camilo angst one-shots

By AussieAstro8

25.9K 750 305

sad boi, angst because yeah. honestly, if I wrote trigger warnings would you read them? More

Smile for the end is near
The yellow skirt.
Requests or just talk.
Hidden Hurt, Part 1.
Hidden Hurt part 2
Mental pain- part one
Mental pain-part two
How the world works.
behind this smile part one
Behind this smile-part 2
Behind This Smile- part 3
Behind This Smile
Failing to burn: part 2
Wake up part one:
not a chapter ):
Camila not Camilo
Shifts hurt
Grief (short)
not so okay: part one.
Not so okay: part 2
Not-so-okay:part 3
Oh my god.
Smile for your life, it won't last forever.
It's just a little pain:
Not so okay part 4:
The boy in the mirror.
You are beautiful in every single way.
false love: part one:
False love part two:
False love part three
The Shadows Follow Me Part One:
The Shadows Follow Me Part Two:
The Shadows Follow Me Part Three:
The Shadows Follow Me Part four:
Not so okay part 4:
a burning home ---- ---
a burning home part two
with every broken bone.
a burning home extension + book update
The Lies We Tell (part one):
A headache you'll never forget-part one:

Failing to burn Part one:

523 13 5
By AussieAstro8

Failing to burn Part one:

(self-harm, Thoughts of suicide)




Words ran through Camilo's head as he took the small red lighter that he stole.

The smell of burning flesh and the stinging pain brought a sloppy lob-sided grin on the second youngest madrigals' face.

Camilo started this cycle of screaming, crying and then burning started a few months ago, the boy found comfort in being reminded of the fact he could end it all whenever he needed.

After a particularly bad fight with his cousin, isabella Camilo ran to his room teary-eyed slamming his door behind him before turning to the one thing that brought him any form of joy or at least pain he mistook for joy, burning himself.

Camilo ran to the drawer of his bedside table reaching for the red lighter.

Grabbing the lighter Camilo hid behind his cupboard and pulled up his sleeves smiling at the old burns that covered his arms. The curly-haired boy used to steal Julietta's food and heal himself but quite frankly the old burns were a source of horrible comfort to the boy when he was in a situation where he couldn't add new ones. Camilo stared at the old burns for a few minutes before taking the lighter to his arm again. Before Camilo reached his other arm with the lighter, a small shard of glass that sat innocently on his floor grabbed his attention, he'd smashed an accidental lightbulb the week before. Camilo had considered cutting before hell he'd even considered suicide on the daily, but he'd never actively done it until now that is.

The brown-haired boy crawled across his birch wood floor towards the shard of glass, he grabbed the glass cutting his hand open in the process which didn't bother him since that was kinda the point of getting the glass anyway.

Camilo crawled back to his little hiding space.

"Darn I'm going to have to hide that now" Camilo somberly whispered to himself staring at his bleeding hand. Camilo really didn't want to steal again, not only because he hated stealing from his aunt but because if he healed his hand his burns would heal as well. Camilo looked at his left arm followed by his right.

"I was running out of room anyway, need a blank canvas" Camilo wined standing up, shoving the glass and lighter in his draw before changing his shirt and cleaning up the blood from his hand and wrapping it with a tea towel.

Camilo sat on his bed annoyed checking his clock which read 1:46 am, with a groan Camilo stood up from his bed. "I'll be right back" Camilo informed his pet chameleon


Walking down the stairs was extremely easy and casita seemed to know that he didn't want to be caught and sat completely still 'maybe casita's sleeping' Camilo thought reaching the kitchen, did casita sleep Camilo wondered.

Camilo stood in the doorway of the kitchen holding his hand like an injured animal.

The kitchen was empty and A new batch of arepas was just simply sitting on the kitchen counter, ready to be stolen.

"This was easy" Camilo mummbeld.

"What was easy" a voice boomed from the other side of the room.

Hello, it's Astro, as you possibly realised there was a huge gap in uploads, very different from my old weekly chapter. My family and I were homeless for about 5-6 weeks and it was very difficult to upload. We were very lucky to find a house and moved in yesterday so I will be able to keep uploading, sadly I can no longer promise weekly uploads but I will try.


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