took a step back. "No way!"
"Y/n... I know you're not interested in dragon training but maybe it's time that you started thinking about getting your own..?" Hiccup asked me, sending me a small smile.

The dragon looked me in the eyes. She looked so sad. When I looked into her eyes, she looked just as scared as me. I looked at her, and I saw myself. It seemed like me and her were the only ones left in the world for a moment.

"Hiccup, I don't know..." I started, still staring into the beautiful eyes of the dragon in front of me. "I don't know the first thing about having a dragon!"
"I can teach you, but it's not hard. Once you've made a friend, they will protect you forever." He said, patting Toothless on the head.

I was just about to answer when I felt myself being lifted into the air. The dragon was still on the ground. I looked up and saw a huge Gronkle, with me in his arms, flying away with me.

"HICCUP!" I yelled, panicking. "Y/N!!!" He yelled back and immediately jumped onto Toothless.

"HELP!" I shouted as the dragon began quickly flying away with me in his arms. I saw Hiccup, quickly flying after us and to my surprise, the Changewing was following too. Determination in her eyes.

I looked down and saw that we were above Berk again. I didn't know what to do.

I saw the Changewing flying quickly towards me. As soon as she got to us, she began fighting the Grockle. "AH!" I yelled, loudly as the the Grockle dropped me and I began hurtling towards the ground. "Y/N!" I heard Hiccup yell and he quickly flew towards me.

Was this the end? Everything went black.

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